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Information Sheet 2 .

2 - 2
Internal and External factor affecting events

Learning Objectives:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:

1. Classify various stakeholders for an event
2. Analyze and develop an event scope basing the
client’s information.

Time Allotment: 45 minutes

In the previous module we have learned that when planning an event for your
client it is imperative to understand what the goal of the event is and why your
client wants to produce this event. The goal and objective of the event should
be the focus of every decision made for your client and for the event moving
forward in the planning process. In this module we will elaborate more on
stakeholders and scope to consider while developing an event concept.

Once you’ve developed your event goals and objectives, communicate them
clearly to your key stakeholders and keep those stakeholders updated as you
track progress along the way. You’ll quickly establish yourself as a valuable
member of the team who can run an event that delivers.

What is a Stakeholders?
 A person, group or organization with a vested interest, or stake, in the
decision-making and activities of a business, organization or project.
 Can be members of the organization they have a stake in, or they can
have no official affiliation.
 Can have a direct or indirect influence on the activities or projects of an

Events rely on a range of partners or stakeholders for design and delivery, so it

is important at the outset to identify who the key stakeholders are for your
event project, may include but not limited to event principals, Local community,
organizing committees, Local authorities, customers, colleagues, staging
contractors, entertainers/participants/performers, funding body, sponsors,
service contractors, media, etc.

Types of stakeholders
Stakeholders can come from a variety of connections to the organization or
events. The most common types of stakeholders include the following:

1. Customers usually expect organizations to deliver products of value.

2. Employees are often project stakeholders, who want to contribute to a
project that is related to their job.
3. Owners supply an organization's equity and capital and are responsible
for organizational goals.
4. Investors are shareholders, who invest in organizations in exchange for
financial returns and often receive regular financial reporting on the
companies they invest in as well as voting power in major decisions.
5. Creditors, such as banks and bondholders, lend money to an
organization to be paid back with interest.
6. Suppliers are vendors that supply materials and products to
organizations and have an interest in their business and the projects
they pursue.
7. Communities have an interest in events being healthy, safe and
beneficial to local economies.
8. Governments collect taxes from companies and their employees.

Major Stakeholders:
1. The clients- usually the host/board/owner of the event.
2. The contractors- a person or company that undertakes a contract to
provide materials or labor to perform a service or do a job. The main
advantage of hiring contractors is the expertise they bring. Organization
committees may feel that a particular event requires expertise and/or
assets that the organization does not have.
3. The Attendees- a person who is present on a given occasion or at a
given place.
4. The Organizers- event planning team creates, implements, and executes
the event through research, strategy and holding creative meetings.

Once all of the stakeholders for your event have been identified you can then
begin to assess their interest and involvement in your event, their specific
needs and how their needs can be met through the design and delivery of your
event. For example local businesses will need to be assured that their trade will
not be adversely affected by your event, so it is important that, where possible,
the customers and activity related to your event do not prevent others from
using local amenities. Likewise, a group like sponsors, will be seeking positive
media coverage and enhanced community image, so the event must have news
worthy aspects which also take into account the local community’s needs.

Determine the event scope

This includes identifying the target audience, the size of the event, the venue,
and any specific requirements or constraints. Be as detailed as possible to
ensure a comprehensive understanding of what needs to be accomplished.

Scope- is the extent and boundaries of your event, such as the duration,
location, theme, audience, and resources.

 Theme/motif of Event- Event themes include the look, feel, taste,

sound and even smell of an event. You can include all the senses
within an event theme to create an experience people will never
 Size and number of guests/delegates- number of your attendees
audience, the better it is to deliver engaging events. Needs such as the
lavatories, powder room, and rest room. Etc.
 Audience and participant: when organizing an event, the needs of all
the participants must be considered before finalizing the concept. The
more the event organizer understands the target
 Venue- means the location of the Event, including the entirety of the
venue and premises of the Event. The foregoing definition shall include
all parking lots, alleys, streets, sidewalks, pedestrian access ways, and
all other City owned property in the immediate vicinity of the Event
 Timing of the event: is often linked to the season or weather. Factors
are; season, day of the week, time of the day and duration.

Your Event Scope is a high-level document that outlines your who, what,
where, when, why, and how clearly for all parties involved in the event. The key
is to keep it simple and straightforward.

Take for example;

What: Kasalang bayan
Who: couple who have been living together or were already blessed with
children, wanting to vow as husband and wife in the holy presence
of their church.
Where: San Nicholas De Tolentino Church, Dauin Negros Oriental.
When: February 14, 2025
Why: Shows the importance of marriage and family. Living in the
blessings and graces of God. To minimize the number of coupe
living together out of marriage.

By answering the 5 W’s you will be able to detail out the scope of your event and
start planning the whole concept. Given the example above, you will be able to
develop the concept of the said event by considering the theme, reception
Venue, catering services, entertainment, décor, publicity and promotion,
registration process (requirements), and sponsorships.

Developing an Event concept

Factors to be consider in developing an event.

 Format of the event- it should match the set objectives prior to the
conceptualization of the event concept. It should be based on the data
gathered from the clients while the tone of the event must be identified
whether it is formal or informal. After choosing the event, make a
research from the previous similar events and benchmark that best event
published so far.
 Purpose of the event- it should coincides with the format of such
events. It functions as a s driver in all aspects of the planning process. If
the event’s objectives is to facilitate entrepreneurial information among
businessmen, then the event should be conceptualized as formal and
convention-type format.
 The theme of the event. Should be aligned with the purpose of the
event and other factors like the needs of the attendees, the special
request of the hosts. Event theme can be categorized as a historical,
cultural, geographical, or artistic, and should meet the requirement of
the customer.
Self-check 2.2-2
A. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of your choice.
1. A person, group or organization with a vested interest, or stake, in the
decision-making and activities of a business, organization or project.
a. Stakeholders
b. Concept
c. Theme
d. Venue
2. This include the look, feel, taste, sound and even smell of an event.
You can include all the senses within an event theme to create an
experience people will never forget.
a. Venue
b. Host
c. Duration
d. Theme/Motif
3. It is the extent and boundaries of your event, such as the duration,
location, theme, audience, and resources
a. Venue
b. Host
c. Duration
d. Theme/Motif
4. It is often linked to the season or weather. Factors are; season, day of
the week, time of the day and duration.
a. Concept
b. Format of the event
c. Timing of the event
d. Audience and the participant
5. It is usually the host/board/owner of the event.
a. The Client
b. The participant
c. The contractor
d. The community

B. Enumeration.
1-5. What are the 5 W’s to consider when making the scope of an event.
Answer Key 2.2-2


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