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Nonfiction is a wide kind of compositions The following is a list of the most

that incorporates all books that are not common literary devices that writers
established in an anecdotal account. incorporate into their nonfiction writing:

◦Fact. The core of nonfiction is fact. ◦Storytelling/narration. The goal,

Factual information shall be included in challenges and obstacles, a turning point,
the piece and not a made up information. and resolution of the story shall be
delivered spontaneously to help the
◦Extensive research. Conducting and
readers understand the flow of the story.
gathering information through research
provide accurate and reliable information ◦Character/Characterization. In a
that you may use in writing your nonfiction story, characters are also
nonfiction write-up. important. The main character serves as
the core or central idea of the storyline.
◦Reportage/reporting. Documenting the
The story revolves to the experiences of
gathered information like interview and
the main character with the help of the
reports helps you keep records and files
other characters.
for future usages.
◦Setting, atmosphere and scene. The
◦Personal experience and personal
writer creates scenes that are action -
opinion. Since the main source of contents
oriented; include dialogue; and contain
are based from the personal experiences
vivid descriptions.
and personal insights of the writer, it
makes an easy way to write a piece. ◦Plot and plot structure. These are the
main events that make up the story. In a
◦Explanation/Exposition. Explaining the
personal essay, there might be only one
story to the reader is expected to attain
event. In a memoir, there are often
the objectives of the piece. ◦Essay format.
several significant events.
The outputs in creative nonfiction are
often in essay format. Examples: ◦Figurative language. The use of
Procedural Essay, Personal Essay, Literary figurative languages helps the writer to
essays, descriptive essay provide aesthetics to the piece. It gives
vibrant effect to the story. ◦Imagery. The
use of different sensory images helps also
to add color in writing a nonfiction piece.
◦Angle/Point of view. Most of the time the writer to be more factual
nonfiction adheres with the use of First based.
Person Point of View since the  complete research. The author
experiences are being told. needs to find out relevant and vital
information about the subject. The
◦Dialogue. This can help to make the story
writer needs to finish investigating
run within the characters. ◦Theme. It is
and weighing information that will
the central idea or universal truth
be included in the story.
presented in the work.
 reading. Reading while conducting
The 5’Rs of Creative Nonfiction Lee
research is not enough. The writer
Gutkind, who is a writer, professor, and
must recall the components
expert on creative nonfiction, wrote an
through reading to improve and
essay called “The Five R’s of Creative
make some modifications.
Nonfiction.” In this essay, he identified
 writing. Writing imaginative true
five essential elements of creative
to life is both a workmanship and
nonfiction. These include:
specialty. The craft of inventive
true to life necessitates that the
essayist utilizes his gifts, senses,
 real life elements. The writer
innovative capacities, and creative
creates concepts of a story using
mind to compose paramount
the vital and real information
imaginative true to life.
about the subject which can be
associated on close attributes of
the real experiences.
Types of Creative Nonfiction
 personal reflection about the  Personal Essay. The writer uses
subject. After gathering information that is based on
information, the writer needs to personal experience or a single
scrutinize and analyze the event, which leads in significant
gathered information. Assessing personal meaning or a lesson
and considering his ideologies and learned that he encountered. The
beliefs. Through this, it will help writer uses the first person “I.”
 Memoir. The writer creates a real In a literary text, theme is the broader
story within a time or period of message of the story.
life, one that contributed a
Central Ideas. These are the most
significant personal meaning and
essential ideas of a text; the key points
truth. The writer uses the first
the author wants to make! The BIG idea.
person “I” in the story.
Nonfiction works use supporting details to
 Literary journalism essay. The
develop central ideas. Details within the
writer creates an output on an
text support and develop the central idea
issue or topic using the understood
in the following ways:
literary devices, such as the
 Prove the concept since you must
elements of fiction and figurative
consider reality;
 Autobiography. The writer writes  Explain the central idea of the story;
his/her own life story, from birth
 Define the concept;
to the present, using the first
person “I.”  Show some examples and illustrations;

 Travel Writing. The writer creates and

article narration about travel using  Give additional information.

literary devices and figurative
Techniques that writers are expected to
use when writing creative nonfiction.
 Food writing. The writer crafts
stories about food and cuisine  Topic and Question. In prewriting, you

using literary techniques that mat need to choose a topic and then try to link

lead to a review and possible questions to be answered. In

recommendation. doing this, it helps you to focus on the

 Profiles. The writer constructs life areas that you intend to highlight, For

stories of people using literary instance, in choosing a topic on a

devices. travelogue, you need to formulate

questions like How to get there? What are
Green (2018) defined theme as a thread
the amenities or activities that can be
that runs throughout a whole book.
done? The transportation fares and
 Narrative Structure or Shape of a kind style. An author's style is his/her
Story. Narrative structure lets you to demeanor of persona on the page. It
discover within the way on delivering the incorporates decision of expression,
story through narration, meaning that you sentence assortment, and tone,
discover the details of the story and its perspective, utilization of illustration, and
structure as you write. In creative other abstract gadgets.
nonfiction, there are five popular
Detail and Description. Creative writing is
narrative structures or shapes Narrative
often a form of discovery. As you
structure: Telling the story
compose, you review the subtleties, the
chronologically, from beginning to end.
recollections, the pictures, the felt feeling,
 Braided Structure: Telling a story by the more profound importance.
weaving or combining two, sometimes
Scene and Summary. One of the most
three, narratives or stories.
important techniques of creative
 Collage: Using a thematic and nonfiction is writing in scenes. A scene
segmented approach that combines a recreates the experience of the writer for
quotation or two, poem, scene, metaphor, the reader. A scene evokes. To write a
simile, allusion, personification, image, scene, you must show the reader what is
vignette, anecdote, a short, short, true happening. A scene often includes:
story, with an epiphany.
Setting - time and place of the story
 Frame: Telling a story by opening with a
Action - something that happens
particular scene or reflecting and closing
Dialogue - something being said
with a particular scene or reflection.
Vivid description - concrete and specific
 Narrative with Flashback: Telling a story
using scene, summary, reflection, and
flashbacks. As well, the you can Imagery - language that invokes reader’s
experiment with the narrative structure, sense of sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing
resulting in a new structure or shape. Point of View - first, second, third persons

Distinctive Voice, Style, and Intimate Figurative language - simile, metaphor,

Point of View-Good writers also have a etc.
unique style. Additionally have a one of a
Beginning, middle and ending - a scene  Theme-the meaning of the story The
has a beginning, middle and end narrative arc is used to write a personal
narrative essay, sometimes a memoir. The
Summary involves telling the reader what
opinion essay, meditative essay, and
happened. Telling means to summarize
collage essay don’t require a narrative.
and to compress, leaving out the details
These sorts of essays tend to be
and descriptions. Telling is explaining. You
structured around a theme.
should create scenes of important events,
such as for a setback and the turning Poetic Devices-Figurative Language.
point. Scene and summary are used for all You’ll often use one or more of the
types of creative nonfiction. following poetic devices to write creative
Techniques of Fiction. You’ll also rely on
the techniques of fiction to tell a true  Simile
story, including:
 Metaphor
 Setting-time and place and context,
 Symbolism
which provides the backdrop to the true
story  Personification

 Narrative Arc ( inciting incident, conflict  Imagery

and setback, climax, epiphany, resolution)  Assonance and alliteration

 Point of View- first person “I”, Second  Allusion

Person “You”, third person “He/ She”
Experienced Writers often use any of the
 Character development- Developing above to write creative nonfiction. Simile
character through action, dialogue, and metaphor are the tools of choice.
description Personal Reflection. In most types of

 Vivid Description-descriptions that are creative nonfiction, you’ll share personal

concrete and specific reflection with the reader. These can

 Use of imagery-literal imagery through
description; figurative imagery with simile  Personal thoughts and feelings

or metaphor  Opinions
 Ruminations fiction, to write a personal essay, to write
 Personal perspective
 Declarative (statement of fact),
 stream of consciousness
Interrogative (ask a question),
 Mediations Personal refection is exclamatory (emphatic) sentences
required to write a memoir. It is also used
 Inverted sentence. E.g. The book of
to write a personal narrative, opinion,
poetry he wrote…The film, the script, the
meditative, and lyrical essay.
special effects, the story, I enjoyed.
Word Choice/Diction. Check to see that
 Lose sentence and periodic sentences.
you use language in a fresh and original
way, making note of connotation, the Lyrical Language. Sometimes, a writer will
implied meaning of the word. As well, use a lyrical style to express emotion and
selecting words with the best meaning. evoke emotion in the reader. This is often
Meaning refers to diction. Avoid using the case when writing a lyrical essay. The
clichés and jargon. PIVOT 4A writing style is based on the following:
CALABARZON 14 E Sentence Variety
 repetition of words, phrases, clauses;
(Length and structure). Use short and
long, and a variety of syntax to create a  parallel structure;

personal essay, memoir, or literary  rhyme, both rhyme and internal rhyme;
journalism. Sentence variety includes:
 alliteration and assonance; and
 Intentional Fragment. e.g. A pen. Pad of
 sensory imagery
paper. Time, lots of time.
Experimentation. A creative mind. These
are the requirements of creative writing.

 Simple, compound, complex,

compound-complex sentences

 Parallel structure in sentences, e.g. I

require a pen, pad of paper, spare time,
experimentation, and a creative mind, to
write creatively, to write poetry, to write
Here are the main reasons to use literary can help to create visual pictures or
devices in your writing: imageries in the reader’s imagination.

1. Include special effects in writing. Some Some common reasons why authors use
portion of appearing, and not literary devices are to:
telling,through your story includes the
1. Illustrate the storyline;
utilization of literary devices and different
2. Clarify certain points or concepts;
strategies in your narration.
3. Convey abstract information;
2. Establish connection with your
audience. You can bring the reader into 4. Draw attention to important pieces of

your story, and urge them to connect with the story or topic;

the content. Literary devices can stimulate 5. Engage and captivate readers;
the reader’s mind, and giving them a
6. Encourage readers to interact with the
deeper reading experience.
story a little deeper; and
3. Interests hooks the reader. Without
7. Enhance the reader’s experience.
literary devices, there is a huge

possibility that the story will be dull and

Common literary devices
boring. By incorporating literary
The most common literary devices used in
techniques in your writing, you add vivid
literature, art and everyday language are
color and interests to your words, and
similes, metaphors, personification,
avoid being a dull. hyperbole, and symbolism.

4. Use abstract information. More

common in fiction stories, literary devices
can help the author convey abstract
concepts or information to the reader.
They can help communicate the work’s
overall meaning or theme, without the
writer having to directly state the purpose.

5. Establish clear and vivid pictures with

your words. Literary devices like imagery

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