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Theme: Science and Technology [Non-textbook]

Reading [Comprehension task]

A. Read the article.

Have you ever heard of a self-driving car? A self-driving car can move from one
place to another without a human controlling it.
There are six levels of automation:
Level 0 – The human driver starts and stops the car, controls where it goes and
how fast it moves.
Level 1 – The car will help the driver in some tasks. For example, it will keep a set
speed and automatically brake when traffic slows down.
Level 2 – The car can control the steering and speed. However, the human driver
still needs to pay attention.
Level 3 – The car can perform most of the driving tasks but the human driver must
be ready to retake control of the car.
Level 4 – The car can do all driving tasks. However, a human can still choose to
control the car himself/herself.
Level 5 – The car is fully automatic and requires no attention from the driver at all.
With the self-driving cars, there will be less traffic congestion and more
smooth traffic. People could do more productive activities while on their way to
work or school. Self-driving cars will also help people who cannot drive
themselves such as the elderly or disabled. They can move around more
In short, self-driving cars will definitely change and improve our lives.
However, we should be careful not to be too dependent on the technology.

B. Complete the sentences using the words from the text.

1. A self-driving car can ____________ from one place to another without a

____________ controlling it.
2. The car will keep a ________________ and automatically ____________ when
traffic slows down.
3. The car can perform most of the ______________________ but the human driver
must be ready to ____________ control of the __________.
4. The car is fully ________________ and requires __________________ from the
driver at all.
5. _____________________ cars will also help people who cannot drive themselves
such as the _______________ or ______________.
C. Fill in the blanks with the missing letters to match the meaning the of words below.

Meaning Word
1. the condition of a road being overly filled with tr_ _ _ic _o_ge_ti_n
2. not able to use a part of the body properly d _ s _ bl _ d

3. relying on another for help or to provide what one d _ p _ _ de _ t


Writing task
Imagine you are Janu. Read the email from your friend, Kumuthi.

Subject: Mobile phone

Hi Janu,
How are you? I hope you are doing well. I heard that your mobile phone screen is broken.
What are your plans? Are you going to buy a new mobile phone?

Bye for now.


In about 80 words, you will have to prepare a reply email for the above email. Read and
arrange the parts below about your plans and what you are going to do with the new mobile
phone to complete your email to your friend, Kumuthi. Rewrite the email in your book.


I really need to get a new one as I am planning to use it during the school holidays. I am going to use its camera to take
some photos for a class project. I am also going to download some songs and games on the mobile phones.

Yes, my mobile phone screen is broken. So, I am planning to buy a new mobile phone this Saturday. I will be going to
Boria mall with my mom to get one.

Dear Kumuthi,

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