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8, AUGUST 2019

Adaptive SMC for the Second-Order Harmonic

Ripple Mitigation: A Solution for the
Micro-Inverter Applications
Aditya R. Gautam , Student Member, IEEE, and Deepak Fulwani , Member, IEEE

Abstract—There have been several advanced topologies pro- nano-grid, domestic power system, or low- and medium-power
posed by the community for micro-inverter applications. How- applications. Micro-inverters are gaining popularity in such ap-
ever, many such applications suffer from unwanted second-order plications [1], [2]. Generally, the renewable energy sources, for
harmonic current ripple at dc input. Moreover, in the absence of
suitable passive filter or ripple compensator, the second-order har- examples, solar-photo voltaic (PV), fuel cell output low voltage.
monics ripple may propagate into the dc source. This results in A front-end boost converter is generally required at the input
several problems to the system, related to system efficiency, life, of the inverter to match the load requirements. In such dc–ac
cost, size, reliability, and stability. This paper proposes an adap- or dc–dc–ac power converters, there is a possibility of simul-
tive sliding-mode controller to shape the output impedance of the taneous switching of switches (insulated-gate bipolar transis-
boost-circuit of quasi-switched boost inverter such that the propa-
gation of the ripple from dc link to the dc-input source is resisted. tor (IGBTs)/metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor
The quasi-switched boost inverter is one of the advanced and suit- (MOSFETs)) of the same leg(s) of the inverter due to EMI effect,
able topologies for the micro-inverter applications. The adaptive improper firing of switches, nuisance circuit breaking, absence
nature of the proposed controller improves the transient perfor- of cross-conduction protection within the gate-drivers itself, etc.
mance of the system at the line–load transients unlike some existing This leads to shorting of source or dc-link capacitor through the
solutions, which affects dynamics adversely to achieve ripple mit-
igation objective. The controller ensures voltage regulation within shorted leg(s) of the inverter, thereby causing a large current
5% at dc link. The proposed control technique is verified using a flow and damage to the system. A voltage source inverter is one
lab-prototype of 500 W quasi-switched boost inverter. of the examples.
Index Terms—Adaptive sliding-mode control (SMC), dynamic
Recently, impedance-source converters (ZSI, q-ZSI, q-SBI,
performance, low-frequency ripple, quasi-switched boost inverter. switched inductor q-ZSI, improved-switched inductor q-ZSI)
have been widely researched [3]–[8] by the community. These
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS impedance-source converters not only boost the low-input volt-
age but also provide safe operation of the inverter even if short-
SHC Second-order harmonic current.
circuit occurs in the leg(s) of the inverter. Z-network topologies
q-SBI quasi-switched boost inverter.
are more common. ZSI is one of the popular inverter topolo-
ZSI Z-source inverter.
gies in terms of low-voltage boosting, shoot-through operation,
q-ZSI quasi-Z-source inverter.
compactness, and suitability in the renewable energy applica-
SMC Sliding-mode control.
tions. However, these topologies suffer from discontinuous input
MPPT Maximum power point tracking.
current and/or bulky inductors. q-SBI is one of the impedance-
EMI Electromagnetic interference.
source converters [1], [9], [10]. Comparing q-ZSI/ZSI and q-SBI
I. INTRODUCTION on the basis of weight, size, and cost, the ZSI may not be suit-
able for low-power applications [1]. The q-SBI seems to be
ECENT times have witnessed a persistent interest in
R micro-inverters, which are widely used in the microgrid,
a promising topology in the emerging low-power applications
such as micro-inverter for solar-PV, fuel cell, etc. Moreover, it is
noted that, mostly, all types of the single-phase inverters suffer
Manuscript received May 8, 2018; revised July 15, 2018 and September 19, from a large second-order harmonic current injection at the very
2018; accepted November 9, 2018. Date of publication November 21, 2018; dc input of the inverter. Furthermore, this ripple propagates into
date of current version May 22, 2019. This work was supported in part by
the IUSSTF, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India the DC source in the absence of suitable dc-link filter or ripple
and in part by Visvesvarayya Ph.D. Scholarship Scheme for Electronics & IT, compensator. The SHC ripple mitigation in q-SBI is the focus
DeitY, Government of India. Recommended for publication by Associate Editor of this paper.
G. Escobar. (Corresponding author: Deepak Fulwani.)
The authors are with Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of In general, both the inversion operation and the rectification
Technology Jodhpur, Jodhpur 342037, India (e-mail:,; operation of ac–dc power converters lead to the SHC ripple problem at dc link. Therefore, the reflection of the SHC ripple
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at at dc terminals of dc–ac power converter is an inherent and
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2882646 inevitable effect [11]. This means an inverter supplying ac power

0885-8993 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Fig. 1. Input current of the inverter, xo (pulsating at 100 Hz) and output
voltage of the inverter, v a c (at 50 Hz). Fig. 2. Circuit diagram of the q-SBI.

to a load at 50/60 Hz injects a power ripple of 100/120 Hz at dc

terminals. A basic power equation that represents this effect is
given as follows:
vac iac = 0.5 Vm ax Im ax cos φ + 0.5Vm ax Im ax cos(2ωt − θ).
Here, Im ax is the maximum value of the output current and Vm ax
is the maximum output voltage at the load-end of the inverter,
respectively. ω is the angular frequency of vac , and θ stands for
the phase difference between vac and iac . For an ideal inverter,
the input power is equal to the output power. Therefore, the
second term in the right-hand side (RHS) of (1) appears with the
rms constant power term. This is the SHC ripple power pulsating
over the dc offset (average power) at the input side. In Fig. 1,
the dc-link input current xo (at the input of the inverter bridge of
the q-SBI, see Fig. 2) and the output voltage vac of the q-SBI are
shown. An SHC ripple pulsates over the dc offset (average value)
of xo , i.e., double of the output voltage frequency of the q-SBI.
In the absence of a large-size filter at the input of the inverter or in
the absence of a suitable compensator, SHC ripple propagates
to source and causes problems such as improper working of Fig. 3. Real-time PWM pulse generation scheme as proposed in [10].
MPPT [12], fuel starvation in fuel cell and reduced efficiency T 0 –T 1 : non-shoot-through period1 , T 1 –T 2 : shoot-through period, and T 2 –T 3 :
non-shoot-through period2 .
[11], deterioration of electrolyte and electroplates of the battery
due to excessive heating [13], over-rated sizing of components
[14], nuisance tripping of circuit breaking, etc. In the LED light increases with the increase in the percentage of peak-to-peak
applications such as street light based on the LED, the power SHC ripple. This results in a large-size passive filter. Also, the
factor correction (PFC) stage followed by the dc–dc converter long-life reliability of the electrolytic capacitor with this huge
to supply a constant current to the LED is generally used. The SHC ripple at the dc link is questionable [18], [19]. Further-
ac–dc conversion stage of the PFC causes the reflection of the more, in the q-SBI, the load connects to the source through
low-frequency SHC ripple at the dc link. The low-frequency inductor. On the one hand, in the absence of a large-size in-
operation of the LED causes the flicker effect; this may cause a ductor, a substantial injection of the SHC ripple into the source
visual fatigue and other eye-health issues [15], [16]. may occur. On the other hand, adding active power decoupling
Generally, the conventional simple boost control method circuits or auxiliary circuits to the system may eliminate the
[pulsewidth modulation 1 (PWM1)] is used for the q-SBI [17]. SHC ripple at the input completely, but this adds extra com-
However, this method suffers from low modulation index, high ponents to the circuits, consequently, increasing size, cost, and
voltage stress on switch, diodes, and capacitors, low efficiency, weight of the system [20], [21]. Recently, a family of the PWM
high THD, etc. Recently, a new PWM method (see Fig. 3), control scheme (PWM2, PWM3, and PWM5) [17], maximum
which rectifies the above-said demerits of conventional SBC boost control [22], and maximum constant boost control [23]
is proposed for the q-SBI in [10]. However, the peak value are proposed for the q-SBI/q-ZSI. However, most of the meth-
of the low-frequency inductor current and the capacitor volt- ods are implemented in the open-loop control. Tran and Nguyen
age are higher in the modified control method. The amount of [24] present a PI-controller for the five-level q-SBI to control
the low-frequency ripples in the current of the inductor is dou- the dc-link voltage. However, PI controllers provide stability
ble with the modified control method in comparison to the sim- at the operating point only. q-SBI/qZSI are suitable choices for
ple boost control method for a 400-W system [10]. Therefore, the renewable applications. In such applications with large line–
the reflection of the SHC ripple at the input of the inverter load transients, the robust and non-linear control schemes [25]
bridge and its injection into the dc-input source is still a prob- are the suitable choices. Also, Tran and Nguyen [24] consider
lem. Nevertheless, an optimum design method for the passive a low-frequency ripple of 12% in the input current, which is
filtering of the SHC ripple is available. The size of the filter large. Therefore, a suitable robust control approach is needed

so that the SHC ripple reduces at the dc source, and line–load

transients performance improves simultaneously.
This paper develops an average dynamic model of the q-SBI
using the PWM method proposed in [10]. The developed model
is then used for a new controller design and ripple-reduction
analysis. This paper proposes an adaptive-SMC in conjunction
with the PWM method proposed in [10] for the q-SBI. The
proposed method does not add any extra circuit to the system. Fig. 4. Modes of operation of the q-SBI under modified control method.
(a) Inductor stores energy during non-shoot-through-1 [T 0 , T 1 ] or T 0 –T 1 =
Moreover, a comparatively smaller size of filter components (L 0.5(1 − D st )T . (b) Shoot-through [T 1 , T 2 ] or T 1 –T 2 = D st T . (c) Inductor
and C) can be used with the proposed controller. The proposed transfers energy during non-shoot-through-2 [T 2 , T 3 ] or T 2 –T 3 = 0.5(1 −
controller aims to modify the output impedance of the boost- D st )T . (see Fig. 3 for time intervals).
circuit of the q-SBI to resist the propagation and injection of
ripple into the dc input. This paper begins with the introduction B. Average Dynamic Model
in Section I. Dynamic modeling of the q-SBI is discussed in
Using (2)–(4), the average dynamic model of the q-SBI (for
Section II. The output-impedance shaping, line–load transients,
time intervals, Dst T, 0.5(1 − Dst )T, 0.5(1 − Dst )T ) in error co-
and stability of the system using the proposed controller are pre-
ordinates is as follows:
sented in Section III. Simulation results and experimental results
are presented in Sections IV and V, respectively. Conclusion is 1
e˙1 = [E − r(e1 + x1r ) − 0.5(1 − 3Dst )(e2 + x2r )] (5a)
drawn in Section VI. L
II. QUASI-SWITCHED BOOST INVERTER e˙2 = [0.5(e1 + x1r )(1 − 3Dst ) − xo (1 − Dst )]. (5b)
A circuit diagram of the q-SBI is shown in Fig. 2. In this Dst is the shoot-through duty and T is the time-period. The
section, an average dynamic model is developed using three calculation of x1r is presented in the following section.
different modes of operation of the q-SBI using PWM control
method provided in [10]. This method is shown in Fig. 3. C. Calculation of the Reference Inductor Current

A. Development of Average State-Space Model During steady-state operation of the q-SBI, x1 converges to
x1r and x2 converges to x2r . At steady state, the average dy-
Three different modes of operation of the q-SBI are shown namic model given by (5) reduces as follows:
in Fig. 4. The dynamic equations in error co-ordinates for each
mode using Fig. 4 are as follows: E − rx1r − 0.5(1 − 3Dstss0 )x2r = 0 (6a)
1 0.5x1r (1 − 3Dstss0 ) − X0 (1 − Dstss0 ) = 0. (6b)
e˙1 = (E − r(e1 + x1r )) (2a)
Here, Dstss0 and X0 are the steady-state values. It is noted that
e˙2 = − xo (2b) Dstss0 is the steady-state duty for ideal and ripple-free system.
C Using (6), Dstss0 can be deduced as follows:
e˙1 = (E − r(e1 + x1r ) + e2 + x2r ) (3a) x2r − 2E x1r − 2X0
L Dstss0 = = . (7)
1 3x2r 3x1r − 2X0
e˙2 = − (e1 + x1r ) (3b)
C Eliminating Dstss0 from the (6) gives the following:
e˙1 = (E − r(e1 + x1r ) − (e2 + x2r )) (4a) 1.5rx21r − (1.5E + rX0 )x1r + (E + x2r )X0 = 0. (8)
1 Using (8), for r = 0, the value of x1r is given as follows:
e˙2 = ((e1 + x1r ) − xo ). (4b)
(E + x2r )X0
Here, e1 is inductor current error and e2 is the output capacitor x1r = . (9)
voltage error or the dc-link voltage error, i.e., e1 = x1 − x1r and
e2 = x2 − x2r . Also, x1 represents inductor current and x1r is III. OUTPUT IMPEDANCE SHAPING
the reference value of the inductor current. x2 represents voltage
at the dc-link or voltage of the capacitor, and x2r is the reference In Fig. 2, Zout A −B represents the output impedance of the
voltage of x2 . Also, x0 is the dc-link current at the input of the q-SBI at the dc-link terminals A-B. It should be noted that the
inverter bridge of the q-SBI. C is the output capacitance and L output impedance of the q-SBI affects the flow of the ripple
is the inductance. r is the parasitic resistance of the inductor. from the dc link to the dc source. Also, a small modification in
The parasitic resistance of the thin-film capacitor is small, and, the shoot-through duty of the q-SBI leads a significant change
hence can be neglected. In Fig. 2, rB is a bleeder resistance. rB in the output impedance. The steady-state relation between the
is large and in parallel to the capacitor. Therefore, for simplicity, shoot-through duty and Zout is given by the following:
rB is neglected in Fig. 4. Lf is the ac filter at the output of the ZL
q-SBI. Zout A −B = . (10)

Fig. 6. Z o u t A −B (p.u.) versus D stss , and k versus D stss .

Fig. 5. (a) Actual q-SBI circuit. (b) and (c) Equivalent circuits at the steady

Here, ZL is the impedance of the inductor branch and k =

(1−3D stss ) 2
4(1−D stss ) is the transformation ratio. The derivation of k is
given in the following.
Fig. 5 shows equivalent circuits of the q-SBI. The inverter
load is transformed into an equivalent load impedance, say, Z
as shown in Fig. 5(b). Now, suppose Zeqv is the equivalent value Fig. 7. α with respect to per unit bus output voltage x2 (p.u.).
of the load impedance Z seen at the input in the direction of the
load [see Fig. 5(c)]. From Fig. 5(b), we have the following: in Fig. 6, it can be concluded that Zout A −B increases with the
x2r increase in the value of Dstss and decrease in the value of k. In
Z= . (11)
Xo the following section, a new adaptive sliding-mode controller is
From Fig. 5(c), we have the following: proposed, and a relation between Dstss and control parameters
of the switching function is established.
Zeqv = . (12)
x1r A. Proposed Controller
(1 − 3D stss )x 2 r 2(1 − D stss )X o
For the q-SBI , E = 2 and x1r = 1 − 3D stss . Sub- Sliding-mode control approach is used to design the proposed
stituting these values in (12) give the following: controller in this paper. Two important steps to follow while the
designing of the sliding-mode controller are: 1) switching func-
(1 − 3Dstss )2 x2r
Zeqv = . (13) tion design and 2) control law design. The proposed switching
4(1 − Dstss ) Xo
function σ is defined as follows:
Substituting (11) in (13) gives the following: 
σ : = e1 + αe2 + ν e2 dt (16a)
Zeqv = kZ. (14)
The load-side impedance should be multiplied by k to transfer α : = ψ(x2 − x2r )β = ψeβ2 (16b)
or to get the equivalent value of the load impedance at the ė2
input side and vice-versa. Hence, the equivalent value of ZL = α̇ : = βψeβ2 −1 ė2 = βα . (16c)
ωL + r seen from the terminal points A − B in the direction
of the source, i.e., the output impedance seen at the A − B [see Here, α is the power function of e2 . ν and ψ are the positive
Fig. 5(a)] is given as the following: constant values, and β is an even positive integer. ψ keeps the
value of α within the limits. β shapes the profile of α such that
ωL + r the value of α remains close to zero at the steady state (say αm in )
Zout A −B = . (15)
k within the dc-link voltage-regulation bound, i.e., (1 ± R%)x2r .
Now, suppose M is the modulation index of the inverter, then Here, R% is the percentage output voltage regulation at the
for the q-SBI, the maximum possible value of the shoot-through dc link. The value of α rises monotonically when x2 crosses
duty, Dstm a x , is equal to 1 − M . It is mandatory to keep the the boundary of the permitted dc-link voltage-regulation bound.
value of M high and in the linear range (0–1) such that the THD Fig. 7 shows a typical profile of α versus the per unit bus voltage,
level in the output of the inverter remains within the desired x2 (p.u.). x2r is the base/reference voltage for per unit conver-
range (< 5%). In this paper, the value of M is chosen to be 0.8, sion. A plot for the typical profile of α is shown in Fig. 7. For
which implies Dstm a x = 0.2. Using (10), plots of Dstss versus this, the parameters are x2r = 220 V, ψ = 10−6 , ±R% = ±5%,
k, and Dstss versus Zout A −B per unit (p.u.) are shown in Fig. 6 and β = 4. The proposed switching function is a modified one
for L = 2 mH, f s = 20 kHz, and Dst = 0 to 0.2. From the plot from our earlier work [26], [27].

In the subsequent sections it will be proved that Zout A −B

becomes large for very small values of α at the steady state.
However, the value of α should be increased monotonically
when dc-link voltage x2 departs the voltage-regulation bound at
line- or load-transients. This is done to achieve fast convergence
of the system dynamics. This is the motivation for the design of
the α given by (16b).
The time derivative of σ is given as follows:
σ̇ = e˙1 + αe˙2 + α̇e2 + νe2 . (17)
Substituting (16c) in (17) we get the following:
σ̇ = e˙1 + α(β + 1)e˙2 + νe2 . (18) Fig. 8. Per unit Z o u t A-B (p.u.) versus α.
The reaching dynamics are chosen as [28]
Multiplying the numerator and denominator by α μ(3x−2 1 r −2X o )
σ̇ = −Γσ − Qsign(σ) Γ, Q ∈ R+ − {0}. (19) in the RHS of (22) and substituting (7) in it gives the following:
A finite-time reaching of the system dynamics on the sliding Dstss0 − α μ 1 −(1−2L ν ) 2
3x 2 r −α μx 1 r +2α μX o
surface (σ = 0) is ensured by (19). Here, Γ regulates the reach- Dstss ≈ . (23)
3(α μ 1 − 2 )
ing time, and Q can be calculated depending on the maximum 1− 3x 2 r −α μx 1 r +2α μX o
value of the disturbance. The analysis of the system against the 
At σ ≈ 0, 1 = −α 2 − ν 2 . Also, at the steady state, α ≈
system parameter disturbance is presented under the robustness
0 as per the proposed
 design of the α shown in Fig. 7. This
implies α 2  ν 2 (where ν > 0). This gives 1 = −ν 2 .
Substituting this in (23) gives the following:
B. Control Law
Dstss0 + κ1 − κ2
By solving (5), (18), and (19), the shoot-through duty of the Dstss ≈ . (24)
1 + 3κ1
controller is calculated as follows: 
Here, κ1 = 3x 2 r −α μx 1 r2+2α2 μX o and κ2 = 3x 2 r −α 2L
α μν ν 2
Dst μx 1 r +2α μX o . It
should be noted that Dstss0 is the steady-state duty (for 2 or α =
E + (0.5αμ − r)(e1 + x1r) − 0.5(e2 + x2r) − αμxo + Lνe2 0), i.e., for an ideal q-SBI without having low-frequency ripple
αμ(1.5(e1 + x1r ) − xo ) − 1.5(e2 +x2r ) at the input of the inverter while Dstss is the steady-state duty
with ripple. However, in our case, the SHC ripple is reflected at
L(Γσ + Qsign(σ))
+ (20) the input of the inverter. Hence, at steady state α retains its value
αμ(1.5(e1 + x1r ) − xo ) − 1.5(e2 + x2r ) between 0 and ψ( 2 m a x )β . Dstss0 is modified by varying α such
(β + 1)L that Zout A −B increases and hence, the SHC ripple reduces at
where μ = C .
the source. Using (15) and (24), a plot of per unit Zout A −B (p.u.)
C. Shaping of Zout A −B Using Control Parameter α versus α is shown in Fig. 8. A decrease in the value of α causes
an increase in the value of Dstss and this increase in Dstss results
At sliding mode σ ≈ 0, (20) reduces to the following: into an increase in Zout A −B .
Dstσ ≈0 ≈
D. Existence of the Sliding Mode
E + (0.5αμ − r)(e1 + x1r) − 0.5(e2 + x2r) − αμxo + Lνe2
. To guarantee the existence of the sliding mode for the pro-
αμ(1.5(e1 + x1r ) − xo ) − 1.5(e2 + x2r )
(21) posed switching function, the following η-reachability condi-
tion given by (25) should hold true for the reaching dynamics
Suppose, a stable sliding mode is achieved, i.e., system dynam- given by (19):
ics converge and the steady state are reached. At the steady state,
e1 is equal to 1 (SHC ripple in the input current at the steady σ σ̇ < −η|σ|, η > 0. (25)
state) and e2 is equal to 2 (SHC ripple in the output voltage at Substituting (19) in the left-hand side (LHS) of (25) gives the
the dc link). These ripples pulsate over the dc offset (average following:
values of current and voltage). Also, the parasitic resistance r is
σ σ̇ = −σΓσ − σQsign(σ). (26)
very small and can be neglected. Considering these in (21), we
|σ |
have the duty at the steady state as follows: Substituting sign(σ) = σ in (26) gives the following:
Dstss ≈ σ σ̇ = −(Γ|σ| + Q)|σ|. (27)
−(0.5x2r −E) + αμ(0.5x1r −Xo) + 0.5αμ 1 − (0.5 −Lν) 2 Comparing (25) and (27) gives the condition η ≥ Γ|σ| + Q.
−1.5x2r + αμ(1.5x1r − Xo ) + 1.5αμ 1 − 1.5 2 Hence, the existence of the sliding mode is guaranteed for all
(22) η > Γ|σ| + Q provided Γ, Q > 0.

Fig. 10. Phase-plane. (a) Region of attraction in red color: stable region about
the operating point. (b) Closer view.


Fig. 9. Eigenvalue plot. (a) Variation in α and ν both. (b) Variation in α only.
(c) Variation in ν only.

E. Stability of the Sliding Mode

Here, the stability of the sliding mode is proved using eigen-
values’ plot of the Jacobian matrix obtained from the lineariza-
tion of the non-linear closed-loop model of the q-SBI about
the operating point ( 1 , 2 ). The non-linear closed-loop system
dynamics in error coordinates are as follows:
Lė1 =
unacceptable limits. The limits of α can be designed as fol-
−μα[1.5rZo (e1 + x1r )2 + (e2 + x2r )2 − 1.5Zo E(e1 + x1r ) 1 +a 2
lows. Suppose in (24), κ1 = αa 3a−α a 4 and κ2 = a 3 −α a 4 . Here,

1.5Zo μα(e1 + x1r ) − (1.5Zo + αμ)(e2 + x2r ) a1 = μν 2 , a2 = 2 , a3 = 3x2r , a4 = μx1r − 2μXo , and
−r(e1 + x1r)(e2 + x2r)+E(e2 + x2r)]+1.5LνZo e2 (e2 + x2r) a5 = 2Lν 2 . In (24), the value of Dstss can range from 0 to
+ 1. Therefore, the range of α can be solved for 0 < Dstss < 1.
1.5Zo μα(e1 + x1r ) − (1.5Zo + αμ)(e2 + x2r )
(28) Solving this as follows:
a5 − a2 − a3 Dstss0 2a2 + a3 (1 − Dstss0 ) + a5
C ė2 <α< . (30)
a1 − a4 Dstss0 (1 − Dstss0 )a4 − 2a1
1.5Zo (e1 + x1r )[r(e1 + x1r ) − (Lνe2 + E)] + (e2 + x2r )
= A phase-plane plot of the non-linear closed-loop system given
1.5Zo μα(e1 + x1r ) − (1.5Zo + αμ)(e2 + x2r )
by (28) and (29) is shown in Fig. 10(a). The parameters given
[(e2 + x2r ) + (Lνe2 + E) − r(e1 + x1r )] in Table I are used to obtain the plot. The inductor-current error
. (29)
1.5Zo μα(e1 + x1r ) − (1.5Zo + αμ)(e2 + x2r ) e1 is plotted on the x-axis and the dc-link voltage error e2 is
plotted on the y-axis. The proposed controller ensures stability
In Fig. 9(a), the eigenvalues are plotted for n values of 1 , 2 , and
about the operating point ( 1 , 2 ≈ 0). The region shown in red
α. For ±5% voltage regulation (i.e., ±5% x2r ), the n points of
color under the dashed-dotted lines (in black) is the region of
2 are from ao to ao + (n − 1)d. Here, ao = −10, n = 21, and
attraction toward the operating point. In Fig. 10(b), a closer view
d = 1. Also, at the steady state α ≈ 0 (because α= ψ 2 β ; here,
of the operating point is shown.
ψ = 1e − 6 and β = 4). For α ≈ 0, 1 = −ν 2 at σ ≈ 0.
This discussion concludes that the increase in the value of
Moreover, ν is also varied with α in Fig. 9(a). In Fig. 9(a), all
α makes the faster convergence of the system dynamics while
the eigenvalues are negative; this ensures system stability about
the decrease in the value of α causes reduction in the ripple at
the operating point ( 1 , 2 ). Furthermore, the effect of variation
the dc-input source. This makes the profile of α (see Fig. 7) a
in the value of α, keeping ν fixed, and the effect of variation in
suitable choice to fulfill the objective.
ν, keeping α fixed, are shown in Fig. 9(b) and (c), respectively.
From Fig. 9(b) and (c), the higher values of α and smaller values
F. Robustness Analysis
of ν result into the faster convergence of the system dynamics.
At the line–load transients, the value of α increases mono- Here, the robustness of the system against the uncertainty
tonically. However, the value of α should not increase to in the system parameters (C, L) is investigated. This analysis

verifies whether the sliding mode is established despite the pres-

ence of uncertainty in system parameters. The reachability con-
dition given by (19) is used for this analysis. The existence of
the sliding mode (σ = 0) is ensured if reachability condition is
satisfied. The dynamic model given by (5) can be re-written as

ė = Λ(f + gu) (31)

where f, g, and u are as follows:

e1 f1 E − r(e1 + x1r ) − 0.5(e2 + x2r )
e := , f := =
e2 f2 0.5(e1 + x1r ) − x0
Fig. 11. Proposed control scheme.
g1 1.5(e2 + x2r ) Z1 0
g := = , Λ :=
g2 −1.5(e1 + x1r ) + x0 0 Z2 Furthermore, (38) simplifies to the following:
1 1 σ σ̇ = −η1 |σ| (39)
Z1 = , Z2 = . (32)  
η1 = (Γ|σ| + Q)Δρ1 − . (40)
Perturbations in inductance L and capacitance C will change Z1 sign(σ)
by ΔZ1 and Z2 by ΔZ2 . This implies Λ changes to Λ + ΔΛ =
[ Z 1 +Δ 0 The reachability condition holds true, provided that η1 > 0.
Z 2 +Δ Z 2 ]. Substituting this in (31) gives the following:
Suppose Δ Δ ρ 1 = ρm ax , where ρm ax is the maximum uncer-

ė = (Λ + ΔΛ)(f + gu). (33) tainty. Also, |sign(σ)| = 1. Using these values in (40) gives the
Substituting (32) in (20) gives the following:
|ρm ax | < |Γ|σ| + Q|. (41)
u = −(KΛg)−1 (Γσ + Qsign(σ) + ν(x2 − x2r ) + KΛf ).
(34) The parameter Q is designed such that Q > ρm ax to satisfy the
Here, K represents a row vector, i.e., K = [1 (β + 1)α]. The condition given by (39). Fig. 11 shows the schematic of the
nominal dynamic model of the system is used for controller proposed control scheme. It is noted that the conventional SMC
design. It is to be established that this controller achieve sliding has a problem of chattering phenomenon due to high (ideally
mode within a finite time despite the parametric uncertainty in infinite) and variable switching frequency. In this paper, a fixed-
the system. Using (18) and (33) gives the following: frequency PWM SMC is used. Therefore, chattering issue is not
a major problem here. The objective of this paper is to mitigate
σ̇ = K(Λ + ΔΛ)(f + gu) + ν(x2 − x2r ). (35) the problem of the SHC ripple at the input of the q-SBI without
affecting the dynamic performance of the system. The MPPT
Substituting (34) in (35) gives the following: is one of the requirements in the micro-inverter applications.
The MPPT operation is not considered in this paper; however,
σ̇ = −[K(Λ + ΔΛ)((KΛg)−1 (ν(x2 − x2r ) + KΛf ) − f ) a front-end converter with the q-SBI can be used to achieve the
− ν(x2 − x2r)] − [K(Λ + ΔΛ)g(KΛg)−1 ](Γσ + Qsign(σ)). MPPT operation.
The robustness of the system against the parametric uncertainty
is ensured if the reachability condition [given by (25)] holds In this section, the proposed adaptive sliding-mode con-
true. Substituting the LHS of (25) in (36) gives the following: troller is verified using the simulation results using MATLAB-
Simulink tool. The system parameters used in the simulation are
σ σ̇ = −σ[K(Λ + ΔΛ)((KΛg)−1 (ν(x2 − x2r) + KΛf ) −f ) given in Table I. The simulation results are shown for the steady-
state operation and transients operation. Transients performance
− ν(x2 − x2r)]− σ[K(Λ + ΔΛ)g(KΛg)−1 ](Γσ + Qsign(σ)). results are shown for the line-transients and load-transients.
|σ | A. Steady-State Operation
Substituting σ = sign(σ ) in (37) gives the following:
In Fig. 12, the steady-state waveform of the input current x1
Δρ2 and the dc-link voltage x2 of the q-SBI for a fixed duty-cycle
σ σ̇ = − (Γ|σ| + Q)Δρ1 − |σ|. (38) (without the proposed controller) is shown. The peak-to-peak
SHC ripple in the input current is 48%, which is detrimental
Here, Δρ1 = K(Λ + ΔΛ)g(KΛg)−1 and Δρ2 = K(Λ + to the source and components of the q-SBI and, hence, not
ΔΛ)( (KΛg)−1 ( ν(x2 − x2r ) + KΛf ) − f ) − ν(x2 − x2r ). acceptable.

Fig. 12. Steady-state waveform of x1 and x2 with fixed duty (open-loop).

Fig. 15. Simulation results for 100% to 20% load-transients.

Fig. 13. Impact of α on the SHC ripple: Steady-state operation with variations
in the value of α.

Fig. 16. Simulation results for 100% to 50% load-transients.

Fig. 14. Plot of σ versus time.

The steady-state operation of the system with the proposed

controller is shown in Fig. 13. In Fig. 13, the effect of the
decrease in the value of α is shown. The reduction in the peak-
Fig. 17. (a) Waveform of output ac voltage v a c . (b) FFT analysis of V a c .
to-peak SHC ripple at the input side (in E, x1 ) is observed with
the decrease in the value of α. With the decrease in the value
of α from α = 0.4 to α = 0.001 (see right to left in Fig. 13), a
In Fig. 16, the simulation results are shown for the load vari-
decrease from 46% to negligible in the peak-to-peak SHC ripple
ations from 100% to 50% and vice-versa. In both the cases of
in the input current x1 is observed. A plot of σ versus time is
the load changes (load-application and load-removal), the un-
shown in Fig. 14.
dershoots are less than 7% and the overshoots are less than
9% from x2r . The voltage settles down to the reference voltage
B. Transients Response within 200 ms in both of the cases. An fast Fourier transform
The transients results are shown for two different cases: (FFT) plot of Vac for five cycles is shown in Fig. 17. The per-
1) load-transients response and 2) line-transients response. centage of THD in vac is less than 5%.
1) Load-Transients Response: The load-transients results 2) Line-Transients Response: The line-transients results
for the 500-W q-SBI are shown in Fig. 15. The transients re- (variations in the input voltage E) are shown in Fig. 18. In
sponses for the different system variables (E, x1 , x2 , xo Vac , Fig. 18, E, x1 , x2 , and xo are shown. At t = 1 s, the input volt-
Iac ) are observed. The load is varied from 100% to 20% at age is increased from 60 to 96 V. This causes an overshoot of
t = 1 s and from 20% to 100% at t = 3 s as shown in Fig. 15. 4% in the dc-link voltage from the reference voltage. This volt-
At load-removal and load-application, the undershoot and over- age settles back to the reference voltage in 0.15 s. At t = 2 s,
shoot in the dc-link voltage from the reference voltage x2r are the dc-link voltage is decreased from 96 to 60 V. This causes
less than 9%. The voltage settles down to the reference voltage an overshoot of 9% in the dc-link voltage from the reference
in less than 400 ms. voltage. This voltage settles back to reference voltage in 0.42 s.

Fig. 18. Simulation results for line-transients. Fig. 21. Effect of α on the SHC ripple in the input current of the q-SBI: Ripple
reduces with decrease in the value of α; for α = 0.9, the ripple in the input
current is 30%, which reduces to <5% for α = 0.001.

Fig. 19. Experimental setup.

Fig. 22. Load-transients test with 80% load variation: 80% of load is added
to pre-connected 20% load at t = 0.2 s and removed at t = 0.88 s.

is 30% for α = 0.9 and < 5% for α = 0.001. This validates the
theoretical results presented in Section III-C.
Fig. 20. Steady-state results: The ripple in the input current x1 is negligible CASE-II: Load-Transients Test: In Fig. 22, the transients re-
for α = 0.001. sults at the load variation are shown. At the output of the q-SBI,
an ac lamp-load of 500 W is used. The load-transients analysis is
done by applying 80% of the total ac lamp-load at t = 0.2 s and
removing it (keeping 20% of load connected) at t = 0.88 s. At
The proposed controller is verified using a lab-prototype of the application of the load, the dc-link voltage x2 shows an over-
500-W q-SBI. Fig. 19 shows the experimental setup. The param- shoot/undershoot of 13.6%/18.2% from the reference dc-link
eters for the experimentation are the same as in Table I except voltage (x2r = 220 V). However, the voltage settles down at the
ψ = 1 × 10−8 ; this is due to non-ideal system parameters. In reference voltage within 160 ms. At the removal of the load, the
this figure, the q-SBI setup with voltage sensors, current sen- dc-link voltage shows an overshoot/undershoot of 12.3%/9%
sors, and gate-driver board, OPAL-real-time digital simulator, from x2r = 220 V. The voltage settles down at the reference
lamp-load, and battery-bank are shown. Here, the experimental voltage in 220 ms. There are slight variations in the input volt-
results are presented for three different cases: 1) steady-state age and the output voltage of the q-SBI.
operation test; 2) load-transients test; and 3) line-transients test. In Fig. 23, another load-transients results are shown for the
CASE-I: Steady-State Operation Test: The steady-state oper- 50% load variation. The dc-link voltage shows overshoot and un-
ation results are shown in Fig. 20. The figure shows the steady- dershoot of 13.6% at load-application and 9% at load-removal,
state waveform of the input voltage E, the input current x1 , the respectively. The dc-link voltage takes 125 ms (approximately)
dc-link voltage x2 , and the dc-link current of the dc–ac inverter to settle down at the reference voltage.
of the q-SBI, xo . Clearly, it can be seen that the input current x1 CASE-III: Line-Transients Test: In Fig. 24, the line-transients
has a negligible SHC ripple. This ensures the ripple reduction results are shown. In Fig. 24, the input voltage, the dc-link volt-
by the proposed controller at the input. Also, the effect of α on age, and the output ac voltage of the q-SBI are shown. In this
the ripple (similar to Fig. 13) is shown in Fig. 21. The zoomed test, the input voltage is varied (manually) from 125 to 58 V at
waveforms are also shown in Fig. 21. The peak-to-peak ripple t = 4 s and 58 to 125 V at t = 14 s. Throughout the variation in

is negligible undershoot/overshoot in the DC bus voltage at


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