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Ans- 1

Inigroion Tesin

Thtera H0n Testing is a level of software +es tt ng

Where in dlvidval Units arecorm bined

Tne Pvrpose +0 e npose the faulte


in the in+eracten b/w integrated,.units .

Here are svb categories :
Bg Barg Testng
|5g - This approach involves
at (e then
al) the component on

entre System.
from t0 bottom
Top - Down - Modules Qre 4ested to

w or architetural
he con4ro/ fle

oPposi +e of top- down, where

BoHom - Up - 14's the opposl+e

starts from bo tton t0 t0P.

+esing Starts

Com b) naton of top- dou z bo Hom -Us.

Mixed - A

System Tes tt'

System Testng is Cond vCted on a o mplete,
System +0 evalvate the system s

Compliance with H's specifièd reguire menss.

Here qre sUb Categories:

FUncHonal Tesing val'dates the sof#ware yans
functional reqvlre ments/ SpeciAca tions

Performance Tes#n9 - Checks the sysn's performante

Under Vartous eon diionc.

System's robustness
Tes9 Determ)nes the
Stress les
Under extreme ConditHons ,
for the dashboard System 3ys+ em Tesg
Eyample- Car

Wovld in volve i he enreb dagh board

System harmon y inclwding the Speedo
me ter ,fve ga vge +emperawre gauge8 warning
they meet the decign speeifcavb
Iights,t0 ensvre

Dielerence b/s Top- Down 3 Bo Hon- v
rSd1OP- DOwn BoHom -UP
Tes+ he highest -level Tests the lowect -leve! first

module Arsy g hen worKS 3 then workKs Upthe ord er,

down tthe hierarchy: 8

StUbs +0 simulate I+ vses arvers -+0 Simulate

he pwer -level modules. the higher- leve l module.,

Less Complex.i More Complex

(Less deta Int ensive MOre data ntens)ve

On den + fying he
Focuses Foovses on idenifyiy.
migatn9 risKs early on. risKs later in
-he tes+ing

I+ Can bo Vsed +o test be Her suige d for

lange 8 Complex SyStems. 8maller ess

Conpler Systens.

* Depini ion:

walk throghi
of peer review in sefware
A walkK throvg h is q type
esting where the author of doeument gvides
+eam membes thro vgh he ma tenal t0 gather

feed balK reath a Con sensus .1

Code inspecton Techoizve
IS a Pormal review Process a
Code nspectHon
tYpe of StatHC testng that invo ves e throvgh
examinq#on of source Code by a +eam 0

find errors . sysiemg iC discipline d

qpproach speciie roles ike modera for,

reqder 3 reOrd er.

De bvgg

|De bvggid
is .the Process of identilng, analyzn

the Software, it nvolves -ne

fxing bugs in
Systenate approalh ore prodvce the Cond tone
that led o
erroocaethe 30Urceof tHe ero
aetermne 4c Cavse, Px the 'ssve g hen est
valid ate.

DHerence blw Black Box esting 3 whte Box Testrg

Black B0X Testng white Box Tes tng

14 is a way of sof!ware 14 is a way of testl? te
tesHng the nteral
which the lotee Sofware in which the 4eer
in which
Strvcture or the progr m hos kn0wledgesbout the
Or Code s hid den. |Io4ernal strvctore or the
Co de of e sofiware

mple men4a Hon of Code is Code implementQtlons

ho+ needed for blaek bor neccessary or white box

4 is mostly do ne by 4 mostly do ne by

Softwore 4ectevs Software deve lopers

4 Con be reHered to + is he nner Ot the

as ovter or ex4ernal
soHwore +estng

+ls SAvetral
ImPortance ef lack B0x g white BoX

Performig both b lack bex g wh}te box

he cecsqry be ca vse they Con plemet Path o ther
Coverig dfferend aspecte o! oswore qyallyi:
Comprehengi ve Covera ge
white box
ensurec that the sofyware meets
reqvirements g ehaves Corectly from an ertemal
Pespecpectve white bor tecting ensures
Code s optHmi2ed, ollows
thad the
beot Practees
free f om tntern al erors,

Eary Detec on a Defecic.

rLAns- 4
Caling Coding guid ines

Gnurd lines
Coding SHandards

Coding sson dords are Co ding gudti'nes are svgges ted

SPetAe rules that dicyate PacHcec thaf aim

how Code shova be witHenmprove Code gualiy.

Tne prPose s to ensure Tne PUrpose Is to Pro vld

vniformity s Predictabiltybest pracices for writlng

in Code for main tena Coole that is muntainoble
8 Colla boro Hon. readabie. 3
Manda+ ory & stiCtly 8
3 ofen more
en forced with an for some
orgonilewible, alawig
di's eretton.

USvaly more namo, Aocusiny roader covering a wle

on speeifi Repects ike ronge ef coding pracHCes,

haming Conventons

|Less Plexible ,as they More plerible , servi

are ruled thq4 heed to advice ratherhan rules
be follo wed.

Consis+ent Code base. tha tmproved Code qvality wth

Can be easily Understo0a a folus on +erm
by a0 + ean members. maintaina bil'ty.

(LAns- 5

Perfor mance Testg :

erfornance Testig i's a CrVc'al aspect o!softuare

that foeuses On evalvatng the performance
ccalabilty of System or q Ppllca ton Under
loads Con d'Hans.

4echni?ve 4o Check

how a coftwore appllea ton's sta bil1ity

Stabll , speed
Soqlab) 'y respon sven ess Perform
specific work lo d.

Iypes ef Perfer mance TesH ng

Load Testing - smvate /ogd on
the real - Uorld
he systerm to see hou t pestorm s Un der stress,

abillhy o
Stress the System 'ls

Testng- Tests levele.

hand le a load above normal vsAge

Tests the System's
spike Tesing
hand le svdden splre in tra r.

Endurance Tes tng- sH ocvsec

of me.
for pro long e period
Sy stem

volume Tesing- inolves age daka process/ng

ho the behavec with vayirg
t0 Ch ecK
of data.

Assesses i he System
sca labii'ty Tecing-
based an the demand
Vp or down
Can scale

withovt Cormpro micig perforna nce .

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