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ACADSORT Ionic Equilibrium Test (JEE Main Pattern) SECTION-A : (Maximum Marks : 80) ‘This section contains TWENTY questions. Each question has FOUR options (1), (2), (3) and (4). ONLY ONE of these four options is correct. For each question, darken the bubble corresponding to the correct option in the ORS. For each question, marks will be awarded in one of the following categories: Full Marks: +4, if only the bubble corresponding to the correct option is darkened, Zero Marks: 0, iF none of the bubbles is darkened. Negative Marks: -1 in all other cases Which of the following expressions is/are not true? (1) [H*] = [OH-] = /K,, for a neutral solution at all temperatures. [H*] > Ky & [OH"] < /Ky for an acidic solution (3) [Ht 1< fiw al (OH-] > Ky for an alkaline solution (4) [H"] = [0H] = 10” 7 yidorgneutral solution atall temperatures pOH of H,0 is 7.0 at 298 K. If water is heated at 350 K, which of the following should be true ? (1) pOH will decrease (2) pOH will increase (3) pOH will remain 7.0 (4) concentration of H- ions will increase but that of OH- will decrease At5S° C autoprotolysis constant of water is 4x 10". Ifa given sample of water has a pH of 6.9, then it is+ (1) acidic (2) basic (3) neutral (4) explosive ‘The pH of a solution obtained by mixing 50 ml. of 0.4 N HCl and 50 ml. of 0.2 N NaOH is- (1) = log2 (2)-log 0.2 (3) 1.0 (420 The dissociation constants of two acids HA and HA, are 3,0 x 10~ and 1.8 x 10° respectively. The relative strengths of the acids will be approximately- (yi (2)4:1 (3) 1:16 ort If 50 ml. of 0.2 (M) KOH is added to 40 mL of 0.5(M) HCOOH. The pH of the resulting solution is (K=18x 104): (1) 3.75 (2)5.6 @)75 (434 ‘The sodium salt of a certain weak monobasic organic acid is hydrolysed to an extent of 3% in its 0.1 M solution at 25 °C. Given that the ionic product of water is 10“ at this temperature, what is the dissociation constant of the acid ? (1) =1 «107° (2) 1% 107 (3) 3.33 x 10° (4) 3.33 « 10° When 100 ml, of 0.4 MCH3COOH are mixed with 100 mL. of 0.2 M NaOH, the [H30*] in the solution is approximately : [K,(CH3COOH) = 1.8 x 10°] (1) 18 x 10° (2) 1.8 x 10°5 (3) 9x 10-6 (4) 9x 105 K, for HCN is 5 x 10-*° at 25 °C, For maintaining a constant pH of 9, the volume of 5 M KCN solution required to be added to 10 mL of 2M HCN solution is- (1) 4mb (2) 7.95 mL. (3)2mL (4) 9.3 mL What % of the H1CO} in buffer solution of HCO; and HCO; such that the solution becomes neutral? (K, = 4x 10°”) (120% (240% (3) 60% (4) 80% The solubility ofa certain sparingly soluble substance MX, is nearly 1.4 « 10-* M. Ifthe solubility product is 1.1 x 10°", what is the value of n ? qt (22 (3)3 (1s When NaCl is added to the reaction mixture of an oil and caustic soda, the soap is separated out because- (1) NaClis an ionic compound (2) soap is insoluble in the presence of chi (3) the solubility product of NaCl decreases in the presence of soap (4) the solubility product of the soap is exceeded due to the increased concentration of Na* ions. In the system CaF,(s) Ca**(aq) + 2F”(aq) increasing the concentration of Ca** ions 4 times will cause the equilibrium concentration of F- ions to change to x times the initial value, Find 'x'? a4 (21/2 (2 (yaya The solubility product of BaCrO, is 24 x 10°! M?. The maximum concentration of Ba(NO3)2 possible without precipitation in a 6 x 10-* M K,CrO, solution is- (4% 107M (2) 1.2«10!°M (3) 6% 10M (4)3% 10M ‘The solubility of Ag,CO, in water at 25 °C is 1 x 10“ mole/litre. What is its solubility in 0.1 M NazC03 solution ? Assume no hydrolysis of CO3- ion, (1) 6.323 « 10-6 mole/litre (2) 4.74 x 10 mole/litre (3) 3.16 x 10 mole/litre (4)5.51 «10 mole/litre ‘The solubility of CaF, (Kgp = 3.4 X 10°") in 0.1 M solution of NaF would be- (1) 34 x 107 M (2) 3.4 x 107° M (3) 34x 10° M (4) 34 x 1073 M ‘The solubility product of Mg(OH), in water at 25 °C is 89 x 10% (mole dm”*)? while that of AI(OH), is 5 x 10-33 (mol dmr3)*. If $, and S, are the solubilities of Mg(OH), and AI(OH) in water in mol dm” at 25 °C, what is the order of magnitude of the ratio, S/S. ? (1) 105 (2) 10* (3) 10° (4) 108 18, ‘The pH indicators are- (1) salts of strong acids & strong bases, (2) salts of weak acids & weak bases (3) either weak acids or weak bases (4) either strong acids or strong bases What volume of 0.2 M NH,CI solution should be added to 100 ml of 0.1 M NH,OH solution to produce a buffer solution of pH = 8.7? Given : pK, of NH,OH = 4.7; log 2=0.3 (1) 50 mi (2) 100 mi (3) 200 mi (4) None of these What is the pk, ofa weak base whose 0.1 M solution has pH = 9.5 ? (7s es ae (4) 10 SECTION-B : (Maximum Marks: 20) This section contains TEN Questions, Attempt any five Questions. First five Questions Attempt will be considered for marking ‘The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, enter the correct numerical value (If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, truncate/round-off the value to TWO decimal places; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33, 30, 30.27, -127.30, if answer is 11.36777.... then both 11.36 and 11.37 will be correct) ‘Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme: Full Marks: +4, if ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer. Zero Marks: 0 in all other cases. Calculate pH of 10° M HCI solution. Calculate pH of mixture of (400 mL, =; M HS0,) + (400 mL, <=> M HCl) + (200 mL. of water) Determine the degree of dissociation of 0.05 M NH,OH at 25°C in a solution of pH = 10. Calculate pH of : 10" M HCOOH ‘Take K,=2 x 108 How many grams of NH,Cl should be dissolved per litre of solution to have a pH of 5.13 ? (Ky for Hg is 1.8 x 1075). Calculate the pH after the addition of 100 mL. of 0.1 N NaOH to 100 mL, 0.1 N CH,COOH. (Given pK, for CHsCOOH = 4.74) What is the maximum volume of water required to dissolve 1 g of calcium sulphate at 25°C. For calcium sulphate, Ky = 9.0 x 107%, ‘The degree of dissociation of acetic acid in a 0.1 M solution is 1.32 « 10-2, Calculate dissociation constant of acid and its pK, value : 4 Calculate pH of mixture of (400 mL, = M Ba(OH),) + (400 mL, & M HCl)+(200 mL of water). Calculate pH of 10-7 M of NaOH solution

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