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Name: Amerah S.


EL 106 (72739)


Assessment Questions:

Question: What mood does the poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening"

Assessment: Identify and describe the mood created by the imagery and language
used in the poem. Discuss how the atmosphere of the snowy woods contributes to
the overall tone of the poem.
Answer: The tone of "Stopping by Woods" is both relaxing and slightly frightening.
Formally, everything in Frost's poem conveys a sense of tranquility. The meter, for
example, has an easy flow due to the consistent usage of rigorous iambic tetrameter.

Question: How does the speaker's interaction with nature reflect deeper themes in the

Assessment: Analyze the speaker's contemplation of the snowy woods and their
decision to continue their journey despite the allure of the tranquil setting. Discuss
how this interaction with nature symbolizes themes of duty, responsibility, and the
passage of time.
Answer: The poem reflects deeper themes such as contemplation, loneliness, and the
attraction of the unknown. As the speaker takes a minute to appreciate the beauty of the
snowy woods, they are drawn into a state of contemplation and reflection. The quiet and
serene atmosphere of the woods contrasts with the speaker's frantic existence, leading
them to pause and appreciate nature's basic beauty.

The speaker's resolve to continue their journey despite the urge to stop in the woods
reflects themes of duty, responsibility, and the passing of time. The speaker recognizes
their obligations and commitments, represented by the "promises to keep" and the
"miles to go before I sleep." This internal struggle between the desire for relaxation and
the need to press

Question: What is the significance of the repetition in the final lines of the poem?
Assessment: Evaluate the impact of the repetition of the line "And miles to go before I
sleep" in the poem's concluding stanza. Discuss how this repetition emphasizes the
speaker's sense of duty and the enduring journey they must undertake. Analyze the
significance of the phrase in relation to the poem's themes of perseverance and
Answer: The repetition of the line "And miles to go before I sleep" in the concluding
stanza of the poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost
emphasizes the speaker's sense of duty and responsibility. It conveys a feeling of
obligation to continue on their journey despite the attraction of the peaceful, snowy
woods. This repetition serves to highlight the contrast between the speaker's desire
for rest and the reality of their ongoing commitments.

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