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ROLL NO : 139

Question : 01
Create a python program to create the following right-angle triangle


Right-angle triangle
i = 1

while i <= 5:
print("*"*i, end = '')
i = i + 1
Question : 02
Write a python program to generate the following pattern:

Inverted right-angle triangle

num_rows = 5

for i in range(num_rows, 0, -1):

for j in range(1, i + 1):

print("*", end = "")

Question : 03
Create a program to display the following pyramid pattern:

Pyramid pattern

num_rows = 5

for i in range(1, num_rows + 1):

for j in range(num_rows, i, -1):
print(" ",end = "")

for k in range(1, i + 1):

print("*", end = "")


Question : 04
Write a python program to produce the following inverted pyramid patter

Inverted pyramid pattern

num_rows = 5

for i in range(num_rows, 0, -1):

for j in range(num_rows, i, -1):

print(" ", end = "")

for k in range(1, i + 1):

print("*", end = "")


Question : 05 Half pyramid pattern


num_rows = 5

for i in range(1, num_rows + 1):

for j in range(num_rows, i, -1):

print(" ", end = "")

for k in range(1, 2 * i):

print("*", end = "")


Question :06 Inverted half pyramid pattern

rows = 5

for i in range(rows, 0, -1):

for j in range(rows - i):

print(" ", end = "")

for k in range(1, i * 2):

print("*", end = "")


Question : 07 Diamond pattern


rows = 5

# upper half of the diamond

for i in range(1, rows + 1):

for j in range(1, rows - i + 1):

print(" ", end = "")

for k in range(1, 2 * i):

print("*", end = "")

# lower half of the diamond

for i in range(rows - 1, 0, -1):

for j in range(1, rows - i + 1):

print(" ", end = "")
for k in range(1, 2 * i):
print("*", end = "")

Question : 08 Hollow rectangle pattern

* *
* *

rows = 4
columns = 7

for i in range(rows):
for j in range(columns):
if i==0 or i==rows-1 or j==0 or j==columns-1:
print("*", end = "")
print(" ", end = "")

Question : 09 Right angle-triangle pattern

* *
* *
rows = 5

for i in range(rows):
for j in range(i+1):
if j==0 or j==i or i==rows-1:
print("*", end = "")
print(" ", end = "")

Question : 10 Zig Zag pattern

* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *
rows = 9

for i in range(rows):
for j in range(rows):
if i == j or i + j == rows - 1:
print("*", end = "")
print(" ", end = "")


Question : 11
Write a python program that take an integers as input and print ‘even’ if it’s a
even number ‘or’ print ‘odd’ if it’s an odd number:
num = int(input("Enter an integer: "))

if num % 2 == 0:

Question : 12
give a list of integers, write a python programe to find sum of all even numbers in
the list:
# sample list of integers
integer_list = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]

# initialize a variable to store the sum

even_sum = 0

# iterate through the list and add even numbers to the sum
for num in integer_list:
if num % 2 == 0:
even_sum += num

# print the sum of even numbers

print("sum of even numbers:",even_sum)

Question : 13
Create a python program that takes a string as input and prints the last three
characters of the string
# Get user input as a string
input_string = input("Enter a string: ")

# Check if the string has at least three characters

if len(input_string) >= 3:
last_three_characters = input_string[-3:]
print("Last three characters:", last_three_characters)
print("The string is too short to get the last three characters.")

Question : 14
Given a list of integers, use list comprehension to create a new list containing only
the squared values of the even numbers
# Sample list of integers
integer_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

# Use list comprehension to create a new list of squared even numbers

squared_even_numbers = [x ** 2 for x in integer_list if x % 2 == 0]

# Print the new list

print("Squared even numbers:", squared_even_numbers)

Question : 15
Given the list of employee data:
Employee_data = [
(“Alice”, 101, “HR”),
(“Bob”, 102, “Engineering”),
(“Charlie”, 103, “Marketing”),
(“David”, 104, “Finance”)
Write a python program that does the following:
1. unpack each tuple in the employee_data list to extract the employee’s name,
employee’s ID, employee’s department
2. for each employee, print a message in the following format: “Employee:
[Employee Name], Employee ID:[Employee ID], Employee department:[Employee
Your program should use tuple unpacking to achieve this, and it should work for
any list of employee data. Test your program with the provided data.
employees_data = [
("Alice", 101, "HR"),
("Bob", 102, "Engineering"),
("Charlie", 103, "Marketing"),
("David", 104, "Finance")

# Iterate through the list and unpack each tuple

for employee in employees_data:
name, employee_id, department = employee
print(f"Employee: {name}, Employee ID: {employee_id}, Department:

Question : 16
Create two sets and demonstrate the union, intersection, and different
operations between them
# Create two sets
set1 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
set2 = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7}

# Union of the two sets

union_result = set1.union(set2)
print("Union:", union_result)

# Intersection of the two sets

intersection_result = set1.intersection(set2)
print("Intersection:", intersection_result)

# Difference between the two sets (set1 - set2)

difference_result1 = set1.difference(set2)
print("Difference (set1 - set2):", difference_result1)

# Difference between the two sets (set2 - set1)

difference_result2 = set2.difference(set1)
print("Difference (set2 - set1):", difference_result2)

Question : 17
Write a python program that take a month as input and prints the number of days
in that month. Use a dictionary to map the months to the numbers of days
# Create a dictionary to map months to the number of days
month_days = {
"January": 31,
"February": 28, # Assuming a non-leap year
"March": 31,
"April": 30,
"May": 31,
"June": 30,
"July": 31,
"August": 31,
"September": 30,
"October": 31,
"November": 30,
"December": 31

# Get the input month from the user

user_input = input("Enter a month: ")

# Check if the input month is in the dictionary

if user_input in month_days:
days = month_days[user_input]
print(f"{user_input} has {days} days.")
print("Invalid month entered.")

Question : 18
given a list of characters, write a python program to reverse the order of the
characters in the list:
char_list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']



Question : 19
Create a list of numbers from 1 to 20 using list comprehension. Only include
numbers that are divisible by both 2 and 3:
divisible_by_2_and_3 = [x for x in range(1, 21) if x % 2 == 0 and x % 3 == 0]
Question : 20
Define a python function that take two integers as input and returns their sum.
Provide an example of calling this function:

def add_numbers(a, b):

return a + b

# example
result = add_numbers(5, 7)
print(result) # This will print 12

Question : 21
Create a python function that calculates the area of a rectangle. It should have
default values for the length and width , with a default rectangle size of 1x1:
def rectangle_area(length=1, width=1):
return length * width

# example of calling function

area = rectangle_area()
print("Default Rectangle Area:", area) # This will print "Default Rectangle
Area: 1"

custom_area = rectangle_area(3, 4)
print("Custom Rectangle Area:", custom_area) # This will print "Custom Rectangle
Area: 12"

Question : 22
Write a python program that reads a text file and count the numbers of lines ,
words and characters in the file. Use function to organize the code:

def count_file_statistics(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
text =
lines = text.split('\n')
words = text.split()
characters = len(text)

return len(lines), len(words), characters

except FileNotFoundError:
return None # Return None if the file is not found

def main():
file_path = "your_file.txt" # Replace with the path to your text file

result = count_file_statistics(file_path)

if result:
lines, words, characters = result
print(f"Number of lines: {lines}")
print(f"Number of words: {words}")
print(f"Number of characters: {characters}")
print("File not found.")

if __name__ == "__main":

Question : 23
Given a list of words, create a python program that generates a new list
containing only words with three or fewer characters using list comprehension.
def filter_short_words(word_list):
return [word for word in word_list if len(word) <= 3]

words = ["apple", "banana", "cat", "dog", "elephant", "fox", "giraffe"]

short_words = filter_short_words(words)
print("Words with three or fewer characters:", short_words)

Question : 24
Given a string , create a python program that counts the number of vowels(a, e, I,
o, u) in the string using list comprehemsion.
def count_vowels(input_string):
vowels = "AEIOU"
count = len([char for char in input_string.upper() if char in vowels])
return count

input_string = "Hello, World! This is a sample string with vowels."

vowel_count = count_vowels(input_string)
print("Number of vowels:", vowel_count)

Question : 25
Write a python program that takes a dictionary of students and their exam scores
and find the students with the highest score and their name.
def find_student_with_highest_score(scores_dict):
if not scores_dict:
return None

max_score = max(scores_dict.values())
top_students = [student for student, score in scores_dict.items() if score ==

if len(top_students) == 1:
return top_students[0], max_score
return top_students, max_score

# Example dictionary of student names and exam scores

student_scores = {
"Alice": 95,
"Bob": 88,
"Charlie": 92,
"David": 95,
"Eve": 89

result = find_student_with_highest_score(student_scores)

if result:
students, highest_score = result
if isinstance(students, list):
print("Top students with the highest score of", highest_score, "are:",
", ".join(students))
print("Student with the highest score is", students, "with a score of",
print("No students found.")

Question : 26
You are working on a Python project where you need to utilize several modules to
manage various aspects of your code. You have two modules,
and, each containing different functions. In, you
have the following functions. 1. Add a, b to add two numbers. 2. Subtract a, b to
subtract two numbers. 3. Multiply a, b to multiply two numbers. And, you have the following functions. 1. Reverse String s to reverse a
given string. 2. Capitalize String s to capitalize the first letter of each word in a
given string. Your task is to create a Python program that imports and utilizes
these functions from the respective modules. Write a Python program that does
the following. 1. Imports all the functions from using the from
and the star function. 2. Imports the reverse string function from
using the from syntax. 3. Call each of the following to perform the following tasks.
1. Add two numbers and print the result. 2. Subtract two numbers and print the
result. 3. Multiply two numbers and print the result. 4. Reverse a given string and
print the reverse string. 5. Capitalize the word in the given string and print the
result. Make sure to demonstrate the usage of the both import and from
statement in your code.

def add(a, b):

return a + b

def subtract(a, b):

return a - b

def multiply(a, b):

return a * b


def reverse_string(s):
return s[::-1]
def capitalize_words(s):
return s.title()

# Import all functions from using the "import" statement

import MythOperations

# Import all functions from using the "from" statement

from MythOperations import *

# Import the reverse_string function from using the "from"

from StringUtils import reverse_string

# Call the functions to perform various tasks

result_add = MythOperations.add(5, 3)
print("Addition:", result_add)

result_subtract = subtract(8, 4)
print("Subtraction:", result_subtract)

result_multiply = multiply(4, 6)
print("Multiplication:", result_multiply)

input_string = "Hello, World!"

reversed_string = reverse_string(input_string)
print("Reversed String:", reversed_string)

input_string = "python programming is fun"

capitalized_words = StringUtils.capitalize_words(input_string)
print("Capitalized Words:", capitalized_words)

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