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GC University Faislabad.

pg. 1
Seperation of East Pakistan
The separation of East Pakistan was a great setback to Pakistan. By 1970, sentiments for national unity
had weakened in East Pakistan to the extent that constant conflict between the two Wings dramatically
erupted into mass civil disorder. This tragically resulted in the brutal and vigilant amputation of Pakistan's
Eastern Wing .The physical separation of a thousand miles between the two wings without a common
border, and being surrounded by Indian territory and influences, led to constant political, economic and
social conflicts between the two wings: embittering relations bringing the country on the verge of
collapse. Trouble started right at the inception of Pakistan in 1947. Almost immediately, East Pakistan
claimed that as their population (55 percent as compared to 45 percent in the West) was greater, they were
in a majority. Democratically, the Federal Capital, therefore, should have been in Dhaka and not in
Karachi. After the elections of 1970, a civil disobedience movement erupted across East Pakistan
demanding the convening of parliament. Mujeeb ur Rahman announced a struggle for independence from
Pakistan on 7 March1971 and called for a non-cooperation movement from the Bengali populace.
Between 7-26 March, East Pakistan was virtually under the popular control of the Awami League, On
Pakistan's Republic Day on23 March 1971, the first flag of Bangladesh was hoisted in many East
Pakistani households. Pakistan Army was ordered to immediately launch a crackdown on 26 March
whose purpose was to curb the resistance, some of these operations include Operation Searchlight and the
1971 Dhaka University massacre. This led to the Bangladeshi Declaration of Independence. As the
Bangladesh Liberation War and the 1971 Bangladesh genocide continued for nine months, East Pakistani
military units like the East Bengal Regiment and the East Pakistan Rifles defected to defect and form the
Bangladesh Forces. The Provisional Government of Bangladesh allied with neighboring the surrender of
Pakistan's eastern command. Causes of the separation of East Pakistan were as under

Geographical Separation:
Pakistan two wings were set apart by one thousand miles of enemy territory. Both air and maritime
contact could be blocked by India at any time. This unique geographical position could pose a grave
threat to the integrity of the country. Geographical separation was the base for together differences.

Language Issue:
There was a language difference between the both wings. As the people of East Pakistan wanted Bengali
to become the national language of Pakistan while West Pakistanis wanted Urdu to become the national
language as Muhammad Ali Jinnah had declared the Urdu language to be the only uniting force. Also,
there was a ban on the broadcasting of Bengali songs and poems on Dhaka Radio.

Economic Difference:
There was a difference in the economic condition of the people of both wings. The people of West
Pakistan were financially strong while the Bengalis were poor and weak. The huge population of Pakistan
was in the Eastern Wing of around 56 million which were poor and ill. There were only 200 doctors and
3000 beds in the hospitals of the whole of East Pakistan.
The West Pakistan elite favoured the policies of economic growth of the West Pakistan.
The policy of industrialization through the encouragement of private sector dates back to 1948·

pg. 2
Most of lucrative import licences were given to the West Pakistan·
Share of East Pakistan was about 26% of total investment (Public and Private) during the First Five ·
Years Plan (1955-1960).Total revenue expenditure in East Pakistan was 2.5 billion as compared to 8.9
.billion in West Pakistan
The wave of resentment against this disparity had been rising since 1954 elections. But nodrastic and ·
significant change was made in policies. This resulted into bitter-opposition and resentment towards the
central government.
The major factor responsible for slower growth of East Pakistan was agriculture·
Doctrine that economic inequalities were necessary for rapid economic growth of the country·
families controlled over the economy of the entire country 22·
Native industrial assets %66 ·
banking assets %80 -
Insurance assets %79·
Political system of Pakistan could not cope with the stresses and strains generated by native economic ·
policies and so eventually broke down.

Social Differences:
The people of West Pakistan were rulers, landlords, investors,22 families were running both wings which
were also from West Pakistan. the central government to be under West Pakistan while Zulfiqar Ali
Bhutto wanted the central government to be under control of west Pakistan. Since the capital was also
situated in Karachi and was one of the most developed cities.

Delay in Legal Framework:

There was a delay in the constitution making the legal framework was to be announced within 120 days.
General Yahya Khan was unable to unite leaders and was not willing to give whole powers to Shaikh

In 1970,when the National assembly elections were to be held then a dangerous cyclone hit East Pakistan.
The whole wing was full of floods and rainwater that caused the death of 500,000 lives. West Pakistan
was slow to react and send the aid to East Pakistan as there was a long-distance and chosen road to supply
aid. At that time, India had offered help to Pakistan in this regard, but Pakistan rejected the offer. And
then the situation even worsened.

pg. 3
Results of National Assembly Elections:
Shaikh Mujeeb of Awami League had won the majority of seats in the national assembly and Zulfiqar Ali
Bhutto had won a majority in West Pakistan. But Yahya and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto were unwilling to share
the power and wanted a deal and compromise. The worst sufferings of Bengalis had pushed Mujeeb to
.have his own government

Operation Searchlight:
Mujeeb was indulged in anti-government activities, and he was found to be holding several secret
meeting with the Hindus and Indians. The Bengali nationalist movements were on rise and were creating
violence. Hence, the Pakistan army launched its operation to crush the ethnic movement.

Mukti Bahini:
The arrest of the Shaikh Mujeeb ur Rehman had created the situation even worst. The Bengali rebel had
started to damage public property and cause violence in the towns of Bengal leading to a civil war. The
rebels were all funded by the Indian government, and they were ordered to gather at the Indian border for
the supply of arms and weapons. Indian army had trained the Mukti Bahini rebels and Mukhti Bahini
became a terrorist force that caused the loss of lives of people in East Pakistan. Every person who was
supporting the Pakistan government was killed.

Hijacking of Indian Plan to Lahore on Jan 30, 1971 :

Hijacking if the aircraft Ganga was arranged by the Indian Intelligence Agencies as the culmination of a ·
series of actions taken by the Indian Government.
Incident occurred at a time when talks were in progress between the leaders of Awami League and PPP ·
for the resolution of differences. India banned Pakistani flights over its territory to disrupt
communications between two halves and strengthened the separatist tendencies.

The Intrigues of the Super-Powers:

Pakistan was an intimate friend of China but the super powers like America and Russia wanted to
terrorize China by surrounding it on all sides. This was not possible in case of united Pakistan. The USA
not only encouraged Israel, provided arms to India but also forbade Saudi Arabia and Jordan to supply
arms to Pakistan. The USA did not care for the defence treaty of1959 (SENTO), by which America was
bound to help Pakistan in case of foreign aggression.

Indra Gandhi's Successful Tour of Europe and USA:

Before military invasion, Mrs. Indra Gandhi, the then Prime Minister if India, toured Europe and
America, got aid for the rehabilitation of refugees from East Pakistan and surety from US not to aid
Pakistan in case of Indian invasion. She further tarnished the image of military dictatorship of Pakistan by
doing propaganda against it.

pg. 4
Immediate attack of the Indian Army:
India army attacked the border of East Pakistan and provided weapons by air to the Mukti Bahini.
Pakistan army tried to attack the Indian parts of Punjab and Kashmir to withdraw attention but failed to
counter the attack. It was impossible to send troops to East Pakistan in a short time period to resist the
attack. Bat India forcefully occupied East Pakistan. Hence, 90,000 Pakistani soldiers surrendered at the
hands of Bengalis.

Misbehavior of Pakistani Delegation at UN:

Poland presented a resolution in UN for the cease-fire but it was torn into pieces by Mr. Zulifqar Ali
Bhutto, and he refused to accept cease-fire proposal. This paved the way for the separation of East

pg. 5

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