Small Craft Design Sheet Small Craft Design Sheet: Totals Totals

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1. Date of Preparation 1.

Date of Preparation
2. Craft Name 3. CraftType 4. Tech Level 2. Craft Name 3. CraftType 4. Tech Level

5. Components Remarks Tons MCr EP Crew Factor 5. Components Remarks Tons MCr EP Crew Factor
Hull Hull
Configuration Configuration
Armor Armor
Waste Space Waste Space
Maneuver Drive Maneuver Drive
Power Plant Power Plant
Power Plant Fuel Power Plant Fuel
Purification Plant Purification Plant
Fuel Scoops Fuel Scoops
Bridge Bridge
Computer Computer
Sandcasters Sandcasters
Lasers Lasers
Energy Weapons Energy Weapons
Particle Weapons Particle Weapons
Missiles Missiles
Screens Screens
Boat Hangarage Boat Hangarage
Vehicles Vehicles
Couches Couches
Staterooms Staterooms
Low Berths Low Berths
Emerg Low Berths Emerg Low Berths
Cargo Cargo
Subtotals Subtotals
Architect's Fees Architect's Fees
Discounts Agility Discounts Agility
Totals Totals

6. Notes 6. Notes

IN Form 11 Small Craft Design Sheet IN Form 11 Small Craft Design Sheet

C o p y ri g h t © 1 9 7 7 - 1 9 9 8 , Fa r Fu tu re En te r p r i se s. Al l R i g h ts R e se r ve d . L i ce n s e d fo r i n d i v i d u a l /p e rs o n a l u s e u n d e r th e FFE Tra ve l l e r U sa g e FA Q (w w w.fa r fu tu r e .n e t/fa i ru se .h tml ) .

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