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The objective of this experiment is to calculate and analyze heat transfer at steady state and to
determine the effect of liquid flow rate on heat transfer coefficient. Beside that, the purpose is
to compare effectiveness heat transfer base on flow trend which is current and counter
current. For both experiments, we need to set the hot tank temperature at 500C. After that,
when the temperature is constant at 500C, switch on pumps (P1 and P2) and air cooler to
release the air trap in shell side by opening valve HV14. Moreover, allow the system to reach
steady state before record the related data to get more accurate data based on certain time. By
following this method, we will get the desired results for the experiment. In conclusion, by
manipulating the flow rates of the hot water and cold water streams while keeping one
constant, the experiment aims to observe how changes in flow rate affect the heat transfer
coefficient. This is a crucial aspect in heat exchanger design as it helps in understanding the
relationship between flow rates and heat transfer efficiency.

A heat exchanger is an apparatus that transfers energy across a solid surface from one fluid to
another is called a heat exchanger. The rating of current heat exchangers and the size of heat
exchangers for a specific application are two significant issues in heat exchanger study. The
effectiveness of such heat exchangers is influenced by several factors, among which flow rate
stands as a critical parameter. By understanding the effect of flow rate on heat transfer
efficiency is important for optimizing the design and performance of these exchangers. At the
core of heat exchanger operation lies the principle of heat transfer through conduction,
convection, and radiation. The heat transfer occurs through the tube walls influence by the
temperature difference between the two fluid streams. The main purpose of this experiment is
to calculate and analyze heat transfer at steady state, determine the effect of liquid flow rate
on heat transfer coefficient and compare effectiveness heat transfer base on flow trend which
is current and counter current. For counter-current shell and tube heat exchanger experiment,
set the hot tank temperature at 500C. After the temperature is constant at 500C, switch on
pumps (P1 and P2) and air cooler to release the air trap in shell side by opening valve HV14.
After that, adjust valves HV5 for hot water flowrate and HV15 to obtain the desired flow rate
for cold water stream. When the system reaches steady state, record all related data and repeat
the experiment with 3 different cold water flowrate. For co-current shell and tube heat
exchanger experiment, set the hot tank temperature at 500C. After the temperature is constant
at 500C, switch on pumps (P1 and P2) and air cooler to release the air trap in shell side by
opening valve HV14 if necessary. Then, adjust valves HV5 and HV15 to obtain the desired
flow rate for hot and cold water stream, respectively. Allow the system to reach steady state
before record all related data and repeat with 3 different cold flowrate same as counter current
case. After the experiment complete, shut down the equipment. In conclusion, this conducted
experiment give a big understanding of efficiency and performance of heat exchange systems.
By improving our understanding of flowrate and heat transfer efficiency, we can use this skill
in industrial practices.

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