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Example 2 – Option 2:

Bent columns on capped piles


Bent cap

Pile cap
Abutment Piles: 14"Ø concrete-filled steel pipe

Details on following slides

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 1

8" slab deck

6.25' BT-63 girder

4" 8.25'

4.0' Top of column at mid-

height of bent cap

32.25' 24.0' 30.25'


Ground level
4.0' Top of piles at mid-
height of pile cap
14.75' 12.75'

Assumed point of pile fixity

(idealized cantilever pile)

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 2
Extend the pile to the mid-
depth of the pile cap

14" concrete-filled
steel pipe

Bent cap

30" Ø 6.5'

5.0' 8.5'

13.0' 2.0'
Pile cap: 13' x 13' x 4'



Assumed point of pile fixity

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 3
Z X = 80.0'
Pinned bearing

Z = -6.083' Z = -6.083'
Z = -6.25' Roller bearing Z = -6.25
Z = -8.25'
(X = 0, X = 160')

Bent 24.0'

Extend the pile to the mid- Z = -32.25'

depth of the pile cap

Z = -47.0'

X = 73.5'

X = 86.5'
X = 75.5'

X = 84.5'
10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 4


Units: feet

Y = -15.0
Y = -13.0

Y = -2.0

Y = 13.0
Y = 2.0
Y = -8.5

Y = -4.0

Y = 4.0

Y = 8.5
Views toward X = 0

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 5
X = 80, Y = 0, Z = 0


Bridge Wizard cannot model the pile and pile cap.

These must be modeled (drawn) manually.
The pile cap is modeled as a 4.0' deep thick-plate
element (element boundaries and all plate nodes
are in one plane at the mid-depth of the plate).
The piles are frame sections that must be defined
before they can be used.

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 6
Y = - 8.5'

next 2 slides

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 7

View in +X direction
top of deck
Y Z=0

bent cap bent cap ( frame section )

pile Z = - 8.25'

overlapping nodes

column ( frame section )

pile cap ( thick-shell

element )
Z = - 32.25'

pile ( frame section )

Z = - 47.0'

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 8
top of column at mid-depth of bent cap at
Z X = 80.0', Y = - 8.5', Z = - 8.25'
mid-depth of pile cap in
Y a plane at Z = - 32.25'

tops of piles in a plane at

cap mid-depth Z = - 32.25'


bottoms of all piles at depth Z = - 47.0' overlapping nodes

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Open file CSI Bridge file
saved at the end of Option 1

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Extrude view off

Extrude view on

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For the rest of this example, the Bridge Wizard will not be used

Instead, the CSI command line tabs and sub-tabs in the

screen headings will be used. For example:

Command line tab


10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 12
First, remove the fixity (all d.o.f.) at column
bases that was used in Option 1

Option 1 assumed column

bases were "fixed"

Note CSI bridge "fixed

boundary" symbol

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 13
Recall that in Option 1 the Bent was
named Bent_fixed_base


Fixed base support

( all 6 d.o.f. )

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 14
For Option 2 a new Bent named Bent_free_base will be created. The free
end of each column base will later be connected to the pile cap foundation.


Free base support

( all 6 d.o.f. )

See next slide

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 15
The built-in Base Support options provided by the
Bridge Bent Column Data form are only Pinned or
Fixed ( the default option is Fixed, as show ).
In order to have a Free column base support it is
necessary to define and attach a new user-defined
Foundation Spring that is free in all 6 d.o.f.
This Foundation Spring is a new Component. It
will be created in the following slides, and named


Z Column_base_spring
Y ( free in all 6 d.o.f. )

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Components command line tab, Item ► Foundation Springs sub-tab

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Create a new Foundation Spring

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Define and name Column_base_spring

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Create a new Bent ( cap and columns ) and name it Column_free_base

4.0' Z = -8.25'

Column length: 24.0'

5.0' ( mid-depth of bent cap to
mid-depth of pile cap )

4.0' Z = -32.25'

free end of column ( represented

pile cap and piles will by Column_base_spring )
be added later

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 20
Components command line tab, Item ► Bents sub-tab

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Create a new Bent to be named Bent_free_base
( note that Bent_fixed_base already exists )

Symbol for fixed reaction at base

of column for Bent_fixed_base

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The new Bent_free_base has been
created, but has not yet been assigned
to the bridge model ( to replace the
currently assigned Bent_free_base )

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Replace Bent_fixed_base with Bent_free_base in the Bridge Model

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Update model to complete replacing Bent_fixed_base with Bent_free_base

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Revising the reaction condition at the base of the bent columns is complete.

No base reaction symbol is

shown at a reaction point that
is free ( Bent_free_base )

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 27
Add a new Frame Section for the 14"-diam concrete-filled steel pipe piles

Review existing Material Properties

Reinforcing steel

Structural steel ( default )

4 ksi concrete ( will be

used in piles )

The materials needed for the piles have already available ( no new materials are required )

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 28
Create a Frame Section for the concrete-filled pipe pile
( reference: CSIBridge-EI-multiplier.ppt )

CSI Bridge has no built-in Frame Sections of this type.

concrete core Concrete:

fc' = 4 ksi
tw = 3/8" doutside = 14" Ec = 3708 ksi
Note that the steel properties
are not entered ( they are
steel pipe
needed to compute the SMF )

The program uses the following method to create a Frame Section like this one:

1. Start with a concrete section whose outside diameter is that of the pipe doutside.
doutside = 14.0 in

2. Enter a Stiffness Multiplication Factor SMF = 2.297 to increase the EI of the

concrete section to that of the filled-pipe section

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10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 30
Assuming current units:
kips, ft, F

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Complete creating Conc_filled_pipe_pile

Conc_filled_pipe_pile is a fictitious 14"-diam concrete pile section whose stiffness has been
increased by a SMF = 2.297 so that it will act as a concrete-filled steel pipe pile section.

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Add a new thick plate Area Section for the 4'-thick pile cap

Use Advanced tab

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Complete Pile_cap_plate definition

Verify units:
Kip, ft, F

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Bridge is now ready for adding pile/cap foundation

Redefined bent:


New component definitions added: Bent_free_base 24.0'

Pile cap thick-plate elements:
Z = -32.25'
Concrete-filled steel pipe piles:
Conc_filled_pipe_pile "Free" bent column base defined by:
Column_base_spring (free in 6 d.o.f.)

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 35
Add the pile cap and piles to each column in the Bridge Model

Bent cap: 4.0' x 4.0' x 27.0'
( already in Bridge Model )

Bent column: 30"-diam x 24.0'
( already in Bridge Model )

Pile cap: 13.0' x 13.0' x 4.0' thick plate element

Piles: 14"Ø concrete-filled steel pipe pile

The bent cap, bent columns and the piles have been defined as Frame Sections.
The pile cap finite elements have been defined as a thick plate Area Sections.

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Draw this pile/cap foundation first,

and then copy to other side

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 37
Z View in +Y direction Z View in +X direction
( section thru Y = - 8.5 ) ( section thru X = 80 )

X Z=0 Y Z=0

Z = - 8.25 Z = - 8.25

Z = - 32.25 Z = - 32.25

Z = - 47.0 Z = - 47.0

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 38
Components, nodes and grid lines.
The terms Nodes and Joints mean the
Z = - 8.25
Z same thing, and are used interchangeably.

Z = - 32.25

Z = - 47.0

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Nodes ( "joints" ) and grid lines

Z = - 8.25 nodes required to for pile cap area

Z nodes required to draw piles
X nodes at ends of column
Y nodes that will be inserted when pile
cap is assembled from plate elements

Z = - 32.25

Z = - 47.0

The grid lines will be used to draw

thick plate elements that make up
the pile cap, and the nine piles.
Nodes will be added by the program
as these components are drawn.

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Z = - 8.25'

Z = - 32.25'

In order to draw piles and pile cap

grid lines will be required at:
X = 73.5 , 75.5 , 80.0 , 84.5 , 86.5
Y = -2.0 , -4.0 , -8.5 , -13.0 , -15.0
Z = - 47.0'
Z = -8.25 , -32.25 , - 47.0

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 41
View joints ( "nodes" ) created by CSI Bridge

Check to turn on Joint Labels

Uncheck to show Joints

This block will remain unchecked so that Joints
are visible in the balance of this Exercise

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Typical joint and label

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Use Rubberband Zoom to isolate and expand any selected region in view window

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Drag Rubberband Zoom cursor to

capture region to be zoomed-in on

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Region enclosed with Rubberband Zoom expanded to full view window

Repeat Rubberband Zoom

to zoom in further

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Return to full-size view

Restored full view

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Turn off Joint Labels, but leave Joints showing


Remember – these joints are

automatically created by CSI Bridge
anytime model is Updated

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 48
View default grid lines created by CSI Bridge

Can be in any heading ( Home show here )

Right-click anywhere in
drawing window

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Even though CSI Bridge inserted many joints ( "nodes" ) no grid lines
were drawn through any nodes except the origin at X, Y, Z = 0, 0, 0

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1. Delete the grid lines for X = 0, Y = 0 and Z = 0
2. Enter grid lines listed on Slide 38 ( be certain units are Kip, ft, F )

Double left-click on
each cell

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Only the grid lines listed in the Define
Grid System Data table are shown

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Use Rubberband Zoom to get a closer view

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Note that joints ( "nodes" ) are not
automatically created at the grid
Joints are only created when members
are drawn ( either in Bridge Wizard or
manually ).
Additional joints will be added as the
cap elements and the piles are drawn.

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View of XZ plane ( in +Y direction )


If the XZ view is chosen, then the user can

"step through" the XZ planes at
Y = -2.0 , -4.0 , -8.5 , -13.0 , and -15.0

These are the planes that have been created

by drawing the grid lines.

There must be grid lines at these Y locations

for the "step through" to be possible

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Switch to a 2D view in the XZ plane in the +Y direction

View of XZ plane

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View of XZ plane at Y = -15

Use arrows to "step up" or "step down" through Y planes

X = 86.5
X = 73.5

X = 160
X = 80

Grid lines
Z = -8.25

Z = -32.25

Z = -47.0

Cursor location
X = 73.5
X = 84.5

"X-Z Plane @ Y=-15"

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View of XZ plane at Y = -13

No structure components visible because

they have not been drawn yet
"X-Z Plane @ Y=-13"

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View of XZ plane at Y = -8.5

Bent column and nodes visible

"X-Z Plane @ Y=-8.5"

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Switch view from XZ plane to XY plane

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View of XY planes at Z = -8.25, -32.25, -47.0

Step through Z = -8.25 , -32.25, -47.0

Bent cap beam and nodes


"X-Y Plane @ Z=-47" "X-Y Plane @ Z=-32.25" "X-Y Plane @ Z=-8.25"

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 62
Modeling the Pile Cap

The 13.0' x 13.0' x 4.0' pile cap will be modeled as an assembly of plate finite elements.
Finite elements connect to each other, and to other components in the structure, at joints
at the corners of each finite element.
In CSI Bridge, a plate finite element is a subset of shell finite elements. A rectangular
plate element has a joint at each of its four corners. Six degrees of freedom are active at
each joint (i.e., six forces – three linear and three rotational - can act at each joint ). The
element local coordinate system ( 1-2-3 ) is the frame of reference for the six degrees of
freedom at the joints. The joints are located on the mid-depth plane in the plate:


3 R3 U2 R1 Similar at each joint

2 1 U3 U1

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 63
For a horizontal element ( on that lies in the structure X-Y plane ) the plate element 1-2-3
local coordinates are oriented as shown:


3 R3 U2 R1

2 1 U3 U1


10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 64
The pile cap must be subdivided into enough
elements so that there is a joint at each location
where "something happens":
Pile cap corners
Bent column
Pile-to-cap connections
Bent column-to-pile-to-cap connection


Pile cap corner

Pile-to-cap connection Column-to-pile-to-cap connection

Pile Pile

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 65
Thick-plate finite elements ( defined earlier as Pile_cap_plate sections ) will be used
to model the 13.0' x 13.0' x 4.0' pile cap. The pile cap will be subdivided as shown,
which will results in joints at the following points:
Each of the four corners
Each place where a pile connects to the pile cap
The place where the bent column connects to the pile cap

Bent column

Z = - 32.25

Pile cap corner


10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 66
The sixteen elements will be drawn in the order shown. The program will insert joints
as each element is drawn. Note that additional joints along the boundaries ( ) will
be created in addition to the joints needed to connect the bent column and the piles
to the pile cap.

Z = - 32.25

Note – the Number (e.g., 1 ) shown in each
element is manually added to show drawing
Y sequence. The program assigns its own
X element number as each is drawn.

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Draw pile cap in XY plane at Z = -32.25

Use Home tab Rubberband Zoom to enlarge figure

nodes at column bases

grid lines

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Enlarged view of XY plane grid lines at Z = -32.25

Joint at column base

grid lines

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Go to Advanced tab, which opens Draw options

X = 73.5

X = 86.5
Y = -2.0

Grid lines at Z = -32.35

Y = -15.0

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 70
Select Rectangular Area tab and select Area Section

Draw rectangular area

Select Area Section

Pile_cap_plate that
was defined earlier

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 71
Select first diagonal corner of Pile_cap_plate to begin plate-element drawing sequence

Put cursor pointer on Grid

Point and left-click mouse

This box will show as

long as plate drawing
mode is active

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 72
Use Grid Points to draw the first of 16 plate Area elements

Dotted line appears as cursor is

Line added to show
moved until Grid Point is reached
element just drawn

1 1

Left-click mouse – this will

Move (not drag) cursor show joints at the corners of
pointer to Grid Point plate element 1 just drawn

Note – the Number (e.g., 1 ) shown in each element is

manually added to show drawing sequence. The program
assigns its own element number as each is drawn.

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Position cursor to draw element 2

Line added to show element just drawn

1 Move (not drag) the

cursor to this Grid Point
and left-click mouse

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 74
Draw the second of 16 plate Area elements

Lines added to show previously-drawn element

Dotted line appears as cursor is moved until Grid Point is reached

1 2 1 2

Left-click mouse – this will

Move (not drag) cursor
show joints at the corners of
pointer to Grid Point
plate element 2 just drawn

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 75
Position cursor to draw element 3

1 2 Move (not drag) the

cursor to this Grid
Point and left-click

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 76
Draw the third of 16 plate Area elements

Dotted lines added to show

previously-drawn elements
Dotted line appears as cursor is moved until Grid Point is reached

2 3 1 2 3

Left-click mouse – this will

show joints at the corners of
Move (not drag) cursor plate element 3 just drawn
pointer to Grid Point

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Position cursor to draw element 4

Move (not drag) the cursor to this

Grid Point and left-click mouse
Grid point

1 2 3

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 78
Draw the fourth of 16 plate Area elements

Dotted lines added to show

previously-drawn elements
Dotted line appears as cursor is moved until Grid Point is reached

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Grid point

Left-click mouse – this will

Move (not drag) cursor
show joints at the corners of
pointer to Grid Point
plate element 4 just drawn

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 79
First row of elements is now drawn

Dotted lines added to show elements

First row of four elements that

will make up the pile cap plate. 1 2 3 4
Note that joints have been
inserted at the corners of each
element at the grid points.

Outline of pile cap

Repeat for three more rows
of four elements each

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Draw second row of 4 elements ( elements 5 – 8 of 16 )

Left-click Left-click

Left-click Left-click End

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First and second rows of elements are now drawn

Dotted lines added to show elements

1 2 3 4
Second row of four
elements that make up the
pile cap plate. Again joints 5 6 7 8
have been inserted at the
corners of each element at
the grid points.

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Draw third row of 4 elements ( elements 9 – 12 of 16 )

Left-click Left-click

Left-click Left-click End

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 83
First, second, and third rows of elements are now drawn

Dotted lines added to show elements

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

Third row of four elements

9 10 11 12
that make up the pile cap

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Draw fourth row of 4 elements ( elements 13 – 16 of 16 )

Start Left-click Left-click

Left-click Left-click

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 85
Drawing of Area elements that make up pile cap is complete

Dotted lines added to show elements

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

Fourth row of four elements that

13 14 15 16
make up the pile cap plate.

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 86
Click arrow symbol to exit drawing mode Go to Home and turn on Extrude View

Grayed area shows elements just drawn

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Turn off Extrude View and turn on Area Labels

Area Label numbers assigned by the program

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Perspective View – Area Labels and Grid Lines turned off

In Display Options
uncheck Area Labels

Z = - 32.25
Right click View Panel, select Edit
Grid Data to turn off grid lines

Z = - 32.25

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Turn on Area Labels and Local Axes


10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 90
Turn on Extrude View

Labels are not shown

in Extrude View

In Display Options
check Extrude View


Z = - 32.25

Z = - 32.25

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 91
Use Set 3D View to switch to XZ View

XZ view

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XZ plane Extrude View ( Perspective toggled off )

Perspective toggle

Base of column at
mid-depth of pile cap
Z = -32.25

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 93
Draw the three piles at Y = -13.0

Z = - 32.25

Z = - 47.0

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Switch to XZ View and step to plane at Y = -13

Here, do not use More to set view

Three piles will be draw

using these grid lines

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Use Rubberband Zoom to expand the area where the piles will be drawn

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Mid-depth of pile cap
Z = -32.25

Three piles will be draw using

these three grid lines

Tips of piles
Z = -47.0

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Go to Advanced tab, which opens Draw options
Select Frame/Cable/Tendon

Select from list

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Draw pile at X = 75.5

Move pointer to grid point at

X = 75.5, Y = -13.0, Z = -47.0

Left click to begin drawing

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Move pointer to grid point at
X = 75.5, Y = -13.0, Z = -32.25

Left click to complete line

Right click to "lift pencil"

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 100

Draw pile at X = 80.0

Move pointer to grid point at

X = 80.0, Y = -13.0, Z = -47.0

Left click to begin drawing

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Move pointer to grid point at
X = 80.0, Y = -13.0, Z = -32.25

Left click to complete line

Right click to "lift pencil"

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 102

Draw pile at X = 84.5

Move pointer to grid point at

X = 84.5, Y = -13.0, Z = -47.0

Left click to begin drawing

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Move pointer to grid point at
X = 84.5, Y = -13.0, Z = -32.25

Left click to complete line

Right click to "lift pencil"

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 104

The three piles at Y = -13.0 are complete

Exit drawing mode

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 105

At Home tab Refresh Window to see the piles and nodes just drawn

What's missing?

There are no boundary

restraints at the column bases
(as shown, columns are free in
all d.o.f.)

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 106

Apply a fixed boundary restraint at the base of the column at X = 75.5


Right click on joint Flashing red circle

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Double left click

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10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 109
Restraint symbol
added at node

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Repeat for these nodes ( one at a time )
See next page

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Double left click

Right click joint

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Piles with boundary restraints completed at Y = -13.0 are complete

Refresh drawing

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Rubberband Zoom this area

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Piles, nodes and boundary restraints at Y = -13.0

Nodes at outer corners

of corner plate elements

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Open and select Extrude View

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10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 117
Base of column and tops of
piles at mid-depth of pile cap
Z = -32.25

Tips of piles
Z = -47.0

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Draw the three piles each at Y = -8.5 and Y = -4.0

Z = - 32.25

Z = - 47.0

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 119

Option 1: In XZ View manually draw piles at Y = -8.5 and Y = -4.0

Y = -8.5
Step to Y = -8.5 and draw three
piles and add boundary restraints
as previously shown

Y = -4.0
Step to Y = -4.0 and repeat

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 120

Option 2: Replicate the three piles and boundary restraints at Y = -13.0
to Y = -8.5 and Y = -4.0. This can be done in

1. Two steps: Replicate three piles at Y = -13.0 to Y = -8.5 in one step,

and then replicate the same piles at Y = -13.0 to Y = -4.0
in a separate step

2. One step: Replicate three piles at Y = -13.0 to both Y = -8.5 and

Y = -4.0 in a single step.

The one-step replication is possible if spacings between the three lines of piles are the same.
Here, the spacings between Y = -13 and Y = -8.5 and between Y = -85. and Y = -4.0 are
ΔY = +4.5 . Note that ΔY is positive because the " ΔY steps" will be from Y = -13.0 to
Y = -8.5 and then from Y = -8.5 to Y = -4.0.

The one-step replication will be use here.

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Show only the footing/pile area

Rubberband Zoom this area

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Select: Three piles, six nodes (at ends of piles), and three boundary restraints

Do not include the

plate edge nodes
for replication

Use the following four steps

to make this selection

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 123

Selection Step 1

Hold left
button down
Node at top of pile
Drag mouse to include the pile,
plus the joints at the top and Plate corner node
bottom of the pile.
Note that the plate corner node Drag mouse from left to right
cannot be avoided. It will be
deselected in Step 4.
Selected area

Node at bottom of pile

Let left
button up

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 124

Selection Step 2 Selection Step 3

Hold left
Hold left
button down
button down
Node at top
of pile
Node at top of pile

Drag mouse
Drag mouse

Node at bottom
Selected area Selected area
of pile
Node at bottom of pile

Let left
Let left button up
button up

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 125

Selection Step 4

Objects to be replicated

Left-click to deselect
the plate corner joint

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 126

Replicate 3-pile selection ΔY = +4.5 twice in one step

ΔY = +4.5

ΔY = +4.5

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 127

Replicate completed – view in Home tab, Rubberband Zoom

Two rows of
piles added
Rubberband Zoom

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 128

Perspective Extrude View of selected area

Open and select Extrude View

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Switch to XZ View

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 130

XZ Extrude View ( Perspective turned off )

Perspective toggle

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Switch to YZ View

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 132

YZ Extrude View ( Perspective turned off )

Perspective toggle

View toward X = 0

Pile rows added by Replicate

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 133

Finish drawing the foundations


5.0 17.0 5.0 ΔY = +17.0

Just completed


10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 134

In Home tab:
Turn off Extrude View , select 3-d View , and Rubberband Zoom to get area shown

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 135

Drag mouse from left to right to select pile cap and piles

Be sure to include the

plate node at the far
corner of the pile cap.
Start selection

End selection

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 136

Selected objects to Replicate

Selected objects: Pile cap

(16 finite elements) and
nine fixed-base piles

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Replicate selected objects

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 138

Replicated objects – note that grid
lines are not replicated or expanded

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In Home tab, return to Perspective View

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Switch to Perspective Extrude View

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 141

Switch to YZ Extrude View

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 142

YZ Extrude View

Perspective toggle

Z Grid lines

Grid lines

Perspective on Perspective off

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 143

The grid lines can now be either deleted or hidden

Delete grid lines ….. a bad idea …. DON'T DO IT

Right click
anywhere in view
panel Delete all

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 144

Hide the grid lines

Right click
anywhere in view

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The grid lines are still there, but are hidden.
They can be unhidden by the same procedure ( as will be done in Option 3 of this Exercise )

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 146

Foundation drawing completed and the grid has been hidden

Perspective toggle
But….is the foundation part
of the Bridge Model?

Perspective on Perspective off

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In Home tab, Restore Full View ( Perspective ) and turn off Extrude View

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In Bridge tab, Update the Bridge Model to include the foundations

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After the Bridge Model has been updated, switch to the Analysis tab
and run an analysis for the DEAD loads

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 150

Analysis complete: Note that the model is Locked.
In order to make any changes in the model it must be Unlocked,
which will erase the results of the analysis

The model has deflected, but the

deflection is a little hard to see

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 151

In the Home tab, open the Deformed Shape box

The deformed shape has been drawn using a

very small default Auto Scaling factor

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Choose a Scale Factor that shows a reasonable deformed shape

The magnitude of the scale factor has no physical

significance … it is just a relative number

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 153

Extrude View off
Extrude View on

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Displacements U1 , U2 , U3 measured in structure X-Y-Z coordinates

Z (U3)
Y (U2)
X (U1)

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 155

Deflected profile

XZ plane

Z (U3)
Deflection reference line
X (U1)

Deflection at bent due to elastic shortening

of the bent columns and the piles

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 156

Selected vertical deflections

Move cursor to joint

Z (U3)

X (U1)

U3 = -0.0593 in
U3 = -0.2957 in

Set units to inches

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 157

Longitudinal ( M3 ) moment diagram – Entire Bridge

Structure ("global")
coordinate system

Y 2
X 4913 ft-k

Member coordinate system for 3107 ft-k

member laid out from X = 0 to
X at the end of the bridge

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 158

Compare DEAD load moment diagrams for two column base options

Option 1 Option 2
Bent columns fixed at bases Bent columns on pile foundations
( column extended to mid-depth
of pile cap )

4949 ft-k 4913 ft-k

2997 ft-k 3107 ft-k

Why are they different?

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 159

Vertical reactions at tips of piles

If necessary, use Display Options

to turn off viewing Restraints

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 160

Rubberband Zoom to
isolate this footing

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 161

Isolated view of pile footing reactions in –Y region

Bent column
Right-click on joint

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 162

In XZ plane view reactions at each Y position

Use arrows to select Y = - 4.0

( note that Y position is not shown
anywhere on the screen – nasty )

Rubberband Zoom

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 163

Vertical reactions at Y = - 13.0 ft

X = 84.5
X = 75.5

X = 80.0
Y = - 13.0

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 164

Vertical reactions at Y = - 8.5 ft

X = 75.5

X = 80.0

X = 84.5
Y = - 8.5

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 165

Vertical reactions at Y = - 4.0 ft

X = 75.5

X = 80.0

X = 84.5
Y = - 4.0

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 166

Total upward vertical reaction per pile footing

52.47 + 55.05 + 52.39 = 159.9

55.09 + 65.87 + 55.01 = 176.0 495.8 kips

52.47 + 55.05 + 52.39 = 159.9

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 167

Axial force at base of bent column

present view ( whatever it may be )

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Display member axial force for Frame Members

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 169

Rubberband Zoom to improve resolution

Select Y = - 8.5 ft

Note: Y position not shown!!

Bent column appears when Y = - 8.5'

Rubberband zoom

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 170

Axial force near base of bent column ( approximately at top of pile cap )

Bent column appears when Y = - 8.5'

Axial compression near base of bent

column = - 372.0 (4 sig. figures)

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 171

Alternate view – XZ View ( Rubberband Zoom )

Select Y = - 8.5 ft in XZ view

Note: Y position not shown!!

Bent column appears when Y = - 8.5'

Axial compression near base of bent

column = - 372.0 (4 sig. figures)

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 172

Show member axial force diagrams

If necessary, use Display Options

to turn off viewing Restraints

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 173

Compression forces in piles and in bent column where it connects to
the plate element at the mid-depth of the pile cap

Put cursor
on joint

Rubberband Zoom R = 52.47

(earlier slides)

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 174

Use Advanced ► Assign ► More to clear display of currently-shown results

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 175

Pile and cap weights

13.0' x 13.0'
concrete pile cap Weight of concrete pile cap ( disregard 2.0' steel pipe
4.0' length extensions into pile cap ):
13.0' x 13.0' x 4.0' x 0.15 k/ft3 = 101.4 kips

Weight per pile:

12.75' Core diameter = 13.25" / 12 in/ft = 1.102 ft

 1.1042 2
Core area per foot = ft / ft  0.9575 ft 2 / ft
Core weight = 0.9575 ft2/f x 0.15 k/ft3 = 0.1436 k/ft
concrete filled 14"-diam  ( 14.02  13.252 ) in2
steel piles ( 9 total ) Pipe area per foot =  0.1115 ft 2 / ft
4 ( 144 in2 / ft 2 ) / ft

steel pipe Pipe weight = 0.1115 ft2/f x 0.495 k/ft3 = 0.0552 k/ft
concrete core
Pile weight per foot = ( 0.1436 + 0.0552 ) k/ft = 0.1988 k/ft

tw = 3/8" Weight per pile = 0.1988 k/ft x 12.75 ft = 2.535 k/pile

Total pile weight = 2.535 k/pile x 9 piles = 22.8 kips

doutside = 14"

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 176

Check pile footing vertical equilibrium

Column force near top of pile cap = 372.0 kips

(why not use 373.1 kips – Slide 176 ??)

Pile cap weight = 101.4 kips

496.2 kips downward

Total pile weight = 22.8 kips

Close enough !!

Total reaction = 495.8 kips upward ( Slide 176 )

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 177

Save your CSI Bridge .bdb file in two versions:

Save as: Example2-Two-Equal-Span-Option2.bdb

This is the option just completed in which the two columns bases frame into
the pile cap in a pile-cap/piles foundation

Save as: Example2-Two-Equal-Span-Option3.bdb

This will be the starting point for the next option in which the columns bases
are connected to the pile caps by Joint Constraints

10/19/2011 Example2-Two-Equal-Spans-Option2-Final.ppt 178

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