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TagedH1Full-term induction of labor vs expectant
management and cesarean delivery in women
with obesity: systematic review and meta-
TagedPLise Qvirin Krogh, MD; Julie Glavind, MD; Tine Brink Henriksen, MD; Jim Thornton, MD; Jens Fuglsang, MD;
Sidsel Boie, MD, PhDTagedEn


T he prevalence of obesity defined as

a body mass index (BMI) of
≥30 kg/m2 is a significant health issue
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to review the literature comparing full-term induction of labor
with expectant management in women with obesity on the risk of cesarean delivery and other
adverse outcomes.
DATA SOURCES: A literature search was performed on PubMed, EMBASE, Scopus, ClinicalTrials.
TagedEnCite this article as: Krogh LQ, Glavind J, Henriksen TB, gov, and the Cochrane Library. This study had no time, language, or geographic restriction.
et al. Full-term induction of labor vs expectant manage- STUDY ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Studies were eligible if (1) they were cohort or randomized
ment and cesarean delivery in women with obesity: sys- controlled trials, (2) they compared induction of labor at early or late term with expectant man-
tematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol agement, and (3) they included women with a body mass index of ≥30 kg/m2. Studies
MFM 2023;5:100909. restricted to women with multiple pregnancy, premature rupture of membranes, or nonce-
TagedEnFrom the Departments of Obstetrics and
phalic presentation were excluded. The primary outcome was cesarean delivery. The second-
Gynecology (Drs Krogh, Glavind, Fuglsang, and ary outcomes included maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidities and were evaluated.
Boie), Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, METHODS: The risk of bias was assessed by 2 authors using the Risk of Bias In Non-Randomized
Denmark; Departments of Clinical Medicine Studies of Interventions tool. Only studies assessed with low or moderate risk of bias contributed
(Drs Glavind, Henriksen, and Fuglsang), Aarhus to the meta-analysis. Data were combined to pooled relative risks and 95% confidence intervals
University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark;
Departments of Pediatrics (Dr Henriksen),
using random effects models. The quality of evidence was assessed for selected outcomes.
Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark; RESULTS: Of the 232 studies identified, 13 were aligned with the inclusion criteria, and 4
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, cohort studies, including 216,318 women with induction of labor and 1,122,769 women
Nottingham University, Nottingham, United managed expectantly, were included in the meta-analysis for the primary outcome. In women
Kingdom (Dr Thornton); Steno Diabetes Centre, with obesity, full-term induction of labor was associated with a lower risk of cesarean delivery
Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark
(Dr Fuglsang); Department of Obstetrics and
than expectant management (19.7% vs 24.5%; relative risk, 0.71; 95% confidence interval,
Gynecology, Aalborg University Hospital, 0.63−0.81). Moreover, this study found the same direction of the association for other
Aarhus, Denmark (Dr Boie). selected outcomes: severe perineal lacerations (relative risk, 0.65; 95% confidence interval,
Received January 15, 2023; revised February 0.48−0.89), maternal infection (relative risk, 0.42; 95% confidence interval, 0.21−0.84),
10, 2023; accepted February 15, 2023. perinatal mortality (relative risk, 0.41; 95% confidence interval, 0.18−0.90), low Apgar score
TagedEnThe authors report no conflict of interest. (relative risk, 0.48; 95% confidence interval, 0.26−0.91), meconium aspiration syndrome
TagedEnThe Novo Nordic Foundation provided financial (relative risk, 0.40; 95% confidence interval, 0.28−0.56), and macrosomia (relative risk,
support for the research and preparation of the 0.57; 95% confidence interval, 0.43−0.75). Conversely, induction of labor was associated
article. The funder had no involvement in any with an increased risk of instrumental vaginal delivery (relative risk, 1.12; 95% confidence
aspects of the research.
interval, 1.02−1.22). The quality of evidence ranged from low to very low.
TagedEnThis study was published on July 23, 2021 in CONCLUSION: Full-term induction of labor in women with obesity may reduce the risk of cesar-
the International Prospective Register of
Systematic Reviews (registration number:
ean delivery compared with expectant management, but the quality of the evidence is low.
CRD42021287310). TagedEnTagedPKey
words: cesarean delivery, complications, delivery, induced, labor, maternal, maternal
TagedEnThe primary outcome of this study was complications, meta-analysis, obesity, observational studies, obstetrics, perinatal complica-
presented in an electronic poster at the Birth tions, systematic reviewTagedEn
Congress December 8th 2022, Milano, Italy.
TagedEnCorresponding author: Lise Qvirin Krogh, MD.
2589-9333/$36.00 Kingdom, and between 8% and 26% in
© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. EDITOR'S CHOICE
This is an open access article under the CC BY
the European countries.2,3
license ( worldwide.1 Among women of repro- TagedPThe risk of complications in preg-
4.0/) ductive age, the prevalence is 33% in the nancy and labor is higher in women United States, 20% in the United with obesity than in women with a BMI

May 2023 AJOG MFM 1

Systematic ReviewTagedEn

AJOG MFM at a Glance and by contacting the corresponding

Why was this study conducted?
This study aimed to review the literature comparing full-term induction of labor TagedH2Eligibility criteriaTagedEn
(IOL) with expectant management in women with obesity on the risk of cesar- TagedPThe eligible study population was preg-
ean delivery and other maternal and neonatal outcomes. nant women with a BMI of ≥30 kg/m2.
Key findings Studies restricted to women with multi-
In our meta-analysis of observational studies, IOL was associated with a reduced ple pregnancy, premature rupture of
risk of cesarean delivery and selected adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes membranes, or noncephalic presenta-
compared with expectant management. Moreover, we found no completed ran- tion were excluded. For the interven-
domized controlled studies. tion, studies comparing women
undergoing IOL at or beyond 37 to 40
What does this add to what is known? weeks of gestation (early term and full
This study synthesized the evidence on IOL vs expectant management in women term) with women undergoing expec-
with obesity. tant management beyond that gesta-
tional age were included. No restriction
of methods used for IOL was applied.
of <25 kg/m2 and increases with TagedH1ObjectiveTagedEn Moreover, studies with any of the out-
increasing BMI.2,4,5 The complications TagedPThis study aimed to compare full-term comes from the core outcome set for tri-
include gestational diabetes mellitus, IOL with expectant management in als on IOL were included.18 Eligible
preeclampsia, macrosomia, shoulder women with obesity on the risk of study designs were randomized con-
dystocia, postpartum hemorrhage, cesarean delivery and other adverse trolled trials (RCTs) and cohort studies.
cesarean delivery, and stillbirth.4−7 Com- maternal and neonatal outcomes.TagedEn No time, language, or geographic
pared with women of normal weight, the restriction was imposed.TagedEn
risk of cesarean delivery is doubled in TagedPStudies that only included accepted
women with obesity.2 The risk of wound TagedH1MethodsTagedEn medical indications for IOL were
infection or other infectious morbidities TagedPThis review was conducted following the excluded. This was a posthoc decision.
after cesarean delivery is increased.8 In Preferred Items for Reporting Systematic Conference abstracts, ongoing random-
addition, cesarean delivery adds risk to Reviews and Meta-analyses Protocols and ized trials, and studies with no full text
future deliveries.9 Hence, it is crucial to Cochrane Handbook for Systematic were excluded from the meta-analyses.TagedEn
find strategies to lower the risk of mater- Reviews of Interventions.16,17 The study
nal and neonatal morbidities in women protocol was published on July 23, 2021, TagedH2Study selectionTagedEn
with obesity.TagedEn in the International Prospective Register TagedPIdentified studies were managed by the
TagedPNevertheless, a systematic evalua- of Systematic Reviews (registration num- reference management package Covi-
tion of the current evidence on how ber: CRD42021287310).TagedEn dence.19 Duplicates were removed
induction of labor (IOL) compared before the screening. Of note, 2 authors
with expectant management affects TagedH2Search strategyTagedEn (L.Q.K. and S.B.) independently exam-
cesarean delivery in women with obe- TagedPA literature search was performed by 1 ined the titles and abstracts for all refer-
sity remains incomplete. Some ran- author (L.Q.K.) on PubMed, EMBASE, ences and subsequently reviewed all full
domized studies on IOL vs expectant Scopus,, and the texts of potentially eligible studies. Dis-
management in a general low-risk Cochrane Library with assistance from agreements during the process were
population demonstrated lower rates a university librarian. Search terms or resolved by discussion and consensus
of cesarean delivery with IOL and no Medical Subject Heading terms related between the 2 authors without the need
difference in neonatal outcomes closely to “induction of labor,” “expec- to consult a third author. Correspond-
between groups,10,11 whereas a study tant management,” “watchful waiting,” ing authors were contacted via e-mail to
in an advanced maternal age popula- “obesity,” and “BMI.” A detailed search clarify potential identical studies (eg,
tion found no difference in cesarean strategy is shown in Appendix. The first conference abstract and corresponding
delivery rates.12 No randomized study search was performed on October 5, full-text publications).TagedEn
on IOL vs expectant management has 2021, and the search was updated on
had women with obesity as the target September 9, 2022. Reference lists from TagedH2Data extractionTagedEn
population. However, recent observa- each included article were further TagedPData from studies included in the final
tional studies suggested lower cesar- reviewed to identify other relevant analysis were extracted by 1 author (L.
ean delivery rates with IOL than articles not retrieved by the database Q.K.) and checked for accuracy by
expectant management among women search. The identification of full-text another author (S.B.). Discrepancies
with obesity.13−15TagedEn articles from conference abstracts was were resolved by discussion and con-
pursued by searching the databases sensus. Data were entered into Review

2 AJOG MFM May 2023

Systematic ReviewTagedEn

Manager (RevMan) software (version TagedH2Assessment of risk of biasTagedEn delivery” and “perinatal death,” were
5.4; Cochrane Collaboration, Copenha- TagedPThe risk of bias was assessed by 2 added to the “Summary of findings”
gen, Denmark).20 When possible, data authors (L.Q.K. and S.B.) using the Risk table posthoc.TagedEn
extracted were unadjusted. In studies of Bias In Non-randomized Studies of
stratified by gestational age, data were Interventions (ROBINS-I) tool.25 Fol- TagedH2Quality of evidenceTagedEn
only extracted on IOL at 39 weeks of lowing the ROBINS-I tool, predefined TagedPThe quality of evidence was assessed
gestation, to avoid a woman appearing confounding domains were identified using the Grading of Recommendations
more than once in the analysis and/or on the basis of discussions among Assessment, Development, and Evalua-
potentially in both intervention and authors (L.Q.K., T.B.H., J.G., J.F., and S. tion (GRADE approach).29 The initial
control groups. This was not prespeci- B.). These were subsequently used for level of quality was defined by study
fied in the protocol. A gestational age of the risk of bias assessment. The con- design, and reasons for downgrading or
39 weeks is consistent with clinical founding domains included medical upgrading were assessed. Of note, 2
practice for the timing of IOL in the indication for IOL, previous cesarean authors (L.Q.K. and S.B.) assessed the
United States based on the balance of delivery, Bishop score (a modified quality and listed arguments for down-
neonatal and maternal risks.10,21−24TagedEn Bishop score was accepted), maternal grading or upgrading.TagedEn
BMI, gestational age at the time of IOL,
and maternal age. Any disagreement in TagedH1ResultsTagedEn
TagedH2Outcome measuresTagedEn the risk of bias assessment was resolved TagedH2Study selectionTagedEn
TagedPThe predefined primary outcome was by discussion. As recommended by the TagedPOf 232 references identified in the liter-
cesarean delivery. The maternal and Cochrane handbook, studies at low or ature search, 65 references were eligible
perinatal secondary outcomes were moderate risk of bias were included in for full-text scrutiny. A total of 13 stud-
based on the core outcome set for trials the final meta-analysis, whereas studies ies were included in this review. The
on IOL.18 The secondary maternal out- with serious and critical risk of bias selection process is shown in detail in
comes were indication for cesarean were excluded.26TagedEn Figure 1. Of note, 7 studies were
delivery; instrumental vaginal delivery; excluded from the meta-analyses. Of
duration from IOL to delivery; number TagedH2Data synthesisTagedEn these studies, 2 were ongoing RCTs,30,31
of induction agents or methods TagedPOutcome data from included studies and 3 were cohort studies published
required; oxytocin augmentation, uter- were combined to estimate pooled rela- only as conference abstracts. Unsuccess-
ine hyperstimulation; use of analgesia, tive risks (RRs) with 95% confidence ful attempts to obtain full-text articles
including epidural during labor; shoul- intervals (CIs). The RevMan software were made, and subsequently, the stud-
der dystocia (as defined in the specific (version 5.4) was used for statistical ies were excluded from the meta-analy-
article); perineal third- or fourth-degree analyses.20 There was a significant risk ses.32−34 Moreover, 2 studies were
laceration; damage to internal organs of clinical and methodological heteroge- excluded from meta-analyses as they
(the bladder, bowel, or ureters), uterine neity as a result of variability in both were at serious risk of bias.35,36 Hence,
scar dehiscence or rupture; postpartum participants and interventions. This het- 6 studies were available for the meta-
hemorrhage; hysterectomy for any com- erogeneity was explored by predefined analyses.TagedEn
plication resulting from birth; infection; subgroup analyses by parity (0 vs 1+), TagedPIn addition, 4 studies (in pairs of 2)
intensive care unit (ICU) admission; BMI (<35 or ≥35 kg/m2), prepregnancy had overlapping study populations. Of
pulmonary embolus; stroke; cardiopul- BMI, previous cesarean delivery or not, these studies, 1 evaluated13 the same
monary arrest; death; postnatal depres- and gestational age at 39 0/7 to 39 6/7 study population, but with a shorter
sion; satisfaction; breastfeeding (as weeks of gestation. The statistical het- inclusion period than another.15 Fur-
defined in the specific article); and erogeneity was assessed and defined as thermore, the outcomes of the 2 studies
length of hospital stay. The secondary substantial if I2 was more than 50%.27 differed. Therefore, when an outcome
perinatal outcomes included perinatal Heterogeneity was addressed in the was reported in both studies, only data
death, neonatal ICU (NICU) admission, analyses by using a random effect from the largest study was included in
5-minute Apgar score of <7, umbilical assessment.TagedEn the meta-analyses. When an outcome
artery pH of <7 at birth, need for respi- was only reported in the smallest study,
ratory support, neonatal seizures, birth TagedH2Summary of findingsTagedEn these data were included. For the other
trauma, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopa- T utcomes for the “Summary of find-
agedPO pair of studies overlapping, 1 study37
thy or the need for therapeutic hypo- ings” table were selected and described evaluated the same study population,
thermia, infection, and meconium a priori in the review protocol.28 How- but only in women with a BMI of ≥40
aspiration syndrome. Long-term out- ever, none of the included studies kg/m2, in contrast to the paired study in
comes included the need for maternal reported data on 2 of the outcomes women with a BMI of ≥30 kg/m2.14
operative pelvic floor repair and long- (“maternal satisfaction” and “umbilical Hence, all outcomes of the study on
term disability in the offspring, includ- artery pH of <7 at birth'”). Of note, 2 women with a BMI of ≥40 kg/m2 were
ing neurodevelopmental delay.TagedEn outcomes, “instrumental vaginal also reported in the study on women

May 2023 AJOG MFM 3

Systematic ReviewTagedEn

TagedFiur Flow diagram of the study selection process

Asterisk denote overlapping study populations in some studies are included. (see text for details).
Krogh. Full-term induction of labor vs expectant management and cesarean delivery in women with obesity. Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM 2023.


with a BMI of ≥30 kg/m2, and only data Australia, and 2 studies were from TagedH2Primary outcomeTagedEn
from the study on women with a BMI Europe. The studies were published TagedPOf note, 4 studies that included
of ≥30 kg/m2 were included in the between 2014 and 2021. All studies 1,339,087 women contributed to the
meta-analyses. Data for the subgroup excluded accepted medical-indicated meta-analysis for the primary outcome
analysis on BMI were included from the IOL. Table 1 provides further character- of cesarean delivery.14,15,38,39 Full-term
study on women with a BMI of ≥40 kg/ istics of the included studies.TagedEn IOL was associated with a reduced risk
m2, as the study on women with a BMI of cesarean delivery compared with
of ≥30 kg/m2 did not stratify results by expectant management in women with
BMI.TagedEn TagedH2Risk of bias assessmentTagedEn obesity (19.7% vs 24.5%; risk ratio [RR],
TagedPThe risk of bias assessment of the 0.71; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.63
TagedH2Study characteristicsTagedEn included studies showed moderate to −0.81; low level of certainty). Pooled
TagedPAll the included articles were in English. critical risk according to the ROBINS-I RR and 95% CI are presented for this
Of note, 10 studies were from the tool. Detailed assessments are outlined estimate with a forest plot in Figure 3.
United States, 1 study was from in Figure 2.TagedEn We found a similar risk estimate for

4 AJOG MFM May 2023

TagedEnTABLE 1
Characteristics of all 14 included studies
Year of deliveries
Study design, no. of investigated and country Restriction to study Time of body mass Outcomes stratified by
Authors, y participants Data source or setting of conduct population index assessment gestational age
Wolfe et al,35 2014 Cohort, n=470 MedStar Washington 2007−2012 Nulliparous At delivery No
Hospital Center (single United States
Lee et al,33 2015 Cohort, n=63,056 California, data source 2008 None Not reported Yes
unknown United States 38, 39, and 40 wk
Lee et al,34 2015 Cohort, n=25,964 California-linked hospital 2008 Nulliparous Not reported Yes
data United States 38, 39, and 40 wk
Lee et al,13 2016 Cohort, n=74,725 California-linked birth data 2007 None Prepregnancy Yes
United States 37, 38, 39, and 40 wk
Kawakita et al,37 2017 Cohort, n=4,349 Consortium on Safe Labor 2002−2008 (87% BMI≥40 kg/m2 At delivery Yes
between 2005 and 2007) 37 0/7 to 38 6/7 wk of
United States gestation and 39 0/7 to
40 6/7 wk of gestation
Nugent et al,36 2017 Cohort, n=623 Matrix database from 2011−2015 BMI≥35 kg/m2 Not reported Yes
Townsville Hospital and Australia 37, 38, 39, and 40 wk
Health Service
Gibbs Pickens et a,15 2018 Cohort, n=165,975 California-linked birth data 2007−2011 None Prepregnancy Yes
United States 39, 40, and 41 wk
Glazer et al,38 2022 Cohort, n=66,280 New York City Department of 2008−2013 (except from None Prepregnancy Yes
Health and Mental Hygiene 2010) 39 and 40 wk
United States
Krogh,31 2020 RCT Danish delivery departments 2020, recruitment ongoing None Prepregnancy No
Palatnik et al,14 2020 Cohort, n=17,087 Consortium on Safe Labor 2002−2008 None Prepregnancy Yes
United States 39, 40, and 41 wk
Eberle et al, 39 2021 Cohort (propensity score Center for Disease Control 2013−2017 Live births Not reported No

Systematic ReviewTagedEn
matched), n=1,184,058 and Preventions United States
Schmidt et al,32 2021 Cohort, n=572,113 California, data source 2007−2011 None Not reported No
unknown United States
May 2023 AJOG MFM

Sentilhes,30 2021 RCT French delivery departments 2021, recruitment ongoing Nulliparous Not reported Not reported
BMI, body mass index; RCT, randomized controlled trial.
Krogh. Full-term induction of labor vs expectant management and cesarean delivery in women with obesity. Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM 2023.
Systematic ReviewTagedEn

TagedFiur Results of the risk of bias assessment

ROBINS-I, Risk of Bias In Non-Randomized Studies of Interventions.

Krogh. Full-term induction of labor vs expectant management and cesarean delivery in women with obesity. Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM 2023.


cesarean delivery in a sensitivity analy- TagedH2Subgroup analysesTagedEn risk reductions of cesarean delivery with
sis, including studies with critical and TagedPThe results from the planned subgroup IOL compared with expectant manage-
serious risks of bias (data not shown). analyses are presented in Figure 4. In ment were similar in women with a
There was considerable heterogeneity women with obesity, IOL compared BMI of 30.0 to 34.9 kg/m2 (RR, 0.81;
(I2=97%) among studies in the meta- with expectant management showed a 95% CI, 0.80−0.82; I2 = not applicable
analysis. The evidence was downgraded more pronounced association between [NA]) and in women with a BMI of
from a high to a low level of certainty cesarean delivery rates in parous ≥35 kg/m2 (RR, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.81
because of the risk of bias and heteroge- women (RR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.55−0.80; −0.83; I2=0%). For women with a pre-
neity. The results from the quality of I2=95%) than in nulliparous women pregnancy BMI of ≥30 kg/m2 as
evidence assessment are shown in (RR, 0.91; 95% CI, 0.83−1.00; I2=94%). opposed to those with a BMI of ≥30 kg/
Table 2.TagedEn When stratified by BMI, the estimated m2 at delivery or unknown time of

6 AJOG MFM May 2023

TagedEnTABLE 2
Summary of findings table
IOL at 39 wk of gestation compared with expectant management in women with obesity
Patient or population: Low-risk women with a body mass index of ≥30 kg/m2
Setting: Outpatient IOL when deemed safe. Laboring in hospital settings
Intervention: IOL at 39 wk of gestation
Comparison: Expectant management
Outcomes Illustrative comparative risks (95% CI)a Relative effect No. of participants Quality of the Comments
(95% CI) (studies) evidence (GRADE)
Corresponding risk Assumed risk
IOL Expectant management
Cesarean delivery 174 per 1000 (154−198) 245 per 1000 0.71 (0.63−0.81) 1,339,087 (n=4) O O
Instrumental vaginal delivery 36 per 1000 (33−39) 32 per 1000 1.12 (1.02−1.22) 1,302,095 (n=3) O O Exploratory outcome
Perineal third- or fourth-degree laceration 14 per 1000 (10−19) 21 per 1000 0.65 (0.48−0.89) 47,098 (n=2) O O
Postpartum hemorrhage 27 per 1000 (16−44) 31 per 1000 0.86 (0.52−1.42) 44,599 (n=2) O O O
Very lowb,d,e
Neonatal intensive care admission 80 per 1000 (43−145) 83 per 1000 0.96 (0.52−1.75) 118,037 (n=2) O O
Perinatal death 0.4 per 1000 (0.18−0.90) 1 per 1000 0.41 (0.18−0.90) 118,037 (n=2) O O Exploratory outcome
CI, confidence interval; GRADE, Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation; IOL, induction of labor; RR, risk ratio.
The basis for the “assumed risk” (eg, the median control group risk across studies) is provided in footnotes. The “corresponding risk” (and its 95% CI) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the “relative effect” of the intervention (and its 95% CI).;
Downgraded for study limitations. Studies were with moderate risk of bias.; c Downgraded for considerable heterogeneity.; d Downgraded for substantial heterogeneity.; e Downgraded for imprecision (wide CIs and few events).
Krogh. Full-term induction of labor vs expectant management and cesarean delivery in women with obesity. Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM 2023.

Systematic ReviewTagedEn
May 2023 AJOG MFM
Systematic ReviewTagedEn

TagedFiur Forrest plot of the primary outcome

CI, confidence interval.

Krogh. Full-term induction of labor vs expectant management and cesarean delivery in women with obesity. Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM 2023.


weight and height assessment, IOL was and pulmonary embolism (RR, 0.30; lower risk of perinatal death (RR, 0.41;
also associated with a significantly lower 95% CI, 0.02−5.40; I2 = NA; 1 study, 95% CI, 0.18−0.90; I2=0%; 2 studies,
frequency of cesarean delivery than 9,375 women) than expectant manage- 118,037 women, low certainty evi-
expectant management (RR, 0.68; 95% ment. Conversely, IOL was associated dence), 5-minute Apgar score of <7
CI, 0.61−0.77; I2=89%). In general, het- with a significantly higher risk of instru- (RR, 0.48; 95% CI, 0.26−0.91; I2 = NA;
erogeneity for these estimates was sub- mental vaginal delivery (RR, 1.12; 95% 1 study, 9,375 women), meconium aspi-
stantial with high I2 values. As none of CI, 1.02−1.22; I2=74%; 3 studies, ration syndrome (RR, 0.40; 95% CI,
the studies included women with previ- 1,302,095 women, low certainty evi- 0.28−0.56; I2 = NA; 1 study, 108,662
ous cesarean delivery, the planned sub- dence) and hysterectomy (RR, 1.94; women), and macrosomia (RR, 0.57;
group analysis in women with previous 95% CI, 1.34−2.80; I2=0%; 2 studies, 95% CI, 0.43−0.75; I2 = 88%; 2 studies,
cesarean delivery was impossible. 1,193,433 women) than expectant man- 118,037 women) than expectant man-
Because of the posthoc decision on agement. There was a similar risk agement. The risks of brachial plexus
extracting data only from women at 39 between groups for shoulder dystocia injury (RR, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.53−1.26;
weeks of gestation, the planned sub- (RR, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.73−1.30; I2=67%; 2 I2 = NA; 1 study, 108,662 women) and
group analysis on gestational age at studies, 118,037 women), uterine rup- NICU admission (RR, 0.96; 95% CI,
39 0/7 to 39 6/7 weeks was not under- ture (RR, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.62−1.63; 0.52−1.75; I2 = 97%; 2 studies, 118,037
taken as data were identical with data I2 = NA; 1 study, 1,184,058 women), women, low certainty evidence) were
from the main analysis of the primary and maternal ICU admission (RR, 0.99; similar between the 2 groups.TagedEn
outcome.TagedEn 95% CI, 0.81−1.20; I2 = 0%; 2 studies, TagedPHeterogeneity of the maternal and
1,191,915 women). Moreover, 1 study neonatal secondary outcomes differed
TagedH2Secondary outcomesTagedEn reported indications for cesarean deliv- from none to considerable. No study
TagedPThe results for the maternal secondary ery.14 Compared with women managed reported data on the remaining out-
outcomes are shown in Figure 5. Com- expectantly, women at 39 weeks of ges- comes.TagedEn
pared with expectant management, IOL tation with IOL were less likely to have
was associated with a significantly lower a planned cesarean delivery (RR, 0.33; TagedH1DiscussionTagedEn
risk of perineal third- or fourth-degree 95% CI, 0.17−0.63; I2 = NA), a cesarean TagedH2Principal findingsTagedEn
lacerations (RR, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.48 delivery for nonreassuring fetal heart TagedPFull-term IOL in women with obesity
−0.89; I2=0%; 2 studies, 47,098 women, rate (RR, 0.52; 95% CI, 0.41−0.67, was associated with a lower risk of
low certainty evidence) and maternal I2 = NA), failure to progress (RR, 0.64; cesarean delivery and was more pro-
infections (RR, 0.42; 95% CI, 0.21−0.84; 95% CI, 0.55−0.74; I2 = NA), and cho- nounced in parous women. Moreover,
I2 = NA; 1 study, 9348 women). More- rioamnionitis (RR, 0.33; 95% CI, 0.04 IOL was associated with a reduction in
over, IOL was characterized by an insig- −2.56; I2 = NA). Only 1 study reported perinatal mortality, third- and fourth-
nificant lower risk of chorioamnionitis on maternal death, but no event degree perineal lacerations, maternal
(RR, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.31−1.30; I2=99%; 2 occurred in any of the intervention infection, low Apgar score, meconium
studies, 1,292,720 women), postpartum groups.14TagedEn aspiration, and macrosomia. In con-
hemorrhage (RR, 0.86; 95% CI, 0.52 TagedPThe results for neonatal secondary trast, IOL seemed to be associated with
−1.42; I2=79%; 2 studies, 44,599 outcomes are presented in Figure 6. a higher risk of instrumental vaginal
women, very low certainty evidence), IOL was associated with a significantly delivery and hysterectomy. The level of

8 AJOG MFM May 2023

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TagedFiur Forrest plots of the subgroup analyses

CI, confidence interval.

Krogh. Full-term induction of labor vs expectant management and cesarean delivery in women with obesity. Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM 2023.


evidence of the findings varied from low TagedPOur main finding of an increased risk BMI restriction). In that review, there
to very low quality.TagedEn of cesarean delivery has a magnitude was a slightly smaller risk reduction of
very similar to a recent systematic 17% in cesarean delivery than what we
TagedH2Comparison with existing literatureTagedEn review by Grobman et al40 that included found (RR, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.74−0.93).
TagedPThis study was a systematic review that observational studies evaluating the The A Randomized Trial of Induction
addressed the effect of full-term IOL on same interventions in a general popula- Versus Expectant Management
women with obesity.TagedEn tion of low-risk nulliparous women (no (ARRIVE) trial, which was an RCT on

May 2023 AJOG MFM 9

Systematic ReviewTagedEn

TagedFiur Forrest plots of the secondary maternal outcomes

CI, confidence interval.

Krogh. Full-term induction of labor vs expectant management and cesarean delivery in women with obesity. Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM 2023.

10 AJOG MFM May 2023

Systematic ReviewTagedEn
TagedEn TagedFiur


low-risk nulliparous women on the trial, the direction and magnitude of the TagedPLimitations of this systematic review
same comparison, demonstrated a increased risk of instrumental vaginal and meta-analysis should be recognized.
lower risk of cesarean delivery (RR, delivery were similar to our findings,12 As all included studies were observa-
0.84; 95% CI, 0.76−0.93) with IOL at 39 whereas, in the ARRIVE trial, there was tional, the data used might be biased by
weeks of gestation.10 In the ARRIVE no increased risk of instrumental deliv- unknown factors. First, multivariable
trial, more than half of the participants ery with IOL.10 The Grobman review adjustments were performed in the
in both groups had a BMI of ≥30 kg/m2 did not report on instrumental vaginal individual studies. In studies that did
at delivery admission. The 35/39 trial, delivery.40 The apparent increase in not stratify results by parity, we found
another RCT on IOL at 39 weeks of ges- hysterectomy with IOL in our data similar results when comparing the
tation compared with expectant man- should be interpreted with great caution adjusted point estimates from the indi-
agement in nulliparous women aged because of the aforementioned uncer- vidual studies with the corresponding
>35 years, found no difference in the tainties in the data and the limited unadjusted, nonpooled point estimates
frequency of cesarean delivery (RR, number of cases. Hysterectomy is not presented in the forest plots. However,
0.99; 95% CI, 0.87−1.14).12 Less than reported in any of the prospective stud- the risk of confounding by IOL might
30% of the participants were women ies to qualify our results.10,12TagedEn be high in this observational scenario
with obesity (unknown time of BMI because the decision to induce labor
assessment). Our findings indicated TagedH2Strengths and limitationsTagedEn at full term might include several
that obesity might attenuate the associa- TagedPThe strength of our review was that it unknown factors that cannot easily be
tion between expectant management followed the Preferred Items for Report- adjusted for, even though women with
and cesarean section compared to ing Systematic Reviews and Meta- medical indications for IOL were
groups with a lower overall risk.TagedEn analyses criteria and the Cochrane excluded from the included studies.
TagedPIn several of our secondary outcomes, Handbook and GRADE guidelines, and Such bias might distort the association
there was a possible risk reduction with the protocol was registered before the of cesarean delivery in either direction.
IOL. These findings support the results literature search was initiated. Multiple Second, there was considerable hetero-
from the Grobman review and the databases were searched without lan- geneity for most outcomes. This is likely
ARRIVE trial and the magnitude of the guage, geographic, or data restriction. due to differences in populations (eg,
risk reduction in the individual adverse We included both unpublished and different BMI thresholds among studies;
outcomes.10,40 In contrast, few of our ongoing studies, and the authors were however, it might also relate to different
secondary outcomes suggested a possi- contacted to seek further information policies for operative interventions and
ble risk increase with IOL. In the 35/39 or clarification.TagedEn IOL regimes in different settings. Third,

May 2023 AJOG MFM 11

Systematic ReviewTagedEn

TagedFiur Forrest plots of the secondary neonatal outcomes

CI, confidence interval.

Krogh. Full-term induction of labor vs expectant management and cesarean delivery in women with obesity. Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM 2023.


the meta-analyses included studies with evaluation of hysterectomy. It was based TagedH2Conclusions and implicationsTagedEn
low to very low quality of evidence on on 1 small and 1 larger study,14,39 where TagedPIn women with obesity, full-term IOL
our core outcomes. Fourth, for some no absolute number was available for may be associated with reduced cesar-
outcomes, there was only 1 or 2 studies the meta-analysis from the larger study. ean delivery compared with expectant
that contributed data to the estimates. In addition, some outcomes were pre- management. Moreover, the risk of
Of note, 1 important example is the dominated by 1 or 2 large studies.15,39TagedEn perinatal death and severe perineal

12 AJOG MFM May 2023

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14 AJOG MFM May 2023

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