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Nada College

Program pharmacy

Clinical department

Assignment in management of COVID-19

Done by: Yagob Abas Arbab Joma


COVID-19 is a the world wellbeing association characterises the covid

illness (coronavirus) is an irresistible infection which is brought about by

a now found covid

It was previously known as extreme intense respiratory condition covid

(SARS-CoV-2) The world wellbeing association named the illness

coronavirus .

Coronavirus is an abbreviation of CO mean crown, VI means infection,D

means illness and 19 mean 2019 .

It is zoonotic implies that it was first communicated from creature to


The illness was initially begun in the wuhan city of china toward the

finish of 2019.

The were a progression of pneumonia instances of obscure reason arose

in wuhan (Hubei, china).

At the point when in January 2020, profound sequencing examination

from lower respiratory parcel tests recognised an original infection

serious intense respiratory disorder COVID 2 (SARS-CoV-2) as causative

specialist for that noticed pneumonia bunch on February

eleventh,2020,the covid illness has taken on pandemic state now and has

spread to the entire world it has impacted pretty much every country .

It has likewise impacted the medical care proficient who are battling as

bleeding edge labourer’s against the pandemic sickness of covid .A

review shows that this infection affects the psychological physical and

social prosperity of medical services experts.

Past examinations on coronavirus additionally show that three gatherings

are inclined to the entanglement of coronavirus.

Signs and symptoms

Researches show that maximum of the patients infection with the

coronavirus will experience common cold and flu,while few of them

remain asymptomatic .

80%of patient will show mild symptoms of the disease adults have the

demerit the best immunity to fight against the infection but the demerit is

that they more likely to spread the infection.

Most of the symptoms which can occur are the following:-

Dry cough

Dyspepsia (difficulty in breathing)


Sore throat

Runny nose


Muscle pain

In sever cases ARDS

. prevention :-

The covid-19 is an infectious disease of respiratory system, so it spread

through the secretion expelled out during sneezing and cough.

It is important for individuals to take the following precautions to protect

hum-self/herself the diseases, and also to prevent spreading to other’s

use face mask

Avoid touching nose,mouth and ears

Frequent hand washing with alcohol base solution and soap.

Avoid contact with people

Maintain an appropriate distance from people

In case of the symptoms seek medical early

Follow advice given by your health care providers

�Management:- �"

There is no specific treatment of covid 19 and currently no any vaccine at


The health care professionals gives symptomatic and supportive treatment

to the patients of covid 19.

The treatment it’s based on the severity of disease conditions and

symptoms the treatment options include

General treatment:-

A confirmed patient of COVID 19 need complete bed rest and supportive

ensuring adequate calorie and water in take to reduce the risk of


symptomatic treatment:-

The symptomatic treatment is given according to the symptoms of

patients,It include the use of antipyretic for reduction of fever and pain.

If there is dehydration then the use of intravenous fluid and oral juices to

maintain rehydration of patient

The patients is also antibiotics for secondary infection like sore throat.

Oxygen therapy:-

In the cases of covid 19 when there is dyspnea (difficulty in breathing)and

acute respiratory distress syndrome oxygen therapy is given to the patient.

If the condition of patient is not stabilising then the patient is kept on

ventilator for adequate oxygen supply


1- world health organisation retrieved frohm:

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