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At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students with 75% level of proficiency should be
able to:

a. Identify the alphabet upper and lower cases.

b. Exhibit phonological awareness
c. Blend letters to produce a word and sound


Learning Competencies: read the alphabets of english and associate to phonemes
Materials: Flashcard and Powerpoint


Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities

A. Routine Activities

1. Prayer

So, before we start. Shall we stand up first and seek

for the presence and guidance of the Lord.
Let’s bow our head and close our eyes.

Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom

God’s love commits me here. Ever this day be
at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide.

2. Greetings
Good morning Class!
Good morning Ma’am!

So, how are you today?

We are good and happy Ma’am!

Okay. I am glad that you are all good and

happy. Are you guys are excited for the new
Yes Ma’am! We are excited.

That’s good. Therefore, I am expecting that

everyone will participate in our lesson for today.

3. Checking of Attendance

Let’s check your attendance first class.

Just say present if you are here.

Wow Very Good! I am glad that everyone is


4. Checking of Assignment

So yesterday I give you an assignment right? Yes Ma’am.

Wherein you have to trace the letters. Okay just

bring out your assignment and pass it here in
front. I will check it later.


B. Motivation

So before we proceed into another lesson. Let

us first sing the alphabet song.

I will play the music and you have to sing okay.

Do you understand?

All right very good!


Wow! So everyone can follow the music and

with that give yourself a round of applause.

C. Lesson Proper

Now class as we sing the alphabet song. Did

you notice how many letters in the English
alphabet we have?

Very good! We have 26 letters in the English

Alphabet. The letters are made up of 5 Vowels
and 21 Consonants.

Let’s try to read the letters of the English

Alphabet and the sound.

Let’s start with the 5 Vowels.

First vowel is letter Aa /ae/ and it sound A

Example: Apple

Second vowel is letter Ee /i:/ and it sound E

Example: Elephant

Third vowel is letter Ii /ai/ and it sound I

Example: Ice cream

Fourth vowel is letter Oo /ow/ and it sound O

Example: Egg

Fifth vowel is letter Uu /ju:/ and it sound U

Example: Umbrella

And now let’s proceed in reading the following

consonant letters and their sounds.

Just like what I have said earlier we have 21

Consonant letters.

First is letter Bb /bee:/ and it sound

Example: Baby

Second is letter Cc /cee:/ and it sound

Examplee: Car

Third is letter Dd /dee:/ and it sound

Example: Dog

Fourth is letter Ff /ef/ and it sound

Example: Flower

Fifth is letter Gg /gee/ and it sound

Example: Giraffe

Sixth is letter Hh /eich/ and it sound

Example: Hat

Seventh is letter Jj /jay/ and it sound

Example: Juice

Eighth is letter Kk /key/ and it sound

Example: Kangaroo

Ninth is letter Ll /el/ and it sound

Example: Lion

Tenth is letter Mm /em/ and it sound

Example: Mouse

Eleventh is letter Nn /en/ and it sound

Example: Nurse

Twelve is letter Pp /pee/ and it sound

Example: Parrot

Thirteenth is letter Qq /cue/ and it sound

Example: Queen

Fourteenth is letter Rr /ar/ and it sound

Example: Rainbow

Fifteenth is letter Ss /ess/ and it sound

Example: Sun

Sixteenth is letter Tt /tee/ and it sound

Example: Tree
Seventeenth is letter Vv /vee/ and it sound
Example: Van

Eighteenth is letter Ww /double-u/ and it sound

Example: Whale

Nineteenth is letter Xx /ex/ and it sound


Twentieth is letter Yy /wy/ and it sound

Example: Yo-yo

Twenty-on-eth is letter Zz /zee/ and it sound

Example: Zebra

Very good class!

Now in order to master the English Alphabet I

have here some of examples wherein you have
to the read the following consonant-vowel-
consonant or the (CVC) words.

Sat fat cat

Pin kin bin
Pet net jet
Hot pot dot
Bud mud cud

Very good class!

To fully understand the reading and sounds of

the English Alphabet. Let’s have an activity.

D. Application

A. Choose the correct sound for each item.

1. What is the first sound in sun?


2. What is the medial sound in can?


3. What is the first sound in bed?

(b/e/d )

4. What is the last sound in fat?


5. What sound is the same in bag, bench and


B. Identify the beginning letter of the name

of each picture. Write the capital and small

1. We visited the ( BORACAY IMAGE) last

2. The colorful ( UMBRELLA IMAGE) protect
people from the heat of the sun.

3. The (BABY IMAGE) enjoyed the water very


4. The ( GIRL IMAGE) picked shells on the


5. There was a man with a bucket full of


C. Name the picture. Write beginning letter

of its name name.

1. Kite
2. Flag
3. Rabbit
4. Dog
5. Pencil

E. Generalization

Class, What have you learned today?

Very good! We learned how to read the 26

letters of the English Alphabet. Each letter of
the alphabet has a unique sound. It is very
important that you master each sound for you to
be able to learn how to read words.

Do you understand class?

Very good everyone! Just give yourself again a

round of applause.

IV. Evaluation

Tell the missing letter for the following words.

1. IMAGE pan
2. IMAGE pig
3. IMAGE cat
4. IMAGE pen
5. IMAGE book
6. IMAGE bee
7. IMAGE car
8. IMAGE key
9. IMAGE box
10. IMAGE rat

F. Assignment

Read the poem carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Hot Pot
Ben ran fast to Aling Pat
Ben cried and sat on her lap
Ben pointed to the hot pot near the log



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