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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 72 (2017) 407–421

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Constant power loads and their effects in DC distributed power systems: A MARK

Suresh Singh, Aditya R. Gautam, Deepak Fulwani
Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, Jodhpur, Rajasthan 342011, India


Keywords: The penetration of dc distributed power systems is increasing rapidly in electric power grids and other isolated
Constant power load systems to cater demand for cheap, clean, high quality, and uninterrupted power demand of modern society. DC
Dc/dc converters systems are more efficient and suite better to integrate some of the renewable energy sources, storage units, and
Ac/dc and dc/ac converters dc loads. A dc distributed power system usually consists of large number of power electronic converters
Distributed power systems
connected in cascad0ed configuration to satisfy the power quality and voltage magnitude requirements of the
Dc microgrids
Negative impedance instabilities
sources and loads. Tightly-regulated power converters in the aforementioned settings exhibit negative
Stability analysis incremental impedance and behave as constant power loads (CPLs), and tend to destabilize their feeder
systems and upstream converters. The presence of CPLs reduces effective damping of the system leading to
instability of the whole system and present significant challenge in the system operation and control. In-depth
knowledge of the instability effects of constant power loads (CPLs), available stabilizing techniques and stability
analysis methods, is imperious to the young researchers, system designers, system integrators, and practicing
engineers working in the field of dc power systems and emerging applications of dc power. This paper is
intended to fill this gape by documenting present state of the art and research needs in one article. Modeling,
behaviour and effects of typical CPL are discussed and a review of stability criteria used to study the stability of
dc power systems are reviewed with their merits and limitations. Furthermore, available literature is reviewed to
summarize the techniques to compensate the CPL effect. Finally, discussion and recent challenges in the dc
distribution systems.

1. Introduction feature of almost every converter dominated power system, helps in

ensuring the desired point-of-load regulation. However, a tightly-
Perennial advancements in the power electronics and control regulated switched power electronic converter behaves as a constant
technology have widen the applications of power conversion systems power load (CPL) and tend to destabilize feeder system and upstream
in spacecrafts, aircrafts, ships, telecommunication networks, and converters [9–12]. Tightly-regulated converters may not behave as
electric vehicles to reduce size, weight, cost, and to improve reliability, ideal CPL in all situations and this does not present worst situation
power quality, efficiency, and flexibility [1]. DC microgrid is one of the from stability point-of-view [13]. The stability of the non-isolated dc/dc
recent applications, where power electronic converters are the main power converters with CPL is analyzed in [14,15] both in continuous
power processing units for interfacing renewable sources and to conduction mode (CCM) and discontinuous conduction mode (DCM),
facilitate connection to the conventional power system [2–4]. DC under voltage mode (VM) and current mode (CM) control. It is shown
microgrids are gaining increased attention due to number of reasons. that all converter with CPL in CCM with both VM and CM control are
The merits and challenges of dc microgrids [2,5–7] are summarized in unstable. The boost converter in DCM is stable under both VM and CM
Table 1. Aforementioned distribution power systems usually consist of control and buck-boost converter in DCM under both VM and CM
large number of power converters in parallel, cascading, stacking, load control is marginally stable. Buck converter in DCM is stable under VM
splitting, and source splitting configurations to ensure the desired control and unstable under CM control. In open-loop, basic dc/dc
design and operational objectives [8]. Such systems are known as converters with CPL and operating in DCM are stable and in this case
mutliconverter power electronic systems or distributed power systems control design task becomes similar to that of dc/dc coverters loaded by
(DPS) [1,8]. Cascading of power electronic converters is a common conventional resistive load [16]. The controllability of six types of non-

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S. Singh), (A.R. Gautam), (D. Fulwani).
Received 26 December 2015; Received in revised form 7 July 2016; Accepted 8 January 2017
Available online 17 January 2017
1364-0321/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Singh et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 72 (2017) 407–421

Table 1
Merits and challenges of DC microgrids.

DC microgrids merits and challenges

• More suitable to integrate renewable energy source like solar PV, fuel cells, and
storage batteries, and dc loads.
• Relatively simple control strategies.
• Better power transfer capacity of lines due to absence of skin effect and reactive
current flow.
• Better short-circuit protection.
• Higher efficiency due to absence of multiple power conversions and more
efficient dc loads such as LED lights, BLDC drive based systems etc.
• Reduced size and cost of the distribution system.
• Difficult to know demand.
Fig. 1. V-I characteristics of a typical CPL.
• Complicated fault detection and clearance.
• Reduced stability margins due to the presence of constant power and pulsed
power loads. reference to dc microgrid system are presented in Section 6. Finally,
• Need for dc compatible loads and making existing loads dc compatible, wherever conclusion is given in Section 7.
• Lack of well defined standards, government policies and regulatory framework.
2. CPLs and negative impedance instabilities

isolated dc/dc converters with CPL is analyzed in [17] using differential As discussed in the previous section, a tightly-regulated power
geometry theory and it is shown that all converter with CPL are electronic converter behaves as a CPL. A CPL exhibits negative
controllable. The sufficient and necessary conditions for the existence incremental impedance and tends to destabilize its feeder system.
of equilibria in power system with ac or dc sources (linear RLC circuits The V-I characteristics of a typical CPL is shown in Fig. 1. The simple
or switching power converters) with CPL are presented in [18] and examples of CPL in a dc system are tightly-regulated dc/dc converters
upper bounds on CPL power are established. In this paper, the dc/dc with resistive load and dc/ac inverter drives. A CPL may appear in four
converters individually or in a aggregated system are considered to configurations as shown in Fig. 2, to have destabilizing effect on the
operate in CCM, unless specified. feeder system [22].
Despite several merits of dc power systems, ensuring system It can be seen in Fig. 1, that the current drawn by a CPL increases/
stability is a challenge. This is mainly due to the nonlinearities decreases with decrease/increase in its input voltage. Mathematically, a
introduced by the CPL behaviour of the switching power converters CPL can be modeled as [23].
and non-linear nature of converters itself. The problem is further Pcpl
aggravated by the interaction among different subsystems and the icpl =
vcpl (1)
uncertainties associated with renewable power sources (if present).
Therefore, the overall system stability can not be guaranteed, even if Where icpl is the current drawn by the CPL, vcpl is the CPL input
individual subsystems are stable. This warrants that the steady-state voltage, and Pcpl is the rated power of the CPL. The rate of change of
and dynamic stability of the aggregated system be analyzed under current, for a given operating point (Icpl = V ) using (1) is given by
various loading profiles. In [19] small-signal stability of a dc microgrid
∂icpl Pcpl
is analyzed under constant resistance load (CRL), constant current load =− 2
∂vcpl Vcpl (2)
(CCL), and CPL. It is shown that, higher penetration of CPL makes the
system unstable, while the presence of CRL or CCL is not destabilizing At the above operating point V-I curve of the CPL can be approximated
in nature. Stability analysis in presence of CPL is also presented in by straight line tangent to the curve, given by
Pcpl Pcpl
The aim of this paper is to provide comprehensive survey to CPLs in icpl = − v+2
relation to dc distributed power systems found in renewable energy Vcpl Vcpl (3)
based dc microgrids, telecommunication power system, and transport
Equation (3), gives a small-signal model of a CPL, which can be
power systems (land, water, air, and space). Beginning with reasons of Pcpl
represented as negative resistance (Rcpl = − V 2 ) with a parallel con-
occurrence of CPL effect in dc power system, modeling and behaviour cpl
of a CPL will be described. Available criteria to study the small-signal stant current source (Icpl = 2 V ), as shown in Fig. 3. The constant
and large-signal stability of a dc power system are reviewed, and their current component in CPL small-signal model does not affect the
merits and limitations are presented. A detailed review of techniques stability, but negative resistance reduces the effective damping of the
used to compensate the destabilizing effect of CPLs in dc power system and tends to destabilize the system. Such instabilities induced
systems is presented alongwith their merits and associated challenges. by CPLs are known as negative impedance/resistance instabilities. A
In-depth knowledge of the instability effects of constant power loads summary of CPL's negative resistance characteristics are given in
(CPLs), available stabilizing techniques and stability analysis methods, Table 2.
is imperious for the young researchers, system designers, system In discussion on the stability of a cascaded system (feeder/source
integrators, and practicing engineers working in the field of dc power and CPL), output impedance of feeder/source subsystem Zo and input
systems. The paper is intended to fill this gape and summarize the impedance of CPL subsystem are frequently referred to. In the next
required information in a single document. Section, the major stability criteria used to study the open-loop and
The paper is organized as follow. Sources, modeling, behaviour and closed-loop dc power systems will be presented.
effects of CPLs are described in Section 2. The stability criteria to study
the stability of a dc power system, in general, are reviewed in Section 3. 3. Stability criteria for DC distribution systems
Merits and limitations of each criterion is also presented in Section 3.
The detailed review of CPL stabilization techniques is presented in In this section, various stability criteria to study the stability of a dc
Section 4. Discussion is presented in Section 5. Recent challenges with distributed power system in design and operation phase will be

S. Singh et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 72 (2017) 407–421

Fig. 2. CPL and feeder configurations; (a) A tightly-regulated dc/dc voltage regulator with upstream dc/dc converter, (b)A tightly-regulated dc/dc voltage regulator with input LC filter,
(c) A tightly-regulated inverter drive with upstream dc/dc converter, and (d) A tightly-regulated inverter drive input LC filter.

V2out G1 G 2
G12 = =
V1in 1 + GMLG (4)

Here GMLG is known as the minor-loop gain (MLG), which is the ratio
of impedances (GMLG = Z 0 ) at dc link interface. As Middlebrook's
criterion emphasizes on magnitude (gain margin) based analysis with-
out taking phase margin into account, the approach leads to conserva-
Fig. 3. (a) Large-signal model of a CPL, (b) Small-signal model of a CPL.
tive results. In order to apply Middlebrook's criterion Zo and Zin must
be known. In [28], authors presented an experimental method to
Table 2
estimate the input and output impedances. The sufficient condition to
Effects of CPLs in the distributed dc systems.
ensure stability of a cascaded system is given by,
Sr. no. Effect of CPL
∥ Z 0 ∥⪡∥ Z in ∥ (5)
1 Reduces the equivalent resistance of the system
2 High inrush current as voltage build-up slowly from its initial value Above relation implies that the resulting loading effect is negligible for
3 Reduced system damping and stability margins
all frequency ranges, however this effect only does not necessarily
4 Limit cycle oscillation in the system voltage and currents
5 May lead to voltage collapse causes system stability problem. In such cases, the system stability can
only be ensured by ensuring individual subsystem stability.
Furthermore, one may use Nyquist stability criterion which can be
discussed. applied on minor loop gain of the system, (GMLG). This imply that the
system is stable if only if the contour of GMLG does not pass through
unit circle with origin at (−1, j 0) and if it passes then net anti-
encirclement of point (−1, j 0) must be nil. Alternatively, if the contour
3.1. Middlebrook's criterion
does not enter the forbidden region as shown in 4(b), the contour can
not enclose the point (−1, j 0) also. The unit circle, forbidden region and
The Middlebrook's stability criterion [24–27] was introduced to
a circle with radius ∥ GMLG ∥, are shown in 4(b). The radius of circle
ensure the stability and invariance of system dynamics due to the
encompassing the region under stability margin is given by,
addition of input filter to a feedback controlled system. A cascaded
system with two subsystems i.e. upstream subsystem (source conver- 1
ter) and downstream subsystem (load converter) is shown in the ∥ GMLG ∥ = <1
GM (6)
Fig. 4(a). Let Z0 and Zin be the output and input impedance of
upstream and downstream subsystems respectively as shown in The region (shown in dark) beyond the periphery of this circle shown in
Fig. 4(a), then the overall transfer function can be given as, Fig. 4(b), is the forbidden region.

Fig. 4. (a) A cascaded system (b) Nyquist plot.

S. Singh et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 72 (2017) 407–421

real axis at the point (− GM , 0 ), comes under forbidden region. The
forbidden region for minor-loop gain corresponding to individual load
can be given by,
⎛ Pin, a ⎞
Re (Z 0 / Z in, a ) ≤ ⎜ − ⎟
⎝ GMP0 ⎠ (9)
where a = 1, 2, …m . Re (Z 0 / Z in, a ) shifts as the ratio of input to output
power varies, this causes variation in the forbidden region. The
Fig. 6(b) shows Nyquist plots of minor-loop gains for overall system
corresponding to (Z in ) and for single load corresponding to (Z in,1)
respectively. The forbidden regions (see Fig. 6(b)) left to the lines
Fig. 5. Nyquist plot showing GM/PM criterion. cutting real axis, for each case is shown using crossed dotted-lines. The
condition (9) imposes a limit on the gain margin of Z in, a and if this
3.2. Gain margin and phase margin criterion (GM/PM) condition is not satisfied then phase condition should be satisfied [25].
Thus, this criterion has an important requirement of information about
In order to reduce the size of passive filters which are widely used in phase and gain margin of load subsystems and source for its applica-
DC distribution power systems, it is imperative to resolve the con- tion.
servative nature of Middlebrook's stability criteria for filter design. This
challenge motivated the use of a more reliable stability criterion known 3.4. Energy source analysis consortium (ESAC) criterion
as gain margin (GM) and phase margin (PM) [29] from classical
control theory. This criterion extends the Middlebrook's stability This stability criterion is particularly applicable in situations where
criteria, and states that a system may be stable even if Nyquist plot several subsystems are connected together, with components arranged
of (GMLG) encircles the point (−1,0) i.e. ∥ Zo ∥⪢∥ Z in ∥, provided minor in different patterns/groupings (i.e. input/output impedance groupings
loop gain has sufficient stability margins (GM and PM) in some can be different for a same type of subsystems because of their
frequency range [25]. Therefore, the two important inequalities to be connections). These mismatches may lead to different stability analysis
followed are; (a) ∥ GMLG ∥⪡∥ GM ∥ (b) |∠Zo − ∠Z in | ≤ 180 0 − PM . For a results of the system. The ESAC criterion uses a three-dimensional plot
of frequency, phase and magnitude in the admittance space. If up-
designer, it is good choice to keep PM = 60 0 and GM = 6db . Fig. 5
stream subsystem impedance and the forbidden region are known,
shows the GMPM criterion graphically, wherein the forbidden region is
then load's input admittance can be calculated for a given frequency.
shown through crossed dotted-lines.
Therefore, the stability of system can be ensured if load admittance
space does not lie in forbidden region [30]. The ESAC exhibits the
3.3. The opposing argument criterion (TOAC) smallest forbidden region among all stability criteria discussed above.
The root exponential stability criterion (RESC) which is an extension of
One of the important benefits of this criterion is its applicability to ESAC, is also available in the literature. For more details on ESAC
the systems with multiple loads connected to the source, while criterion, readers may refer [26,29,31,30].
previously discussed criteria are applicable to single load systems only.
The application of opposing argument criterion to analyze the stability 3.5. Three step impedance criterion (TSIC)
of a dc system requires determination of the minor-loop gains for each
of load subsystems and then adding them together to get equivalent As the name suggests, this criterion involves three steps in the
minor-loop gain. Fig. 6(a) shows a network whose downstream analysis of system stability. The application of this method involves the
converters are modeled using their individual input impedances. following three steps [25].
The overall minor-loop gain for the system shown in Fig. 6(a) can
be obtained by adding individual minor-loop gains corresponding to 1. Preliminary system stability assessment: In the first step all
each load as follow, downstream subsystems are substituted by their corresponding
⎛ 1 mapped pure impedances using some required transformation
Z0 1 ⎞
GMLG = = Z0 ⎜ + ⋯.. + ⎟ [31]. Considering a system with a single regulated upstream
Z in ⎝ Z in1 Z in, m ⎠ (7) subsystem and n-downstream pulse width modulated subsystems,
So the opposing argument criterion results in a concrete condition for where the load impedance of rth downstream subsystem is given by
Zr. Then mapped pure impedance ( 1 ) of rth-downstream subsystem
forbidden region [26], Gr
can be determined by Z r Dr2− boost and for unregulated boost and
1 Dr2− buck
Re (Z 0 / Z in ) ≤ − buck type conversion subsystems respectively. Where Dr is the duty
GM (8)
cycle of rth load subsystem. In general, the equivalent mapped pure
This means that the region covered to the left of vertical line which cut

Fig. 6. (a) A Input-output system (b) Nyquist plot showing forbidden region.

S. Singh et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 72 (2017) 407–421

Fig. 7. (a) Multiple I/O network (b) Equivalent two-port network (c) Equivalent single-port network.

impedance ( ) can be calculated for n-load subsystems as, parameters on the system stability.
G T (s )
1 n 1
G T (s )
∑r =1 G .
2. Measurement of impedance: In this step, measurement of the 3.8. Passivity based criterion
output impedance of integrated upstream subsystem and input
impedance of each downstream subsystem is carried out. The passivity based (PB) criterion uses the concept of imposing
3. System stability analysis: In this step input to output voltage passivity on the system, in order to determine its stability [25,34–36].
transfer function of the system is determined, which includes an The method provides a sufficient stability condition for a system having
extended form of minor-loop gain given by. n-number of source converters with equivalent output impedance Zs
and m-number of load converters with equivalent input impedance Zl,
⎡ 1 1 ⎤
GMLG (extd . ) = Zop (s ) ⎢ − ⎥ incorporating the power flow direction. This implies that the complete
⎣ Z in (s ) G T (s ) ⎦ (10) system can be reduced to a two-port network, and further to a single
Where Zop (s ),
Zin(s) and GMLG (extd . ) are output impedance of port network (see Fig. 7). This results in the total impedance of the
Vb us
upstream subsystem connected to n-downstream subsystems, input system at the point of interface given by Zbus = = Zs Zl . In order to
Ib us
impedances of downstream n-subsystems and extended minor-loop
establish stability of the system, the passivity property should hold
gain respectively.
upon the system. A network is passive if and only if; (a) All the poles of
Zbus(s) are in the left-hand side of imaginary axis. (b) Real part of
Condition for stability is then obtained using Nyquist plot of
Zbus ( jω) is greater than or equal to zero, or −90 0 ≤ ∠Zbus ( jω) ≤ 90 0 , for
GMLG (extd . ) i.e. system is stable if Nyquist plot of extended minor-
all frequency range. System is considered a stable system, if these two
loop gain does not encircle the point (−1,0).
conditions hold.
3.6. Small-signal approach (model analysis)
3.9. Mixed-potential function based criterion
In this approach, the stability analysis is performed using the
linearzed system model. Then using left and right eigenvectors This criterion is based on nonlinear circuit theory developed by
corresponding to eigenvalue λi, the sensitivity of the eigenvalue to Brayton and Moser. It is a design criterion, used to ensure the large-
the element akj of the linearized system matrix A, and the participation signal stability of a system and estimate the ROA of an equilibrium
factors (sensitivity of eigenvalue λi to the diagonal element akk of the point. Application of this criterion results in design constraints on filter
linearized system matrix A) are determined. In the design phase, the parameters e.g. dc-link capacitor to ensure asymptotic large-signal
information regarding critical parameter derived through eigenvalue stability of an equilibrium point with a sufficiently large ROA. The
sensitivity analysis and participation factors can be utilized in the application of the criterion involves developing a Lypunov-type Mixed
control design to ensure desired stability margins and transient Potential Function using the elements and the topology of the circuit
performance [32,33]. under study, and then imposing one of the five Brayton and Moser's
theorems, under certain conditions [37–39]. The criterion of Mixed
3.7. μ-sensitivity criterion Potential Function is used to study the large-signal stability of dc
source feeding CPL(s) with input LC filter in [37], and large-signal
μ-sensitivity approach is basically motivated from robust stability stability and to estimate ROA of cascaded dc power system in [38]. The
analysis and robust controller design from robust control theory [33]. detailed information large-signal stability tools such as multimodel
The concepts of Linear Fractional Transformation (LFT), structured approach, block diagonalized quadratic Lyapunov functions (BDQLF),
singular value μ, skewed-structured singular value ν, and μ-sensitivity and reverse trajectory tracking can be found in [39].
are some of the important terms in the stability analysis using this
approach. The μ-sensitivity based stability analysis involves following 3.10. Phase-plane analysis
steps; (a) Symbolically linearzed model of the system is obtained at the
equilibrium points. If there are some nonlinearities in the system In phase-plane analysis, the system differential equations are
matrix, they must be replaced with their polynomial approximation, (b) graphically solved (plotted), which gives an insight about how the
Obtaining LFT based Model, and (c) Compute μ-sensitivities. The value system dynamics evolve with time [40–42]. This technique can be used
of μ-sensitivity with respect to a particular system parameter, is an to study global close-loop behaviour of the converters loaded with
indication of how critical is that parameter from stability point of view. CPLs. The method does not give a particular solution to the differential
The method of μ-sensitivity is applied to a PI controlled dc/dc buck equations describing the dynamics of a system. The phase-portrait of a
converter system with input LC filter in [33], wherein μ-sensitivities for buck converter loaded with a CPL is shown in Fig. 8. In [40], the phase-
equal small perturbation in all parameter are determined. Based on plane analysis tool is used to analyze the large-signal closed loop
obtained μ-sensitivities values, it is shown that the filter parameters behaviour of a PD controlled dc/dc buck converter loaded with CPL,
(Rf , L f and Cf) are most critical for system stability. Compared to other and to determine region of attraction (ROA) of an equilibrium point. It
stability criteria such as Middlebrook's and Model analysis, this has been shown that ROA depends on the controller and converter
approach gives broader and direct insight into the influence of system parameters, and it does not include origin. Same approach is applied to

S. Singh et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 72 (2017) 407–421

In the following subsections, different CPL compensation techniques

are reviewed.

LIMIT CYCLE 4.1. Passive damping

Inductor current

In this method, in order to compensate the negative incremental

impedance effect of the CPLs, the system damping is increased by
adding passive components (resistances, resistance-capacitance, and
resistance-inductance) to the system under consideration. This ap-
proach results in an increased size, cost, and weight of the system.
Furthermore, passive components lead to high power dissipation,
particularly when resistance is used in parallel with filter capacitor,
which is detrimental to the system efficiency. The application of the loss
free resistance (LFR) [45] is used to reduce the power dissipation. The
challenge with LFR is that, it increases the system size, complexity, and
cost. In [46], the interaction of CPL's small-signal negative input
resistance with input LC filter is analyzed and a passive damper
Fig. 8. Phase-portrait of an ideal buck converter loaded with a CPL (Vin = 380 V , D=0.5,
consisting of a series RC branch in parallel with filter capacitor is
CPL Power P=4 kW, L=2 mH, C=1 mF).
proposed to stabilize the system. Cespedes et al. [47], have proposed
three different passive dampers to stabilize the input filter of a CPL and
study the large-signal behaviour of a state feedback controlled dc/dc
presented an analytical theory to determine the required value of
boost converter loaded with a CPL in [41], and ROA of equilibrium
damper parameters is also presented. The design of the dc bus
points is determined. It is shown that the boost converter has two
capacitor, to ensure the desired stability margins using impedance
equilibrium points in first quadrant. Furthermore, authors show that
criteria under three different droop control schemes, is presented in
the boundary of ROA to ensure stability is determined by stable
[48]. The considered test system consists of a dc aircraft power system
manifold of the unstable equilibrium point. Authors in [42] presented
having parallel sources driving a CPL. The influence of the converter
analysis of start-up and transient response of an average current
paracitics (switch ‘ON’ resistance, inductor resistance, and diode
controlled dc/dc buck converter feeding a CPL using phase-plane
resistance) in the presence of CPLs is analyzed in detail in [49], under
approach. Furthermore, design criteria to ensure the stability during
both CCM and DCM operation. Furthermore, design recommendations
start-up, transients and current limiting value to avoid converter
are presented to avoid CPL induced instabilities in a dc DPS feeding
clamping, are also proposed.
pure CPL and combination of CPL with conventional resistive loads.

3.11. Bifurcation analysis 4.2. Active damping

In bifurcation analysis, the region of stable operation is determined The underlying concept of active damping is to create the damping
through the search of hopf bifurcation points (where eigenenvales of effect of series/parallel resistances and dc bus capacitance through the
system Jacobian matrix consists of one pair of pure imaginary and modifications in the control structure of the feeder or load subsystem.
others with non-zero real part) [43]. This gives an insight into how the In addition to this, an auxiliary circuit can also be connected at the load
variations in the system parameters influence region of stable opera- terminals to inject a compensating current or to emulate variable
tion. This knowledge can be effectively used by the system designers to impedance, so as to mitigate the CPL induced instabilities [50,24].
ensure the stability of the actual system. Authors in [43], presented Next, the active damping techniques realized at feeder side, load side
Hopf bifurcation search using indirect (eigenvalue analysis) and direct and through auxiliary system will be discussed separately.
(numerical computation of Hopf points) methods to determine the
boundary of the stable region, for an equivalent dc microgrid loaded 4.2.1. Feeder side active damping
with CPL. The Boundary of the stable operation is determined by In this section, active damping methods implemented through the
selecting filter parameters (R, L, and C) and load power P as bifurcation modification in control loops of the feeder subsystem are reviewed
parameters. In [44], the stability analysis of two configurations of the [50–61,33]. The compensation of the CPL effect at the upstream feeder
DC systems feeding CPLs is presented using numerical continuation level is applicable only when, the upstream feeder subsystem is a
method. A limit on CPL power and corresponding ROA is determined switched dc/dc or ac/dc converter. When the feeder subsystem of the
using Hopf bifurcation search. Furthermore, state feedback controllers CPL is an input LC (inductance-capacitance) filter or uncontrolled
are proposed to enlarge the ROA. rectifier, CPL compensation at the feeder side is not possible. In active
Several criterion for stability analysis are summarized in Table 3 damping at the feeder side, the additional compensation loops modifies
also. the output impedance Z0 of the feeder converter, so as to satisfy the
impedance stability criterion. The major advantage of this approach is
4. CPL stabilization techniques that the system can be stabilized without compromising the load
performance [24,15]. An active damping technique which emulates a
The basic concept of CPL compensation involves increasing the resistance in series with the converter inductor to stabilize the basic dc/
effective system damping through some modifications at feeder/source dc converters loaded with a CPL is presented in [50]. The measured
level, load level or the use of some additional circuits [24]. These inductor current is passed through a feedback coefficient RLA and is
modifications can be done in system hardware or in their control loops. subtracted from control voltage to emulate a resistance in series with
The techniques based on hardware modifications are known as passive the inductor, which increases the system damping (see Fig. 10).
damping techniques and those based on modifications in the control Furthermore, the technique is extended to the isolated dc/dc con-
structures are known as active damping techniques. The techniques verters loaded by a CPL. Through active damping, only a limited
based on some specialized control approaches, discussed separately amount of the CPL can be compensated. In [51], the global behaviour
here, are also usually considered under active damping. A broad of a dc/dc buck converter is analyzed using phase-plane analysis,
classification of the CPL compensation techniques is shown in Fig. 9. wherein the system is controlled using current feedback loop with

S. Singh et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 72 (2017) 407–421

Table 3
Summary of criteria for stability analysis.

Criterion Merits Challenges

Middlebrook's Criterion Most basic and easiest to apply; Ensures both, stability and Small-signal stability; Zout of source and Zin of load should be known;
performance. Does not use impedances phase information
Gain Margin and Phase Margin Considers both, magnitude and phase of MLG; Smaller Small-signal stability; Focuses on individual subsystems; Requires
Criterion (GMPM) forbidden region. knowledge of GM and PM of each subsystem
The Opposing Argument Criterion Applicable for single/multiple load-source systems; Less Small-signal stability; Results are valid in limited frequency range;
conservative; In case of multiple loads, considers individual Require knowledge of PM and GM of source and each load subsystems
ESAC Criterion Less sensitive to component grouping; Smallest forbidden Small-signal stability; Intensive calculations
Three Step Impedance Criterion More Generalized; No need to check individual subsystem Small-signal stability
Model Analysis Very useful in design phase; Simple procedure. Small-signal stability; Not reliable in system stability
μ-sensitivity Criterion Broader and direct insight into influence of system parameters Applicable to LTI systems only; Small-signal stability
on stability.
Passivity Based Criterion Large-signal stability; Reduces a multi-port system to a single Does not give stability margins
port network.
Mixed-potential Function based Large-signal stability; Applicable for multiple loads system also. The system under consideration should be ‘topologically complete’
Phase-plane Analysis Gives global behaviour of the closed-loop system; Very useful in Does not give a particular solution to system differential equations
design phase.
Bifurcation Analysis Gives boundary of stable operation; Very useful in design phase Small-signal stability;Considers open-loop system

converters in a CPL dominated dc microgrid, two active compensators

are proposed in [55] using two different approaches based on linear
theory. In addition to stabilize the feeder converters, the active
damping loops also improve the dynamic performance of the micro-
grid. Active damping control to emulate virtual resistance in a source
dc/dc buck converter supplying power to paralleled CPLs with their
input filter is presented in [56] (Fig. 12). The major disadvantages of
the proposed method are; in order to stabilize the system the closed
loop bandwidth of source converter should be greater than the resonant
frequencies of the input LC filter and resonant frequencies of the filters
must be different.
Shafiee et al. [57], have proposed a concept of dc active power filter
(APF) to stabilize a dc microgrid under load changes and while
connecting it to other dc microgrids. A small-signal model of the
Fig. 9. Broad classification of CPL compensation techniques: (a) Feeder side compensa- system is derived to analyze the effect of CPLs and tie line impedance
tion, (b) Load side compensation, (c) Compensation using auxiliary circuits. on the stability. To implement the active damping current loop, the
information of load current and current disturbance in tie line are used
and compensation gain is selected through root locus analysis. For
more feeder side active damping methods, see [58–61,33], the
references therein.

4.2.2. CPL Side active damping

Under the situations when the feeder subsystem of a CPL is an
Fig. 10. Active damping of dc/dc converters. input LC filter or an uncontrolled ac/dc rectifier (behaves as LC filter),
CPL compensation from feeder side is not possible, due to the absence
hysteresis and PI voltage controller. In [52], it is shown that peak and of control loops associated with feeder subsystem [62–72]. In such
valley current mode control can be used to stabilize a dc/dc boost cases, there are two alternatives available for CPL compensation: CPL
converter loaded with a CPL. The stability of the system is analyzed in a side compensation and the use of an active shunt damper between
small-signal sense. Furthermore, concept of load current feed forward feeder and load subsystems. In this section, the active damping
is used to improve the transient response. methods based on CPL side compensation will be reviewed. In these
Authors in [53], proposed active damping of a bidirectional voltage methods, a compensating current/power is injected into the CPL
source converter (VSC) interfacing a dc microgrid, by injecting a control loops to modify the input impedance Zin of the CPL subsystem,
damping signal in its outer, intermediate, and inner control loop such that Middlebrook's stability criteria is satisfied. The main draw-
(concept is shown in Fig. 11). The stability of the compensation is back of this approach is that the compensation loop dynamics may
analyzed in small-signal sense and sensitivity analysis of the compen- interfere with the main control loop, and may deteriorate the load
sation and voltage control dynamics is also presented. It is shown that performance. On the other hand the approach is advantageous as CPL
the intermediate loop dynamics provides best performance in terms of itself is utilized to mitigate the negative impedance instabilities. In
damping capabilities and its influence on the voltage control loop. In [62,63], a nonlinear system stabilizing controller (NSSC) is presented
[54], active compensators are proposed to reshape input admittance of to mitigate the negative impedance instabilities as shown in Fig. 13(a),
the tightly-regulated VSCs in a hybrid ac/dc distribution system to where n is a real number. The controller is tested on a tightly-regulated
stabilize the system in the presence of interaction dynamics and induction motor drive and a dc/dc converter with input LC filter,
negative impedance effect of the CPLs. In order to stabilize the feeder controlled through a nonlinear PI controller. It is shown that, the

S. Singh et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 72 (2017) 407–421

Fig. 11. Active damping of grid-connecting VSC in a DC microgrid.

Fig. 12. Active damping of a dc/dc buck converter loaded with CPL.

controller stabilizes the system, however, significantly deteriorates the

load performance. A negative input-resistance compensator (NIRC) is
proposed in [64] as shown in Fig. 13(b), to stabilize a brush-less dc
motor drive exhibiting a CPL behaviour. The compensator design using
small-signal analysis and sensitivity analysis with motor performance
is also presented. In order to further reduce the effect of the
Fig. 14. Reference voltage based active compensators (RVC-1 and RVC-2).
compensator on motor performance and to improve immunity to input
voltage disturbances, an improved version of NIRC, known as state
central stabilizing controller is proposed to ensure the system's global
feed-forward stabilizing controller (SFSC) (Fig. 13(b)) is proposed in
stability and to reduce the size of input filter components. The main
[65]. The controller takes input filter inductor current and input
drawbacks of the proposed scheme are requirement of large number of
voltage as its inputs.
sensors and high control bandwidth. To reduce the number of sensors
In [66], the local stability of a permanent-magnet synchronous
required, the authors proposed an observer in [69] to estimate the load
motor (PMSM) inverter drive with an input LC filter, and tightly
voltages. In [72], the active stabilization of a CPL supplied through a
controlled using linear controllers, is analyzed using Nyquist and bode
LC input filter is formulated as linear H∞ optimization problem with an
plots. An additional compensation block consisting of a band-pass filter
objective to minimize the degradation of load performance while
and a proportional controller is proposed to compensate for the input
ensuring desired stability and robustness. It has been shown that main
voltage oscillations and to reduce dc bus capacitor size. Compensation
CPL control bandwidth is limited by LC filter's resonant frequency.
block parameters can be tuned to get an optimum motor performance
Details about more CPL side active damping methods can be found in
and suppression of oscillations. Authors in [67], have proposed a
references [70,71,73] and the references therein.
reference voltage based active compensator (RVC) and its improved
version to mitigate the negative impedance instabilities in a PMSM
drive. It has been shown that, low-pass filter (RVC-1) and band-pass 4.2.3. Active damping using auxiliary circuits
filter (improved version, RVC-2) active compesnators stabilize the In this method, to mitigate the destabilizing effect of CPL, an
system without compromising the motor torque and speed perfor- additional circuit is connected between feeder and load subsystems,
mance. Second configuration RVC-2 is found to be more effective, leaving the feeder and load systems intact. This additional circuit is
resulting in reduced interaction dynamics between compensator and usually a dc/dc converter which is controlled to inject a desired
motor-drive main control (see Fig. 14). Magne et al. [68], have compensating current in the entire operating range of the main system.
presented a small-signal stability analysis of a system consisting of The method, although eliminates the challenges of the above two
an inverter motor-drive, dc/dc converter with resistive load, and a approaches, results in increased cost and increases overall complexity
bidirectional dc/dc converter (BDC) interfacing a supercapacitor. A of the system. In [74], a BDC interfaced with a storage capacitor is
connected between CPL and its input LC filter to eliminate the

Fig. 13. (a) Nonlinear system stabilizing controller, (b) Negative input-resistance compensator (NIRC) and state feedforward stabilizing controller (SFSC).

S. Singh et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 72 (2017) 407–421

oscillations in the input voltage. The controller uses voltage and current
variables of the filter and BDC, to place the poles of the overall dynamic
system at the desired location. Furthermore, a second order observer is
also proposed to reduce the number of sensors required. Authors in
[75], have proposed the placement of a suitably sized capacitor and a PI
controlled BDC with storage, at the terminals of a tightly controlled
inverter drive with an input LC filter, to stabilize the dc bus voltage. The
concept of an auxiliary smart active damper is presented in [76] to
stabilize a dc telecommunication power system and data center dc
microgrids. The active damper which emulates the RC damper
characteristics, is realized through a non-isolated BDC without any
additional storage, and communicates with source and load subsystems
in real time to determine the desired damping current required to Fig. 15. Block diagram of the Pulse-adjustment control technique.
stabilize the system under various input and load conditions. The inner
loop of the damper is controlled in peak-current mode at a fixed pole placement at the desired location. A PD controller is proposed and
frequency, while outer loop eliminates the deviation in the peak and the sensitivity analysis of system parameter mismatch on the perfor-
average current of the inductor. mance of the linearizing function is also presented.

4.3. Feedback linearization

4.4. Pulse adjustment
Linearizing a nonlinear plant about an operating point ensures
stability only in small-signal sense. Feedback linearization is a non- The pulse-adjustment control [84,85], is a digital control technique
linear control approach used to compensate CPL effect in dc DPSs, in which the task of converter output voltage regulation is achieved by
wherein a nonlinear feedback is chosen to cancel the nonlinearities supplying high and low-power pulses to the converter. Depending on
introduced in the system due to the presence of CPL [77]. Basically, measured actual output voltage and the reference voltage, the con-
this involves a nonlinear coordinate transformation which allows troller chooses either high or low-power pulse. If vout < Vref , the
access to the system nonlinearities through input channel, such that controller generates switching pulse of duty ratio DH (high duty ratio)
the resultant system is linear [78]. Consequently, control system can be until desired voltage level is reached, otherwise switching duty ratio DL
designed using conventional linear control theory. In contrast to the (low duty ratio) is selected to regulate the output voltage to its
active damping technique, feedback linearization can compensate any reference value. The ratio DH presents a trade-off between output
amount of CPL and stabilizes the system in large-signal sense. The voltage ripple and the voltage regulation, and can be chosen to satisfy a
major drawbacks of this approach are its noise sensitivity due to the particular application requirement. The selected value of the high pulse
presence of differentiator and slower transient response compared to duty cycle DH is such that the converter operates in DCM. The output
techniques which handle CPL nonlinearity directly, such as sliding voltage sampler and switch driver being synchronized, the technique
mode control and synergetic control [79,80]. ensures constant frequency switching of the converter. A block diagram
Authors in [78], used feedback linearization through nonlinear of the pulse-adjustment technique is shown in Fig. 15.
coordinator transformation to stabilize a dc/dc buck converter feeding In [84], the pulse-adjustment technique is applied to stabilize a dc/
CPL. It is shown through Lyapunov analysis that the transformation dc buck-boost converter loaded with a CPL. A model of the converter
results in an extension of local asymptotic stability. Stabilization of a loaded with CPL and operating in DCM is derived, which is then used
dc/dc buck converter driving a combination of resistive load and CPL is to analyze system stability and to determine the output voltage
presented in [77] and the large-signal stability of the system is proved variations during high and low-power pulses. Furthermore, a detailed
using Lyapunov approach. Rahimi et al. [81], have proposed loop sensitivity analysis of the output voltage variations and stable CPL
cancellation technique to stabilize all basic dc/dc converters feeding a power range with respect to switching frequency, input voltage,
resistive and CPL using suitable nonlinear feedback, which cancels reference voltage, and converter parameter (L and C) variations is
nonlinearity introduced due to the presence of CPL. It is shown that the presented. It is shown that the output voltage contains undesirable
value of feedback gain to cancel CPL nonlinearity depends on input, disturbances under the input voltage variations, if not filtered properly.
load and the converter parameters. To overcome this problem, the The authors proposed a modified pulse-adjustment technique in [85]
value of feedback gain is chosen such that, under all the operating with variable DH and applied to a buck-boost converter to minimize
conditions, the sign of resultant nonlinear term remains positive. This the effect of input voltage variations on the output voltage. The
implies that the resultant nonlinear term can be represented by a technique of pulse-adjustment is inexpensive and simple to implement
positive equivalent resistance, which helps to increase the system using digital tools, gives fast response, and does not require a detailed
damping. In [82], a nonlinear coordinate transformation is applied to small or large-signal model of the converters. The main limitation is
a dc/dc buck converter loaded with a pure CPL to obtain its linear that it can stabilize the system in the limited range of CPL power.
model. To obtain near exact linearization, the converter parameters (L
and C) to be entered in the controller are assumed to be equal to their
actual values. Furthermore, a reduced order observer is proposed to 4.5. Digital charge control
estimate the CPL power and its derivative, to ensure the accuracy of
linearization in entire operating range, i.e., to improve the transient Digital charge control is yet another digital control technique used
performance. A full-order feedback controller is proposed for the to compensate the effect of CPL in DC systems. The block diagram of
linearized converter model. The sensitivity analysis of parameter the digital charge control technique is shown in Fig. 16. In [86] the
mismatch on the performance of observer and closed loop system is digital charge control method is applied to a dc/dc boost converter
also presented. feeding a CPL, and small-signal analysis is also presented. An improved
A technique based on linearization via state feedback (LSF) is version of the technique known as digital forecast charge control is also
presented in [83] to stabilize a medium voltage shipboard dc power presented to eliminate the undesirable phenomenon of duty cycle
system in the presence of CPLs. The method involves defining two jumping. The salient features of this technique include simple im-
functions, one to linearize the nonlinear system and other to realize the plementation and fast response.

S. Singh et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 72 (2017) 407–421

Fig. 16. Block diagram of digital charge control technique.

4.6. Sliding mode control

Fig. 17. Equivalent and Discontinuous SMC, shown in Red and blue respectively. (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
Sliding mode control (SMC) is a robust nonlinear control technique web version of this article).
which falls under variable structure system control (VSSC) [87]. In
SMC, depending on the switching conditions a switching system boost cascade topology interfaced with battery has been proposed in
( f (x, u , t )) can be decomposed into a set of subsystems, wherein each [90]. The authors have shown the minimum switching action of the
subsystem exhibits a fixed characteristics in a specified region of state controller for stabilization of CPLs with different bandwidth. A SMC
space. An important task for a designer is the selection of a stable using a washout filter for a bidirectional converter feeding a mixed load
switching function (s ) and a switching control law (u), such that the is proposed in [91].
control forces the representative point (RP) from an arbitrary point to a Authors in [92], have proposed a PWM based sliding mode control
predefined switching surface (s=0), within a finite time. The existence using a nonlinear switching function, to mitigate negative impedance
of sliding mode and stability of switching surface must be proved for instabilities in a dc/dc buck converter supplying mixed load (CPL and
the chosen switching function. The existence condition is proved by CVL). Mitigation of CPL induced instabilities in a dc/dc boost converter
satisfying η-reachability condition, with a pure CPL has been presented in [93,79] using a nonlinear
sT . s˙ < − η|s| (11) switching function based sliding mode controller.

The existence of sliding mode results in reduced order dynamics and

4.7. Synergetic control
during sliding mode the system dynamics is insensitive to the matched
uncertainties and system parameters. The system dynamics during
Synergetic control [94,95] is a non-linear technique which encom-
sliding mode is completely governed by the parameters of the chosen
passes dissipative structure algorithms. This control technique shares
switching function. The stability of system dynamics during sliding
similarity with SMC and ensures constant frequency switching. The
mode (s=0) can be proved using linearization or nonlinear Lyapunov
control design follows an analytical procedure using state space
approach. SMC approach can be used to design conventional discon-
approach. The steps involved in control design through synergetic
tinuous controller or fixed frequency PWM controller. The main
control are as follows,
challenge of discontinuous SMC is practical bang bang operation i.e.
an infinite frequency discontinuous operation which causes chattering.
In order to overcome the chattering phenomenon a fixed frequency 4.7.1. Plant modeling
based equivalent SMC can be used, however, it degrades the robust- In this step, a mathematical model of the dynamic system is
ness. The discontinuous and equivalent control laws can be defined as described using differential equations of the following form,
follows, x˙ = f (x, u , t ) (14)
udisc = K . sign (s ) (12) where x is the state vector of dimension n, and u is the control vector of
dimension m. Then, a macro variable ψ (x ) and control law are
ueqv = (SB )−1Sf (x , t ) (13) designed, such that the control law forces the system trajectory from
where S has dimensions of mxn (m-inputs, n-order), whose elements an arbitrary initial condition, towards the predefined invariant mani-
are the derivatives of s with respect to the state variables, B is input fold, ψ (x ) = 0 and constrain it to manifold then on. The macro-variable
matrix and K is a tuning parameter. The two different methods of SMC can be any function of the state variables. The number of macro
are shown in Fig. 17 in different colors. A SMC can be designed with variables should be less than the number of control channels.
continuous equivalent control law, discontinuous control law, or a
combination of two. 4.7.2. Control law synthesis
SMC has a wide range of applications due to its robustness and To synthesize a control law, a dynamics governing the evolution of
simple implementation. It has been widely used to control dc/dc and the macro-variable towards the manifold is defined. The required
ac/dc power converters in general and mitigation of CPL induced dynamic evolution of the macro-variable is given by
instabilities in particular. Emadi et al. [88], have presented a simple
Tψ˙ + ψ = 0; T>0 (15)
SMC for a dc/dc buck converter which ensures supply of constant
power to the load. One of the limitation of proposed SMC is that it does where T is a parameter of the above dynamics which controls the speed
not ensure the regulation of converter output voltage. Authors in [89], of convergence of trajectory toward the manifold. The control is
have proposed a sliding mode duty cycle ratio controller for buck obtained by solving (15) with (14) for u. The order of the system on
converter feeding a CPL, to stabilize the dc bus voltage, in an the manifold is reduced to (n-m).
application of medium voltage dc shipboard power system. The In [96], authors have proposed synergetic controllers for dc voltage
designed control law, in addition to equivalent control term, contains stabilization and dynamic current sharing between two buck converters
a switching term which provides robustness to line and load distur- with constant power load and operating in CCM, and for voltage
bances during reaching phase. A geometric control based on a circular regulation of a single buck converter with CPL, considering DCM
switching surface for constant power load stabilization in buck and operation of the converter. The authors extended this work and

S. Singh et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 72 (2017) 407–421

proposed a generalized synergetic control strategy in [97], for the dc of CPLs, the system differential equations are re-formulated in terms of
voltage regulation and dynamic current sharing among m-number of rate of energy or instantaneous power. This basically results in a linear
paralleled buck converters feeding constant power load. system, thus eliminates the nonlinearity introduced by the CPL. The
power shaping control strategy is relatively easy in design and
4.8. Passivity based control implementation, and results in desired regulation of dc bus, while
maintaining large-signal stability. The authors in [104], have proposed
Passivity based control (PBC) is a non-linear control approach to stabilization of a dc distribution system supplying constant power loads
design static/dynamic controller for a physical system described by the using power stabilization control strategy.
Euler-Lagrange (EL) [98–100]. The central idea of passivity based
control design is to passivize the system by applying following two 4.10. Coupling based techniques
An amplitude death solution or coupling based technique, is
(1) Energy shaping by assigning a closed loop storage function to basically coupling induced stabilization of the equilibrium points of
compensate the energy difference between the energy of the system an unstable dynamic system [105–107]. The sufficient strength of
and energy injected by the controller. This results in modification coupling and different natural frequencies of the systems being
in the potential energy function (PEF) only, in order to get the coupled, are the two main requirements for amplitude death. The
strict local minimum of PEF at required equilibrium point. technique originally belongs to nonlinear dynamical systems and has
Basically, PBC works on the principle of energy conservation, i.e. recently been applied for open-loop stabilization of the dc-dc con-
Esupplied = Estored + Edissipated verters in a dc microgrid in the presence of CPLs. Authors in [105],
have proposed a heterogeneous and time-delay coupling to stabilize a
dc/dc buck converter supplying a CPL. Konishi et al. [106], have
(2) Modification of the dissipation energy function by damping injec- presented a bifurcation analysis of instability phenomenon of dc bus
tion in order to make equilibrium point a globally asymptotic voltage in the presence of CPLs and proposed a delayed feedback
stable point. This is achieved by adding a virtual impedance control to stabilize the system. The concept of delayed feedback control
matrix. has been further extended in [107], to a networked system having
multiple dc bus systems, connected through resistive links. The
Some researchers have used Port Controlled Hamiltonian (PCH) delayed-feedback control is applied to each unit, in a decentralized
model, instead of Euler-Lagrange equations, to a nonlinear electrical dc manner to stabilize the system. Moreover, it has been shown that
power system and to implement interconnection and damping assign- stabilization is independent of the number of dc buses and the network
ment (IDA)-PBC. A PBC combined with IDA technique used for topology. The block diagram of the techniques discussed in this section
stability analysis and to design a linear PD (proportional-derivative) is shown in Fig. 19.
controller for a buck converter, and a nonlinear inverse quadratic PD
controller for a boost, and buck-boost converters in a dc microgrid 4.11. Pole placement
application, have been proposed in [101]. However, the PD controller
poses noise susceptibility issue, therefore an appropriate filter is In [108], the pole placement control has been used to relocate right-
needed. Furthermore, IDA technique has been designed with fixed half s-plane pole of a buck converter loaded with a CPL to stabilize the
parameters (i.e. for specific operating point of CPL), which is not system. By placing the unstable poles at the desired location, the effect
always the case in practical systems. To mitigate this problem, a of CPL is compensated. It is shown that, the technique results in the
complementary PI (proportional-integral) controller along with adap- reduced size of the filter capacitor while maintaining system stability.
tive IDA-PBC technique for dc/dc boost converter is proposed in [102]. In order to use pole placement technique all the states are required to
A PBC with Immersion and Invariant controller has been proposed for
dc bidirectional converter interfaced with a battery in [103]. This
combined control ensures improved transient performance of the
converter feeding a mixed load (CPL and resistive load). Two different
PBC design approaches using PD and IDA controllers for dc bus
regulator are shown in Fig. 18.

4.9. Power shaping stabilization

In power shaping control strategy to mitigate the destabilizing effect

Fig. 19. Block diagram of coupling based techniques: (a) Heterogeneous and delayed
Fig. 18. PBC control techniques. coupling; (b) Delayed feedback control.

S. Singh et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 72 (2017) 407–421

Table 4
Comparison of CPL compensation techniques for DC DPS.

Stabilization Salient features Challenges Damping improvement in CPL dominated system


Passive Damping Simple to implement; No change in source or High power dissipation; Modifies source or CPL adds negative impedance to the system. This results
load hardware. load hardware in decrease of system overall damping. Adding passive
components (R,L,C) to improve the system damping
Active Damping No change in source or load hardware; Higher Can compensate limited amount of CPL; May System damping can be improved using active damping
efficiency and reliability. interfere with other control objectives; methods such as adding virtual impedance, bandwidth
Switching frequency affects the effectiveness. control, improving system stability margins etc
Feedback Can compensate any amount of CPL; Can Sensitive to noise in the output channel; Feedback gain adds a positive impedance term,
linearization achieve stability in large-signal sense; Uses Dynamic response is not comparable to that equivalent to CPL negative impedance to the control,
conventional linear control design techniques. offered by nonlinear controls such a SMC and such that resultant load impedance appears a positive
synergetic control. impedance to front end converter
Pulse Adjustment Fast dynamic response; Insensitive to system Sensitivity to input variations; Stable in Region of stability of a system feeding CPL can be
parameters; Inexpensive implementation; limited range of CPL. increased by increasing ON time of duty cycle and
Reduced switching losses and EMI noise, due number of pulses or decreasing the number of OFF time
to DCM operation pulses per period
Sliding mode Insensitive to matched uncertainties; Large- Variable frequency switching and chattering Sliding mode makes system immune to system
control signal stability; Fast response issue; Higher sensor requirement parameters variations like CPL negative impedance
Synergetic control Fixed frequency switching; Large-signal Sensitive to high frequency noise; Higher Similar to sliding mode control, in this technique also,
stability; Suitable for digital implementation. sensor requirement. RP on system trajectories is forced to track a predefined
stable manifold and keep system immune to parameter
Passivity based Simple Implementation; Robust; Energy based Sluggish transient response Low damping caused by presence of CPL is improved by
control modeling. inserting an impedance matrix in control and reshaping
of energy function
Power Shaping Power based modeling; Large-signal stability; Increased computation needs. Energy stored in output filter capacitor of converter
stabilization Reduced control bandwidth requirement. feeding a CPL is a function of Vc2, i.e. square of capacitor
voltage. Control of capacitor power controls output
voltage indirectly. Instability induced by CPL can be
eliminated by properly reshaping the power balance
equation i.e. 0.5CVc2 = Pinput − CPL
Coupling based Low implementation cost. Limited to open-loop stabilization; Exchange of energy between coupled systems mitigates
techniques Implementation issue, when sources are at destabilizing effect of CPLs
different locations
Digital charge Simple to implement; Fast response. Higher computational needs. This method can forecast voltage jumping caused by low
control damping of system such as CPL fed dc-dc converter. For
forecasting, charge value proportional to reference
voltage is considered
State space pole Unstable poles can be placed at the desired All system states need to be sensed, if there is Suitably designed feedback gain vector relocate unstable
placement location; Can compensate desired CPL no observer; Required feedback gains may poles of control to voltage open loop transfer function of
amount. vary with load. CPL fed converter, in order to make closed loop system
stable around a given operating point
New converter Duty ratio can be kept low; Higher efficiency; Can compensate limited amount of CPL; More New converter topologies with improved output
topologies Improved dc-bus power quality. number of switching devices, i.e. complex impedance characteristics are used to compensate the
control. CPL effect

implement the state feedback control. a dc power system both, in small-signal and large-signal sense.
Middlebrook's, GMPM, the opposing argument and ESAC stability
criteria use Nyquist stability approach to determine the system stability
4.12. New converter topologies
in a small-signal sense. Methods such as phase-plane and bifurcation
analysis are very useful to determine the boundary of stable operation
Hou et al. [109], have presented impedance analysis of the
with respect to variations in the system and controller parameters, and
interleaved boost converter with coupled inductor (DPCI) loaded with
to design a stable system. Passivity based criterion and Mixed-potential
CPL and compared the same with that of conventional boost converter.
function based criteria ensure the system stability in large-signal sense.
It is shown that, the DPCI exhibits better output impedance character-
Methods ensuring large-signal stability of the system are obvious
istics compared to conventional bidirectional dc/dc converter, such
choice due the highly nonlinear nature of the dc power systems in
that the negative impedance effect of the CPLs is reduced. The stability
the face of uncertainties associated with renewable sources and the
analysis is presented in small-signal sense based on Bode and Nyquist
presence of CPLs.
The compensation of CPLs can be applied at the feeder subsystem
Comparison of several techniques for CPL compensation are
level, CPL level itself or through some auxiliary dc/dc converter. Feeder
summarized in Table 4 also.
level CPL compensation is applicable to the cases when feeder of CPL is
a switched converter, on the other hand, CPL compensation at the load
5. Discussion system level has the major disadvantage that, the compensation loop
may interfere with main control loop, and may degrade the load
Tightly regulated power electronic converters behave like CPL. Its performance. The third alternative is based on the introduction of an
negative incremental impedance reduces overall damping of power auxiliary dc/dc converter between the feeder and load systems. In this
system and its interaction with other neighborhood converters induces method, no modifications are applied to the feeder and load subsystem.
instability in the overall system. Therefore, ensuring stability in the However, it increases the overall size, weight, cost, and complexity of
presence of CPL and the sub-system interaction-dynamics is of prime the system. From system stability point-of-view, some of the techni-
importance. Several criteria have been set forth to study the stability of

S. Singh et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 72 (2017) 407–421

ques utilize the linearized system model and ensure the stability in the ment schemes is very important to improve the overall system
small-signal sense. While, the techniques which handle the system efficiency and smooth mode transitions. Selection of current sharing
nonlinearities directly ensure system stability in large-signal sense. control scheme, switching control of source side converter between
Given the overall system objectives, operating conditions, and other MPPT and voltage control mode, inclusion of battery state-of-charge
considerations, a suitable compensation technique can be chosen. (SoC) and its equalization, in the current sharing controller of storage
To evaluate the performance of a particular CPL compensation units, are some of the important decisions which largely affects the
technique, the amount of CPL it can compensate, robustness, the speed efficiency of a power management scheme.
of response, noise immunity and its ability to ensure large-signal
stability, are some of the most important parameters. The active 7. Conclusion
damping technique, although widely applicable, is operating point
dependent, and can compensate only a limited amount of CPL. The stability of the dc distributed power systems has been a major
Feedback linearization ensures compensation of any amount of CPL challenge due to the inherent nature of uncertainty in power generation
and large-signal stability, however, performs poorly in terms of of renewable energy source, nonlinearities induced by indispensable
robustness, speed of response and noise immunity. Power shaping power converters and interaction among the dynamics of different
stabilization, in which a linear model of the system is obtained by re- subsystems. The pervasiveness of tightly regulated power converters
formulating it in term of instantaneous power, ensures better robust- i.e. constant power loads in modern dc microgrids make them more
ness and noise immunity, compared to that with feedback linearization, prone to instability. Nonlinear nature of CPLs adds complexity to the
however, it requires current loop bandwidth to be sufficiently higher control and its negative incremental impedance characteristics not only
than that of voltage-squared loop. Pulse adjustment technique ensures induces instability at the point of load, but also reduces the effective
robustness and fast response, however, it has limitations of poor line damping of the system. Low damping and instability caused by
rejection, operates in DCM and ensures stability with a limited range of negative incremental impedance of CPLs in a dc microgrid, are the
CPL. Passivity based control has poor noise immunity due to the real challenges. This paper has presented an overview of modeling,
presence of differentiator and is sluggish in response. Synergetic behaviour, and effects of CPLs in dc power systems. Various stability
control, similar to sliding mode control in many respects becomes criteria to study the stability of a dc power system in the presence of
problematic in DCM and is sensitive to high frequency noise. CPLs have been reviewed with the merits and associated challenges of
Furthermore, the dynamics of the macro-variable does not ensure each criterion. These criteria are discussed for both single-input single-
finite time converge, thus reaching phase response is slow, because output (SISO) and multiple-inputs multiple-outputs (MIMO) system
response becomes extremely slow in the vicinity of switching function. stability point of view. This helps reader/researcher in the selection of
Sliding mode control technique ensures invariance to matched un- suitable stability criterion accordingly for their ease in the analysis of
certainties and variations in the system parameters, can compensate complex nonlinear systems. Furthermore, several techniques to com-
any amount of CPL, and ensures system stability in a large-signal pensate the destabilizing effect of CPL are classified and an extensive
sense. Furthermore, sliding mode control of dc/dc converter provides review has been presented for each technique with its salient features.
better steady-state and dynamic response, less EMI, and results in an Linear and nonlinear control techniques are discussed for the mitiga-
inherent order reduction, compared to linear controllers. Depending on tion of the CPL nonlinearities in the context of small-signal and large-
system specific requirements a suitable CPL compensation technique signal disturbance around operating points. Finally, a discussion and
may be chosen. brief overview of recent challenges in dc microgrids have been
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