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Draw the use case diagram and specify the role of each of the actors. Also state the
precondition, post condition and function of each use case.

Use Case Diagram: Student management System

The actors in the image are:

 Student A student enrolled in the educational institute

 Admin An administrator who manages the student management system [1]
 Coordinator A coordinator who looks after the day-to-day activities of the students, such as attendance
and examination schedules [2]

The use cases in the diagram are:

 Registration
o Precondition: The student is a new student who has not registered in the system before.
o Postcondition: The student is registered in the system and has a student ID.
o Function: This use case allows a student to register in the system. The student will provide
their personal information, such as name, address, and contact details. The system will
generate a student ID for the student.

 Add Student
o Precondition: The admin has permission to add students to the system.
o Postcondition: A new student record is added to the system.
o Function: This use case allows the admin to add a new student to the system. The admin will
provide the student's personal information, such as name, address, and contact details.
 Delete Student
o Precondition: The admin has permission to delete students from the system.
o Postcondition: A student record is deleted from the system.
o Function: This use case allows the admin to delete a student from the system. The admin will
need to provide the student's ID or name.
 Reset System
o Precondition: There is a need to reset the system data, such as in case of a system error.
o Postcondition: The system data is reset to its initial state.
o Function: This use case allows the admin to reset the system data. This is a critical operation
that should be used with caution, as it will erase all data in the system.
 Manage Students Records
o Precondition: The admin has permission to manage student records.
o Postcondition: Student records are updated in the system.
o Function: This use case allows the admin to manage student records. The admin can view,
edit, and delete student records.
 Generate Report
o Precondition: The admin or coordinator has permission to generate reports.
o Postcondition: A report is generated.
o Function: This use case allows the admin or coordinator to generate reports on student data.
For example, the admin or coordinator could generate a report on all students enrolled in a
particular course.
 Check Attendance
o Precondition: The coordinator has permission to check attendance.
o Postcondition: Student attendance is recorded in the system.
o Function: This use case allows the coordinator to check student attendance. The coordinator
can mark students as present or absent.
 View Result
o Precondition: The student or coordinator has permission to view results.
o Postcondition: The student's results are displayed.
o Function: This use case allows the student or coordinator to view the student's results.

Experiment -04
Draw the activity diagram.
Student Management System

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