ESSEC Journal List

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ESSEC Business School

Centre de Recherche / Research Center

Classification ESSEC des revues

en management

ESSEC Ranking of Journals


Par groupe

By group


ESSEC Business School
Centre de Recherche / Research Center

Academic journals

 Group 0+ (leading journals)

A small number of scientific journals unanimously acknowledged internationally as the best in the field. Naturally
these are generalist journals with a longstanding tradition and high academic impact.

 Group 0 (excellent)
A small number of scientific journals offering excellence on a level close to the top journals in the field. Expert
opinion is generally in agreement as to their very high quality; they are generalist journals.

 Group 1 (very good)

High-level scientific journals of international reputation and circulation, but not among the very top journals in
their field. They comprise both generalist and more specialist journals.

 Group 2 (good)
Scientific journals publishing articles of a generally lower quality than Group 1 journals. Generally national-
circulation journals, or international journals of lesser reputation.

 Group 3 (narrow)
Scientific journals with a very narrow circulation or low profile.

Professional journals (P)

 Group 3P
Professional journals containing articles intended for professional experts in the field. Their editorial committee
includes academic personalities.

 Group 4P
Journals containing articles essentially intended for readers working in the field.

ESSEC Business School
Centre de Recherche / Research Center

Liste des Revues / List of Journals (Groupe 0+)

/Group Nom / Name Editeur / Publisher Print ISSN
0+ Academy of Management Journal Academy of Management 0001-4273

0+ Academy of Management Review Academy of Management 0363-7425

0+ Accounting Organizations and Society Elsevier 0361-3682

0+ Accounting Review American Accounting Association 0001-4826

0+ Administrative Science Quarterly Cornell University 0001-8392

0+ American Economic Review American Economic Association 0002-8282

0+ American Journal of International Law American Society of International Law 0002-9300

0+ American Journal of Sociology University of Chicago 0002-9602

Econometric Society, University of
0+ Econometrica 0012-9682
0+ Information Systems Research INFORMS 1047-7047

0+ Journal of Accounting and Economics Elsevier 0165-4101

0+ Journal of Accounting Research University of Chicago 0021-8456

0+ Journal of Applied Psychology American Psychological Association 0021-9010

0+ Journal of Consumer Research University of Chicago 0093-5301

0+ Journal of Economic Literature American Economic Association 0022-0515

0+ Journal of Finance American Finance Association 0022-1082

0+ Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis University of Washington 0022-1090

0+ Journal of Financial Economics Elsevier 0304-405X

0+ Journal of International Economic Law Oxford University Press 1369-3034

0+ Journal of Marketing American Marketing Association 0022-2429

0+ Journal of Marketing Research American Marketing Association 0022-2437

0+ Journal of Political Economy University of Chicago 0022-3808

0+ Journal of the American Statistical Association American Statistical Association 0162-1459

0+ Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B Wiley / The Royal Statistical Society 1369-7412
MIS Research Center, Univ. of
0+ M.I.S. Quarterly 0276-7783
0+ Management Science INFORMS 0025-1909

0+ Marketing Science INFORMS 0732-2399

0+ Operations Research INFORMS 0030-364X

0+ Organization Science INFORMS 1047-7039

0+ Quarterly Journal of Economics MIT Press 0033-5533

0+ RAND Journal of Economics Wiley / The Rand Corporation 0741-6261

0+ Review of Financial Studies Oxford University Press 0893-9454

Wiley / Strategic Management
0+ Strategic Management Journal 0143-2095

ESSEC Business School
Centre de Recherche / Research Center

Liste des Revues / List of Journals (Groupe 0)

/Group Nom / Name Editeur / Publisher Print ISSN
0 American Sociological Review American Sociological Association 0003-1224

0 Annals of Applied Probability Institute of Mathematical Studies 1050-5164

Canadian Academic Accounting
0 Contemporary Accounting Research

0 Economic Geography Clark University 0013-0095

0 Games and Economic Behavior Elsevier 0899-8256

0 Harvard Law Review Harvard Law Review Association 0017-811X

0 International Journal of Research in Marketing Elsevier 0167-8116

0 Journal of Banking and Finance Elsevier 0378-4266

0 Journal of Business Ethics Springer 0167-4544

0 Journal of Business Venturing Elsevier 0883-9026

0 Journal of Consumer Psychology Elsevier 1057-7408

0 Journal of Corporate Finance Elsevier 0929-1199

0 Journal of Econometrics Elsevier 0304-4076

0 Journal of Economic Theory Elsevier 0022-0531

0 Journal of Experimental Psychology: General American Psychological Association 0096-3445

0 Journal of International Business Studies Palgrave Macmillan 0047-2506

0 Journal of Law and Economics University of Chicago 0022-2186

0 The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization Oxford University Press 8756-6222

0 Journal of Management SAGE Publications 0149-2063

0 Journal of Management Information Systems M.E. Sharpe 0742-1222

0 Journal of Management Studies Wiley 0022-2380

0 Journal of Monetary Economics Elsevier 0304-3932

0 Journal of Operations Management Elsevier 0272-6963

0 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology American Psychological Association 0022-3514

0 Journal of Retailing Elsevier 0022-4359

0 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A Wiley / The Royal Statistical Society 0964-1998

0 Mathematical Finance Wiley 0960-1627

0 Organization Studies SAGE Publications 0170-8406

0 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Elsevier 0749-5978

0 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin SAGE Publications 0146-1672

0 Personnel Psychology Wiley 0031-5826

The American Real Estate and Urban
0 Real Estate Economics
Economics Association

0 Review of Accounting Studies Springer 1380-6653

Wiley / The Review of Economic
0 Review of Economic Studies
Studies Ltd.

0 Review of Economics and Statistics MIT Press 0034-6535

0 Social Science & Medicine Elsevier 0277-9536

ESSEC Business School
Centre de Recherche / Research Center

Liste des Revues / List of Journals (Groupe 1)

/Group Nom / Name Editeur / Publisher Print ISSN
1 Abacus Wiley/Univ. Sydney 0001-3072
1 Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal Emerald 0951-3574
1 ACM Transactions on Database Systems Association for computing machinery 0362-5915
1 Acta Psychologica Elsevier 0001-6918
1 Advances in Applied Probability Applied Probability Trust 0001-8678
1 American Behavioral Scientist SAGE Publications 0002-7642
1 American Journal of Psychology University of Illinois Press 0002-9556
1 Annals of Operations Research Springer 0254-5330
1 Annals of Tourism Research Elsevier 0160-7383
1 Applied Mathematical Finance Routledge 1350-486X
1 Artificial Intelligence Elsevier 0004-3702
1 Astin Bulletin Peeters 0515-0361
1 Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory American Accounting Association 0278-0380
1 British Journal of Industrial Relations Wiley 0007-1080
1 British Journal of Sociology Wiley 0007-1315
1 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Brookings Institution Press 0007-2303
1 Business Ethics Quarterly Society for Business Ethics 1052-150X
1 Business History Routledge 0007-6791
1 California Management Review University of California 0008-1256
1 Canadian Journal of Economics Wiley 0008-4085
1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals Elsevier 0960-0779
1 Chicago-Kent Law Review Chicago-Kent College of Law 0009-3599
1 Cognitive Psychology Elsevier 0010-0285
1 Comparative Political Studies SAGE Publications 0010-4140
Association Française de
1 Comptabilité Contrôle Audit

1 Computational Optimization and Applications Springer 0926-6003

1 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis Elsevier 0167-9473
1 Computers & Mathematics with Application Elsevier 0898-1221
1 Computers and OR Elsevier 0305-0548
1 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly SAGE Publications 1938-9655
1 Corporate Governance. An International Review Wiley 0964-8410
1 Creativity Research Journal Routledge 1040-0419
1 Critical Perspectives on Accounting Elsevier 1045-2354
1 Data and Knowledge Engineering Elsevier 0169-023X
1 Decision Sciences Wiley 0011-7315
1 Decision Support Systems and Electronic Commerce Elsevier 0167-9236
1 Discrete Applied Mathematics Elsevier 0166-218X
1 Economic Inquiry Wiley 0095-2583
1 Economic Journal Wiley / Royal Economic Society 0013-0133
1 Economica Wiley 0013-0427
1 Economics Letters Elsevier 0165-1765
1 Economics of Transition Wiley 0967-0750
1 Energy Economics Elsevier 0140-9883
1 Energy Journal, The IAEE 0195-6574
1 Environment and Planning Pion

ESSEC Business School
Centre de Recherche / Research Center

1 European Accounting Review Routledge 0963-8180

1 European Economic Review Elsevier 0014-2921
1 European Financial Management Wiley 1354-7798
1 European Journal of Information Systems Palgrave Macmillan 0960-085X
1 European Journal of Operational Research Elsevier 0377-2217
1 European Journal of Political Economy Elsevier 0176-2680
1 European Sociological Review Oxford University Press 0266-7215
1 Expert Systems with Applications Elsevier 0957-4174
1 Extremes Springer 1386-1999
1 Finance Association Française de Finance 0752-6180
1 Finance and Stochastics Springer 0949-2984
1 Financial Analysts Journal AIMR 0015-198X
1 Financial Management Wiley / FMAI 0046-3892
1 Fuzzy Sets and Systems Elsevier 0165-0114
1 Group Decision and Negotiation Springer 0926-2644
1 Harvard Business Review (World) P Harvard Business School Publishing 0017-8012
1 Harvard Negotiation Law Review Harvard Law Review Association 1556-0546
1 Health Economics Wiley 1057-9230
1 Human Relations SAGE Publications 0018-7267
1 Human Resource Management Wiley 0090-4848
1 IEEE Transactions on Computers IEEE Computer Society 0018-9340
IEEE Engineering Management
1 IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management

1 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering IEEE Computer Society 1041-4347
1 IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering IEEE Computer Society 0098-5589
1 Industrial & Labor Relations Review Cornell University 0019-7939
1 Industrial Relations Wiley 0019-8676
1 Information and Management Elsevier 0378-7206
1 Information Systems Journal Wiley 1350-1917
1 INFORMS Journal on computing INFORMS 1091-9856
1 Insurance: Mathematics and Economics Elsevier 0167-6687
1 International Business Review Elsevier 0969-5931
1 International Economic Review Wiley 0020-6598
1 International Game Theory Review World Scientific Publishing Company 0219-1989
1 International Journal of Accounting Elsevier 0020-7063
1 International Journal of Forecasting Elsevier 0169-2070
1 International Journal of Hospitality Management Elsevier 0278-4319
1 International Journal of Human Resources Management Routledge 0958-5192
1 International Journal of Industrial Organization Elsevier 0167-7187
1 International Journal of Production Economics Elsevier 0925-5273
1 International Journal of Production Research Taylor & Francis 0020-7543
1 International Review of Law and Economics Elsevier 0144-8188
Société Française de Statistique /
1 Journal de la Société Française de Statistique
Société Mathématique de France

1 Journal of Accounting and Public Policy Elsevier 0278-4254

1 Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Greenwood Publishing Group 0148-558X
1 Journal of Advertising M.E. Sharpe 0091-3367
1 Journal of Advertising Research Advertising Research Foundation 0021-8499
1 Journal of Applied Probability Applied Probability Trust 0021-9002
1 Journal of Behavioral Decision Making Wiley 0894-3257

ESSEC Business School
Centre de Recherche / Research Center

1 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics American Statistical Association 0735-0015

1 Journal of Business Finance and Accounting Wiley 0306-686X
1 Journal of Business Law Sweet & Maxwell 0021-9460
1 Journal of Business Research Elsevier 0148-2963
International Association for
1 Journal of Computer Information Systems
Computer Information Systems

1 Journal of Conflict Resolution SAGE Publications 0022-0027

1 Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization Elsevier 0167-2681
1 Journal of Economic, Dynamics and Control Elsevier 0165-1889
1 Journal of Economic Perspectives American Economic Association 0895-3309
1 Journal of Economic Psychology Elsevier 0167-4870
1 Journal of Economics Springer 0931-8658
1 Journal of Empirical Finance Elsevier 0927-5398
1 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies Wiley-Blackwell 1740-1453
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and
1 Performance
American Psychological Association 0096-1523
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and
1 Cognition
American Psychological Association 0278-7393

1 Journal of Experimental Social Psychology Elsevier 0022-1031

1 Journal of Financial Intermediation Elsevier 1042-9573
1 Journal of Financial Markets Elsevier 1386-4181
1 Journal of Forecasting Wiley 0277-6693
1 Journal of Futures Markets Wiley 0270-7314
1 Journal of Health Economics Elsevier 0167-6296
1 Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law Duke University 0361-6878
1 Journal of Industrial Economics Wiley 0022-1821
1 Journal of Information Technology Palgrave Macmillan 0268-3962
1 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co 0932-4569
1 Journal of Interactive Marketing Elsevier 1094-9968
1 Journal of International Economics Elsevier 0022-1996
1 Journal of International Money and Finance Elsevier 0261-5606
1 Journal of Legal Studies University of Chicago Press 0047-2530
1 Journal of Macroeconomics Elsevier 0164-0704
1 Journal of Management Accounting Research American Accounting Association 1049-2127
1 Journal of Money, Credit and Banking Wiley 0022-2879
1 Journal of Organizational Behaviour Wiley-Blackwell 0894-3796
1 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing Elsevier 0743-7315
1 Journal of Portfolio Management Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC 0095-4918
1 Journal of Public Economics Elsevier 0047-2727
1 Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics Springer 0895-5638
1 Journal of Real Estate Literature American Real Estate Society 0927-7544
1 Journal of Real Estate Research American Real Estate Society 0896-5803
1 Journal of Regional Science Wiley 0022-4146
1 Journal of Risk and Insurance Wiley 0022-4367
1 Journal of Risk and Uncertainty Springer 0895-5646
1 Journal of Scheduling Springer 1094-6136
1 Journal of Service Research SAGE Publications 1094-6705
1 Journal of Social Psychology Heldref Publications 0022-4545
1 Journal of Systems and Software Elsevier 0164-1212
1 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Springer 0092-0703
1 Journal of the American Planning Association Routledge 0194-4363

ESSEC Business School
Centre de Recherche / Research Center

1 Journal of the Association for Information Systems Association for Information Systems 1536-9323
1 Journal of the Operational Research Society Palgrave Macmillan 0160-5682
1 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C Wiley 0035-9254
1 Journal of Travel Research SAGE Publications 0047-2875
1 Journal of Urban Economics Elsevier 0094-1190
1 Labour Economics Elsevier 0927-5371
1 Land Economics University of Wisconsin 0023-7639
1 Leadership Quarterly (The) Elsevier 1048-9843
1 Management Accounting Research Elsevier 1044-5005
1 Management International Review Gabler Verlag 0938-8249
1 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management INFORMS 1523-4614
1 Marketing Letters Springer 0923-0645
1 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Springer 1432-2994
1 Mathematical Programming. Series A & B Springer 0025-5610
1 Mathematics of Operations Research INFORMS 0364-765X
Lawrence Erlbaum Association -
1 Multivariate Behavioral Research
Taylor & Francis

1 Naval Research Logistics Wiley 0894-069X

1 Negotiation Journal Wiley 0748-4526
1 Operations Research Letters Elsevier 0167-6377
1 Organization SAGE Publications 1350-5084
1 Organizational Dynamics Elsevier 0090-2616
1 OR Spectrum Springer 0171-6468
Papers in Regional Science - The Journal of the Regional Science
1 Association International
Wiley 1056-8190

Production and Operations

1 Production and Operations Management
Management Society

1 Production Planning & Control Taylor & Francis 0953-7287

1 Psychological Science Wiley 0956-7976
1 Psychologie Française Elsevier Masson 0033-2984
1 Psychology and Marketing Wiley 0742-6046
1 Psychometrika Psychometric Society 0033-3123
1 Public Opinion Quarterly Oxford University Press 0033-362X
1 Rationality and Society SAGE Publications 1043-4631
1 Recherche et Applications en Marketing Association Française de Marketing 0767-3701
1 Recueil Dalloz Editions Dalloz 0034-1835
1 Regional Science and Urban Economics Elsevier 0166-0462
1 Research Policy Elsevier 0048-7333
1 Review of Derivatives Research Springer 1380-6645
1 Review of Finance Oxford University Press 1572-3097
Association de Science Régionale de
1 Revue d’Économie Régionale et Urbaine 0180-7307
Langue Française
1 Revue Économique Presses de Sciences Po 0035-2764
1 Revue Française de Sciences Politiques Presses de Sciences Po 0035-2950
1 Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Commercial et de Droit Economique Editions Dalloz 0244-9358
1 Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen Editions Dalloz 0035-4317
1 Scandinavian Journal of Economics (The) Wiley 0347-0520
Society for Industrial and Applied
1 SIAM Journal on Computing
Sloan Management Review
1 Sloan Management Review (MIT)

1 Social Choice and Welfare Springer 0176-1714

ESSEC Business School
Centre de Recherche / Research Center

1 Social Forces University of North Carolina Press 0037-7732

1 Sociological Quarterly (The) Wiley-Blackwell 0038-0253
1 Sociologie du Travail Elsevier Masson 0038-0296
1 Sociology SAGE Publications 0038-0385
1 Southern Economic Journal University of North Carolina Press 0038-4038
1 Statistics and Computing Springer 0960-3174
1 Stochastic Processes and their Applications Elsevier 0304-4149
1 Systems Research and Behavioral Science Wiley 0005-7940
1 Theoretical Computer Science Elsevier 0304-3975
1 Theory and Decision Springer 0040-5833
1 Theory and Society Springer 0304-2421
1 Theory of Computing Systems Springer 1432-4350
1 Tourism Management Elsevier 0261-5177
1 Transfusion Wiley 0041-1132
1 Transportation Research Elsevier 0965-8564
Institute for Operations Research and
1 Transportation Science
the Management Sciences

1 Urban Studies SAGE Publications 0042-0980

Yale Schools of Law, Medicine,
1 Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics
Public Health, and Nursing

ESSEC Business School
Centre de Recherche / Research Center

Liste des Revues / List of Journals (Groupe 2)

/Group Nom / Name Editeur / Publisher Print ISSN
2 4OR - A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research Springer 1619-4500
2 Academy of Management Perspectives Academy of Management 1558-9080
2 Accounting and Business Research CCH (Wolters Kluwer) 0001-4788
2 Accounting and the Public Interest American Accounting Association 1530-9320
2 Accounting History SAGE Publications 1032-3732
2 Accounting Horizons American Accounting Association 0888-7993
2 Accounting in Europe Routledge 1744-9480
2 Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales Le Seuil 0335-5322
2 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification Springer 1862-5347
2 Agribusiness. An International Journal Wiley 0742-4477
2 American Statistician American Statistical Association 0003-1305
2 Annales d’Economie et de Statistique ADRES 0769-489X
2 Annals of Finance Springer 1614-2446
2 Antitrust Bulletin Federal Legal Publications 0003-603X
2 Applied Cognitive Psychology Wiley 0888-4080
2 Applied Mathematics Letters Elsevier 0893-9659
2 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry Wiley 1524-1904
2 Asia Pacific Journal of Management Springer 0217-4561
2 Australasian Marketing Journal Elsevier 1441-3582
2 Banca Nazionale del Lavoro BNL 0005-4607
2 Bankers, Markets & Investors (ex Banque et Marchés) La Revue Banque 1167-4946
2 Basic and Applied Social Psychology Psychology Press 0197-3533
2 B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics Berkeley Electronic Press 1935-1704
2 Beta Scandinavian Journal of Business Research Universitetsforlaget 1504-3134
2 Biblioteca della Libertà Centro Einaudi 2035-5866
2 British Accounting Review (The) Elsevier 0890-8389
2 British Journal of Management Wiley 1045-3172
2 British Journal of Psychology The British Psychological Society 0007-1269
2 British Journal of Social Psychology The British Psychological Society 0144-6665
2 British Yearbook of International Law Oxford University Press
2 Bulletin de Psychologie Bulletin de Psychologie 0007-4403
2 Bulletin Français d’Actuariat Institut des Actuaires 1779-7160
2 Business Communication Quarterly SAGE Publications 1080-5699
2 Business Ethics: A European Review Wiley 0962-8770
German Academic Association for
2 Business Research
Business Research-VHB

2 Cahiers de Droit Européen Bruylant 0007-9758

2 Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences Wiley 0825-0383
Canadian Regional Science
2 Canadian Journal of Regional Science

2 Career Development International Emerald 1362-0436

2 Common Market Law Review Kluwer 0165-0750
2 Communications of the ACM Association for Computing Machinery 0001-0782
Palgrave Macmillan/Association for
2 Comparative Economic Studies
Comparative Economic Studies

2 Competition and Change Maney Publishing 1024-5294

2 Computational Management Science Springer 1619-697X
2 Computational Economics Springer 0927-7099

ESSEC Business School
Centre de Recherche / Research Center

2 Computational Statistics Springer 0943-4062

2 Conflict Resolution Quarterly Wiley 1536-5581
2 Creativity and Innovation Management Wiley 0963-1690
2 Cross Cultural Management Emerald 1352-7606
2 Decisions in Economics and Finance Springer 1593-8883
2 Décisions Marketing Association Française de Marketing 0779-7389
2 Defence and Peace Economics Routledge 1024-2694
2 Discrete Optimization Elsevier 1572-5286
Wiley / Banca Monte dei Paschi di
2 Economic Notes

2 Economic Systems Elsevier 0939-3625

Institut de Sciences Mathématiques
2 Economie Appliquée
et Economiques Appliquées / CNRS
Ministère de l’économie, des finances
2 Economie et Prévision
et de l’industrie

2 Economie et Statistique INSEE 0336-1454

Centre d’études prospectives et
2 Economie Internationale
d’informations internationales CEPII
ISMEA / Délégation Générale à la
2 Economies et Sociétés
Langue Française

2 Electronic Commerce Research Springer 1389-5753

2 Electronic Commerce Research and Applications Elsevier 1567-4223
2 Employee Relations Emerald 0142-5455
2 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (ET&P) Baylor University 1042-2587
2 Environmental Modeling & Assessment Springer 1420-2026
2 European Business Organization Law Review Cambridge University Press 1566-7529
2 European Business Review Emerald 0955-534X
2 European Journal of Communication SAGE Publications 0267-3231
2 European Journal of Finance Routledge 1351-847X
2 European Journal of Law and Economics Springer 0929-1261
2 European Journal of Marketing Emerald 0309-0566
2 European Journal of Social Psychology Wiley 0046-2772
2 European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology Psychology Press 1359-432X
2 European Management Journal Elsevier 0263-2373
2 European Review of Private Law Kluwer Law International 0928-9801
The Federal Reserve Bank of St
2 Federal Reserve Bank of Saint-Louis Review

2 Finance Contrôle Stratégie Economica 1287-1141

2 Financial Accountability & Management Wiley 0267-4424
Springer/Swiss Society for Financial
2 Financial Markets and Portfolio Management
Market Research

2 Financial Review Wiley / Eastern Finance Association 0732-8516

2 Fordham International Law Journal Fordham University 0747-9395
Geneva Risk & Insurance Review (ex Geneva Papers on Risk and
2 Insurance Theory)
Palgrave Macmillan 1554-964X

2 Geographical Analysis Wiley / Ohio State University 0016-7363

2 Gérer et Comprendre Série Annales des Mines - ESKA 0295-4397
2 Global Economy Journal Berkeley Electronic Press 1553-5304
2 Global Social Policy SAGE Publications 1468-0181
2 Harvard Business Review (América Latina) P Harvard Business School Publishing 0717-9952
2 Health Policy Elsevier 0168-8510
2 Hotel and Motel Management Questex Media Group 0018-6082
IEEE Computational Intelligence
2 IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation

2 IIE Transactions Taylor & Francis 0740-817X

ESSEC Business School
Centre de Recherche / Research Center

2 Industrial Marketing Management Elsevier 0019-8501

2 Industrial Relations Journal Wiley 0019-8692
Canadian Operational Research

2 Information and Software Technology Elsevier 0950-5849

2 Information Processing Letters Elsevier 0020-0190
2 Information Systems and e-Business Management Springer 1617-9846
2 Information, Technology & People Emerald 0959-3845
2 Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information Hermès Lavoisier 1633-1311
2 International Food and Agribusiness Management Review IAMA 1559-2448
International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance
2 Evaluation
Inderscience 1740-8008

World Advertising Research Center

2 International Journal of Advertising

2 International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management Inderscience 1470-9511

2 International Journal of Business Innovation and Research Inderscience 1751-0252
2 International Journal of Conflict Management Emerald 1044-4068
2 International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management Emerald 0959-6119
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-
2 long Learning
Inderscience 1560-4624

2 International Journal of Corporate Governance Inderscience 1754-3037

2 International Journal of Cross Cultural Management SAGE Publications 1470-5958
2 International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems Springer 0920-6299
2 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science World Scientific Publishing Company 0129-0541
2 International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management Inderscience 1368-2156
International Journal of Human Resources Development and
2 Management
Inderscience 1465-6612

2 International Journal of Logistics Management Emerald 0957-4093

2 International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting Inderscience 1753-6715
2 International Journal of Manpower Emerald 0143-7720
World Advertising Research Center
2 International Journal of Market Research

2 International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing Emerald 1750-6123

2 International Journal of Project Management Elsevier 0263-7863
2 International Journal of Public Opinion Research Oxford University Press 0954-2892
2 International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering World Scientific Publishing Company 0218-5393
2 International Journal of Technology Management Inderscience 0267-5730
2 International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance World Scientific Publishing Company 0219-0249
2 International Review of Financial Analysis Elsevier 1057-5219
2 International Studies of Management and Organization M.E. Sharpe 0020-8825
2 International Trade Journal Routledge 0885-3908
2 International Transactions in Operational Research Wiley 0969-6016
2 Journal d’Economie Médicale ESKA 0294-0736
2 Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines Berkeley Economic Press 1145-6396
2 Journal du Droit International (Clunet) LexisNexis Jurisclasseur 0021-8170
2 Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour Wiley 0021-8308
2 Journal of African Business Haworth Press Inc. 1522-8916
2 Journal of Applied Accounting Research Emerald Group Publishing Limited 0967-5426
2 Journal of Applied Behavioral Science SAGE Publications 0021-8863
2 Journal of Applied Social Psychology Wiley 0021-9029
2 Journal of Asset Management Palgrave Macmillan 1470-8272
2 Journal of Business Communication Association for Business 0021-9436

ESSEC Business School
Centre de Recherche / Research Center


2 Journal of Business Logistics Council of Logistics Management 0735-3766

2 Journal of Career Development SAGE Publications 0894-8453
2 Journal of Communication Management Emerald 1363-254X
2 Journal of Comparative Economics Elsevier 0147-5967
International Communication
2 Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

2 Journal of Corporate Real Estate Emerald 1463-001X

2 Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology SAGE Publications 0022-0221
2 Journal of Derivatives Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC 1074-1240
2 Journal of Derivatives Accounting World Scientific Publishing Company 0219-8681
2 Journal of Derivatives and Hedges Funds Palgrave Macmillan 1753-9641
2 Journal of Economic Policy Reform Routledge 1748-7870
2 Journal of Economic Surveys Wiley 0950-0804
2 Journal of Economics and Business Elsevier 0148-6195
Springer / Academy of Economics
2 Journal of Economics and Finance
and Finance

2 Journal of Energy Markets Incisive Financial Publishing Ltd. 1756-3607

2 Journal of Engineering and Technology Management Elsevier 0923-4748
2 Journal of European Real Estate Research Emerald 1753-9269
2 Journal of Financial Econometrics Oxford University Press 1479-8409
2 Journal of Financial Research Wiley / Southern Finance Association 0270-2592
2 Journal of Financial Services Research Springer 0920-8550
2 Journal of General Management Braybrooke Press 0306-3070
2 Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications Brown University 1526-1719
2 Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research SAGE Publications 1096-3480
2 Journal of Information Science SAGE Publications 0165-5515
2 Journal of Information Systems American Accounting Association 0888-7985
2 Journal of International Accounting Research American Accounting Association 1542-6297
2 Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting Wiley 0954-1314
2 Journal of Management and Governance Springer 1385-3457
2 Journal of Management Development Emerald 0262-1711
2 Journal of Management Inquiry SAGE Publications 1552-6542
2 Journal of Managerial Psychology Emerald 0268-3946
2 Journal of Multi-criteria Decision Analysis Wiley 1057-9214
2 Journal of Multinational Financial Management Elsevier 1042-444X
2 Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management M.E. Sharpe 0885-3134
2 Journal of Policy Modeling Elsevier 0161-8938
2 Journal of Product and Brand Management Emerald 1061-0421
2 Journal of Product Innovation Management Wiley 0737-6782
2 Journal of Property Investment and Finance Emerald 1463-578X
2 Journal of Property Research Routledge 0959-9916
International Association of Assessing
2 Journal of Property Tax, Assessment and Administration

Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice (Economia Dell Scelte

2 Publiche)
Gangemi Editore 1120-7019

2 Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management American Real Estate Society 1083-5547
2 Journal of Risk (The) Incisive Media 1465-1211
2 Journal of Risk Finance Emerald 1526-5943
Journal of Selling & Major Account Management (Partie
2 académique)
Northern Illinois University 1463-1431

ESSEC Business School
Centre de Recherche / Research Center

2 Journal of Small Business Management Wiley 0047-2778

2 Journal of Socio-Economics Elsevier 1053-5357
2 Journal of Strategic Information Systems Elsevier 0963-8687
2 Journal of Strategy and Management Emerald 1755-425X
2 Journal of Systems Management Association for Systems Management 0022-4839
2 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society : Series D (The Statistician) Wiley / The Royal Statistical Society 0039-0526
2 Journal of World Business Elsevier 1090-9516
2 Kredit und Kapital Duncker und Humblot GmbH 0023-4591
2 Long Range Planning Elsevier 0024-6301
2 M@n@gement (Revue Electronique) AIMS 1206-4092
2 Management and Organizational History SAGE Publications 1744-9359
2 Management International HEC Montréal 1206-1697
2 Management Learning SAGE Publications 1350-5076
Management Revue. The International Review of Management
2 Studies
Rainer Hampp Verlag 0935-9915

2 Managerial Finance Emerald 0307-4358

2 Mathematiques et Sciences Humaines EHESS 0987-6936
2 Medical Care Kluwer 0025-7079
2 Negotiation and Conflict Management Research (IACM) Wiley-Blackwell 1750-4708
2 Négociations De Boeck Université 1780-9231
2 North American Actuarial Journal Society of Actuaries 1092-0277
2 Omega Elsevier 0305-0483
2 Open Economies Review Springer 0923-7992
2 Personnel Review Emerald 0048-3486
2 Philosophy of Management Reason in Practice 1740-3812
2 Politiques et Management Public Institut du Management Public 0758-1726
2 Probability Surveys Institute of Mathematical Statistics 1549-5787
American Production and Inventory
2 Production and Inventory Management Journal
Control Society

2 Property Management Emerald 0263-7472

2 Psychological Reports Ammons Scientific 0033-2941
2 Quantitative Finance (partie recherche) Routledge 1469-7688
2 R & D Management Wiley / RADMA 0033-6807
2 RAIRO Operations Research EDP Sciences 0399-0559
2 Real Estate Finance Aspen Publishes 0748-318X
2 Real Estate Review West Information Publishing Group 0034-0790
Association pour la Recherche
2 Recherches Qualitatives

2 Regional Studies Routledge 0034-3404

2 Research in Economics Elsevier 1090-9443
2 Research Technology Management Industrial Research Institute 0895-6308
2 Review of Accounting and Finance Emerald 1475-7702
2 Review of Financial Economics Elsevier 1058-3300
2 Review of Futures Markets Kent State University
2 Review of International Economics Wiley 0965-7576
2 Revue Critique de Droit International Privé Editions Dalloz 0035-0958
2 Revue d’Economie Financière Association d’Economie Financière 0987-3368
2 Revue d’Economie Industrielle Editecom 0154-3229
2 Revue d’Économie Politique Editions Dalloz 0373-2630
2 Revue d’Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest Nec 0338-0599

ESSEC Business School
Centre de Recherche / Research Center

2 Revue de Droit des Affaires Internationales Thomson Reuters / Sweet & Maxwell 0295-5830
2 Revue de Droit Bancaire et Financier LexisNexis Jurisclasseur 1620-9435
2 Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines ESKA 1163-913X
2 Revue de Jurisprudence Sociale Editions Francis Lefebvre 0997-7422
2 Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat Académie de l’entrepreneuriat 1630-7542
2 Revue de Science Criminelle de Droit Pénal Comparé Editions Dalloz 0035-1733
Emerald/International Association of
2 Revue de Tourisme / Tourism Review
Scientific Experts in Tourism

2 Revue des Sociétés Editions Dalloz 0242-5424

Revue du Droit Public de la Science Politique en France et à
2 l’étranger
L.G.D.J. 0035-2578

2 Revue Française d’Administration Publique Ecole Nationale d’Administration 0152-7401

2 Revue Française de Droit Administratif Editions Dalloz 0763-1219
2 Revue Française d’Economie Arthème Fayard 1760-7388
2 Revue Française d’Etudes Américaines Belin 0397-7870
2 Revue Française de Gestion Hermès Lavoisier 0338-4551
Association Française de Gestion
2 Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle

2 Revue Française de Sociologie Ophrys 0035-2969

2 Revue Internationale de Droit Economique De Boeck Université 1010-8831
2 Revue Internationale de Droit Pénal Erès 0223-5404
Revue Internationale de Psychologie Appliquée - International International Association of Applied
2 Review of Applied Psychology Psychology

2 Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Civil Editions Dalloz 0397-9873

2 Scandinavian Journal of Managment Elsevier 0956-5221
2 Semaine Juridique (La) LexisNexis Jurisclasseur 0242-5777
2 Semaine Sociale Lamy Editions Lamy 0223-4637
2 Socio-Economic Review Oxford University Press 1475-1461
2 Sport Marketing Quarterly Fitness Information Technology 1061-6934
2 Statistical Methods & Applications Springer 1618-2510
2 Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment Springer 1436-3240
2 Strategic Organization SAGE Publications 1476-1270
2 Systèmes d’Information et Management ESKA 1260-4984
2 Techniques d’Enquête/Survey Methodology Statistique Canada 1712-5685
2 Telematics & Informatics Elsevier 0736-5853
2 The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems ACM-SIGMIS 1556-4673
2 Thunderbird International Business Review Wiley 1096-4762
2 Tourism and Hospitality Planning & Development Routledge 1479-053X
2 Tourism and Hospitality Research Palgrave Macmillan 1467-3584
2 Transfusion and Apheresis Science (TAS) Elsevier 1473-0502
The American Society of
2 Transportation Journal
Transportation & Logistics
Darès/Ministère du Travail et de la
2 Travail et Emploi

2 Wharton Real Estate Review The Wharton School

2 World Competition. Law and Economics Review Kluwer Law International 1011-4548

ESSEC Business School
Centre de Recherche / Research Center

Liste des Revues / List of Journals (Groupe 3)

/Group Nom / Name Editeur / Publisher Print ISSN
3 Accounting and Management Information Systems ASE 1583-4387
3 Acta Oeconomica Akademiai Kiado 0001-6373
3 Actes pratiques et ingénierie sociétaire LexisNexis Jurisclasseur 1292-8216
International Honor Society in
3 American Economist (The)
Economics - Omicron Delta Epsilon
Société Française des Analystes
3 Analyse Financière
Anatolia. An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Hüseyin Yildirim, Detay Yayincilik,
3 Research Adakale Sokak

PUCA Ministère de l'Écologie, de

3 Annales de la Recherche Urbaine l'Énergie, du Développement durable 0180-930X
et de la Mer
3 Annales des Télécommunications Hermès Lavoisier 0003-4347
3 Annales méditerranéennes d’économie Albiana, Universita di Corsica En cours
3 Asian Case Research Journal World Scientific Publishing 0218-9275
3 Australian Accounting Review Wiley / CPA Australia 1035-6908
3 Bulletin Joly Bourse JOLY Editions 1638-9468
3 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov Transylvania University Press 1223-964X
3 Cahiers de Droit de l’Entreprise LexisNexis Jurisclasseur 0758-458X
Institut National des Hautes Etudes
3 Cahiers de la sécurité
de Sécurité

3 Commentaire Commentaire 0180-8214

3 Communication & Langages NecPlus 0336-1500
3 Communications Editions du Seuil 0588-8018
Institut de l’Audiovisuel et des
3 Communications & Stratégies
Télécommunications en Europe

3 Competition Policy International Competition Policy International 1554-0189

ISPA (Instituto Superior de Psicologia
3 Comportamento Organizacional e Gestao

3 Concurrences. Revue des droits de la concurrence Institut de Droit de la Concurrence 1773-9578

3 Connexions Erès 0337-3126
3 Controlling Verlage C.H. Beck Vahlen 0935-0381
3 Corporate Board. Role, Duties and Composition Virtus Interpress 1810-8601
3 Design Management Review Wiley / Design Management Institute 1557-0614
3 Diversitas USP Publishing 1913-0694
3 Droit des Affaires Editions Lamy 1279-8401
3 Droit des Sociétés LexisNexis Jurisclasseur 0418-0771
Academic Conferences International
3 Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods

3 Entreprise Ethique Le Cercle d’Ethique des Affaires 1256-5482

3 Entreprises et Histoire ESKA 1161-2770
3 Esprit Esprit Editions 0014-0759
3 European Business Forum Caspian Publishing 1469-6460
3 European Journal of Economic and Social Systems Hermès Lavoisier 1292-8895
International Academy of Business
3 European Journal of Management
and Economics

3 European Review Cambridge University Press 1062-7987

3 Expansion Management Review Groupe Expansion 1254-3179
3 FIU Hospitality Review Florida International University 0739-7011
3 Foresight Emerald 1463-6689
Institute of Computing Science,
3 Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences
Poznan University of Technology

ESSEC Business School
Centre de Recherche / Research Center

3 Frontiers in Finance and Economics Lille School of Management 1814-2044

3 Futuribles Société Futuribles 0337-307X
International Association for Fuzzy-
3 Fuzzy Economic Review set Management and Economy 1136-0593
3 Gazette du Palais Lextenso 0242-6331
3 Gestion HEC Montréal 0701-0028
Recherches et Publications en
3 Gestion 2000
Recherches et Publications en
3 Gestion 2000 - Management et Prospective
3 Global Business and Organizational Excellence Wiley 1932-2054
HERSETEC Journal of Hermeneutic Study and Education of Graduate School of Letters - Nagoya
3 Textual Configuration University

3 Humanisme et Entreprise AAELP 0018-7372

3 Horizons Stratégiques Centre d’Analyse Stratégique 1958-3370
Cognizant Communication
3 Information Technology and Tourism

3 Innovative Marketing Business Perspectives 1814-2427

3 International Company and Commercial Law Review Sweet & Maxwell 0958-5214
3 International Journal of Accounting and Information Management Emerald Group Publishing 1834-7649
3 International Journal of Arts Management HEC Montréal 1480-8986
3 International Journal of Business Premier Publishing 1083-4346
3 International Journal of Business Excellence Inderscience 1756-0047
The World Association for Case
3 International Journal of Case Method Research and Application
Method Research & Application

3 International Journal of Disclosure and Governance Palgrave Macmillan 1741-3591

3 International Journal of Economics and Business Research Inderscience Publishers 1756-9850
3 International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration Routledge 1525-6480
3 International Journal of Wine Business Research Emerald Group Publishing 1751-1062
3 International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship International Marketing Reports Ltd. 1464-6668
Vilnius Gediminas Technical
3 International Journal of Strategic Property Management

3 International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies Inderscience 1749-916X

Information Resources Management
3 International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction

3 International Journal on Food System Dynamics CENTMA Research 1809-6945

3 International Negotiation Brill Academic Publishers 1382-340X
3 International Review of Economics and Finance Elsevier 1059-0560
3 International Technology Management Review Academic Global Publications 0267-5730
3 Journal of Alternative Investments Institutional Investor 1520-3255
3 Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship Huizenga School 1077-1158
3 Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability St Paul University 1176-8592
3 Journal of e-Collaboration IGI Publishing 1548-3673
Korean Academy of Marketing
3 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing

International Council on Hotel,

3 Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education Restaurant and Institutional 1096-3758
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology (ex Information
3 Technology in Hospitality)
Emerald 1757-9880

Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management (ex Journal of

3 Hospitality and Leisure Marketing)
Routledge 1936-8623

3 Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism Haworth Press Inc. 1533-2845
3 Journal of Information Systems Education Appalachian State University 1055-3096
3 Journal of Information Technology and Tourism Cognizant Comm. Corp 1098-3058

ESSEC Business School
Centre de Recherche / Research Center

3 Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research Ivy League Publishing 1522-8053
3 Journal of Global Academy of Marketing Science KAMS 1229-7119
3 Journal of Modelling in Management Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1746-5664
3 Journal of Policy Analysis and Management Wiley 0276-8739
Institute for International Management
3 Journal of Services Research
and Technology

3 Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing Routledge 1054-8408

Journalism & Mass Communication Educator (ex Journalism Association for Education in
3 Educator) Journalism and Mass Communication

3 Keio Business Forum Keio University 0387-7086

3 International Journal of Knowledge Society Research IGI Publishing 1947-8429
3 La Revue du Management Technologique Grenoble Ecole de Management 1774-0061
3 Le Banquet CERAP 1164-7590
3 Editions des Parques 1626-7680
3 Logistique & Management BEM Bordeaux Management School 1250-7970
3 Marketing Journal of Research and Management C. H. Beck and Vahlen 1860-4404
3 MEDIC - Methodology & Education for Clinical Innovation Academia Universa Press 1824-3991
3 Micro Macro Marketing Le edizioni del Mulino 1121-4228
3 Mt Eliza Business Review Mt Eliza 1444-2558
3 Nouvelle Revue de Psychosociologie Erès 1951-9532
3 Observateur de l’Immobilier Crédit Foncier 0767-6794
3 Open Management Journal Bentham Science Publishers 1874-9488
3 Real Estate Issues The Counselors of Real Estate 0146-0595
3 RECMA (Revue Internationale de l’Economie Sociale) Institut de l’Economie Sociale 1626-1682
3 Région et Développement L’Harmattan 1267-5059
3 REMEST Université du Québec en Outaouais 1918-9354
3 Resaddersse International Editions du Cosmogone 2103-8651
3 Research Review (ex New England Economic Review) Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 1552-2814
3 Retail Digest Oxford Institute of Retail Management 1757-1669
3 Revue des Sciences de Gestion (RSG) Direction et Gestion SARL de Press 1160-7742
3 Revue du Marché Commun et de l’Union Européenne Éditions Techniques et Économiques 0035-2616
Société d’Etudes Economiques et
3 Revue Economique et Sociale

3 Revue Française de Gouvernance d'Entreprise Institut Français des Administrateurs 1962-2961

3 Revue Française du Marketing ADETEM 0035-3051
3 Revue Générale de Droit Médical Les Etudes Hospitalières 1297-0115
3 Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie ESKA 1260-1705
3 Revue Lamy de la Concurrence Lamy 1770-9377
3 Revue Management & Avenir Management Prospective Ed. 1768-5958
3 Revue Marocaine d’Audit et de Développement Remad 1113-2035
3 Revue Sciences de Gestion ISEOR 1634-7056
Fédération Française des Sociétés
3 Risques
The Institute for Economic
3 Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting

3 Round Table (The) Routledge 0035-8533

The Russ Berrie Institute for
3 Sales Review (The)
Professional Sales
3 Social and Environmental Accountability Journal Routledge 0969-160X
3 Societal SERPE 1274-3356
3 Sustainability Accounting, Managment and Policy Journal Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2040-8021
3 Tourism Planning and Development Routledge 2156-8316
3 Technology Review MIT Press 1099-274X

ESSEC Business School
Centre de Recherche / Research Center

3 Tourism Recreation Research Tej Vir Singh 0250-8281

3 Transports Editecom 0564-1373
3 Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers Indian Institute of Management 0256-0909
3 Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research University of Belgrade 0354-0243


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