GenMath Week 11 SS

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Jason’s Shopping Spree

Jason spent ¼ of his money and an additional $10 on some books. He then spent ⅖ of the
remaining money and an additional $8 on some DVDs. If he was left with $130, how much
money did he have at first?

Explanation: We start with $130 dollars plus the $8 dollars to have the ⅗ of his money. From
there, we divide $138 dollars into 3 to know the value of each fifth and it is equivalent to $46.
Now that we know that each fifth is equal to $46 dollars, we multiply it to 5 to know the whole
value which is $230. $230 dollars plus $10 makes up ¾ of his money. To know the value of each
fourth, we divide $240 to 3 which will give us $80. Now $80 multiplied to 4 parts is eual to $320

Answer: Jason’s money from the start is $320.

Ann and Clint’s Shopping Spree

Ann and Clint went to the mall with an equal amount of money to buy their mother a birthday
present. Ann purchased a $52 bracelet and Clint bought his mother a bottle of perfume for $62.
Clint had ⅗ of the money that Ann has remaining. How much money did each start with before
their purchase.

Explanation: First get the difference between their spending, that is $10. That amount of money
represents the ⅖ of the money that Ann has. When we divide 10 by 2, that will be equal to 5.
Which means that each fifth is equal to $5 dollars. If Ann has five parts multiplied to $5, that
gives us $25 for Ann while Clint has $15. When we added their remaining money to their
spending, both are equal to $77.

Answer: Ann and Clint started with $77 each.

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