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lOMoARcPSD| 30423517

EX.NO: 01 Create a Cloud Organization in AWS/Google Cloud/or any

equivalent Open-Source cloudsoftware like OpenStack,
Date: Eucalyptus, Open Nebula with Role-based access control


To create a Cloud Organization in AWS with Roll-based access control.

To create an organization in AWS with role-based access, you can follow these
general steps:

1. Create an AWS account: If you don't already have an AWS account, you'll need
to create one. This will beyour management account and the root of your

2. Enable AWS Organizations: From the AWS Management Console, navigate

to the AWS Organizations service and enable it. This will create the
organization with your management account as the master account.
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3. Create OUs (Organizational Units): You can create one or more OUs to
organize your accounts. For example, you might create separate OUs for different
departments or environments (e.g., production, staging, development).

4. Create member accounts: You can create new AWS accounts and invite
existing accounts to join yourorganization as member accounts. You can add
these accounts to the appropriate OUs.

5. Create service control policies (SCPs): SCPs are policies that you can attach to
OUs or individual accounts to define the maximum set of actions that can be
performed on resources in those OUs or accounts. This allows you to enforce role-
based access and other security policies across your organization.

6. Assign IAM roles: You can create IAM roles in your management account and
delegate specific permissions to them.
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To create a role with specific permissions, you can follow these steps:

• Open the IAM console in your management account.

• Create a new role and choose the appropriate trusted entity (e.g., another AWS
account, an AWS service,or your AWS Organizations).
• Define the permissions for the role by attaching an IAM policy or a service control
policy (SCP).
• Save the role and note down the ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the role.
• In the AWS Organizations console, attach the role to the appropriate OU or account.
• In the member account, assume the role to perform actions on resources in the
management account orother member accounts.

Thus, the Cloud Organization was created in AWS with Role-Based Access Control
was implementedsuccessfully.
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EX.NO:02 Create a Cost-model for a web application using various services and do
Cost-benefit analysis

To create a Cost-model for a web application using various services and make a analysis
for Cost-benefit.

Creating a cost-model for a web application in AWS involves estimating the
costs of using various AWS services for the application. Here's a general process to
create a cost-model and do cost-bene昀椀t analysis:

1. Identify the AWS services used by the web application: Some common
services used by web applications include Amazon S3, Amazon EC2,
Amazon RDS, Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda,Amazon DynamoDB,
Amazon CloudFront, and Amazon SNS.

2. Estimate the costs of each service: You can use the AWS Pricing Calculator
to estimate the costs ofeach service. The pricing calculator allows you to enter
the specifics of your usage, such as the number of instances, storage size, and
data transfer.
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Program: (Python code)

import boto3

# Create a session using your AWS

credentialssession = boto3.Session(

# Create a Cost Explorer

client cost_explorer =

# De昀椀ne the time period for the

cost-modeltime_period = {
'End': '2022-12-31'

# Define the granularity of the

cost-modelgranularity = 'DAILY'

# Define the metrics for the cost-

model metrics = ['BlendedCost',
lOMoARcPSD| 30423517

# Get the cost and usage data

response =

# Print the cost and

usage data


'ResultsByTime': [

'TimePeriod': {
'Start': '2022-01-01',
'End': '2022-12-31',
'TimeUnit': 'MONTHS'

'Groups': [
lOMoARcPSD| 30423517

'UsageQuantity': { 'Amount': '1000.0',
'Unit': 'Hours'


[ 'AWSLa
{ 'BlendedC
ost': {
'Amount': '789.0',
'Unit': 'USD'

{ 'Amount':
'Unit': 'requests'

lOMoARcPSD| 30423517

'ResponseMetadata': {
'RequestId': 'abcdefg-1234-5678-90ab-
cdefghijkl','HTTPStatusCode': 200,
'HTTPHeaders': {

'content-length': '1234',
lOMoARcPSD| 30423517

'date': 'Tue, 15 Feb 2022 12:34:56 GMT'


'RetryAttempts': 0

Thus, Cost-model for a web application using various services created and analysis was
lOMoARcPSD| 30423517

Create alerts for usage of Cloud
Date: Resources

To create alerts for usage of Cloud Resources.

To create alerts for usage of Cloud resources in AWS, you can use Amazon
CloudWatch and AWS Lambda.Here's an example code that creates an alert for
Amazon S3 bucket usage:

1. Create an IAM role for the Lambda function with the following policy.
2. Create a new Lambda function with the following code.
3. Set the Lambda function trigger to run every day at a specific time.
4. Create a CloudWatch alarm with the following code.

Policy for Role: (JSON code)

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [

"Action": [
arm", "cloudwatch:D
lOMoARcPSD| 30423517

"Action": [

"Resource": [


New Lambda Function:

(Python)import boto3
import json

s3 = boto3.client('s3')
cloudwatch = boto3.client('cloudwatch')

def lambda_handler(event, context):

response = s3.head_bucket(Bucket='your-
bucket-name')size =
lOMoARcPSD| 30423517

'Value': 'your-bucket-name'

'Value': size,
'Unit': 'Bytes'

except Exception as e:

Cloud Watch Alarm:

(Python)import boto3
import datetime

cloudwatch = boto3.client('cloudwatch')

def create_alarm():
cloudwatch.put_metric_alarm( AlarmName='S3
BucketSizeAlarm', AlarmDescription='Alarm
if S3 bucket size exceeds 10 GB',
lOMoARcPSD| 30423517



'Value': 'your-bucket-

AlarmDescription='Alarm if S3 bucket size exceeds 10 GB'


except Exception as e:

lOMoARcPSD| 30423517


Thus, usage alerts for cloud resources were implemented successfully.
lOMoARcPSD| 30423517

Create Billing alerts for your
Date: Cloud Organization

To create billing alerts for your Cloud Organization.

To create billing alerts for your Cloud Organization in AWS, you can follow
these steps:

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the Billing and Cost
Management service.
2. In the navigation pane, choose "Budgets".
3. Click on "Create budget" and select "Cost budget".
4. Provide a name and description for your budget.
5. Choose the time period for your budget (e.g., Monthly, Quarterly, Annually).
6. Configure the budget threshold. You can choose to set a fixed budget amount or a
percentage of youractual costs.
7. Configure the alerts. You can choose to receive alerts via email or Amazon SNS.

aws budgets create-budget --account-id
123456789012 --budget \'{
"BudgetLimit": {
lOMoARcPSD| 30423517

true, "UseBlended": false,
"IncludeRefund": true,
"IncludeCredit": true,
"IncludeUpfront": true,
"IncludeRecurring": true,
": true,"IncludeSupport":
true, "IncludeDiscount":
true, "UseAmortized":
"TimeUnit": "MONTHLY",
"BudgetType": "COST",
"NotificationsWithSubscribers": [

"Notification": {
"NotificationType": "ACTUAL",
"Threshold": 100,
"Subscribers": [
lOMoARcPSD| 30423517



Thus, billing alerts for your Cloud Organization were implemented successfully.
lOMoARcPSD| 30423517

Compare Cloud cost for a simple web application
Date: AWS,Azure and GCP and suggest the best one

To compare Cloud cost for a simple web application across AWS, Azure and GCP and
suggest the best one

1. AWS: AWS offers a rich array of tools, including databases, analytics, management,
IoT, security, and enterprise applications. AWS introduced per-second billing in
2017 for EC2 Linux-based instances andEBS volumes.

2. Azure: Azure has slightly surpassed AWS in the percentage of enterprises using
it. Azure also offers various services for enterprises, and Microsoft’s
longstanding relationship with this segment makes itan easy choice for some
customers. While Azure is the most expensive choice for general-purpose
instances, it’s one of the most cost-effective alternatives to compute-optimized

3. Google Cloud Platform (GCP): GCP stands out thanks to its almost limitless
internal research andexpertise. GCP is different due to its role in developing
various open-source technologies. Google Cloud is much cheaper than AWS
and Azure for computing optimized cloud-based instances.

The best platform depends on your specific needs and requirements. If you need a wide array
of tools andservices, AWS might be the best choice. If you’re looking for enterprise
services and have a longstanding relationship with Microsoft, Azure could be your best bet.

If you prioritize innovation and open-source technologies, GCP could be the right
choice. For compute-optimized instances, GCP seems to be the most cost-effective.
However, it’s essential to understand your requirements fully before making a decision.
lOMoARcPSD| 30423517

Thus, the comparison for Cloud cost for a simple web application across AWS, Azure
and GCP wereimplemented successfully.
Technical Case Study #6

IFFCO improves IT performance by 7x with

Oracle Cloud
By Akshai Parthasarathy,
Product Marketing Director, Oracle

By Anil Kumar Gupta,

Director, IFFCO Ltd

“The board, management, and our stakeholders are very confident that IFFCO has a
robust IT system, one that operates around the clock, pandemic or not. And that system
is powered by Oracle.”
A.K. Gupta, Director of IFFCO

Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Ltd. (IFFCO) is the world’s largest manufacturer and
marketeer of fertilizers in the cooperative sector. It serves over 35,000 cooperatives and 55
million farmers across India. IFFCO has five manufacturing plants in India and 19 joints
ventures within India and overseas. It has been using Oracle products for decades and using
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) more recently to modernize its IT estate.

Figure 1. Overview of IFFCO

Empowering farmers with nano urea

IFFCO wants to bring innovative ideas to market to improve the livelihood of farmers in
India. To this end, it recently innovated and launched first of its kind nano urea, portable 500
ml (16.9 fl oz) bottled nano urea that replaces 45 kg (99.2 lb) urea bags. Nano urea improves
crop yields by 8–10%, reduces pesticide and chemical fertilizer use, and mitigates soil
erosion. The product also cuts farmers’ spending on urea by half.

Nano urea brings new demands to IFFCO’s cloud computing needs. The organization needs a
reliable cloud vendor to support the processes of 6–7 new manufacturing plants during the
upcoming year, enhancing its production capability 300–350 million bottles of nano urea to
meet increasing demand.

Business challenges

IFFCO’s cloud adoption is driven by a need to innovate. With cloud infrastructure, the
organization wanted capabilities for a dynamic business that can adapt to the changing needs
of the market while growing fast. IFFCO wanted to shorten innovation cycles, but it was
inhibited by rigid on-premises data center deployments. In addition, IT teams were burdened
by the overhead of maintaining legacy systems. IFFCO wanted to apply the elasticity and
availability of cloud for improving overall performance of applications at lowest possible
operational overhead.

Several technology systems and platforms in India’s agriculture ecosystem, including

IFFCO’s, have become dependent and integrated with each other. For example, IFFCO’s core
systems are linked to key government portals, such as a fertilizer management system, the E-
wayBill system for transporting goods, and GST, the nation’s taxation platform. Given the

connected ecosystem, IFFCO needed all its systems, consisting of 100+ applications, to be
highly available. The COVID-19 pandemic further added the ambiguity to scale IT
operations, but IFFCO’S IT team quickly realized that they could turn this challenge to an
opportunity by using the potential of cloud computing to its maximum.

Lastly, IFFCO needed to provide the benefits of its technology to all its stakeholders,
including employees, members, transporters, and farmers, some of whom have limited
literacy. To accommodate all stakeholders, IFFCO wanted to add a voice interface to its

Suite of Oracle products used

IFFCO has worked with Oracle for more than two decades on its critical applications and
databases that enable business activities. All custom applications are deployed on Windows
Server 2012 VMs comprising five WebLogic Servers and nine .NET Servers. In addition,
IFFCO used IBM AIX P8 machines for running corporate, marketing, and ERP applications.

The following list includes the relevant OCI features, services, and tools that IFFCO utilizes:

 OCI Compute: OCI provides fast, flexible, and affordable compute capacity to fit any
workload need from performant bare metal servers and virtual machines (VMs) to
lightweight containers.
 Oracle Exadata Cloud service: Oracle Exadata Cloud service is the best place for
customers to run Oracle Database workloads in the cloud. Dedicated X8M infrastructure
is isolated from other users, allowing database teams to improve security, performance,
and uptime for customer databases.
 Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS): An Oracle packaged application trusted by thousands of
organizations around the world to run their key business operations like enterprise
resource planning (ERP)
 Custom applications on OCI: Homegrown IT or departmental applications that support an
organization’s unique business needs
 Oracle Digital Assistant: Oracle Digital Assistant is an AI service that offers prebuilt skills
and templates to create conversational experiences for your business applications and
customers through text, chat, and voice interfaces.
 OCI Load Balancing: OCI Flexible Load Balancing enables customers to distribute web
requests across a fleet of servers or automatically route traffic across fault domains,
availability domains, or regions, yielding high availability and fault tolerance for any
application or data source.
 OCI Web Application Firewall (WAF): By combining threat intelligence with consistent rule
enforcement on an Oracle flexible load balancer, OCI WAF strengthens defenses and
protects internet-facing application servers and internal applications.
 OCI FastConnect: OCI FastConnect allows customers to connect directly to their OCI
virtual cloud network (VCN) through dedicated, private, high-bandwidth connections.
Across five manufacturing plants, the organization has 100+ applications running on OCI,
including Oracle E-Business Suite. IFFCO has replaced on-premises infrastructure with OCI,
which provides better availability, security and scalability.

Figure 2. IFFCO’s Infrastructure

Migration path and Oracle solution

IFFCO uses several Oracle products for its business operations, including Oracle E-Business
Suite, eVikas CRM, and several other custom applications for procurement, supply chain
management, and HR management. The deployment consists of two OCI regions in India:
Mumbai and Hyderabad.

As shown in the following figure, IFFCO started on-premises and participated in a proof-of-
concept (PoC) deployment with OCI. After successful validation, the organization migrated
all its workloads to the cloud.

The cloud deployment is in a hub-and-spoke model. The Mumbai region acts as the hub for
all other plant infrastructure. The Mumbai region hub is connected to on-premises
infrastructure using FastConnect, which provides low-latency data transfers over a dedicated
and secure network path. As shown in the following figure, the Mumbai region hosts the
production environment of legacy applications and E-Business Suite.

Figure 3. IFFCO’s hub architecture in the Mumbai region

OCI WAF provides security to traffic following over the internet. All incoming traffic is sent
to the public subnet and the Check Point layer-7 firewall. IFFCO preferred to use separate
VCNs for better isolation, more control, and reduced impact radius if a security breach
occurs. EBS supports business processes and financial reporting. Exadata is used to host
databases for EBS and legacy apps.
The disaster recovery site in the Hyderabad region provides active-active disaster recovery. If
a failure occurs in the Mumbai region, applications continue to run in the disaster recovery
site without disruption. This disaster recovery site is used for both legacy applications and E-
Business Suite and hosts nonproduction environments, developer and Test. The OCI Lift
services team ensured that IFFCO had a smooth migration and deployment. The team also
conducted multiple workshops to enable IFFCO successfully run workloads on OCI but also
assisted with planning and designing a flexible and scalable networking architecture based on
hub-and-spoke model for production, non-production, and disaster recovery environments for
Windows-based legacy applications, Oracle EBS, and Exadata on OCI.

Video Link

Figure 4. IFFCO’s disaster recovery site architecture in the Hyderabad region

The results

IFFCO’s complete migration to OCI was completed in 57 hours for EBS and 33 hours for
custom applications. The total time to migrate workloads bettered by six hours than the

OCI has improved IFFCO’s business agility through better management of IT, faster
performance, and enhanced security. Overall performance has improved 2–7 times, enabling
teams to do more in less time. For example, the business development team can generate
time-bound reports significantly faster than before. Automatic scale-up during month-end and
year-end peak loads simplifies cloud management further.

Innovation roadmap

IFFCO aims to shape the future of the Indian agriculture industry with a technology-first
approach. As nano urea adoption increases dramatically during the upcoming year, the
organization wants to use Oracle’s capabilities to support its new manufacturing plants with
100% uptime. As part of the nano urea initiative, it plans to use drones and affordable and
energy-efficient technology for farmers to improve crop yields. It’s also looking to expand
two other digital initiatives: IFFCO BAZAR, an e-commerce and communication portal, and
IFFCOYuva, a skill development and employment venture.

Case Study #4

Toyota moves high-performance workloads

to Oracle Cloud
World’s largest automaker shifts high-performance computing workloads to Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure to improve car design and development efficiency.

“We now run our HPC workloads on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure as part of our HPC multicloud
strategy. OCI has incredible performance, and running computational fluid dynamics
simulations with it has allowed us to improve the speed of computations and to optimize costs.
This is helping us make the development of cars at Toyota more efficient, and produce cars with
better performance.”
Shinichi Noda, Group Leader, DX Promotion Division, Toyota Motor

Products list
 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Business challenges
To continue improving the quality of its cars, Toyota is implementing a “Toyota New Global
Architecture.” As a structural innovation that stretches across the company’s global car
manufacturing business, it’s meant to bring dramatic improvements to the basic
performance of Toyota cars. Increasing the efficiency of automobile design and development
through computational tests and simulations and constantly striving to improve are the keys
to making cars that have both excellent driving and environmental performance.

Toyota had handled high-performance computing workloads in an on-premises

environment. However, while continuing to use its existing on-premises resources, the
company began to look into cloud services in order to flexibly meet requests from users,
such as quickly increasing resources and testing new technologies.

Why Toyota Motor chose Oracle
The company benchmarked a number of cloud service providers as part of its HPC
multicloud strategy, looking into performance, cost, computational accuracy, flexibility,
stability, and other requirements. After considering these factors, Toyota decided to move
the foundation of its computational simulations to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) while
also using existing on-premises systems.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure offers the industry’s first, and only, public cloud with bare
metal HPC computing. It has a low latency of less than 2 microseconds and 100 Gbps of
bandwidth, achieved with a Remote Direct Memory Access network. This protocol transfers
data from the memory of a local computer to the memory of a separate, remote computer.
OCI’s unique HPC solution allows Toyota to run large and complex computational
simulations, which require a massive amount of computing power, all in the cloud and
without any compromises in performance.

Running high-performance workloads for computational simulations on Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure has allowed Toyota to increase the speed and efficiency of car design and
development while also optimizing costs.

Also, Toyota has dramatically shortened lead time in computing resource procurement,
which used to take more than six months in the on-premises environment. Now OCI needs
just a few days, given there is enough physical space available.

With OCI, Toyota can now flexibly handle the testing of new technologies, something that
was difficult in the on-premises setup. Toyota achieved a high degree of cost performance
with OCI, as it has allowed the company to shorten the time needed to perform
computations through improvements to computational ability.

Learn more
 Toyota, opens in new tab
 Infographic: OCI for Enterprise (PDF), opens in new tab
 Get the guide to Cloud Essentials (PDF), opens in new tab
 Understand the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Platform (PDF), opens in new tab
 Get started on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (PDF), opens in new tab
 Learn more about HPC on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Products list
 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Technical Case Study #14

Kotak Mahindra banks on Oracle to boost

employee experience
Leading Indian banking and financial services group reimagines the recruitment process with
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management.

“Over the last year, when people started working from home and they were in lockdown, Oracle
Workforce Health and Safety was used primarily for data collection. That was quite helpful because
we didn't have to re-create the employee database.”
Sukhjit Pasricha, President and Group Chief Human Resource Officer, Kotak Mahindra Bank

Products list
• Oracle Cloud HCM
Business challenges
Kotak Mahindra Bank, headquartered in Mumbai, offers a range of financial services that
cater to retail and corporate customers across urban and rural India. It has a national footprint of
1,612 branches and 2,591 ATMs.

One of the main challenges for the bank, as for the rest of the world, was adapting its
business during the pandemic, when most employees were working from home. Using Oracle Fusion
Cloud Human Capital Management (HCM), the bank automated its recruitment process, significantly
reducing manual intervention. Oracle Workforce Health and Safety proved to be helpful in keeping
branch workers all over the country safe.
Establishing paperless communications was another plus that Oracle Cloud HCM was able to bring.
In a 50,000-plus employee organization, this shift made a positive impact on the environment and
led to substantial savings for the bank.

Why Kotak Mahindra Bank Chose Oracle
The primary reason Kotak Mahindra selected Oracle Cloud HCM was due to its ease of use
on mobile devices. This helped the organization create an internal mobile app and provide a single
point of access for employees, further supporting adoption. Ease of migration from Oracle E-
Business Suite and on-premises systems to Oracle Cloud HCM was another key driver. Cost,
scalability, and future readiness also were factors in Kotak Mahindra’s decision to move forward
with Oracle.
Before adopting Oracle Cloud HCM, the bank had multiple on-premises HR systems, leading
to greater maintenance effort and fragmented employee experiences. The move to a platform that
could manage a large and diverse employee database as well as different business priorities was a
plus. Oracle Learning and Oracle Recruiting within Oracle Talent Management helped to automate
paperless processes and also to move offline workflows online. The integration of HR processes with
organizational processes was another notable result.
By enabling digital signatures, online communications, and paperless workflows, the company
estimates a cost savings of about Rs 15 lakh per year by drastically cutting printing and courier costs.
Due to the self-service modules, the efficency and productivity of the organization has increased
while the user experience has improved.

Thanks to Oracle Recruiting, the bank anticipates it will be able to streamline its recruitment
efforts as it welcomes new staff into its fold.

Kotak Mahindra Bank enjoyed a well-managed deployment with Oracle Consulting, which focused
on project management and delivery.
Products list
• Oracle Cloud HCM

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