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Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace

Desktop Edition
Release Notes 9.1.x

Table of Contents
Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Note 3
Known Issues and Recommendations 6
Release 9.1.0 8 9 11 13 15 17 20 22
Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Note

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace

Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Note
9.x Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition is part of 9.x
starting in

This Release Note applies to all 9.1.x releases of Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition.
Links in the Available Releases section enable you to access information regarding a specific release.

Available Releases
[+] Note about release order
Releases are listed by version number rather than in date order. For this reason, a recent release may
be listed after earlier releases, if the version number is lower. Except when otherwise noted in the
information for a specific release, each release includes all of the features and corrections that were
introduced for the applicable operating system at earlier dates, regardless of the version numbering.

Release 9.1.0:

Release Release
Release Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
Date Type 03/04/22 Update X
Under 05/25/21 General Shipping X
Under 12/18/20 General Shipping X
Control 05/22/20 Update X 12/26/19 Update X 09/30/19 Update X 06/26/19 General X
Under 03/27/19 General Shipping X

This Release Note lists the supported operating systems for each release at a high level. For more
detailed information about the supported versions for each operating system, see the Messaging

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 3

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Note

Apps/Social Engagement page in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide.

For information about 9.0.x releases of Apple Business Chat Plug-in for Workspace Desktop, see the
9.0 Release Note (Cumulative).

Discontinued Support
[+] Note about discontinued items
This section documents features that are no longer supported in this software. This cumulative list is
in release-number order with the most recently discontinued features at the top of the list. For more
information on discontinued support for operating environments and databases, see Discontinued
Support in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide.

• Windows Server 2012.

• Windows 8.

Discontinued as of:

Known Issues
You can find a cumulative list of the Known Issues and Recommendations for all 9.1.x releases of
Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition, including the issues that are specific to
Localized (International) releases, at the following links:

• Known Issues and Recommendations

• Internationalization Issues

Related Resources
For additional information about Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition, see the
following documentation:

• The documentation related to this software is available from the Messaging Applications product page.

• The Apple Business Chat Guide provides details about using Workspace Desktop Edition to receive and
handle interactions coming from the Apple Business Chat channel of Genesys Messaging Applications.

• The WhatsApp Guide provides details about installing and configuring Genesys Hub Plug-in for
Workspace Desktop Edition.

• eServices Options Reference provides a reference listing of Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 4

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Note

Edition configuration options.

• The Messaging Apps/Social Engagement page in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment
Reference Guide provides detailed information about the supported operating environments, including
requirements, supported versions, and any conditions or limitations for Messaging Applications

Release Notes for other Genesys components are available here.

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 5

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Known Issues and
Note Recommendations

Known Issues and Recommendations

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition

The Known Issues and Recommendations section is a cumulative list for all 9.1.x releases of Genesys
Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition. This section provides the latest information on known
issues and recommendations associated with this product. It includes information on when individual
items were found and, if applicable, corrected. The Resolved Issues section for each release describes
the corrections and may list additional issues that were corrected without first being documented as
Known Issues.

See also Internationalization Issues .

An error message with null description is displayed to agents in WDE during WhatsApp interactions.

ID: MSGA-3029 Found In: Fixed In:

Images in JPEG format are displayed in an incorrect orientation.

ID: MSGA-2223 Found In: Fixed In:

The following Key-Value Pairs (KVPs) are not attached when transferring an interaction to the target
type specified in the intercommunication.whatsappsession.routing-based-targets or
intercommunication.applebcsession.routing-based-targets option:

• IW_RoutingBasedOriginalEmployeeId
• IW_RoutingBasedTargetType
• IW_RoutingBasedTargetId
• IW_RoutingBasedRequestType

ID: MSGA-2223 Found In: Fixed In:

The applebcsession.url-regex and whatsappsession.url-regex options contain incorrect values

in the provided template.

ID: MSGA-2152 Found In: Fixed In:

The plugin sometimes delays for up to 30 seconds while displaying WhatsApp interactions in

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 6

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Known Issues and
Note Recommendations

Workspace Desktop Edition.

ID: MSGA-2146 Found In: Fixed In:

The plugin displays an error message if an agent uses a standard response that includes plain text
and HTML (and/or binary attachments).

ID: MSGA-2044 Found In: Fixed In:

At times. WDE encounters out of memory errors when agents handle multiple ABC or WhatsApp

ID: MSGA-1956, MSGA-1897 Found In: Fixed In:

You must restart Workspace Desktop Edition after a ClickOnce installation or upgrade. Otherwise,
agents cannot log in and they receive an error message.

Workaround: You can modify the

file prior to preparing the ClickOnce package to avoid this issue. Refer to the table below:

Original Modification
<ApplicationFile <ApplicationFile
Optional="true" GroupName="Contacts" /> Optional="false" GroupName="Contacts" />
<ApplicationFile <ApplicationFile
Optional="true" GroupName="OpenMedia" /> Optional="false" GroupName="OpenMedia" />

ID: MSGA-1822 Found In: Fixed In:

Internationalization Issues
Information in this section is included for international customers. Release numbers in the Found In
and Fixed In fields refer to the English (US) release of Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop
Edition unless otherwise noted in the issue description.

There are no internationalization issues for this product.

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 7

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Note Release 9.1.0

Release 9.1.0

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition Release

You can find links to Release Notes for particular 9.1.0 releases of Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace
Desktop Edition, if available, in the tree menu on the left or in the list of Available Releases.

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 8

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Note Release 9.1.0
Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition
Release Notes

9.x Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition is part of 9.x
starting in

Release Release
Restrictions AIX Linux Mac Solaris Windows
Date Type
05/25/21 General Shipping X

What's New Helpful Links

This release contains the following new features and Releases Info
• List of 9.1.x Releases
• The following sections are added to support DMS scalability or to
use an alternative DMS name when an outbound session is • 9.1.x Known Issues
• applebcsession.appname Product Documentation
• whatsappsession.appname
• Messaging Applications
The following sections are added to use an alternative
channel name when an outbound session is created: Genesys Products
• List of Release Notes

For more information, see DMS Scalability. (MSGA-3131)

• The plugin now displays detailed information about errors that may occur during interactions. Error
messages (localized) include error codes along with an option to expand the messages. Agents can
expand an error message to view the detailed message which is non-localized. (MSGA-3116,
• Administrators can now control whether the chat transcript window automatically scrolls down or not
whenever there is a new message. The following options are added to support this feature:

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Note Release 9.1.0

• applebcsession.focus-on-new-messages
• whatsappsession.focus-on-new-messages


• Administrators can now set a timeout to indicate whether there is a delay in receiving a message or not.
The following options are added to support this feature:
• applebcsession.message-delay-timespan
• whatsappsession.message-delay-timespan


• Administrators can control whether an attachment is sent after an agent selects a file or clicks Send.
The following options are added to support this feature:
• applebcsession.two-step-attachment-upload
• whatsappsession.two-step-attachment-upload


Resolved Issues
This release contains no resolved issues.

Upgrade Notes
No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

For DMS scalability, DMS and Genesys Driver for use with Genesys Hub are

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 10

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Note Release 9.1.0
Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition
Release Notes

9.x Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition is part of 9.x
starting in

Release Release
Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
Date Type
12/18/20 General Shipping X

Helpful Links
What's New Releases Info
This release is under shipping control and contains the following
new features and enhancements: • List of 9.1.x Releases
• 9.1.x Known Issues
• Support for Windows Server 2019 in compatibility mode. See the
Messaging Apps/Social Engagement page in the Genesys
Product Documentation
Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide for more
detailed information and a list of all supported operating
systems. (MSGA-2953) • Messaging Applications
• Agents can now use shortcuts to insert a standard response into
Apple Business Chat and WhatsApp interactions. (MSGA-2883) Genesys Products
• Agents can now create outbound messages on WhatsApp from a
voice interaction or other media type interactions. A new agent • List of Release Notes
InteractionWorkspace.WhatsApp.canCreateNewSessionFromOtherMedia, is now available for
administrators to enable or disable this new feature for their agents. For more information, see Sending
outbound messages from other channels.


Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 11

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Note Release 9.1.0

In addition to configuring the new agent privilege, administrators must ensure that the list of available
channels is included in the attached data as shown in the Business Process or the whatsappsession-
outbound-session-config option is configured properly. For more information on how to configure the
whatsappsession.outbound-session-config option, see Configuration for sending outbound messages
from other channels.

(MSGA-2691, MSGA-2687)
• Agents can now press Enter to send the contents of the text editor during WhatsApp or Apple Business
Chat interactions. The following options are added to support this new feature in WhatsApp and Apple
Business Chat correspondingly:
• whatsappsession.send-message-on-enter-press
• applebcsession.send-message-on-enter-press
When these options are set to true, agents can press Enter to send the current contents of the text editor to the customers
immediately. To add a new line, agents must press Shift + Enter.

When these options are set to false, agents can press Enter to add a new line. (MSGA-2812)

For availability of this release, contact your Genesys representative.

Resolved Issues
This release contains the following resolved issues:

The issue that caused an error with null description during WhatsApp interactions is fixed.

Agents can now transfer a WhatsApp interaction after creating a child interaction with other media
types such as voice call, email, or SMS. (MSGA-2739)

Upgrade Notes
No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 12

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Note Release 9.1.0
Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition
Release Notes

9.x Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition is part of 9.x
starting in

Release Release
Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
Date Type
05/22/20 Update X

Helpful Links
What's New Releases Info
This release contains the following new features and
enhancements: • List of 9.1.x Releases
• 9.1.x Known Issues
• Agents can now send rich media notifications (also known as
media message templates) during WhatsApp interactions by
Product Documentation
inserting structured messages from standard responses. Agents
can also view/preview the rich media notifications in the chat
transcript. For more information, see Rich media notifications. • Messaging Applications
• Administrators can control whether an agent is allowed to send Genesys Products
attachments in WhatsApp and Apple Business Chat interactions
using three new permissions. For information on the newly added • List of Release Notes
permissions, see WhatsApp Guide and Apple Business Chat
Guide. (MSGA-2627)
• The audio attachment file types, M4A, MP3, OGA, and OGG, are no longer supported in WhatsApp
interactions. WhatsApp deprecated support for these audio formats. (MSGA-2575)

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 13

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Note Release 9.1.0

Resolved Issues
This release contains no resolved issues.

Upgrade Notes
No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 14

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Note Release 9.1.0
Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition
Release Notes

9.x Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition is part of 9.x
starting in

Release Release
Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
Date Type
12/26/19 Update X

What's New Helpful Links

This release contains the following new features and Releases Info
• List of 9.1.x Releases
• Administrators can now enable or disable the new message
blinking feature. Additionally, they can also control the duration • 9.1.x Known Issues
of blinking when this feature is enabled. The following
configuration options have been introduced to support this
feature: Product Documentation

• • Messaging Applications

Genesys Products

• • List of Release Notes

• The plugin now provides an improved location sharing feature. The following configuration options have
been introduced to support this feature:
• whatsappsession.location-map.browse.query
• whatsappsession.location-map.preview.query
• whatsappsession.location-map.preview.height
• whatsappsession.location-map.preview.width

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 15

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Note Release 9.1.0

• Support for Chat Server High Availability. (MSGA-2175)

Resolved Issues
This release contains no resolved issues.

Upgrade Notes
No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 16

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Note Release 9.1.0
Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition
Release Notes

9.x Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition is part of 9.x
starting in

Release Release
Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
Date Type
09/30/19 Update X

What's New Helpful Links

This release contains the following new features and Releases Info
• List of 9.1.x Releases
• Agents can create and send Notifications from regular WhatsApp
messages if the response window (configured timeout) to send • 9.1.x Known Issues
the regular messages expires. For more information, see
Automatic notification messages.
The following configuration options have been introduced to Product Documentation
support this feature:
• Messaging Applications
• whatsappsession.enable-free-msg-timespan-monitoring
• Genesys Products
• whatsappsession.default-notification-text
• List of Release Notes
• whatsappsession.default-notification-id
• whatsappsession.default-notification-language

• Agents can see the transcript only for the current WhatsApp or Apple Business Chat channel. To see
messages coming through other WhatsApp or Apple Business Chat channels, modify the values of the
following new configuration options:

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 17

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Note Release 9.1.0

Additionally, the following configuration options have been introduced to support this feature:

• applebcsession.background-color-sessioninfo-other
• applebcsession.background-color-sessioninfo-other.high-contrast
• whatsappsession.background-color-sessioninfo-other
• whatsappsession.background-color-sessioninfo-other.high-contrast
The following configuration options now contain updated values:

• applebcsession.background-color-sessioninfo
• applebcsession.background-color-sessioninfo.high-contrast
• whatsappsession.background-color-sessioninfo
• whatsappsession.background-color-sessioninfo.high-contrast

• Agents can now view a thumbnail that indicates the attachment type along with the attachment’s file
name and size for each incoming attachment in WhatsApp and Apple Business Chat interactions.
• The options, applebcsession.response-wait-time and whatsappsession.response-wait-time, have been
introduced to set a waiting for response timeout from remote servers. (MSGA-2332)
• Agents can now create a new session from the Interaction Search view. (MSGA-2307)
• A new queue has been introduced for post processing of new outbound interactions. The following
configuration options have been introduced to support this feature:
• applebcsession.outbound-itx-postprocessing-queue
• whatsappsession.outbound-itx-postprocessing-queue

Resolved Issues
This release contains the following resolved issues:

The plugin now attaches the following Key-Value Pairs (KVPs) when transferring an interaction to the
target type specified in the intercommunication.whatsappsession.routing-based-targets or
intercommunication.applebcsession.routing-based-targets option:

• IW_RoutingBasedOriginalEmployeeId
• IW_RoutingBasedTargetType
• IW_RoutingBasedTargetId
• IW_RoutingBasedRequestType


Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 18

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Note Release 9.1.0

The applebcsession.url-regex and whatsappsession.url-regex options now contain the correct values
in the template provided in the installation package (IP). Previously, the template had incorrect
values. (MSGA-2152)

Agents can now view images (JPEG) in the correct orientation based on the EXIF data. (MSGA-2223)

Upgrade Notes
No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 19

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Note Release 9.1.0
Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition
Release Notes

9.x Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition is part of 9.x
starting in

Release Release
Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
Date Type
06/26/19 General X

Helpful Links
What's New Releases Info
This release contains the following new features and
enhancements: • List of 9.1.x Releases
• 9.1.x Known Issues

Product Documentation

• Messaging Applications

Genesys Products

• List of Release Notes

Starting with release, Apple Business Chat Plug-in for Workspace Desktop
Edition is no longer a separate component. All its functionality is now available in
Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition. Genesys Hub Plug-in for
Workspace Desktop Edition configuration option names and their values for
whatsappsession and applebcsession have been changed. WhatsApp and Apple
Business Chat tasks and privileges are now present in the Genesys Hub Plug-in for

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 20

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Note Release 9.1.0

Workspace Desktop Edition XML template. Genesys recommends re-importing the

XML template and reconfigure options and role privileges to address these changes.
See Configuration Options Reference for details.

• Support for WhatsApp inbound and outbound videos (mp4), audio files (amr, mp3, aac, m4a, ogg, opus,
oga), and documents (pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx). (MSGA-2112, MSGA-2109, MSGA-1909,
• A new button, Create new session, is added to the WhatsApp and Apple Business Chat Interaction
view to allow agents to create a new outbound session when the current session is disconnected.
(MSGA-2064, MSGA-2036)
• Agents can now view location information in the incoming WhatsApp messages. (MSGA-1911)
• An agent, for example agent A, can now invite another agent (agent B) to join agent A’s current Apple
Business Chat session through a conference. (MSGA-1894)
• An agent can now transfer an Apple Business Chat interaction to another agent. (MSGA-1892)
• Agents can initiate an outbound Apple Business Chat session with a past contact from the My History
view. (MSGA-1168)

Resolved Issues
This release contains the following resolved issues:

The plugin no longer delays for up to 30 seconds while displaying WhatsApp interactions in
Workspace Desktop Edition. (MSGA-2146)

The plugin no longer displays an error message if an agent uses a standard response that includes
plain text and HTML (and/or binary attachments). (MSGA-2044)

Upgrade Notes
Starting with release, Apple Business Chat Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition is no
longer a separate component. All its functionality is now available in Genesys Hub Plug-in for
Workspace Desktop Edition. Follow the standard deployment procedure for Genesys Hub Plug-in for
Workspace Desktop Edition.

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 21

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Note Release 9.1.0
Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition
Release Notes

9.x This is the first 9.x release of Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace
Desktop Edition.

Release Release
Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
Date Type
03/27/19 General Shipping X

Helpful Links
What's New Releases Info
This is the initial release of Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace
Desktop Edition, a component of Genesys Messaging Apps. • List of 9.1.x Releases
• 9.1.x Known Issues
This release contains the following new features:
Product Documentation
• Agents can send WhatsApp Highly Structured Messages (also
known as Notifications) to customers. Refer to the eServices
Manager documentation for more information on how to create • Messaging Applications
these standard responses for agents to use. (MSGA-1759)
• The plugin supports the following features: Genesys Products
• Attachments (JPEG/JPG and PNG only)
• List of Release Notes
• Contact and chat history
• Emojis
• Receiving inbound text messages
• Standard Response Library
• Sending outbound messages to contacts (from history or Contact Directory)
• Transfer to other agents or conference with another agent

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 22

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 9.1.x Release Note Release 9.1.0

• Workbins

• Support for ClickOnce deployment and silent install/uninstall. (MSGA-1413)

• Support for the following operating systems. See the eServices page in the Genesys Supported
Operating Environment Reference Guide for more detailed information and a list of all supported
operating systems.
• Windows 8
• Windows 10
• Windows Server 2012
• Windows Server 2016

Resolved Issues
This release contains no resolved issues.

Upgrade Notes
No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

Genesys Hub Plug-in for Workspace Desktop Edition 23

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