Esp 6 3RD Exam

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Identification: Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

______1. What is the term for thinking carefully and logically to understand things better?
a. Critical Thinking b. Fortitude
c. Perseverance d. Open-Mindedness
______2. What trait refers to having courage and strength to face challenges without giving up?
a. Calmness b. Patience
c. Generosity d. Fortitude
______3. Which characteristic means not giving up, even when things are hard?
a. Love of Truth b. Patience
c. Perseverance d. Open-Mindedness
______4. What quality involves being willing to consider new ideas and perspectives?
a. Generosity b. Love of Truth
c. Open-Mindedness d. Perseverance
______5. What does "pagmamahal sa katotohanan" translate to in English?
a. Love of Truth b. Patience
c. Open-Mindedness d. Generosity
______6. What is the term for valuing honesty and seeking what is true?
a. Critical Thinking b. Love of Truth
c. Calmness d. Generosity
______7. What trait involves waiting calmly and not getting upset, even in difficult situations?
a. Perseverance b. Patience
c. Calmness d. Open-Mindedness
______8. Which characteristic involves being kind and giving to others without expecting anything in
a. Fortitude b. Open-Mindedness
c. Generosity d. Critical Thinking
______9. What does "pagkabukas ng isipan" mean in English?
a. Patience b. Open-Mindedness
c. Critical Thinking d. Fortitude
______10. What trait means not giving up, even when things are hard?
a. Love of Truth b. Generosity
c. Perseverance d. Calmness

True or False: Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

______11. Critical thinking leads to confusion and misunderstanding. (True/False)

______12. Fortitude is the trait of giving up easily when faced with challenges. (True/False)
______13. Perseverance involves waiting for things to happen without taking action. (True/False)
______14. Open-mindedness means being close-minded and resistant to new ideas. (True/False)
______15. Love of truth is about valuing honesty and seeking what is true. (True/False)
______16. Calmness helps us make impulsive decisions. (True/False)
______17. Generosity is about taking from others without giving anything back. (True/False)
______18. Patience involves feeling frustrated and upset in challenging situations. (True/False)
______19. Critical thinking involves accepting information without questioning its validity. (True/False)
______20. Open-mindedness involves being curious about others' perspectives. (True/False)

Multiple Choice: Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

______21. Why is critical thinking important?

a. It leads to confusion and misunderstanding.
b. It encourages us to give up easily.
c. It helps us make good decisions and solve problems.
d. It promotes close-mindedness.
______22. How can one develop fortitude?
a. By avoiding challenges altogether.
b. By setting goals and staying positive.
c. By being impatient and easily frustrated.
d. By disregarding support from others.
______23. What does perseverance involve?
a. Giving up easily when faced with obstacles.
b. Staying determined and not giving up.
c. Waiting for others to solve problems for us.
d. Avoiding challenges altogether.
______24. Which of the following is a characteristic of open-mindedness?
a. Being unwilling to consider new ideas.
b. Respecting differences and being curious about others' perspectives.
c. Rejecting facts and evidence that challenge our beliefs.
d. Being rigid in our thinking and resistant to change.
______25. What does "pagkamapasensya/pagkamapagtiis" mean in English?
a. Patience
b. Calmness
c. Generosity
d. Perseverance
______26. What is the term for feeling peaceful and relaxed, even in busy or stressful situations?
a. Calmness
b. Generosity
c. Perseverance
d. Open-Mindedness
______27. What trait means being kind and giving to others without expecting anything in return?
a. Fortitude
b. Open-Mindedness
c. Generosity
d. Critical Thinking
______28. What does "pagkamahinahon" translate to in English?
a. Calmness
b. Love of Truth
c. Open-Mindedness
d. Perseverance
______29. What is the characteristic of being willing to consider new ideas and perspectives?
a. Generosity
b. Love of Truth
c. Open-Mindedness
d. Perseverance
______30. What does "pagmamahal sa katotohanan" mean in English?
a. Love of Truth
b. Perseverance
c. Open-Mindedness
d. Critical Thinking
Answer Key:


1. a. Critical Thinking
2. d. Fortitude
3. c. Perseverance
4. c. Open-Mindedness
5. a. Love of Truth
6. b. Love of Truth
7. b. Patience
8. c. Generosity
9. b. Open-Mindedness
10. c. Perseverance

True or False:

11. False
12. False
13. False
14. False
15. True
16. False
17. False
18. False
19. False
20. True

Multiple Choice:

21. c. It helps us make good decisions and solve problems.

22. b. By setting goals and staying positive.
23. b. Staying determined and not giving up.
24. b. Respecting differences and being curious about others' perspectives.
25. a. Patience
26. a. Calmness
27. c. Generosity
28. a. Calmness
29. c. Open-Mindedness
30. a. Love of Truth

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