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I’m Kim Robles Dela Cruz , I believe that my name reflects my

love for writing poems, stories and poetry. I'm a 20-year-old

introvert (before) , a quiet person who preferred the company
of my thoughts over the noise of the world. Yet, when I’m with
my close friends, I’m as talkative as a parrot, my words flowing
like a river, what I mean is never ending of talking, hahaha.

My life was like a book, each page filled with verses of my

experiences and emotions. My introvert nature was not a
barrier but a bridge that connects me to the diversity of life. I
embraced diversity like a poet embraces metaphors, seeing it
as a source of inspiration and learning.

My quietness is my strength. It allows me to listen, to observe,

and to understand people and situations at a deeper level. I
dealt with diversity by being open-minded, respectful, and
empathetic. I believed that every person, every culture, and
every perspective had a story to tell, a poem to write.
My pen is my most prized possession, a symbol of my life. It
was through my pen that I expressed my thoughts, my
feelings, and my unique perspective of the world. My poems
are a reflection of my inner self, a mirror that reveals the
depth of my soul.

Before I end my story, I want to remind to each and everyone

of you that
Being quiet does not mean being weak or insignificant. On
the contrary, it can be a source of strength, a tool for
understanding diversity, and a means of expressing one’s
unique self.
A Journey to

Submitted by
Kim Robles Dela Cruz

Submitted to:
Ms. Reiza M. Padasas

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