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Kelompok 5

Putu Dian Pramudya Sumantri (223213410)

Komang Desmitha Indah Pradnya Mahadewi (223213427)

On Monday 31 December 2024 a 60 year old woman came to Medika Hospital with her grandson.
She came to the hospital with insufficient information. She suddenly found her self in the
administration room.

Nurse: Ma'am, is there anything I can help you with? I see you are confused.

X : Oh no, I've been going back and forth to find the place I wanted to go.

Nurse: Do you know the name of the room? It will be easier for me to give you directions

X : Wait a moment, I want to check my notes for a moment, I think I wrote down the name of the
room earlier.

Nurse : OK, I'll wait. Do you just come with your grandson or with others?

X : Yes, just the two of us, later my second child will come here to visit.

Nurse: Have you found the name of the room?

X : Oh yea, the name of the room is the Kaswari room. Where is it? is it far?

Nurse: What room number is it? the distance is close.

X : As I remember, room 301.

Nurse : in whose name is the patient? Is there a family relationship?

X : he's my little brother, we're siblings. His name is Eka Darmanto.

Nurse : OK, wait a moment, I'll check on the computer. OK, there is a patient in that name.

X : OK, can you tell me the directions?

Nurse : You can go straight, then you will find a sign saying the right direction leading to building
B. The Kaswari room is on building B, 3rd floor. You can use the elevator or stairs.

X : OK, oh that's very close. I thought before that it was still a long way to find that room.

Nurse : Is there any further help you need?

X : no, that's all, thank you for helping me.

Nurse : with pleasure ma'am.

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