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To quest is to search for something, find out about something or to look for something.
Man’s quest for God refers to various ways in which man looks for God which vary form one
individual to another, society to another depending on religious background and differences
as well as cultural variations in space and time.
Religion on the other hand refers to a belief in the existence of a supernatural power which is
called God.

Quest for God in the present situation.

Many people are involved in search for God through different religious practices in order to
get God’s blessings, wisdom, strength, success etc.
How man searches for God today.
Man searches for God through the following ways;
Through prayers as Christians pray regularly which is a direct way of communication to God.
They thank, praise and request God all the time. Moslems have Juma prayers.
Through taking an effort to organize and attend bible study because scriptures reveal God’s
will. People share the inspired words to strengthen their faith.
Through carrying out baptism, which is a symbol to show that one joins God’s family and at
the same time cleanses one from the sin inherited from Adam.
Through Repentance i.e. some people repent and abandon their evil ways for right ways
because God is holy and wants us to realize our mistakes and turn back to him.
Through going for congregational worship where they praise God through songs and hymns,
the Catholics, protestants and born again Christians worship on Sunday as an attempt to reach
God while SDA worship on Saturday.
Through making pilgrimages i.e. they participate in search for God by visiting holy places
e.g. to Jerusalem, to the Uganda Martyrs shrine in Namugongo, every year on 3 rd June were
Christians were burnt serving God.
Through Fasting as they deny themselves food, water, and sexual pleasure. Christians fast
during lent period, born again Christians fast anytime while Moslems fast during Ramadhan
Through Taking part in Holy Communion reflects man’s search for God, they share bread
which reflects Jesus’ sacrificed body and the wine which represents the poured blood for
Through working as servants to preach God’s gospel, to monitor the spiritual growth of their
members especially bishops, pastors, priests, chaplains, reverends also some Ugandans
volunteer to preach on streets.

Through Some Christians composing songs of praise such as Pastor Wilson Bugembe of
Light the world church, Nansana Kampala.
Through carrying out charitable work i.e. helping the needy, taking care of orphans, giving
donations to win God’s glory e.g. Sanyu Babies Home Mengo by Namirembe Cathedral
Christians, the Watoto ministries that cater for orphans.
Through setting up mass media to preach the word of God e.g. Channel 44 by Pastor Robert
Kayanja of miracle center Kampala, Kingdom FM and Kingdom TV by Bishop David
Kiganda in Mengo Kisenyi (Christian Focus Center), Salt FM.
Through getting involved in church work as way of seeking God like donating seats, paying
tithe, singing in choir, constructing churches to seek God’s favor.
Through organizing and fellowshipping in search for God they gather and share religious
experiences aimed at keeping members strong in faith and winning God’s favor.

QN: In what ways do people practice their faith in God today?

Why does man search for God?

 People search for God to give them knowledge and wisdom because God knows
all and is wiser than anybody in the world.
 Man searches for God because he wants his guidance from him since God sees all
things even in hiding places at the same time.
 God is believed to be loving, hates no creature and his love is unconditional so
people seek him to get his love.
 Because God is immortal i.e. he was there and lives forever without and so people
seek him to find everlasting life since God is eternal.
 God is holy and because of his holiness people seek him to win his forgiveness
and righteousness.
 God is powerful and present everywhere therefore man looks for his protection
against natural disasters like lightening, disease, death.
 People search for God because God is extremely great above knowledge,
reasoning and understanding of man so people seek for his strength.
 People seek God because God is all hearing. He hears and understands the lowest
voice and unsaid words so people search for his blessings in all languages.
 People search for God because God has divine authority over heaven and earth as
the creator hence man seeks his spiritual and physical guidance.
NB: The above reasons can also be used as Attributes of God or Characteristics (I.e. it’s
because of God’s attributes that people do seek Him).

Describe the qualities of God found in the bible.

 God is a creator.

 God is loving.
 God is kind.
 God is forgiving.
 God is omnipresent.
 God is merciful.
 God is powerful.(Omnipotent)
 God is all knowing (omniscient)
 God is everlasting.
 God is almighty.
How God reveals himself to us today?
God reveals Himself to us today through answering prayers whenever we pray. It means God
has revealed himself to us and his power to solve our problems is real.
God reveals himself to us through good health, whenever we wake up and we are healthy. It
is a Revelation of God’s care and protection.
God reveals Himself to us today through his son Jesus Christ who says, he is the way to the
father, for those who believe in him.
God reveals Himself to us today through the Holy Scriptures like the bible and other religious
books which people read and understand more about God.
God reveals Himself to us today through the Holy Spirit as it empowered religious leaders to
perform miracles of healing, casting out demons e.g. Pastor Robert Kayanja of Rubaga
Miracle Centre Cathedral.
God reveals Himself to us today through religious sacraments that Christians receive e.g.
baptism, holy communion, holy matrimony etc.
God reveals Himself to us today through good people like being humble, kind, loving,
prayerful etc.
God reveals Himself to us today through dreams and visions as he reveals messages to
religious leaders to tell or preach to the Christians.
God reveals Himself to us today through his creative nature as he continues to create things
like trees, stars etc.
God reveals Himself to us today through religious leaders such as Pastors, Bishops, and
priests among others.

Hindrance in the questing of God.

Modern science and technology has caused doubt for the existence of God besides creating a
belief among the people that heaven and earth are a mere myth.

The escalating high levels of poverty have forced some Christians to behave in non-Christian
ways in attempt to make ends meet hence hindering the search for God.
The bad examples set by some religious leaders through involving in bad behaviour such as
sexual immorality, murder etc. has made some people to doubt God’s existence,
The increasing attitude to accumulate as much wealth as possible has made people to be more
concerned with wealth material rather than the search for God.
Cults some of which have led to the death of the followers e.g. the Restoration of the Ten
Commandments Cult led by Joseph Kibwetere which led to the death of thousands of people
on 10th March 2000 in Kanungu district. They face persecution which involves insults,
mockery by fellow Christians and government.
Misinterpretation of the scriptures and poor preaching where some times the preachers are
The conflicting loyalties between the state and the church has equally made some people to
doubt the existence of God.
In most cases, the non-believers and irreligious people are successful in earthly life than those
who claim to be committed to the search of God.
Lack of time since everyone is involved in work and leisure activities.
Secular education where one feels that he/she is self-sufficient and begins to question the
existence of God.
The church is becoming too commercial which has chased the poor since they cannot pay in
order for the church leaders to render service to them.
The unanswered prayers where man continues to pray to God but never gets it as a result of
this, people are totally discouraged from prayers.

Revision qn: What are problems faced by those who search for God today?

Importance of Baptism.
Baptism is the first out of seven sacraments in the Christian faith. It is an important religious
ceremony because of the following.
Through baptism, a person is brought into complete union with God, Jesus Christ and the
Holy Spirit. For one is baptized in “the name of the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit.”
Through baptism a believer acknowledges the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Therefore it opens up a believer to a new life.
It is an outward sign of one’s inner faith. It shows that one has accepted to believe in the
crucified Christ.

To the believers, baptism is a public acceptance to suffer during the will of God i.e. Jesus
who suffered in baptism, the believers accept to share the fate of Jesus Christ by carrying
their own cross.
It helps to make the believers strong enough in their faith to resist temptation in the service of
God, Jesus was strengthened by the spirit of God that descended upon him during his baptism
and was able to resist temptation as he came face to face two the devil.
It makes all believers equal before God thereby enabling an individual to approach God at
any time. It is a ritual through which an individual becomes a child of God and a members of
church i.e. one joins the body of believers in the risen Christ.
It cleanses a person of the original sin inherited from the first parents (Adam and Eve) who
disobeyed God’s command by eating the forbidden fruit, therefore it helps to transform one
into a new creature.
It is a sign of spiritual re-birth meaning that one is born-again through the reach of water and
the spirit as Jesus said in the conversation with Nicodemus (John 3:5).
Baptism is a symbol of victory over Satan. It indicates that an individual has been put into the
life of the crucified Christ.
It enables a believer to begin a new life through repentance. This helps put a new believer
right with God.
It is a public acceptance to begin doing God’s will just as Jesus who started his public
ministry after his baptism.


Show how Africans demonstrated their belief in God.
Africans believed in God and were religious people by nature and religion was seen as a way
of living at peace with the invisible world hence they respected God in the following ways;
Africans belief in God as a creator of everything was expressed in the names of God e.g.
Katonda among the Baganda of Central Uganda, Rwahiguru meant one who lives in heaven,
the Banyankole called God Ruhanga meaning creator.
Africans searched for God through building shrines around homesteads to show their belief,
these were holy places for prayers, sacrifices, worshipping e.g. Baganda of Central Uganda,
and Basoga of Eastern Uganda had shrines for prayers.

Africans searched for God and spirits by giving sacrifices as an African way of life in order
to call God’s divine intervention, animals and birds were sacrificed to seek for blessings,
protection, Purification.
Africans searched for God through offering to him food stuffs such as meat, alcohol to thank
him for guidance and protection if something went wrong.
Africans believed in prayer as a sign of quest. It was a way one expressed his faith in life as a
believer it was done through dancing, speaking, silent praying.
Africans believed in sacred objects which had spiritual importance and were possessed by
family members, carried in bags or the body put at the entrance of the house and were meant
to bring good health, success, protection. These were roots, herbs, bones, skins, sticks, they
were kept in an effort to guide them and give God’s true ways.
Africans always practiced thanks giving, they thanked God for the success of good harvest,
victory in war, marriage, child birth, rain. They thanked God the provider through prayers
and worship in order to establish and strengthen spiritual relationships with God.
Africans searched for God through worship, they focused their thoughts to him as a sustainer
and key holder of life who loved all his creation so they worshiped him alongside big trees,
mats, rocks, forests.
Africans respected God through child naming hence belief in God e.g. amongst the Luo a
child name Lubangakene meaning God alone, among the Banyankole of Western Uganda
names like Amara meaning God is enough, Ahereza meaning God gives.
Africans looked at God as provider of all needs and source of everything so they searched for
him through religious leaders who had special religious powers like priests, prophets helped
in search of God.
Africans believed and respected spirits of the dead. These spirits were believed to have joined
the Almighty God and had power. So appeasing such spirits was a way of seeking God’s
favor and this was done through worship and sacrifices and spirits were believed to be
Africans believed in divinities (gods). These mediated between God and man, Africans
believed God created the divinities and gave them some of his powers to act in times of war,
diseases, death, and these were accountable to the supreme God who controlled their actions
e.g. among the Baganda of Central Uganda they believed in Ddungu god of hunting, Musoke
god of rain, Mukasa god of lakes, among the Bakiga of Western Uganda Nyabingi was god of
Africans also tried to live a moral life. They had belief that evil or sin could awaken God’s
anger and bring misfortunes.

In their search for God, Africans believed in divinities. These were also regarded as lesser
gods since they were directly below the supreme God.

Each of these divinities was responsible for a particular life experience e.g. in Buganda,
Mukasa was the God of rain, Kibuuka as the God of war.
They were believed to be mediators between God and the living. They were regarded as
having no absolute existence of their own. Africans addressed God through them.
They were created by God just like the human being though God gave them greater powers
than of the human beings.
Africans would pray to God through the divinities who in turn would present people’s needs
to the supreme God.
Children were named after the divinities to recognize their work, presence and as a sign of
respect e.g. Ndhahura in Toro.
Sometimes divinities would possess human beings. This made the possessed people to do
extra ordinary things like becoming too strong, speaking in tongues.
They showed their presence in a number of ways e.g. through human beings, insects, animals
among others.
In extreme cases, they would act independently i.e. they could do things on their own without
seeking for permission from God.
Africans believed that the Supreme Being was involved in the affairs of human being through
the divinities since they were below the supreme God.
Because of having qualities of human beings and God, they were regarded by Africans as
semi-human and semi-spiritual.


Prayers in ATS had the following importance;
Among traditional Africans, prayer was the most common way of approaching and
communicating to God verbally, communally, publically.
It was through prayers that Africans would make their requests to god. Some of the requests
would be protection, long life, and children.
Through prayer one could learn the idea of patience and tolerance.
It led to the observance of morality in the society and could keep the cultural candle burning.
Through prayers, Africans would gain the courage of doing daily activities e.g. hunting and
this is because God was on their side.
Prayer would help Africans to search for a meaningful life as one opened and surrendered to
the Supreme God.

Prayer was a way through which one would live in communion with God. It reflect the social
relationship between God and the human beings.
Prayers brought about unity in the community as people would gather together as a family or
clan or community and pray.
Prayer introduce an individual to a new understanding of God. People got understand who
and what God was after God answering their prayers.
It was one way of expressing faith in God. Africans believed in the existence of God and
believed that God would do them wonders.
Africans gained courage whenever life appeared to be threatened and difficult. They would
always call on God to help them.
Prayers helped Africans to surrender their lives to God. There they would express their
feelings to the Supreme God.
Prayer was a way of expressing gratitude of happiness for what God has done in their lives
like having good millet harvest among the Banyankole of Western Uganda. Child birth
among the Baganda of Central Uganda, pygmies of Zaire celebrated childbirth through
prayers to God.
Prayer was a means of through which people gained courage to do their activities like
digging, hunting, war among the Baganda.

Sacrifices in ATS
Sacrifices were material things that were given to God and other spiritual beings during
occurrences like wars, birth failures, drought and they included food stuffs, animals and
sometimes human beings.
Roles of sacrifices in ATS.
It was a way of giving respect to God and other spiritual beings e.g. divinities and ancestors.
This is why it formed the basis of social life.
Sacrifices helped to please the ancestors and they would divert any curses of any form from
the society they were intended for.
Sacrifices helped Africans to remember important occasions in their lives e.g. child birth,
victory in war etc.
In some societies, sacrifices acted as food for the community member e.g. the Karamajong
would eat the blood of the sacrificed animal.
Africans would fellowship with the departed members of the family through sacrificing to
them. They would give them food, libations etc.
In case of broken relationships, sacrifices would be used to reconcile such people in order for
peace and harmony to prevail in the society.

It formed a way of expressing joy and gratitude to the Supreme God and other spiritual
beings for any achievement got like victory in way, childbirth among others.
Sacrifices were a means of cleansing people from their sins such as having sins with the
relatives, murder e.g. the Iteso of Eastern Uganda sacrifice to God for cleansing after the act
of murder.
To ask for fertility from God, sacrifices were done for people to get children because children
were a sign of prosperity.
Africans sacrificed to God to get blessing before doing any economic activity e.g. among the
Baganda of Central Uganda, hunters had to sacrifice to God through Ddungu the divinity for
Sacrifices were for soliciting victory in war e.g. the Baganda of Central Uganda waging a war
would offer sacrifice to Kibuuka god of war to consult God.
It was a way of giving respect to God, divinities and ancestral spirits, members would
recognize their presence by giving them material things.
Sacrifices were to take away calamites that would befall people in certain areas e.g. the
Central Uganda would sacrifice to Mukasa responsible for the lakes if they filed the lake
would continue claiming people inform of human sacrifice.
Sacrifices were to invite God for his assistance to bless their stages of growth e.g. among
Bagisu of Eastern Uganda, would slaughter a goat put the head and submit in the shrine, the
rest of the meat was eaten by people to appreciate God as a sustainer of life.
Sacrifices were a way of removing sorrow and bring joy among members in the community
especially in times of death of a member, the rest were expected to fast.
Sacrifices formed a basis of worshipping the supreme God and divinities to recognize
superiority over human beings.
Sacrifices helped in making important events a success like marriage ceremony, introduction
among the Baganda, initiating on adolescent into adult hood like among the Bagisu of
Eastern Uganda circumcision was accompanied by a sacrifice.
They were a symbol of hospitality to the spirits and to the ancestors. They believed in sharing
with their creator, their possessions e.g. the Banyankole of Western Uganda sacrificed goats,
cows, hens burnt them to surrender to God.

How God manifested himself in ATS.

 Through recovery from sickness.
 Through victory in wars.
 Through the spirit world.
 Through misfortunes like in calamities such as death, drought floods, famine which
people look at as a form of punishment from the Supreme Being.
 Through life achievements like hunting, good harvesting since they hand different
gods responsible for a particular life experience.

 Through diviners some of whom were human beings with ability to do something
extra ordinary.
 Through religious leaders like priests and foretellers.
 Through the spirits of the living dead whom people consulted for different reasons.
 Through nature such as big rocks, mountains, lakes, rivers, trees.
 Through having a long life.
 Through answering peoples prayers
 Through a voice at night
 Through dreams

Comparison between ATS and Christian ways of searching for God

In both religions, there is offering sacrifices to the spiritual beings and others.
Both believe in the oneness of God i.e. they both believe in the existence of the Supreme
In both, religion there is belief in life after death at death the spirit leaves the body and goes
to the next world.
In both, the believers engage in prayers as a way of communicating to God.
In both, there is giving names to God which shows him as powerful, the creator, and the
controller of the universe.
Both Christianity and ATS by composing songs that praise and worship God.
In both, there are places where they go to worship God i.e. Christians go to church and
traditionalists go to shrines/traditional huts for worship.
Both Christianity and ATS search for God through exercising forgiveness and reconciliation
among the believers.
Both believe morality as an important aspect in keeping a good relationship between the
human beings and God.

Both religions believe in sacred objects e.g. Bible and Rosary for Roman Catholics.
They both have priests who act as mediators to link people to God. These have a divine
calling to do the work of God.
Both have the concept of healing the underprivileged group with basic needs of life e.g. food,
medical care etc.

African traditional societies paid and constant loyalty to culture and its demand whereas
Christianity invite people to go beyond demands of culture.
Christians accept the Holy Spirit to guide their lives while the Africans believed the ancestral
spirits to guide them.
Christians give their children saying names after baptism while Africans name their children
names of the ancestors.
Christians pray to God through Jesus Christ while Africans would pray through divinities,
medicine men who would deliver their message to God.
Christians have special days for worship e.g. Saturday and Sunday while Africans worship
was done anytime there was need.
Christians have formerly accepted prayers like the creed, Lord’s Prayer while the Africans
pray according to the moment’s needs.
Christians build churches as places of worship while Africans build shrines as places of
Christians preach the gospel while African preserved their cultural beliefs customs, religious
rituals and passed on to the next generation.
Christians study/read the bible to know more about God while African have only oral
Christians give offering since Christ has been sacrificed for all while in ATS they gave
sacrifices e.g. goats and cows.
In Christianity, baptism is a symbol of initiating one into church while in ATS its initiation
rights e.g. circumcision among the Bagishu is a way of searching for God.
Christians use scientific modern methods e.g. speakers to search for God while Africans used
traditional methods like drums.

Church history and quest for god.

Early church
When people became Christians, the quest for God continued in their daily lives in the
following ways.

Christians made missionary journeys from place to place preaching the Gospel to mankind.
For example apostles like Paul who went to Ephesus, Corinth, Damascus, Galatia and also
Peter went to Antioch.
Baptism of new converts in the name of Jesus in order to join God’s family for example Peter
baptize 3000 new converts at Samaria.
Christians engaged in prayers constantly as a way of communicating to God their needs and
search for divine blessings.
Christians visited holy places to worship God e.g. they visited Jerusalem temple.
Christians shared Holy Communion (Eucharist) in remembering of the Lords supper. This
was a way to seek God for deeper spiritual meaning of Jesus, body and blood.
Christian always fellowshipped in the temple and shared experiences that strengthen their
search for God and desire to know him more.
Christians established churches in the search for God e.g. Paul established churches in
Corinth, Ephesus, Galatia where they often gathered to worship God.
Christians helped the needy, they shared everything equally, the rich shared with the poor
which limited selfishness since they were God’s people.
Christians carried out a sacrament of repentance in their sins and left evil ways.
They wrote the Gospels and letters for example Paul wrote to Corinthians, and Galatians.
Mark wrote the Gospel according to Mark and Luke wrote the gospel according to Luke.
Miracles were performed by apostles in their search for God e.g. Peter and John healed a
lame man at the Jerusalem beautiful temple gate in Acts 3.
Christians always fasted as a way of seeking God, they abstained from food to imitate Jesus
Christ who fasted for 40 days and nights in the desert.
The early monks and nuns lived in a life of self-denial and practiced poverty, gave up wildly
desires and tried to live Jesus example.


He was born around AD354 in Numidia, North Africa.
He was born of a Christian mother Monica but he was not a committed Christian.
He spent his youth life comparing pagan literature he had studied with Christian literature to
know the truth about God but did not understand and he could not interpret it

His work took him to Milan in Italy where he met Bishop Ambrose who was a famous
preacher and helped him to understand Christianity in order to know more about God.
He continued with serious bible study through the teachings of Bishop Ambrose, he came to
understand meaning of scriptures.
However, Augustine kept returning to his old pagan ways of life. He trusted in the Egyptian
wisdom more than God’s wisdom due to human weakness.
Augustine repented his evil ways of the past and took over the truth about God.
He got baptized and became committed to the truth about God and this marked the beginning
of deeper understanding of Christian faith ad his research for.
He began teaching others about Christianity and the true God and became impatient of those
who failed to see the truth about God he saw.
Compared the knowledge of paganism to that of Christianity to find out the truth about God.
He corrected some of the false teaching that had been developed e.g. the Pre-destination,
doctrine advanced by John Calvin of Switzerland.
He wrote Christian literature in his search for God e.g. “the confessions” “the City of God.”
He discouraged immoral and pagan entertainment by preaching long sermons.
He founded churches and expanded the Christian faith.

He was born around 150AD in a Greek city of Athens.
His parents were pagans. Therefore he was brought up in a family without commitment in the
Christian faith.
He was a scholar who studied philosophy in the University of Athens.
However clement later converted to Christianity and this was the beginning of his long search
for God.
He went countries like Southern Italy, Syria in search for more knowledge about God and
Christian teachings.
In Alexandria in Egypt, he met a teacher called Pantaenus who was the head of the school
told him about Christianity and he was impressed.
Clement settled in Alexandria to search more knowledge about God. He became a Christian
teacher at Alexandria and his search for God continued.
Clement later succeeded Pantaenus as a chief Christian teacher in Alexandria and became one
of the greatest Christian teachers.
He founded churches and became the head of schools in Alexandria.
He was concerned with moral training as being very important in the church.

He criticized those who were against the principles against the Christianity. He was
concerned about their weak morals
He helped to guide his students about errors of philosophers esp. their views about religious
He got involved in writing Christian literature/books which became widely used among his
followers notably he wrote a book about idolatry giving warning to followers about
worshipping of idols.
He was the first person to develop the teaching and the idea about trinity. He presented one
God as being one but in three persons.
He searched for God by humbling himself and learning from communities where he went.
He was baptized and became a member of Gods family as a sign of his search for God.
He learnt languages, religion and customs of the people where he lived.
He preached the Gospel.
He regularly prayed to God during his search for God.
He carried out missionary journeys to Syria and Egypt for his search for God.
He searched for God by providing charitable work to the people.
He became another source of truth for others who came to seek. His quest was continuous.
Qn. Show how St. Augustine of Hippo and Clement searched for God?


Old Testament
Ways how people searched for God;
People in the Old Testament searched for God through making pilgrimages, made spiritual
visitations to only place in search for the true knowledge about God e.g. they constantly
visited Jerusalem which was a central worshipping place and where the Ark of covenant was
kept, thousands always gathered to seek God’s blessings.
People in the Old Testament searched for God through offering sacrifices as a way of seeking
for God’s divine intervention. They offered male animals without detecting like blindness.
People in the Old Testament searched for God through respecting Sabbath day and observed
it as holy day to seek God and cement their relationship with him who delivered them from
suffering in Egypt.

People in the Old Testament searched for God through Israelites celebrating the Passover as a
historical event, annually remember their deliverance from Egyptian slavery, they
remembered God’s mighty power among them.
People in the Old Testament searched for God through carrying out Circumcision. Israelites
followed ritual of circumcision of their children to have true knowledge about God. It was a
physical mark which showed his rights as God’s chosen people.
People in the Old Testament searched for God through Obedience to the Collogue (10
commandments) that Moses handled over to the Israelites was a way of seeking God.
In the Old Testament, people responded to God through prayers, singing, and praising God
for the good things he was doing for them. In this way, they showed that they believed in God
as an answer to their prayers.
People in the Old Testament searched for God through listening and respected prophets sent
by God to guide them in seeking God e.g. prophet Jeremiah, Amos, Isaiah, Hosea were God’s
spokes men.
People in the Old Testament searched for God through respecting the Atonement day. This
day Israelites gathered to repent their sins on every 10 th day of the seventh month. This was a
way of seeking God’s favor and forgiveness.
People in the Old Testament searched for God through Builders of tower of Babel using their
wisdom to reach God because they lacked trust, however God punished them to prove his

People in the Old Testament searched for God through remaining faithful to God even when
they would face several challenges e.g. Job remained faithful to God despite the sacrifice he
was going through.
People in the Old Testament searched for God through practicing monotheism as opposed to
polytheism i.e. they believed in only one God.
People in the Old Testament searched for God through composing songs of praise and
worshipped God e.g. King David and Solomon composed hymns of praise.

Abraham as seeker of God

Abraham was a son of Terah and the grandson of Nahor. He used to worship the gods of
nature the sun, moon etc.
As a seeker of God, he responded with faith to Yahweh’s call and began worshipping only
one God-Yahweh.
He accepted to move from Haran to the land of Canaan as instructed by God (Genesis 12:1-
Abraham built altars from where he worshipped God and offered sacrifices to Him (Genesis

He further offered sacrifices to Yahweh (Genesis 15:9-10). He even accepted to offer his son
Isaac as a sacrifice to God (Genesis 22:10-14).
He had faith and believed in the God he could not see. His faith, obedience made him to be
the grandfather of all believers.
He constantly relied on God’s guidance and support in all his endeavours, i.e. he did not
divorce his wife even when fulfilment of God’s promises appeared impossible.

Moses as a seeker of God

Moses was born a Jew and raised by the Egyptian royal family.
He realized that his own effort to liberate his people was not enough (Exodus 2:11-15).
His search for God began when he came face to face with God during the burning bush
From that experience, he realized he was in a holy ground confronting a holy God.
He learnt that God was not new but had since been worshipped by his ancestors, “….the God
of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,” Exodus 3:6
Moses realized that God’s revelation to him was for a purpose. His task was to liberate God’s
people from the Egyptian slavery.
Through his call, Moses was able to know the name of God, I AM WHO I AM (Exodus
He further learnt that Yahweh was a powerful God signified by the throwing the stick which
became a miracle stick, the 10 plagues, the Passover and eventual deliverance from Egypt.
He accepted the task of leading his people out of slavery to freedom with God’s guidance.
He always prayed to God for help esp. when the Israelites had problems (Exodus 15:25,
He was always obedient to God’s commands for example at the Burning bush, the Passover,
crossing of the Red Sea, at Mount Sinai among others.
He became a mediator between God and His people. He accepted to become God’s
spokesman (Prophet) giving the will of God to the people.
He was a law giver. He brought the Ten Commandments from God to the Israelites (Exo
20:17). He also gave them other laws to guide their relationship.
He put complete trust in God which enabled him to serve Yahweh and other people
His faith and trust in God made him to become the leader of the people, the liberator, miracle
worker, chief priest, law giver, God’s spokesman etc.

How God revealed himself to his people in the Old Testament.
God would reveal himself to man in different forms and Israelites believed God revealed
himself to them.
Through the cloud as the Israelites travelled in the wilderness. God’s presence came in form
of a cloud to guide them during the exodus period (Exodus 13).
Inform of fire e.g. on Mt. Sinai he appeared to Moses in form of a burning bush (Exodus 3)
God told him to remove his sandals because he was on a holy ground, also God guided
Israelites at night in form of a pillar of in a desert at night.
Through dreams, people would saw God’s presence e.g. he appeared to Prophet Samuel in a
dream, Abraham in a dream i.e. Genesis 15, Gen 28 and 1Sam3.
Through thunder and lightning e.g. God revealed himself to Israelites at Mt. Sinai and a thick
cloud with lightning came on the mountain. (Exodus 19:16).
Through a voice, God revealed himself to people e.g. Samuel a voice called him 3 times and
his priest Eli said it was God calling, a voice also talked to Abraham and Moses.
Through smoke God appeared to people e.g. during the destructions of Sodom and Gomorrah
in Genesis 19:18, also at Mt. Sinai during the signing of the covenant.
Through visions e.g. Abraham had a vision when God made a covenant with him. Gen 15,
also Samuel saw a vision and prophet Ezekiel.
Through miracles such as giving food to the Israelites in form of manna and quails, water in
the desert, turning water into blood.
Through the covenant box (ark) which was carried to war grounds and the Israelites won the
Inform of a rainbow e.g. prophet Ezekiel who saw God coming to him in form of a rainbow.
Through personalities like personalities like prophets such as Amos, Isaiah, Samuel. These
were Gods’ spokesmen and God would always send them to his people.
Through calamities such as the rain, God revealed himself e.g. to Noah when God sent a
flood which lasted 40 days and nights. (Gen 7)
The Israelites felt God’s presence through His laws (Ten Commandments) which were kept
in the covenant box.
The Exodus event i.e. the liberation saw the hand of God himself, the departure of Israelites
from Egypt to Canaan, miracles at the red sea made Israelites learn about God as kind and
Through leading them and winning for them victory over their political enemies for example
the war they won against the philistines, Egyptians and Amalekites.
Through angels, God appeared to people e.g. Prophet Elijah (1 Kings 19:1-15)

they preached the word of God and converted people into Christianity as a way of searching
for God e.g. St Paul preached the Gospel in Corinth, Galatia, Ephesus etc.
They offered charity to the needy as a way of searching for God. For example Tabitha
(Dorcus) who sowed clothes and gave to the widows and orphans.
They searched for God by accepting martyrdom for God’s sake for example Stephen
accepted to be stoned to death for the sake of Christianity.
They prayed and fasted as a way of searching for God. For example Jesus fasted for forty
days and forty nights in the wilderness.
They read the word of God and interpreted scripture e.g. Jesus read scriptures and interpreted
for the people in the temple.
They searched for God through living a humble life e.g. Jesus humbled himself by washing
the disciple’s feet as a servant.
They also searched for God by performing miracles which showed God’s power to the people
For example St. Peter healed the lame man at the beautiful temple gate.
They wrote down scriptures which strengthened believers e.g. St. Paul wrote letters to the
Romans, Corinthians, Galatians which encouraged the believers.
They suffered persecution as a way of searching for God e.g. St. Paul, St. Peter were put in
prison for preaching the gospel.
They shared the Holy Eucharist which brought unity among the believers.
They searched for God through sharing agape meals which brought unity between the rich
and the poor for example the church in Corinth shared agape meals to crate unity.

Jesus emphasized the following factors necessary for successful quest for God.
Christ identified himself as the way, the truth and the life. This means that man was only to
reach to God through Jesus Christ. (John 14:6)
Jesus called on man to love each other as the only way of seeking God love your enemies and
do good to them, you will be children of the most high God (Luke 6:35), so seekers of God
where to love God and others.
Jesus stressed that faith in God was important in seeking him, he advised his followers to
pray to God and emphasized that God is aware of man’s need but should approach God
through prayer.
According to Jesus, the seekers of God must be baptized as the first step towards seeking
God’s will.

Jesus emphasized repentance for those who seek God to be holy since God is holy therefore
for one to seek God, he must repent and turn away from sins.
Helping the needy according to the New Testament leads to deeper understanding of God.
Jesus pointed out that it was one way of an individual to receive heavenly rewards, seekers
needed to develop a heart of pity. (Matthew 6:1-4)
Jesus said that whoever obeys his words and teachings finds the best way of seeking God
because God revealed everything spiritual to him.
Jesus advised man to reconcile and forgive one another, he said having anger against each
other is choosing hell (Mathew 5:21-24)
Jesus confirmed that through the belief in his resurrection, man has hope of meeting God
even though he dies, every man who seeks God will surely meet him through his death. (John
Jesus called for Holy and moral living, he advises man that his body is the temple of God
hence should keep their bodies free from evil as to come closer to God (1Corithians 3:10)
Jesus emphasized worship of one God, fellowship and to accept the good news of salvation as
a way of seeking God.


Through a voice e.g. he revealed himself to John the Baptist during Jesus’ baptism when he
introduced Jesus as his beloved son in Mark 1:11 “You are own dear son, I am pleased with
Through Jesus himself i.e. in the New Testament, Jesus the man is God in form of man.
Through the word I.e. God manifested himself in the word, God is the word, and we know
God when we read the word of God. (John 1).
Through fire e.g. the disciples received the Holy Spirit through tongues of fire in Acts 2:1.
Through Jesus’ miracles, God revealed himself to people e.g. raising the dead like Lazarus at
Bethany, raising Jairus daughter, he healed the blind Bartimaeus in Jericho.
God was the light e.g. during Paul’s conversion on his way to Damascus, a light shone to him
before he became Paul and God’s grace was revealed (Acts 9:3)
Through the trinity i.e. God the father, son and the holy Spirit, hoe appeared in form of a
dove during Jesus’ baptism (Mark 1:10)
God revealed himself inform of an angel to people e.g. during Peter’s escape from prison in
Acts 12:6-11, angel Gabriel to Mary, mother of Jesus during Joseph and Mary’s escape to
Egypt. (Matthew 2:13)

God appeared inform of a cloud e.g. during the transfiguration of Jesus in Mark 9:7, God
showed himself in form of a cloud, and a voice came from the cloud saying “This is my own
dear son, listen to him”
Through dreams e.g. visitation of angel Gabriel to Joseph and Mary. (Matthew 1)
Through Jesus’ resurrection, God revealed his power over death.


Evasion refers to deliberate refusal to do something that is required therefore man’s evasion
of God means a situation where man tries to do without God or turning away from God and
trusting his own abilities. It is an attempt to do without, reject, neglect, and dodge God. The
word God becomes meaningless. One feels he can do everything without God’s assistance.
Ways in which people evade God today.
Some people have failed to pray to God at all and failure to pray to God and thank him is a
sign of evasion of God.
Sexual immorality among Christians who commit adultery, prostitution, rape. These are
against God’s plan of sex hence evasion.
Increasing cases of marital unfaithfulness in form of adultery has caused AIDS and divorce.
Some people have turned away and worshiped political power and wealth hence pay little
time to God.
Increased cases of idolatry in society where people are worshipping objects such as trees e.g.
Nakayima tree in Mubende district, Seziwa falls in Kayunga, yet Exodus 20:13 says
“Worship no god but me”
Increases cases of witch craft and magic in society is evasion of God. People have failed to
trust God but witch craft e.g. many people visit Maama Fina (Sophie Namutebi) of Bulenga
on fesses that most of her clients are well positioned politicians, religious leaders, business
Some religious leaders are healing through power of evil spirits and also attack a lot of value
to materialism.
Some people attach much importance to holy places and more than God, too much
importance of Jerusalem, Namugongo where people eat and drink and have sex.
Other Christians put much importance to religious rituals like baptism, confirmation, fasting,
holy matrimony, religious days like Christmas, Easter as well as occasions of feasting than
honoring God.
Declining morality in society shows evasion through poor dressing styles, watching immoral
movies, blue movies, drinking a lot of alcohol and taking drugs.
Increasing cases of children e.g. Christians such as Godfrey Kato Kajjubi who sacrificed a 12
year old boy, Joseph Kasirye in Masaka in October 2008 in order to get wealth.

Cases of domestic violence in form of quarrels, fighting, domestic rape, and murder proved
that people were evading God.
Demand for divine respect by some religious leaders e.g. Owobushobozi Bisaka in Kibale in
Western Uganda who says he is God. Semakula of Nakaseke in Kapeka says he is the
Messiah and son of God and father would come for him soon.
Causes of man’s evasion today.
Man slowly turns away from God and back slides in faith due to the following reasons;
Poverty levels especially when people believe God is not helping them, they question his
existence hence practice stealing, prostitution, go to witch craft because of poverty.
Dependence on modern technology as people think this very practical and offers quick
solutions to man’s daily problems without reference to God e.g. production of test tube
babies, diseases are no longer a threat.
Education i.e. the more some people are educated and learned the more they question the
relevance of God and religion.
Absence of miracles as some people find it difficult to believe in God’s truth because
miracles do not happen, lame do not walk, sickness continues in church without help yet
Christians believe in healing.
Some people are poor examples from religious leaders who struggle for power, who are
thieves and murderers, those who have conflicts among themselves and this creates conflicts
among believers who run away.
Frustrations such as failure in business, loss of dear ones, divorce.
Failure in marriage and the question is whether God exists and if he loves them, why does he
not protect them.
Greed for material wealth as people decide to go for child sacrifices, stealing, murder and the
mind becomes so occupied with material wealth than God.
Unanswered prayers also make people turn away from God especially when people pray and
God fails to answer.
Discrimination by religious leaders who tend to respect the rich than the poor yet before God
all are equal. The poor turn away from God.
The delay of Jesus’ return, people have been impatient considering the time he ascended to
heaven so they resort to all evil activities.
Some people consider Christianity as a white man’s religion forced on Africans by
colonialists who call white objects as holy while black objects as evil hence discourage
Africans to believe in God.


The church is modernizing worship by using musical instruments like guitars, pianos, as a
way of attracting the youth to attend church services.
The church is using Sunday schools to help people especially the young to have a wider
understanding of their faith.
The church is providing educational services to the people to serve. In these schools, prayers
are compulsory. Gayaza High, St Mary’s Kisubi among others.
The church is organizing door-to-door family visitation which are centres on helping people
on how to interpret the bible.
The church is providing recreation centres for retreats, entertainment and other religious
purposes. For example Nsambya sharing Hall, Nabinonya beach, Kisubi beach. Etc.
The church is providing guidance and counseling to the problematic people. This has helped
to bring Christians back esp. those with problems in life.
The church is involving most people particular the youth in its management responsibilities
like, ushers, wardens and altar boys among the people. This tends to make the people feel
they are part of the church.
The church gives support to tis organizations including young Christian society, scripture
Union and Mother’s Union this helps to bring back believers to together as they actively
participate in the affairs of the church.
There is establishment and running of media centres such as Dream TV, Top TV, MCF radio,
Impact radio. This is attractive to the people of all ages.
The church is sponsoring extra and co-curriculum activities like football, netball, music,
dance and drama. In the Catholic Church, there is an annual competition in MDD between
schools within in the Diocese. This has always created unity among such schools and other
The church is building more structures to accommodate the increasing number of believers.
Such buildings like Rubaga and Kansanga Miracle Centre are well decorated and furnished
and therefore attractive.
The church is setting up charity organizations like Watoto Children founded by the church to
help the disadvantaged like the poor and orphans. They also do provide the basic needs like
food, shelter, education which attract people back to God.
The church is organizing bible studies on daily or weekly basis especially in the evening to
bring the believers together instead of involving in ungodly things.


Africans believed in God but as human beings they would evade God many times in the
following ways;

Africans practiced magic, sorcery, and witchcraft causing harm on other members of society
through mediums.
Africans would sometimes forget to sacrifice to God. This was failure ‘to thank God for his
provisions hence evasion.
Africans respected sacred places like forests, mountains, big trees, rocks, such were regarded
holy and worshipped in front of God.
Africans evaded God through blaming him for natural disasters like drought, famine,
Africans carried out ancestral worship than God. Spirits were worshipped and they forgot that
these were just mediators between man and God the Almighty.
Africans had strong belief in divinities (gods) and regarded these as semi-independent
consulted them instead of God. They became barriers to communication with the supreme-
Violation of taboos and dishonoring moral values meant evasion of God such as marrying a
close relative, use of vulgar language, insulting elders etc. yet these were initiated by God for
the good of the community hence violation would lead to curses and suffering.
Africans lacked faith in God but believed in superstitions e.g. among Baganda society of
Central Uganda, when an owl cried it was believed that a person is going to die.
Practicing social injustices such as land grabbing, mistreatment of widows and orphans which
broke relationships between man and man and then God.
Africans honored and respected religious rituals, shrines, religious leaders as being holy
important than God.
They evaded God through failing to share with one another as they developed tendencies of
Child sacrifices to gods were also an evasion of God they were innocent human lives killed
and sacrificed for riches and others.
The practicing of social practices as grabbing other people’s property(s) mistreating the less
privileged and orphans which of course broke the relationship between man and God.

Man’s evasion was reflected through disrespecting of parents and elder which would cause
curses and suffering to the young ones.

Witchcraft and magic as an evasion of God.

Those who practiced witchcraft and magic were sometimes excommunicated from some
It created fear and suspicion among people. Some would fear to eat or during freely in fear of
being bewitched.
Those who involved in witchcraft were less dependent on God because they thought they
would solve their own problems.
It led to death which of course is against God’s commandments (Exodus 20:13) hence
evasion of God’s commandment.
They brought harm to individuals like they would be used to cause sickness, blindness and
Both led to enmity and hatred among individuals, families, clans, and the community at large.
Some witch doctors deceived the people to grab material things like cows, goats from them.
This also led to disharmony and conflicts.
It caused the danger of addiction to witchcraft as the people all the time even if it was a small
issue they would turn to witchcraft.
They created conflicts among society members esp. between those practicing it and to whom
it was practiced to.
They led to the suffering of victims of magic and witchcraft thus leading to the evasion of
Witchcraft was used to destroy crops e.g. through night dancing they would kill domestic
animals out of jealousy.
It led to mob justice as witch doctors and those who got involved in it would be beaten, killed
by community members.
It would lead to discrimination between the society and the witchdoctor.
It would cause family break up and divorce among married people especially if one partner
consulted witch doctors.
QN: Outline the dangers of witchcraft and magic on life and ATS.
Show how Africans evaded God through the practice of witchcraft and magic.


Explain how people in church history evaded God?
Early church
Some early Christians got involved in sexual immorality in form of incest and prostitution for
example the Corinthians a son would sleep with the step mother and temple prostitution was

Sexual immorality was moral indiscipline in the church e.g. in the Corinthian church
Christians practiced incest e.g. a young boy who had sexual relationship with step mother,
there was fornication, prostitution, adultery which was evasion of God.
Some Christians boasted of spiritual gifts than using to them to serve God which resulted in
to spiritual rivalry e.g. speaking in tongues, prophecy in the Corinthian church.
The believers had divisions based on personalities for example Corinth, Christians were
divided according to four personalities i.e. peter, Paul, Apollo and a section which was
following Jesus.
There was discrimination in church as the rich would discriminate the poor. This was more
evidenced during the Lord’s Supper and the agape meals which were meant to be love feasts.
There was persecution of believers which was done by the non-believers for example Saul
moved up and down killing whoever believed in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Believers were involved in idol worship for example the Corinthian Christians would even go
to the extent of sacrificing to the idols.
Some believers rejected the apostles of Jesus Christ yet they were commissioned by Jesus
himself for example St Paul was rejected by the Galatians because he was a persecutor of the
Christians before he converted to Christianity.
Some believers were selfish for example Ananias and Sapphira hid some money they had got
from the sale of their property yet they were supposed to share it all with the believers.
Some of the followers were involved in mob justice for example in the case of Stephen who
was stoned to death and became the first martyr.
Some of the believers lied for example Ananias and Sapphira lied to Peter about the sale of
their property and in the end they lost their lives.

Middle ages
Some Christians worshipped objects other than God such as statues of saints, pictures,
paintings, church buildings instead of God yet these were meant to help people worship God
for example in the Roman Catholic Church they honoured Mother Mary, Theresa and Jesus’
painting which became hindrance.
Some Christians honored and worshipped religious Christian leaders such as pope, priests,
instead of God.
Some found it hard to accept that Jesus was truly God yet he had been a human being like
them so this was an evasion of God because Jesus was sent by God.

Some Christians worshipped remains of holy people including clothes and shoes, they
believed touching them would remove sins.
Some Christians respected church symbols than God such as the Roman form of
entertainment where prisoners would fight starved lions, having sex on stage as form of
entertainment but were condemned by St. Augustine by prolonging Sunday sermons to deny
Christians from participating in such evil activities.
Some Christians gave more respect to saints than God they used to ask saints to forgive and
assist them instead of asking them to deliver their prayers to God instead of praying to God
Some Christians got carried away with greed for material riches, they got little time for
spiritual matters hence evaded God for worldly riches e.g. the early monks deviated from
chastity, poverty because of riches.
Many Christians paid more attention to godly songs and hymns which had been composed by
Bishop Ambrose than God himself for example St. Augustine found hymns of St. Ambrose
so beautiful that he wondered if the beautiful words were leading him from worshipping God.
They put much emphasis on some religious worship practices instead of God for example
reciting of Rosary, making of the Cross and giving tithe.
There was sale of indulgencies, this was the payment for one’s confessed sins to seek
forgiveness and it was a form of money and gifts, they believed their sins would be forgiven
and have direct entry to heaven. This was evasion of God because it was only God who
forgives sins.
Some Christians who got higher education and became rich attached religion to the less
educated and poor. As many people got educated, they left Christianity as a religion for the
poor and illiterate since they could do without God.
John Calvin developed the doctrine of pre-destination. He taught that God had determined the
destiny of a person before his or her birth and nothing could be done to change this
arrangement. This misled the believers to the extent of giving up with the Christian faith.

There was increasing immorality among Christians for example there was homosexuality,
prostitution etc.
The preachers of the day dwelt so much on hell instead of heaven in order to scare people
from joining Christianity.


This refers to the changes that took place in the church so that it would be more faithful to
Jesus’ teachings, new ideas in religion came up in the 16th century in Europe that led to
reform the Roman Catholic Church and to the forming up of the Protestant church.

Identify the religious practices that sparked off the reformation.
Worship of other things other than God e.g. statues, the cross, saints instead of God, Christian
leaders used to ask saints for forgiveness.
Confessing to priests and paying of indulgencies, this was payment for one’s confessed sins
to seek forgiveness inform of money and gifts.
Slavery in church, the church officially accepted slavery as most priests and Bishops in Rome
owned them for cheap labor.
Poor example from religious leaders when they worshipped and honored the pope.
Some Christians practice syncretism, they thought God was not real and resorted to
traditional beliefs and practices.
Some Christians put much faith in Christian rituals e.g. the rosary, creed, cross.
Reformers were against the marriage of the clergy in the Roman Catholic Church which
Martin Luther opposed.
Some religious leaders had assumed high divine positions and they wanted people to worship
The superiority of the pope over all religious leaders and his authority being unquestionable
was protested.
Disagreement on baptism, some Christians believed that only grown up people could be
properly baptized because young children lacked true faith.
Christians honored clothes even bodies of holy people than obeying God’s word.
Disagreement on whether bibles should be only handled by the clergy or even by the lay
Christians or believers.
Some great leaders had restored to building monuments by which they would be remembered
instead of serving God.
There were disagreement over whether the bread and wine turn into body and blood of Jesus
in the ritual of Holy Communion.


The Old Testament:
Evasion of God in the Old Testament took place in the following ways;
Man’s disobedience. In Genesis 3, Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit.
This was evasion of God because they were told not to eat from the tree of life. This caused
suffering and curses to man.
Murder of innocent people is a case of evasion of God, the giver of life e.g. in the very
beginning, Cain killed his brother Abel in Gen 4 for presenting an acceptable sacrifice to

God, King David murdered Uriah, the Hittite soldier and married his wife Bathsheba, King
Ahab killed Naboth and took his vine yard, these were against respect of humanity.
Idolatry, Israelites evaded God by worshiping idols and foreign gods e.g. at Mt. Sinai, they
made a golden calf to represent God (Exodus 32), they turned to gods of other nations hence
broke the sealed covenant with God to remain loyal e.g. King Ahab encouraged worship of
Baal introduced by his wife Jezebel, Solomon worshiped the goddess of Sidon (Astarte), also
King Ahaz of Judah sacrificed his son to idols in the valley of Hinnon which was forbidden
by God (2Kings 16:13, 1Kings 5)
Sexual immorality characterized evasion of God e.g. the people of Sodom and Gomorrah
wanted to practice sexual immorality to even angels of God as it was their habit (Gen 19),
incest e.g. daughters of Lot made him drunk so as to commit incest with him (Genesis 19:31-
38), Amnon raped his half-sister and committed incest Tamar, these were children of King
David. (2Samuel 13)
Polygamy was total evasion of God because God’s ideal marriage was monogamy. It was
against Israel’s code of leadership. (Duet 17:17) e.g. King David married many wives, King
Solomon was polygamous with 700 wives 300 concubines (1Kings 11:3) which was against
God’s law.
Religious rituals as many Israelites got involved in practices such as fake fasting, reciting the
law, offering sacrifices. This was evasion of God and prophet Isaiah warned them to stop it
(Isaiah 58:1-12)
Intermarriages, Israelites were forbidden by God to marry foreign women, God commanded
them to marry only Israelites but many including Kings of Israel married them. It was evasion
of God’s plan for Israel because these women introduced idol worshipping e.g. King Ahab
married Jezebel, a Phoenician woman who introduced Baal worship, King Solomon married
women from Moab, Edom, Sidon who introduced idol worship. (1Kings 11:1-10)
Exploitation of people through over taxation, forced labor for personal interests e.g. King
Solomon over taxed people to construct his palace and the temple, he used forced labor of
30,000 to build the palace, King David over taxed people to build his cities.
Respect for objects and sacred places i.e. Israelites put much trust in objects e.g. the covenant
Ark. (1Samuel 1:4), the Jerusalem temple and Prophet Jeremiah condemned such false
security than God.
Poor sacrifices were often given to God by Israelites on the Alter like lame and blind lambs
which God rejected. (Lev 7:10-21). This was lack of appreciation for what God had done for
Misuse of priest hood was evasion as some priests used the office of priesthood to exploit
worshippers and God punished them e.g. Eli’s sons Hophni and Phinehas were greedy for
Israelites rejected God and his prophets when they demanded a king like other nations, they
wanted a political king they could see and this was evasion because God was their king who
rescued them from slavery and authority came from him. (1Samuel 8:1-9).

They grabbed and stole God’s sacrifices for example Eli’s Sons grabbed God’s sacrifice
which showed lack of respect. Greed and selfishness.
They enslaved God’s people which denied them freedom. For example the Egyptian Pharaoh
enslaved the Israelites over 4oo years.
They made foreign alliances with other countries which was against God’s covenant e.g.
King David made an alliance with Tyre.

Reasons why people evaded God.

Influence from mixed marriages led to evasion of God e.g. King Ahab who married Jezebel,
the Phoenician woman, King Solomon who married many foreign wives all these introduced
idol worship which was evasion of God.
They faced temptations in their lives for example King David was tempted to have sex with
Bathsheba who was Uriah’s wife.
God was invisible yet they wanted a visible God, idols were present and near which created
doubt in God.
Wickedness of leaders forced people to evade God e.g. King Ahab and Queen Jezebel forced
people to worship Baal.
Lack of satisfaction e.g. Adam and Eve evaded God by eating the forbidden fruit because
they lacked satisfaction.
Selfishness and envy led to evasion of God e.g. Cain killed his brother Abel because he was
jealous of his good work when he sacrificed the best to God.
Influence of foreign nations who had kings so Israelites demanded for a king other than God
their King.
They lacked patience that is why they worshipped idols e.g. Israelites worshipped idols at Mt.
Sinai because Moses had delayed to come back for them.
Whenever they faced calamites like famine, wars of conquest, drought they evaded God for
idols because a just God could not make people suffer.
Too much suffering for example Job almost got to the point of abusing God, Israelites’
suffering in the wilderness during the exodus time.
Disasters and insecurity caused Israelites to depend on foreign nations other than God.
Lust for sex led people into sexual immorality and this was evasion of God e.g. King David
committed adultery with Bathsheba, Uriah’s wife, Amnon son of King David raped his half-
sister, Tamar.
Sometimes God would take long to appear to the people to answer their problems thus
apostasy was the answer.
The unseen nature of God though He was their unseen King (invisibility of God) so they
wanted a king they could see and talk to direct.

Lack of faith and trust in God led to evasion of God e.g. the building of the tower of Babel.
Greed and power corrupted the kings e.g. King Ahab used his power to grab Naboth’s vine
yard and even murdered him, King Saul spared the Amalekite King Agag in order to share
wealth with him.

Building of the tower of babel

It was an act of pride as they wanted to make a name for themselves through the building.
They were idle yet they were supposed to have been working.
They wanted to equate themselves to God as they desired to be with him in heaven.
They abused God’s freedom.
They misused God’s creation particularly the soil they used for building which was later
False unity by thinking it was only the building to unite them.
It was an act of dodging the responsibility of being on earth.
It was an act of greed.
They acted independently as they decided to work on their own to search for God.
They lacked faith in what God had done for them.
Lacked trust in God’s provision.

New Testament
In the New Testament, man evaded God in the following ways.
Some Jews observed religious rituals e.g. fasting than repentance they honored the temple as
sacred instead of God.
Sexual immorality in form of adultery, prostitution, incest where forms of evasion of God e.g.
in the Corinthian church, there was incest.
The Betray of Jesus by his own disciple Judas Iscariot, this was evasion because Judas knew
Jesus was indeed God. (Mark 14:43)
The denial of Jesus by his own disciple Peter reflected man’s evasion in the New Testament
(Mark 14:66). Peter repented after denying Jesus, he showed a broken heart and Jesus forgave
Jesus the son of God and God himself was denied honor by his own people, the Jews in his
town of Nazareth, they referred to him as a prophet without honor hence evasion of God and
his son. (Mark 6)

Misuse of the gifts of the Holy Spirit showed evasion yet these gifts were meant to expand
the church and win more converts e.g. in the Corinthian church, people boasted over speaking
in tongues, prophecy, healing, all those gifts were for conversion of people.
Misuse of God’s temple which had turned in to a market place was evasion of God, people
were cheated, God’s temple was a house of prayer but had turned into a market place which
indicates man’s evasion of God and Jesus had to clean the place with a lot of anger. (John
There was discrimination in society yet this was evasion of God e.g. children were separated
from adults, sinners like Levi were discriminated, gentiles were discriminated by Jews, men
discriminated women.
Jesus was referred to as a Beelzebul (prince of demons) by teachers of the law for making
demons obey him. This is an indication of man’s making Satan prince of demons equal to
God. (Mark 3:10)
Misuse of the Lord’s Supper was evasion of God. Christians failed to share with one another
e.g. Christians at Corinth would take holy communion as to eat bread and satisfy their
hunger, take wine and be drunk, this was evasion of God’s body and blood and also
humiliation of God’s house. (1Cor. 11:17)
Harsh treatment and mocking of Jesus by teachers of the law after his arrest, Jesus was
falsely accused by the chief priest and religious leaders when they failed to find any evidence.

Why Jesus was rejected or evaded by his own people the Jews?
Jesus’ own people the Jews rejected and chose to evade him because of the following;
Jesus called himself God and the Jews believed God was spiritual than human when he said
he was God, they chose to evade him.
Jesus was tempted by Satan yet he was divine so he was equal to any ordinary man hence
evasion. (Matthew 4)
Jesus was coming from a humble background, a village of Nazareth and could not be a
Messiah, his village mates knew him as a carpenter so they rejected him.
Jesus was unmarried by the time he died at the age of 33 years yet any public personality was
expected to be married so he was easily rejected.
Jesus was poor materially yet Jews believed riches were God’s blessings and poverty a curse,
they expected a very rich Messiah so Jesus the poor man was evaded.
Jesus associated with sinners, a Messiah was meant to be a respectable and holy person, and
Jesus lived with thieves, associated with prostitutes, women throughout his ministry hence
Jews expected a political Messiah or liberator who would liberate them from the harsh
Roman rulers with a strong army. When Jesus came, he said his liberation was for criminals
and to them a Messiah was not to face death.

Jesus was baptized and the Jews wondered why a savior and God could take up baptism of
sinners hence called him a sinner and evaded him. (Mark1:9)
Jesus was mistreated before his arrest by ordinary men, he was beaten and tortured and they
knew the angels would protect the Messiah in trouble.


Jesus encouraged the followers to ask, seek and knock. He who does so would receive, find
and have the door opened (Matt 7:7).
Jesus presented God being with all believers for this reason encouraged believers to look on
to him instead of looking elsewhere.
He called upon the believers to love God with all their strength, soul, and mind as they are
looking for him.
He identified himself as the truth and life for every believer.
He urged every believer to look onto him for their salvation (John 14: 16).
Christ attacked the Jews for being religiously proud for their strict emphasis on religious
customs, practices, places and persons.
He declared himself as the son of God sent to bring Good News of salvation into the world.
He encouraged the believers to love their enemies and be good to them instead of having
them hated.
He encouraged all believers to repent all their sins. He pointed out that through repentance,
God would forgive every believer and as a result, they would be his children.
He encouraged forgiveness and reconciliation among the believers. He expected believers to
forgive seventy seven times seven. He later demonstrated this in the story of the prodigal son.
He encouraged his followers to tolerate human sufferings which are for the good of others.
He showed by tolerating His suffering so that man would be set free from the bondage of sin.
He called upon believers to give assistance to those in need like the poor and orphans.
He called upon the believers to put trust in God as their father in order to get what he/she
desires (Matt 7:7-11).
He advised his believers to be born again in order for them to attain heavenly glory. He
referred to Himself as a good Shepherd and the believers were the lost sheep.
He encouraged his followers to be merciful to each other. He said he who is merciful would
experience Father’s mercy in His heavenly kingdom. He considered this as one of the true
sources of happiness to every believer (Matt 5:11).


This refers to Christian participation in the social, economic and political affairs of the world.
This implies how Christians relate to their faith to life in the world.
Christians’ participation in the affairs of their communities is very important since their
creator put man to be in charge of everything in the world and according to Mathew 5:13,
Jesus stressed that Christians are the salt and light of the world.

Ways how Christians / church is involved in the world affairs.
The church is involved in world affairs through introducing the Good News about Jesus
Christ to mankind which has been an answer to many people who are hurting.
The church is involved in world affairs through encouraging the law of love and respect for
one another through its preaching as well as helping in controlling evils in the society thus its
investment in secular affairs.
The church is involved in world affairs through providing women support and it is helping
women to realize their identity through supporting women liberation movement through
organization such as Mothers’ Union.
There are integrations of African values in church as the use of instruments like drums in
mass cerebrations in the Roman Catholic Church.
The church is involved in world affairs through practically involving in ensuring the safety of
people’s marriages. It has done this through supporting dynamic groups like Mothers’ Union,
Fathers’ Union which fight for the marriage course.
The church is involved in world affairs through being on the fore front of educating all people
on their individual human rights as being God driven the Anglican church of Uganda, the
Roman Catholic Church.
The church is involved in world affairs through organizations like Watoto, World Vision, and
Compassion International which have sheltered, fee many orphans.
The church is involved in world affairs through bible society has supported the translation of
the English bible into various local languages in the country e.g. Runyakitala, Luo,
The church is involved in world affairs through being instrumental in forming unity among
Christians where they do meet together as one family in God. In such gathering, Christians
share experiences which leave them united as a team.

The church is involved in world affairs through continuously participated in politics where
members have acquired positions of leadership such as the president members of parliament
of which they have used to decampaign violence and evils in society e.g. the Member of
Parliament for Buikwe district Hon. Judith Babirye.
The church is involved in world affairs through being instrumental by carrying out charitable
works in areas of feeding the orphans, building homes of the less privileged and the widows
e.g. Sanyu babies home, Salem Brotherhood in Mbale, World Vision, Compassion
International, Action Aid etc.
The church is involved in world affairs through its attempt to provide employment
opportunities through vocational training which equips it members with skills such as brick
laying, carpentry and joinery above all initiating projects that provide employment.
The church is involved in world affairs through authorizing, providing and coordinating on
public programmes for instance elections in the country, AIDS awareness campaigns in the
country, Kabaka’s festivals.
The church is involved in world affairs through participating in peace initiative such as to
promote peace in the country e.g. from the late 1990’s retired Bishop Revered Mark Baker
Ochola and Bishop Reverend Onen Onweny both of the Anglican church played important
roles in calling upon the Ugandan government and the rebels group Lord’s Resistance
Army (LRA), under the leadership of Kony to settle the Northern war through dialogue.
The church is involved in world affairs through its establishment of financial institutions e.g.
Centenary Rural Development Bank (CERUDEB) for the Catholic Church and extension of
loan services to the people.
The church is involved in world affairs through electro media such as Impact FM, Dream TV,
Salt TV, and Channel 44. Have all been instrumental I development of people in Spiritual,
social, economic and political aspects.
Ecumenism attempt have been done to reconcile the differences in religious dominations e.g.
the UJCC designing the CRE syllabus, joint services are conducted and joint marriage is also


Reasons that support active involvement of Christians in politics.
They do have dual citizenship even if Christians prepare to go to heaven they still have a
responsibility of living a responsible life on earth as citizens. This means that they can hardly
avoid responsibility of participating in affairs of politics.
They are social creatures and they should enjoy politics which is a social activity since by
nature man is a political animal.
Christian in politics influence better taxation policies to be in place since taxes earn the state
revenue for development in the New Testament Jesus encouragement his disciples to pay
their tax.

In politics Christians are needed to curb crimes such as corruption election rigging.

Christians involved in politics would help in fighting in all forms of discrimination that
politics is associated with today. To a Christian, man and woman, rich and poor, whites and
blacks all deserve the same treatment.
Politics and religion are inseparable and it is not easy to draw a boundary between what is
political so a Christian is justified to participate in politics.
By participating in politics, the Christian promotes evangelism, education and religious
Christians should participate in order to promote human rights which are sometimes abused
e.g. the right to life, good health, who has concern to serve God while in politics.
In politics, Christians should get involved in politics to give the state advice where the church
is well served such as forgiveness and reconciliation among warring parties.
Obedience is necessary for Christians in politics and to Politian’s it is needed in respecting
the constitution which is a supreme law of the country.
A Christian politician would extend God’s love to the people. This leaves the Christians with
the duty to serve them with a sense of feeling for feeling for those in need. He would
therefore addressed issues hurting his people.
God gave man the responsibility to care for the creation (Genesis 1: 28-29) and politics being
an organization of society in attempt to control it and being peace to Christians, this they
should get involved in politics so as to help the state achieve the set goals.
Christians could act as better bridge – builders in reconciling the conflicting parties on a
political level. This is because Christianity is about creating peace and harmony among
The church is the custodian of the state when taking an oath the holy scriptures are used such
as sharing exercises so the Christian should participate in politics.
A Christian politician bears in mind of the equality between man and woman made in God’s
image, this would call for affirmative politics which are in support of the unprivileged

Why Christians shouldn’t participate in politics.

Political activities deny a Christian his duty of praying, spiritual counseling thus the
Christians should keep out of politics.
Politics in Africa is characterized by immorality such as rigging elections, murder of
opponents, telling of lies, nepotism etc., it is therefore for the good of a Christian to avoid

It may be difficult for a Christian to avoid planning wrong policies with the politicians so it is
better for him to keep out of politics to maintain his integrity.
Politics can make a Christian put himself or herself above the others. This contradicts Jesus’
teaching on authority where the greatest in the heavenly kingdom is one who is a servant
(Mathew 20:26).
Politics creates enmity among the people. This is because it leaves people in two or more
rival blocks basing on the political parties.
The Christians may influence political issues without even participating in politics E.g.
Bishop Desmond Tutu influenced political events against apartheid in South Africans without
being in politics directly.
Since it creates opponents, it may be difficult for the Christians to pray for his opponents of
which is unchristian, as it is against the great commandment.
Some political situations may restrict the ability to serve as a Christian is i.e. in serving the
state, the church can deprive him of his loyalty God that should be his first aim as a religious
Some Christians do not belong to his political camp may run away from the church as a result
of his political argument, this may cause punishment to the Christian (Luke 9:42-50) so the
Christians should not participate in politics.
In many cases politicians violate the rights and freedom of the people they serve. However
Christians are required to live for and with others peacefully.
Politics may make the Christians materialistic. This may become a blockage to the
commitment Christians are meant to have towards their faith as they may be pre-occupied
with the struggle for such material things.
Politics is a cheap way of seeking popularity by the Christians. This may be as result of being
known for doing things of the world.
In politics, Christians are liable to search for prestige instead of God. They should copy the
example of Jesus who lived a quiet and simple live.

How Should Leaders Practice Their Faith Today

They should practice their faith by trying all their best to create unity among people and thus
decampaigned disunity.
They should practice their faith by giving donations to the church, poor etc. as demonstration
of their faith.
They should practice their faith through being loyal to the state, paying taxes and by not
involving themselves in subversive activities.
They should practice their faith by using their positions to promote people’s talents by trying
to avail possible resources required such as balls for football, dancing costumes etc.

They should practice their faith through respecting people of other faith and other lines of
thinking which are contrary to others.
They should practice their faith by promoting people’s fundamental human rights such as the
right of life, education and right to associate among others.
They should practice their faith through respecting their marriage vows and above all
bringing up their children with Christian moral values.
They should practice their faith sharing with the people they lead.
They should practice their faith through fulfilling promises they make above all respecting
the rule of law.
They should practice their faith respecting people they lead always consulting them for
proper planning.
They should practice their faith through visiting the sick, prisoners and less fortunate and
comforting them with the word of God.
They should practice their faith through encouraging freedom of worship and participating in
church services and prayer.
They should practice their faith by using their positions of leadership to be exemplary to the
people they are leading e.g. by not practicing corruption.

Reasons why Christians should involve themselves in business transactions.

Christians should involve themselves in business transactions because this will help to control
/ eliminate possible commercial evils such as corruption, bribery etc. so that in turn they are
able to make business a good and clean venture.
Christians should involve themselves in business transactions in order to establish and
promoting God’s kingdom. The involvement of Christians in business would be a way of
helping to support God’s financial through payment of a tenth of one’s income to God’s
Christians should involve themselves in business transactions because in Genesis 2, God
commanded every person to work as a way of earning a living so when Christians engage in
business they are indeed responding to God’s command.
Christians should involve themselves in business transactions so as to socialize i.e. by
exploring opportunities that would bring them to the suffering community to share the Good
News about Jesus Christ with them e.g. Jesus used every opportunity to make himself known
to the strangers who socialized with him such as Mary Magdalene, Nicodemus, Mathew etc.
Christians should involve themselves in business transactions so as they emulate Jesus’
example who demonstrated God’s workmanship through serving all people equally without
discrimination. Christians are therefore seen as the best choice to conduct their business
without favouring the rich or poor.

Christians should involve themselves in business transactions because the success of
Christians in business would help to prove God’s divine providence. This is because the
successful business of Christians would praise God’s glory without the shame of poverty at
the back of their mind.
Christians should involve themselves in business transactions because faithful Christians
would help in preventing a bad practice of unnecessary raising prices which are higher than
expected and which makes commodities unaffordable.
Christians should involve themselves in business transactions because Christians in business
help to serve genuine and approved products. This would help people not buy fake and
expired commodities from some selfish people.
Christians should involve themselves in business transactions because Christians in business
helps to ensure payment of tax bills promptly, emulating Jesus’ good example of a tax payer.

This is the spirit of unity and understanding which exists between Christian movements and
trying to bring different churches together.
The steps taken by Christians to bring about ecumenism among Christians in Uganda.
Organizing fellowships which bring different people together as they share the word of God.
Attending state duties and celebrating important days such as Independence Day, women’s
day as a way of rallying behind the government.
The churches in Uganda today make joint pilgrimages whereby both the Catholics and
Protestants travel as a single group to Rome and Jerusalem to visit the “HOLY PLACES.”
Most church founded schools admit students from all religious denominations and they
follow a common CRE syllabus which is inter-denominational.
The churches have formed the Uganda joint Christian council which unites the Roman
Catholic Church, the Anglican Protestant church and the Orthodox Church under the UJCC
organization. These different churches are to make a woman stand on certain issues such as
Human Rights, politics. The UJCC has also helped in monitoring the smooth running of
elections for a better society.
There is now more flexibility whereby intermarriage are accepted between the members of
the different religious beliefs.
The churches have formed the joint medical council which comprises of the medical staff of
all Christian churches. These come together in partnership to treat patients as well as
supplying drugs to the relevant hospitals.
Churches have worked together to promote the bible society of Uganda e.g. they all equally
contribute to facilitate the work of translating the Bible into vurnacular as well as supplying
the Bible to various Christian communities.

Churches have worked together to promote Christian programmes such as “Focus on
Christian faith” on UBC television.
Church leaders of different churches have been able to recognize and respect each other e.g.
when the Pope visited Uganda he was welcomed by the whole Christian community. Also
during the Holy week festivals churches from different religious faiths come together to
commemorate Jesus’ Crucifixion by practicing the “Way of the Cross.”
How Christians can spread Good News today.
Christians can spread the gospel today through preaching. This can either be in church or any
other organized place of worshipping.
Christians can spread the gospel today through carrying out charitable work by extending
services to the needy. They can convey the message of love and care to the disadvantaged
Christians can spread the gospel today through living exemplary life. This becomes important
by influencing the lives of the non-believers.
Christians can spread the gospel today through giving personal testimonies which do
influence others by their faith being strengthened in the Lord.
Christians can spread the gospel today through using electronic media such as radios and
television programmes in such media are Christian in nature including the songs and
Christians can spread the gospel today through providing social services to the public. They
can use this opportunity to teach the beneficiaries of the schools and hospitals the gospel
Christians can spread the gospel today through organizing seminars and workshops with the
aim of enlightening the community about their faith and this keeps the Christians firm.
Christians can spread the gospel today through making pilgrimage in a by visiting Holy
Places such as Uganda Martyrs Shrine at Namugongo is used to remember historical events
and even encourage the living with faith to behave in the same way.
Christians can spread the gospel today through composing and singing songs. Some of these
songs contain biblical texts that are already summarized. They are also used in praise and
Christians can spread the gospel today through distributing bibles to people such that they can
have access to read and understand the word of God.
Christians can spread the gospel today through making missionary journeys in an effort to
make Christ Known.
Christians can spread the gospel today through translating the scriptures into various
languages and this helps the masses to read and understand the content of the gospel.

Problems faced by Christians in getting involved in the world.

Christians face a problem of false teaching and distorting the Christian faith.
Sometimes the society does not respect the values and virtues of the Christians.
Sometimes Christians face persecution for their faith.
The Christians interests sometimes conflict with the interest of the state or other people.
Sometimes face cases of limited resources such as finances to defend themselves and their
They sometimes deal with immoral people, corrupt etc. which affect their Christian faith.
They are at times discriminated against within the communities hence limiting their
involvement in the world.
There is always a conflict between Christian and cultural virtues that they may lead
Christians to practice syncretism.
They are sometimes wrongly accused esp. by people who don’t understand the Christian
Poverty which leads them to be tempted into immorality such as corruption.
Political insecurity in some parts of the country may limit Christian activities for example
during the Lord’s Resistance Army insurgence in Northern Uganda and the Allied
Democratic Force conflicts in Kasese, hence making preaching the gospel difficult.
Illiteracy as many Christians cannot read and write which hinders the spread of Christianity.
Such cannot read the bible, lack full knowledge of Christianity and therefore cannot preach
the gospel.
Language barrier as Christians fail to spread the gospel because of lack of a common
language to be used by the preachers of the gospel.
There is lack of transport to enable easy movement of Christians to other areas to spread the
gospel. Some wish to carry out missionary journeys but they are limited by this.


In African tradition man’s involvement in the world was see through the following;
There was always attempt of the elders to encourage forgiveness and reconciliation among
worrying parties thus creating harmony in society.
There was presentation of the church as one big family of members related to each other
through faith in Christ is a perfect representation of the extended family set up in African
heritage like the church, the extended family was meant to bind the members together.
Africans believed that God was a sole provider of everything and therefore they would adore
him and praise him all the time.
Living according to society norms and values was a way of expressing man’s involvement in
the world affair in African tradition.

In African tradition interdependence was treasured highly and therefore a saying “I am
because we are and since we are therefore I am”.
African sculptures, painting are used in many churches today esp. in the Roman Catholic
Church. These are used to beautify the church buildings.
African names are used to describe the nature of God e.g. Ruhanga, Imaana, meaning He is
the creator, Rwot, Lubanga.
In African tradition, all attempts were made to assist those in need esp. giving food comfort
those who had lost family members.
Cooperation/ communal living was integrated which promotes togetherness and
Individualism was highly discouraged to the extent of ex-communicating those practicing it
from the society.
Africans practiced offering of sacrifices to their God as a way of thanking him and aimed at
making one live a holy life which is seen integrated in Christian faith. Offerings such as food
stuffs are accepted in church today.
Naming using African names like of the Uganda martyrs are used at baptism for example
Christianity has integrated African Traditional languages in church sermons, bible studies,
translations of scripture e.g. Luganda bible, Luo bible, native language Christian songs and
The church has adopted the use of African herbs as medicine for example Brother Rev. Fr.
Anatooli Waswa of Banakalooli uses African herbs to treat sick people.
The church adopted African songs having religious meaning and western hymns and
Christian songs have been translated into African languages to ease praise and worship.
African dance and instruments like drums, flutes, rattles are incorporated into the church
today. This has improved on praise and worship.
Revision QN: Show how the African culture is integrated in Christian faith today.
In what ways has the church in Africa brought African culture into the Christian faith?


In the history of the church, Christian’s involvement in the world affairs has been reflected in
the following ways;
Early church
The early believers continued the expansion for the church through preaching against sin and
encouraging people to repent so as to live true Christian lives e.g. St Paul preached to
Corinthians and Galatians.

They participate by baptizing the newly converted people into God’s family e.g. St Peter
baptized 3000 people. St Paul baptized Stephanus and his family.
They also participated by solving conflicts which created peace and unity among people e.g.
St Paul settled conflicts among the Corinthians.
They involved themselves in reading scriptures and interpreting for the people in the
communities which were illiterate and this helped to strengthen their faith in Christianity.
They also carried out the Eucharist with other Christians in order to remember their savior
Jesus Christ.
They worshipped God whenever they meant. They did so for his greatness, his wisdom and
divine provision.
They involved themselves in carrying out catechism. This is a religious teaching on the
principle and ethnics concerning a given faith. These helped them to know that they should
do or conduct himself.

They got involved in meeting for prayers through prayers they made their requests made
known to God which also strengthened their faith.
They conducted fellowship where they shared which brought unity among believers.
They participated in performing miracles which improved on people’s health e.g. St Peter
healed the lame man who used to sit at the beautiful temple gate.
The apostles got involved in the work of writing spiritually encouraging letters to the young
churches through those epistles, they maintained their touch which the distant churches that
needed assistance.
They participated in the affairs of the church through doing charitable works to each other
such as providing for the needy, visiting the sick and encouraging them with the word of
They participated in the world affairs through carrying out Holy Communion which was
meant to keep their memory fresh about Jesus, crucified body and poured blood for the sake
of redeeming man.
They participated in the world affairs through laying hands on Christians so as to enable them
receive blessings from God and also receive the Holy Spirit.
They participated in the world affairs through training others to help in the preaching of the
gospel for example Paul trained Titus and Timothy.

Missionaries and the African church

Missionaries got involved in number of activities as seen below;

They built schools which provided formal education to Africans e.g. Mill Hill Fathers built
Namilyango collage in 1902, the White Fathers built St Mary’s College Kisubi (SMACK) in
They built hospitals which improved on people’s health e.g. Albert Cook built Mengo
They decampaigned slave trade and brought it to an end and gave people freedom e.g. Dr.
David Livingstone decampaigned slave trade in Africa.
They translated the bible into local languages which made people to understand the word of
God. E.g. Johan Rebman and Ludwig Kraft translated the Bible into Kiswahili language.
They preached the gospel to the people and converted them into Christianity e.g. Apollo
Kivebulaya preached the gospel to the people of Toro in western Uganda and Mboga Zaire.
They introduced new crops in Africa which had high yields and this helped them during
drought season and new agricultural methods like crop rotation, mixed farming among others.
They introduced legitimate trade which replaced slave trade.
They trained the Africans in different skills like carpentry e.g. Alexander Mackay trained the
youth with carpentry and building skills.
They introduced the printing press which was used to preach Christian literature and
educational materials e.g. Alexander Mackay brought printing press.
They trained African religious leaders including Adrian Atiman, Apollo Kivebulaya.
They established transport and communication network like roads and telecommunication
They carried out baptism for the New Converts.
They introduced foreign language which made communication easier like French, Germany,
and English.
They offered scholarship to some African students to study abroad in specific fields like
medicine, engineering etc.
They built churches including Namirembe and Rubaga Cathedrals which helped to centralize
They uplifted the status of African women by preaching equality between men and women
They established mission centres where a variety of services were provided for Africans
which included teaching, reading and writing, treating diseases etc.
They involved in the change of political and administration from monarchism to competitive
politics related to that of Europe.
They helped in reconciling conflicting tribes for example Buganda and Bunyoro.

The book of Genesis indicates clearly that man was placed in an incomplete world and
therefore procreation is the immediate indicator of his involvement in the world.
Abraham involved with God and God made him to be recognized as a grandfather of all
believers and a source of blessing Genesis 12:1ff.
God commanded Moses to intervene in the affairs of the Israelites who had suffered the evils
of slavery. Moses’ involvement left an impact of Israelites’ spiritual and social lives.
It is reflected through the Israelites’ participation in leisure activities as it was directed by
God (Exodus 23:10-22) so as to restore the lost energy as give man meaningful life.
It is reflected through the Israelites participating in worshipping idols (Exodus 32:1ff), (Isaiah
It is reflected through the Israelites battles with other nations such as the Amalekites,
Philistines and Ammonites.
The prophet were involved in world affairs by condemning and reminding the Israelites to
remain faithful to the covenant.
It is reflected through the kings of Israel who directly participated in leadership and settling
of disputes of their people e.g. King Solomon settled the cases of two women who were
claiming one baby (1 Kgs 3:16-28).
It is reflected through their participation in marriage institution much as intermarriages were
prohibited in Israel (Ruth 3 and 4).
It is reflected through the Israelites’ participation in payment of taxes and obeying state
authority (Ex 30:11-26).
It is reflected through the Israelites worshipping God for his saving act with gratitude and
adoration also as a way of expressing faith in Yahweh.
It is reflected through singing, offering sacrificing, and praying in honor of Yahweh by the
Israelites showed their commitment to God. Temple sacrifices and feast day celebrations
recalled the roles of Yahweh in the life of his people. However, the prophets rebuked those
who misused the virtues of authority (Hosea 6).
Abraham’s involvement.
Abraham demonstrated a high degree of obedience to God’s command whereby he was to
leave his former home of Haran to go and live in the new promised land of Canaan.
Abraham was to bear God’s identity which was representative of the identity of God’s family
e.g. he changed his name from Abram to Abraham due to God’s Orders.
When Abraham accepted to circumcise all the males in his family, this was a physical symbol
for his commitment to God that he would remain faithful to Him regardless of what

He showed involvement by living happily with his wife Sarah, even when she took long to
produce him a child.
In his involvement to serve God, Abraham ably established a personal relationship with his
God. Although God was His maker and father yet they related so closely.
Abraham showed his involvement by changing from the worship of many gods to the
worship of one true Almighty God.
He showed involvement by demonstrating rare faith e.g. his rich faith kept him at 90years
with a wife at 75years hoping to produce a child of her own i.e. Isaac.
Abraham showed involvement by honouring the covenant relationship he established with
God whereby God was to fulfill all the promises he made to him, as long as Abraham was to
abide by the covenant.
He showed his involvement by trusting in God for his providence e.g. he was more than
ready to sacrifice his only son Isaac to God for he knew that God was the Giver.
Through Abraham’s involvement with God, God’s Nation i.e. Israel was to be raised through
Abraham’s descendants.
Moses’ Involvement
Moses showed involvement by introducing God’s voice to the Israelites following his
interaction with God during the “burning bush” incident, whereby God spoke to His own
people through Moses.
Moses was involved in the liberation of the Israelites from the Egyptian slavery, under God’s
Moses was involved in the role of acting as a chief messenger of God e.g. he helped to draw
people closer to their God and to deliver God’s messages to them as well as presenting their
requests to God.
Moses played a great role as Israel’s prophet and he helped to maintain a high standard of
fear and respect for God’s righteous ways.
Moses showed involvement by being a religious leader who helped to guide and lead
Israelites in their prayers, worship and sacrifices offered to God e.g. as a priest he was able to
train his own sons to become God’s priests.
Moses was ever available to intercede and negotiate with God on behalf of the people, in case
of any trouble that was to befall them e.g. in Exodus 32:9, it was this intercession that saved
the Israelites from God’s anger to kill them for worshipping a golden calf.
Moses showed involvement by addressing people’s critical needs which caused him to be
looked at as a shepherd e.g. he was always available to provide answers to Israel’s troubles.
Moses was involved in introducing the Ten Commandments (Decalogue) to Israel which
revealed God’s will for Israel in her spiritual and social life.

Moses got involved by helping to introduce Israel to a divine covenant relationship with God.
This meant that being the people’s representative, Moses was to maintain a key involvement
in this relationship.

The prophets’ involvement

All the prophets were basically involved in mediating between God and his people, i.e. they
were God’s mouth-piece/vessels.
The prophets constantly reminded Israel of the covenant relationship that Israel had
established, God was to fulfill his promises for the Israelites if only they remained faithful to
the terms of the covenant.
The prophets always addressed the worship and loyalty to only one true God. Any attempt to
tolerate the worship of false gods was totally condemned as sin.
The prophets were often involved in reminding Israel of God’s Ten Commandments which
were intended to guide them on how to relate with their God and fellowmen.
They portrayed God’s Love for Israel for example Prophet Hosea dramatized God’s love for
Israel by marrying a prostitute named Gomer (Hosea1:1ff).
They were involved in performing signs and wonders that would prove to the people of
God’s prevailing supernatural powers. Through such works, people would have their faith
strengthened in the God of Israel. For example Elijah raised a widow’s son while he was in
the wilderness during the reign of King Ahab.

They were involved in the work of priesthood in Israel e.g. Prophet Samuel was very
instrumental in conducting mas worship and the offering of sacrifices.
Some prophets acted as advisors to the Kings of Israel for example Prophet Nathan advised
King David about his plan of Building a temple for God (1 Samuel 7:1ff)
The prophets always reminded people of God’s awaited judgment Day. This was intended to
keep the ready since God would reward the faithful and punish the unfaithful on that day e.g.
Prophet Amos reminded the Israelites of the coming judgment.
They called for repentance among the people of Israel for example, Prophet Elijah asked
King Ahab to repent and turn back God.
The prophets were given the responsibility of proclaiming the message for hope to God’s
people during times of despair. This hope was to be found in God’s promised salvation.
Some prophets like Moses etc. acted as judges in their effort to establish justice in Israel.
They were very instrumental in settling out disputes between rivaling individuals.
They called for fairness among the people of Israel by condemning social injustices like
corruption in the courts of law.

They appointed and anointed political and religious leaders in Israel for example Elijah
anointed Jehu as a King of Israel and Elisha to replace him as a prophet.
They were also influential in shaping the moral conduct of the Israelites towards Godliness.
This influence ranges from their religious as well as political life e.g. Prophet Nathan
disapproved of King David’s adultery and murder while prophet Amos condemned the
commercial evils involved in business then.

How Jesus got involved in the world?
The Jesus got Involved in World Affairs through being given the name “Emmanuel” by
Angel Gabriel which implies that through Jesus, God is with us and thus in the world.
Jesus got Involved in World Affairs through performing the miracles such as feeding 5000
men, healing the sick and raising the dead for example he raised Jairus’ daughter.
Jesus got Involved in World Affairs by his violent chasing away of people out of the temple
they had turned into a market (John 2:14-17).
Jesus got Involved in World Affairs through Jesus’ participation in feasts e.g. he attended a
wedding feast at Cana of Galilee (John 2), he also feasted with friends (Mark 2:15).
Jesus got Involved in World Affairs through accepting to die just like ordinary people in
order to save mankind from sin.
Jesus got Involved in World Affairs through fasting for forty days and nights which also
prepared Him for His ministry on earth.
Jesus got Involved in World Affairs through humbling himself to be baptized like the rest of
mankind thought he was sinless and God’s son.
Jesus got Involved in World Affairs through participating in cultural norms and values of the
Jews like any Jew, he was circumcised after a week and named Jesus.
Jesus got Involved in World Affairs through forgiving sins and encouraging justice.
Jesus got Involved in World Affairs through making friends than enemies. His mission had
therefore proved that Christianity was aimed at a setting man free from the bondage of hatred.
Jesus got Involved in World Affairs through paying taxes and encouraging his disciples to
pay (Mathew 17:20-27).
Jesus got Involved in World Affairs through reconciling man back to his God. That is why,
he encouraged his hearers to repent and turn back to God. He was involved in reconciling
people who had disputes.
Jesus got Involved in World Affairs through his team work with his disciples.
Jesus got Involved in World Affairs through his advocacy of respect for women rights both in
religious and secular affairs.

Jesus got Involved in World Affairs through identifying himself to the followers as being the
truth, way, and light that they were waiting for. Therefore, he expected everyone to respond
to him with faith.
Jesus got Involved in World Affairs through being a servant who had come to serve but not to
be servant. He went on and humbled himself to do the work done by slaves to amazement of
his disciples when he washed their feet (John 13:1ff).

How did Jesus’ followers get involved in the affairs of society after His Resurrection?

The followers of Jesus got involved in the affairs of the society after His resurrection through
preaching the gospel to non- believers and encouraging people to repent of their sins so as to
live true Christian lives e.g. St Paul preached to Corinthians and Galatians.

The followers of Jesus got involved in the affairs of the society after His resurrection by
baptizing the newly converted people into God’s family e.g. St Peter baptized 3000 people. St
Paul baptized Stephen and his family, Gaius and Crispus.
The followers of Jesus got involved in the affairs of the society after His resurrection through
giving testimonies of what the lord had done for them hence strengthening the faith of others.
The followers of Jesus got involved in the affairs of the society after His resurrection by
solving conflicts which created peace and unity among people e.g. St Paul settled conflicts
among the Corinthians.
The followers of Jesus got involved in the affairs of the society after His resurrection by
reading scriptures and interpreting for the people in the communities which were illiterate
and this helped to strengthen their faith in Christianity.
The followers of Jesus got involved in the affairs of the society after His resurrection by
carrying out the Eucharist with other Christians in order to remember their savior Jesus
The followers of Jesus got involved in the affairs of the society after His resurrection through
worshipping God whenever they meant. They did so for his greatness, his wisdom and divine
The followers of Jesus got involved in the affairs of the society after His resurrection through
carrying out catechism. This is a religious teaching on the principle and ethnics concerning a
given faith. These helped them to know that they should do or conduct himself.

The followers of Jesus got involved in the affairs of the society after His resurrection through
in meeting for prayers through prayers they made their requests made known to God which
also strengthened their faith.

The followers of Jesus got involved in the affairs of the society after His resurrection through
conducting fellowship where they shared which brought unity among believers for example
they used to fellowship from Mary’s house (the Mother of John Mark).
The followers of Jesus got involved in the affairs of the society after His resurrection through
performing miracles which improved on people’s health e.g. St Peter healed the lame man
who used to sit at the beautiful temple gate.
The followers of Jesus got involved in the affairs of the society after His resurrection by
writing spiritually encouraging letters to the young churches through those epistles, they
maintained their touch with the distant churches that needed assistance. For example St Paul
wrote letters to the Corinthians and Galatians.
The followers of Jesus got involved in the affairs of the society after His resurrection through
doing charitable works to each other such as providing for the needy, visiting the sick and
encouraging them with the word of Christ. For example Tabitha used make clothes and give
to the widows.
The followers of Jesus got involved in the affairs of the society after His resurrection through
carrying out Holy Communion which was meant to keep their memory fresh about Jesus,
crucified body and poured blood for the sake of redeeming man.
The followers of Jesus got involved in the affairs of the society after His resurrection laying
hands on Christians so as to enable them receive blessings from God and also receive the
Holy Spirit.
The followers of Jesus got involved in the affairs of the society after His resurrection through
training others to help in the preaching of the gospel for example Paul trained Titus and
The followers of Jesus got involved in the affairs of the society after His resurrection by
fasting as a way of coping the example of Jesus Christ. During such times, they dedicated
themselves to the service of Christ.




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