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Analytical and Numerical Solutions of the 1D Advection-Diffusion Equation


A Expository Paper
Presented to the Faculty of the
Department of Mathematics
College of Arts and Sciences
Visayas State University
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte


In Partial Fulfillment
for the course requirement
Math 199 Undergraduate Seminar



March 18, 2024




Background of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Statement of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Objectives of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Scope and Limitation of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Significance of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Basic Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5


One dimensional Linear Advection-Diffusion Equation . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Analytical Solutions in Advection-Diffusion Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Numerical Solutions in Advection-Diffusion Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Analytical Solution of Linear ADE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13



Re Reynold Number

ρ density of the fluid

V velocity of the fluid

L characteristic length

µ dynamic viscosity of the fluid

v advection velocity

∆t time step size

∆x spatial grid size

CF Lmax maximum allowable CFL number

x spatial direction

t temporal direction



Background of the Study

The Advection-Diffusion Equation (ADE) is critically important in the study of

transport phenomena, with its influence stretching across a variety of engineering disci-

plines. This equation is the backbone of intricate mathematical models used to address en-

vironmental pollution problems, such as the spread of pollutants in rivers, estuaries, lakes,

and the atmosphere([25],[27],[26]).

Various researchers explore solutions for the one-dimensional (1D) linear Advection-

Diffusion Equation (ADE), considering diverse boundary and initial conditions. Among

them, Motjabi and Deville [7] proposed analytical and numerical solutions, emphasizing

stability maintenance by perturbation to counteract shear flow-induced instabilities. Nu-

merous numerical techniques such as finite differences, finite elements, and finite volumes

have been employed. For instance, Gurarslan et al. [15] introduced a reliable sixth-order

compact finite difference scheme, validated through successful cross-comparison with ex-

isting literature data. Researchers have extensively studied these methods to determine the

most accurate approaches, especially concerning higher time steps. Subsequently, these

methods have been compared, extended, and subjected to further in-depth investigations,

which persist to date. The aim of this study is to compare exact and numerical solutions

derived from the linear ADE using the aforementioned methods.

Statement of the Problem

This paper discussed the comparison of the outputs of the unsteady one-dimensional

advection-diffusion equation, solved using both analytical and numerical solutions. As it

extends the discourse to examine the validity of the concept of vanishing viscosity, and

compared the performance and stability of various numerical models.

Objectives of the Study

This study aims to attain the following objectives:

1. To solve analytically the LAD problem by introducing the change of variables

2. To detail the analytical solution when the viscosity goes to zero.

3. To solve numerical methods using the finite different schemes

4. To determine the validity of vanishing viscosity assumption of both methods using

its Reynold number.


This paper comprises two methodological sections, each dedicated to providing so-

lutions through different approaches: analytical and numerical. The analytical approach

focuses on utilizing the linear advection-diffusion equation with homogeneous boundary

conditions. This equation is transformed by converting the velocity function into an ex-

ponential function to eliminate its first spatial derivative. The method of separation of

variables is then employed to simplify the partial differentiation process for the given func-

tion. This method effectively breaks down the complex equation into simpler, separable
forms, facilitating analytical solutions. The paper elaborates on the continuous application

of this procedure to generate new solutions, particularly for scenarios with low viscosities.

Furthermore, it introduces new definitions for initial and boundary conditions, culminating

in the derivation of exact solutions.

In contrast, numerical solutions involve discretizing the advection-diffusion equation using

the finite difference method. This encompasses employing methods such as the Explicit

Euler Method (Forward in Time Central Space - FTCS), Implicit Euler Method (Backward

in Time Central in Space - BCTS), and the Crank Nicholson Method. These methods are

compared to determine which yields the most accurate data. Given the parabolic nature of

the partial differential equation, the paper explicitly states initial and boundary conditions,

as neighboring points play a crucial role in calculating diffusion and advection transfers.

The numerical models are implemented using Matlab 2017b; however, due to potential

limitations such as the researcher’s unfamiliarity and lack of access to this platform, there

is consideration for converting the data to Python.Furthermore, these two methodologies

were deliberated to infer the circumstances under which the vanishing viscosity assumption

might be deemed valid, employing the Reynolds number as delineated in the paper to be


Scope and Limitation of the Study

The linear one-dimensional advection-diffusion equation is solved with Dirichlet

homogeneous boundary conditions and cosine profile for initial condition. The choice of

this boundary condition depends on how the data results are presented. In the numerical as-

pect, only finite difference schemes are explored as a method of discretization for obtaining
numerical solutions; no other schemes are considered. The paper aims to investigate the

accuracy of both the analytical solution and the discretization method, with the objective

of determining the degree to which they align.

Significance of the Study

This study offers insights into the differences between analytical and numerical so-

lutions, particularly in terms of yielding the output. These findings could serve as a foun-

dational reference for future researchers exploring various fields where this model could be

applicable. It could also be beneficial for students who are beginning to cultivate a fasci-

nation with the Advection-Diffusion equation, providing them with essential background

knowledge before they undergo into more in-depth studies. Specifically, readers curious

about its workings and impact on science and engineering, particularly in fluid dynamics,

will find this study informative.

Basic Definition

Definition 1. 1D Advection-Diffusion Equation - partial differential equation that de-

scribes the transport of a substance in one spatial dimension due to both advection (con-

vection or flow) and diffusion.

∂t + v ∂v ∂ u
∂x = D ∂x2


• u(x,t) is the concentration or quantity of the substance at the position x and t

• D is the diffusion coefficients,

• V is the advection velocity

• ∂t
represents the temporal change

• ∂x
represents the advection,

• ∂x2
represents the diffusion

Definition 2. von Neumann stability Analysis- a mathematical technique used to ana-

lyze the stability of numerical methods, particularly in the context of partial differential

equations (PDEs) like the advection-diffusion equation. It helps to determine the stability

criteria for a discretization scheme.

Definition 3. Courant-Friedrichs-Levy - is used to determine the maximum allowable

time step size for a numerical scheme to ensure stability.

CFL = ∆x
≤ CF Lmax

Definition 4. Reynold number - is a dimensionless quantity used in fluid dynamics to char-

acterize the flow of a fluid, such as a liquid or gas.It is defined as the ratio of inertial forces

to viscous forces within a fluid flow. It is expressed mathematically as:

ρV L
Re = µ

Definition 5. Kinematic viscosity - serves as an indicator of a fluid’s resistance to flow

when subjected to gravity. It can also be perceived as a measure of how ’thick’ or ’thin’ a

fluid is.


One dimensional Linear Advection-Diffusion Equation

The advection-diffusion equation, also known as the convection-diffusion equation,

is a partial differential equation used to simulate various phenomena and industrial applica-

tions. It describes how a function evolves in both time and space[8]. This equation serves

as a model for simulating natural processes and describes the transport that occurs in fluids

through the combination of advection and diffusion. Advection refers to the movement of

materials from one region to another, while diffusion is the movement of materials from an

area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration[2]. To simplify further, this

equation assumes a constant velocity, resulting in a linear equation with an analytical solu-

tion that can be compared to numerical results[8]. The linear advection-diffusion equation

(ADE) is a model that describes contaminant transport in porous media due to the com-

bined effects of advection and diffusion [11]. The linear ADE finds significant applications

in fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and mass transfer[5].

Its analytical/numerical solution along with an initial conditions helps to under-

stand the contaminant or pollutant concentration distribution behaviour through an open

medium like lakes, air, rivers and porous medium. This one-dimensional system is simpler

compared to higher dimensions due to its reduced number of spatial terms and the straight-

forward representation of velocity[6].The one-dimensional nature of advection-diffusion

equations simplifies the specification of boundary conditions, particularly in scenarios such

as flow in a straight pipe. This simplification arises from the reduced spatial complexity

and confinement to a single direction of flow, allowing for straightforward definition of

boundary conditions[10]. In the context of flow in a straight pipe, boundary conditions

typically involve specifying concentrations or fluxes at the inlet and outlet boundaries,

which are relatively simple to define and implement as they only require characterizing

the entering and exiting flow properties. This simplification of boundary conditions in

one-dimensional advection-diffusion scenarios enhances the applicability of analytical and

numerical methods. Analytical techniques, such as separation of variables or integral trans-

forms, can be more easily applied when dealing with straightforward boundary conditions.

Similarly, numerical methods, including finite difference or finite volume schemes, benefit

from simpler boundary condition implementations, resulting in more robust and efficient


Furthermore, advection-diffusion equations refer to mathematical models that de-

scribe the transport and diffusion of substances in different dimensions. The main dif-

ferences between the one-dimensional and higher-dimensional advection-diffusion equa-

tions lie in the number of spatial dimensions and the complexity of the equations. In one-

dimensional advection-diffusion equations, such as the one-dimensional linear advection-

diffusion equation, there is only one spatial variable, representing transport and diffusion

along a straight line. On the other hand, higher-dimensional advection-diffusion equa-

tions involve multiple spatial variables, accounting for transport and diffusion in multiple

dimensions. These equations are more complex due to additional spatial derivatives. Ad-

ditionally, one-dimensional advection-diffusion equations often have analytical solutions

available, while higher-dimensional equations typically require numerical methods for ap-
proximation and solution.([7],[1],[28])

Analytical Solutions in Advection-Diffusion Equation

The paper explores the application of analytical solutions in unsteady one-dimensional

linear advection-diffusion equations, investigating their utility and implications for under-

standing transport phenomena. Now, analytical methods provide exact solutions that offer

a comprehensive mathematical representation of concentration or temperature profiles over

time and space. However, even though the ADE is linear, it is still difficult to find the

closed-form analytical solution. Therefore, in the paper by Guérrero, J. et al. (2009)[16],

a change of variable is used to transform the partial differential equation into a heat equa-

tion. This heat equation can then be solved using a generalized integral transform technique

proposed by Cotta(2020)[3].These solutions capture the intricate interplay between advec-

tion and diffusion processes, enabling researchers to discern the relative influence of each

mechanism on overall transport behavior. The mathematical precision offered by analytical

solutions facilitates rigorous analysis and interpretation of transport phenomena, aiding in

the formulation of predictive models and the design of engineering systems.

Moreover, in the context of unsteady advection-diffusion equations, Farlow (1993)[23]

and Bird et al. (2007)[17]further discussed various analytical techniques for solution meth-

ods, including separation of variables, integral transforms, and similarity methods ([23],

[17]). This paper specifically focuses on the application of separation of variables and in-

tegral transforms. Separation of variables involves decomposing the solution into simpler

components that depend on individual variables. By substituting the separated solution

into the governing partial differential equation (PDE), researchers can solve for the indi-
vidual components, leading to exact solutions.On the other hand, integral transform, such

as Laplace transforms and Fourier transforms, provide powerful tools for solving PDEs.

These transforms convert the differential equations into algebraic equations, enabling re-

searchers to obtain exact solutions through inversion techniques. In this paper[7], both

methods are used.

The analytical solutions derived using these techniques offer valuable insights into

the behavior of unsteady linear one-dimensional advection-diffusion problems. Researchers

can analyze the temporal and spatial evolution of concentration or temperature profiles,

identify critical transport phenomena, and assess the impact of various parameters on sys-

tem behavior. Furthermore, the insights gained from analytical solutions inform the design

and optimization of engineering systems, such as heat exchangers, chemical reactors, and

environmental remediation processes.

Numerical Solutions in Advection-Diffusion Equation

Numerical solutions of Advection-Diffusion Equation are characterized by their ap-

proximation, which involves discretizing the derived terms. It is worth noting that there are

cases in obtaining analytical solution to the 1D advection-diffusion equation makes a slow

progress when initial and boundary conditions are complicated, even with c and υ being

constant[19]. According to Chapra, et al.(2014)[9], these solutions employ computational

methods to approximate solutions to mathematical problems through discrete representa-

tion and algorithmic computation. This enables the evaluation of complex numerical oper-

ations that are challenging to solve analytically. These numerical methods find extensive

applications in various fields such as engineering, physics, finance, and computer science.
They are used to solve a wide range of problems, including differential equations, opti-

mization, data analysis, and simulation. Some commonly employed methods include finite

difference methods[2], finite element methods[7], numerical integration, and optimization


Moreover, the finite difference are more widely known than other methods[8].

Since it has relatively straightforward to implement, especially for simple geometries and

boundary conditions. They involve discretizing the domain into a grid and approximat-

ing the derivatives using the differences between grid points[22].Finite difference methods

have a well-developed theoretical foundation, which makes it easier to analyze their accu-

racy, stability, and convergence properties. This theoretical framework helps in choosing

appropriate discretization schemes and numerical parameters[24].Indeed, there are numer-

ous researchers solved the one dimensional linear advection-diffusion equation using the

finite difference method ([7],[19], [12],[18]).

The finite difference method (FDM) is a crucial tool in solving a wide range of

problems, including linear and non-linear, time independent and dependent problems, and

those with different boundary shapes and materials[22]. It involves the selection of a net-

work of constant or variable steps in the physical field, and the reduction of the problem

to the solution of a system of linear equations [14]. In the context of fluid dynamics, the

FDM replaces derivatives in the governing equations with finite difference approximations,

transforming the original problem into a set of coupled, simultaneous, non-linear algebraic

equations [20]. The method is also used in the approximation of systems of partial differ-

ential equations, such as those in mean field games, and has been shown to have desirable

properties such as existence and uniqueness, a priori bounds, and convergence[12]. Thus,
the basic idea of FDM is to replace the derivatives of an unknown function by the differ-

ence quotients of unknown functions. The form of finite difference equations depends on

the form of the domain discretization[22].

Furthermore, this study introduces the two commonly employed numerical meth-

ods for solving partial differential equations–the Implicit and Explicit Euler methods. The

Explicit Euler method is a first-order explicit method that updates the solution at each time

step based on the derivative of the solution at the current time. In contrast, the Implicit

Euler method involves solving an equation that implicitly includes the future solution at

each time step, often through iterative methods[21]. Both methods have their respective

advantages and limitations in terms of stability, accuracy, and computational efficiency.

Another notable numerical method is the Crank-Nicolson method, which is a pop-

ular implicit method for solving parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs). As stated

by Adak, M. (2020)[4], the Crank-Nicolson method is unconditionally stable and provides

second-order accuracy in time. It combines aspects of the Implicit Euler method and the

Explicit Euler method by averaging the solutions at the current and future time steps. This

approach leads to a tridiagonal system of equations that can be efficiently solved using nu-

merical linear algebra techniques.



Analytical Solution of Linear ADE

The unsteady one dimensional linear advection-diffusion equation is given by

∂u ∂u ∂ 2u πx
+c = υ 2 ; u(−1, t) = u(1, t) = 0; u(x, t = 0) = cos ( ) (5.1)
∂t ∂x ∂x 2

where u, c, and v represents the velocity, constant advection velocity, and kinematic veloc-

ity, respectively.To obtain a closed-form solution, we employ a change of variables.

u(x, t) = v(x, t)eαx+βt (5.2)

Applying the (5.2) to Equation (5.1) we have,

∂v(x, t)eαx+βt ∂v(x, t)eαx+βt ∂ 2 v(x, t)eαx+βt

+c =υ (5.3)
∂t ∂x ∂x2

Simplifying the exponential, we arrive at this expression.

∂ 2v
∂v αx+βt ∂v αx+βt ∂v
e + βv(x, t)eαx+βt + c e + αv(x, t)eαx+βt αx+βt
= υe 2
+ 2α + α v(x, t)
∂t ∂x ∂x2 ∂x

Dividing eαx+βt both sides then we get,

∂v ∂v ∂ v ∂v 2
+ βv(x, t) + c + cαv(x, t) = υ + 2α + α v(x, t)
∂t ∂x ∂x2 ∂x
∂v ∂v ∂ v ∂v
+ βv(x, t) + c + cαv(x, t) = υ 2 + 2αυ + υα2 v(x, t)
∂t ∂x ∂x ∂x
∂v ∂v ∂v ∂ v
+ βv(x, t) + c + cαv(x, t) − 2αυ − υα2 v(x, t) = υ 2
∂t ∂x ∂x ∂x

Now we have,

∂v ∂v ∂ 2v
+ v(x, t)[β + cα − υα2 ] + [c − 2υα] = υ 2 (5.4)
∂t ∂x ∂x

Noting that α and β are free parameters ,such in the coefficient of Equation (5.4) choosing

them as

β + cα − υα2 = 0

c − 2υα = 0

c c 2
Taking advantage of these conditions with α = 2υ
and β = − 4υ enables us to express this

equation in terms of an exponential function involving c and v. This equation is also called

heat equation.
c ct ∂v ∂ 2v
u(x, t) = v(x, t)e 2υ [x− 2 ] ⇒ =υ 2 (5.5)
∂t ∂x

As we get the Equation (5.5) a new boundary conditions was obtained v(−1, t) = v(1, t) =

0 and for initial condition

πx cx
v(x, t = 0) = cos ( )e 2υ (5.6)

Solving the partial differential equation Equation(5.5) using the separation method such as

letting v(x, t) = X(x) · τ (t).

∂(X(x) · τ (t)) ∂ 2 (X(x) · τ (t))

=υ (5.7)
∂t ∂x2
∂τ (t) ∂ 2 X(x)
X(x) = υ · τ (t)
∂t ∂x2
∂τ (t) ∂ 2 X(x)
= 2
= −λ2 (5.8)
υ · τ (t)∂t X(x)∂x
where −λ2 is a separation constant. Now we get to solve the equation separately.

For temporal part:

∂τk (t)
= −λ2
υ · τ (t)∂t
∂τk (t)
= υ · −λ2
τ (t)∂t
∂τn (t)
= υ · −λ2 ∂t
τ (t)
ln τk = −υλ2 t + C

τk (t) = Ce−υλ (5.9)

To get the solution of the spatial component, we need to consider three cases: −λ2 = 0,

−λ2 < 0, and −λ2 > 0. By applying the boundary conditions, we need to determine which

cases would yield a non-trivial solution. Suppose that the two cases −λ2 = 0 and −λ2 < 0

both have trivial solutions. Let’s determine the case where −λ2 > 0.

∂ 2 X(x)
= −λ2
∂ 2 X(x)
+ λ2 X(x) = 0 (5.10)

To solve this ordinary differential equation Equation (5.10), we must first determine its

characteristic equation and find the roots of this equation.

Let x = ert be the solution of this equation. This means that the derivatives x′ = rert and
x” = r2 ert satisfy (5.10). Then we have,

r2 + λ2 = 0

r2 = −λ2
√ √
r2 = −λ2

r = ±λı


X(x) = A cos (λx) + B sin (λx) (5.11)

Applying the boundary conditions to Equation (5.11),

ν(−1, t) = 0, X(x)τ (t) = X(−1) · τ (t) = 0

∴ X(−1) = 0 (5.12)

ν(1, t) = 0, X(x)τ (t) = X(1) · τ (t) = 0

∴ X(1) = 0 (5.13)

we get,

A cos (λ) − B sin (λ) = 0 (5.14)

A cos (λ) + B sin (λ) = 0 (5.15)

Since cos (−θ) = cos (θ) and sin (−θ) = − sin(θ), then this suffice the (5.14) Let λ = 2

take cos (λ) = 0, Thus,

kxπ kxπ
Xk (x) = Ak sin + Bk cos (5.16)
2 2
Now we use the principle of superposition to combine the solutions for all k letting C=1

we get the solution of vn (x, t) = X(x) · τ (t),

X kxπ kxπ k2 π 2
vn (x, t) = Ak sin + Bk cos e−υ 4
2 2

Applying the boundary conditions impose the conditions of A2p+1 = B2p for (p =0,1,2,..),

Equation (5.17) becomes Equation (5.18)

∞ ∞  
−υp2 π 2 t
X (2p + 1)πx −υ (2p+1)2 π2 t
vn (x, t) = A2p sin (pπx)e + B2p+1 cos e 4 (5.18)
p=0 p=0

Applying the initial condition (5.6)to (5.19).

∞ ∞  
X X (2p + 1)πx πx −cx
vn (x, t = 0) = A2p sin (pπx) + B2p+1 cos = cos ( )e 2v
p=0 p=0
2 2

By the orthogonality property of Fourier polynomials, the coefficients A2p and B2p+1 on

−1 ≤ x ≤ 1 are obtained solving the relations;

Z 1 Z 1
2 πx −cx
A2p sin (pπx)dx = sin (pπx) cos ( )e 2v dx
−1 −1 2
R1 −cx
sin (pπx) cos ( πx
)e 2v dx
= R1
sin2 (pπx)dx
16υ 3 π 2 pc(−1)p cosh( 2υ )
A2p = (5.20)
c + (cυπ) (8p + 2) + (υπ) (4p2 − 1)2
4 2 2 4

Z 1    Z 1   
2 2p + 1 2p + 1 πx −cx
B2p+1 cos πx dx = cos πx cos ( )e 2v dx
−1 2 −1 2 2
R1 2p+1 −cx
cos [( )πx] cos ( 2 )e 2v dx
= −1 R 1 2
cos2 [( 2p+1
8υ 3 π 2 c(2p + 1)(−1)p sinh ( 2υ )
B2p+1 =
c4 + 4(υπc)2 (2p2 + 2p + 1) + 16(υπ)4 p2 (p + 1)2
Substitute the coefficients Equation (5.20) and Equation (5.21) to the Equation (5.18).

∞  c
16υ 3 π 2 pc(−1)p cosh( 2υ

X ) 2 π2 t
vn (x, t) = sin (pπx)e−υp +
c + (cυπ) (8p + 2) + (υπ) (4p2 − 1)2
4 2 2 4

∞  c
8υ 3 π 2 c(2p + 1)(−1)p sinh ( 2υ
X ) (2p + 1)πx −υ (2p+1)2 π2
cos e 4

c + 4(υπc) (2p + 2p + 1) + 16(υπ) p2 (p + 1)2
4 2 2 4 2

Using the definition in (5.5) was obtained with the relations in (5.22) shows,

c ct c ct
u(x, t) = v(x, t)e 2υ (x−( 2 )) = 8υ 3 π 2 ce 2υ (x−( 2 ))
∞  c
2p(−1)p cosh( 2υ

X ) 2 2
[ 4 2 2 4 2 2
sin (pπx)e−υp π t +
c + (cυπ) (8p + 2) + (νπ) (4p − 1)
∞  c
(2p + 1)(−1)p sinh ( 2υ
X ) (2p + 1)πx
4 + 4(υπc)2 (2p2 + 2p + 1) + 16(υπ)4 p2 (p + 1)2
c 2
(2p+1)2 π 2
e−υ 4 ] (5.23)

Thus, we obtained equation (5.23) that is a closed form solution.


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