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Learning Objective

7Cm.03 Know metal and non metals as the two main groupings of elements
7Cp.05 Describe common differences between metals and non-metals,
referring to their physical properties.

Success criteria
- I can recognise the properties of metals and non-metals.
- I can identify the useful properties of metals and nonmetals for a
particular function.
- I can name 5 metals and non-metals.

Key words
Complete the questions below

1. List names and symbols of 5 metals and 5 non-metals

Metals Non - Metals

Fe, Iron He, Helium

Co, cobalt Ne, Neon

W, Tungsteng Ar, Argon

Cu, copper Kr, Krypton

V, Vanadium Xe, Xenon

2. Properties are the characteristics of a material that allows us to tell

it apart from other materials. We need to be able to identify the
properties of a material to consider how suitable they are for
different uses. There is a lot of scientific vocabulary used to describe
the properties of materials.
Complete the table below

Vocabulary Meaning

brittle A material that is hard, but easily broken.

conductor Energy that can conduct heat and electrivity

density The mass of a substance divided by its volume. The more dense a
substance is, the heavier it feels for its size. It is measured in
kilograms per meter cubed (kg/m3).

ductile It can be drawn into a wire

dull A surface which does not reflect light. Not shiny.

hard A material that is firm, not easily broken, cut or pierced.

insulator Cannot conduct electricity or heat

malleable They can harmed into shape

Magnetic The thing that had attractive force with some metals
sonorous A material that makes a ringing sound when dropped or hit.

shiny A surface which reflects light. You can sometimes see your reflection
on these surfaces.

reactive The reaction of a substance to an event

Melting point The temperature at which a substance changes from solid to liquid
(melts). It is also the temperature at which a substance changes from
liquid to solid (freezes).

Boiling point The temperature at which a substance changes from liquid to gas
(evaporates). It is also the temperature at which a substance
changes from gas to liquid (condenses).

3. From the vocabularies above, Identify and fill in the table below the
properties of Metals and Non-metals
Metals Non - Metals

sonorous dull

shiny Not sonorous

brittle Non - magnectic

conductor insulator

magnectic Not brittle

4. What is sulfur used for?

To create sulfic acid, some industies use it

5. What property of helium makes it useful in balloons?

It lighter than the air

6. Where would you find the non-metals in the Periodic Table?


7. Why are gold and silver used for jewelry?

It’s rare and shiny

8. Why is copper so useful?

It insulator and shiny so people can use it for neclace or wire

9. What are Olympic medals made from?


10. Look at the pictures below. Rank the properties of each displayed
metal in order of importance.

Necklace The jewelry in the necklace is rare and shiny

Paper clip It’s ductile so it can used to hold papers in


Cooking Pan It’s conductor so it can be used to cook food

Electric wires It insulator so can can transferred alectricity

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