Practice Test 2

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. fashion B. device C. urban D. parcel
Question 2: A. vaccinate B. delicate C. consciousness D. obedient
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 3: A. thunder B. erupt C. handful D. function
Question 4: A. expensive B. ecosystem C. surgery D. insure
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 5: While Duong was reading, his sister ……………the piano.
A. played B. is playing C. was playing D. had played
Question 6: I suggested……………a suit and tie when he went for the interview.
A. him to wear B. he must wear
C. him wearing D. that he wear
Question 7: ……………the gold medal he’ll have to do better than that.
A. Winning B. In order win C. To win D. So that he wins
Question 8: He didn’t want to risk……………late for the important meeting.
A. arrive B. arriving C. to arrive D. having arrived
Questions I wish I……………my letter of application earlier.
A. would write B. had written C. have written D. wrote
Question 10: Most people can……………clearly between a real and a simulated smile.
A. differ B. different C. difference D. differentiate
Question 11: ……………many times I tell him, he always forgets to pass on phone messages.
A. Wherever B. Whatever C. However D. Whenever
Question 12: The Austrian monk, Gregori Mendel, developed the fundamental principles
that……………the modern science of genetics.
A. would become B. will become C. had become D. was becoming
Question 13: It is better to try to work……………rather than against nature.
A. with B. for C. by D. along
Question 14: They’ll never……………to get here by eight; the roads are quite busy today.
A. manage B. arrive C. succeed D. handle
Question 15: If teachers have low……………of students, it may lead to low achievement.
A. dreams B. anticipations C. hopes D. expectations
Question 16: It’s……………beautiful day. Let’s sit in……………garden.
A. a-a B. a-the C. the-a D. the-the

Question 17: When my father feels sleepy, he drinks a cup of……………. The caffeine helps to
keep him awake.
A. wine B. coffee C. Water D. apple juice
Question 18: He felt……………as he was meeting his mother’s friends for the first time.
A. irritated B. angry C. sad D. shy
Question 19: In soccer, only the goalkeeper……………with his hands.
A. lets to touch the ball B. is let touch the ball
C. is allowed to touch the ball D. is allowed touching the ball
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 20: Before making a decision on the project, the board of directors decided to discuss the
matter thoroughly.
A. talk over B. look for C. see off D. go on
Question 21: The meals that my dad cooks are always nourishing but they never seem particularly
A. nutritious B. delicious C. reasonable D. complete
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22: Your grandfather is rather tired so do not prolong your visit.
A. prepare B. lengthen C. delay D. shorten
Question23: He always appears to be a perfect man but in fact, he is very discourteous, even to his
A. intelligent B. courageous C. polite D. practical
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the option that best completes each the following
Question 24: - “Can I have your order, please?”
-“ ……………………………….”

A. Two chickens, please B. I’ll do it right away

C. Yes, you can D. Just do whatever you want to
Question 25: - “Excuse me, sir. I’m writing a report on western culture. Do you mind answering a
few questions?”
-“ ……………………………….”
A. By no means B. Certainly C. Yes, please D. No, of course not
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.
Mass media is a phrase often used to describe ways of giving information and entertainment
to very large numbers of people. It includes newspapers, advertising and radio and, of course,
television. In most countries people can (26) ……………to any of tens of different channels. Do
television programmes influence our minds? Do they (27) ……………us? Is the news completely
objective (neutral) or is it subjective (considered from one particular point of view)? Don’t the
(28) ……………for alcohol, food and other goods condition our minds? Even the soap operas
going on week after week telling the story of one family or group of people sometimes
(29) ……………us want to copy the life-style we see on the screen. Also (30) ……………which
give people big prizes for answering simple questions can make us greedy. Some programmes
are watched by tens of millions of viewers.
Question 26 : A. button B. switch C. control D. change
Question 27 : A. indoctrinate B. switch C. treat D. motivate
Question 28 : A. products B. publications C. commercials D. comments
Question 29 : A. observe B. influence C. get D. make
Question 30: A. documentaries B. soap operas C. commercials D. quiz shows
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 31 to 35.
Firefighters are often asked to speak to school and community groups about the importance
of fire safety, particularly fire prevention and detection. Because smoke detectors reduce the risk
of dying in a fire by half, firefighters often provide audiences with information on how to install
these protective devices in their homes.
Specifically, they tell them these things: A smoke detector should be placed on each floor of a
home. While sleeping, people are in particular danger of an emergent fire, and there must be a
detector outside each sleeping area. A good site for a detector would be a hallway that runs
between living spaces and bedrooms. Because of the dead-air space that might be missed by
turbulent hot air bouncing around above a fire, smoke detectors should be installed either on the
ceiling at least four inches from the nearest wall, or high on a wall at least four, but no further
than twelve, inches from the ceiling. Detectors should not be mounted near windows, exterior
doors, or other places where drafts might direct the smoke away from the unit. Nor should they
be placed in kitchens and garages, where cooking and gas fumes are likely to cause false alarms.
Question 31: Compared with people who do not have smoke detectors, persons who live in
homes with smoke detectors have a…………….
A. 50% better chance of surviving a fire i

B. 50% better chance of preventing a fire

C. 75% better chance of detecting a hidden fire
D. 100% better chance of not being injured in a fire
Question 32: The passage implies that dead-air space is most likely to be found…………….
A. between living spaces and bedrooms
B. close to where a wall meets a ceiling
C. near an open window
D. in kitchens and garages
Question 33: The underlined word mounted in the passage is closest in meaning to…………….
A. accounted B. detected C. fixed D. painted
Question 34: Which organizational scheme does this list of instructions follow?
A. Hierarchical order B. Comparison-contrast
C. Cause-and-effect D. Chronological order by topic
Question 35: What is the main focus of this passage?
A. How firefighters carry out their responsibilities
B. The proper installation of home smoke detectors
C. The detection of dead-air space on walls and ceilings
D. How smoke detectors prevent fires in homes
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions from 36 to 42.
A modern method of providing food for human consumption is the factory farm. Factory
farms provide quality, cheaper meat but doubts have been raised about their operations and
ethics. Factory farms - also known as feedlots which house thousands of cows, chickens or pigs -
produce surprising amounts of animal wastes. The way these wastes are stored and used has
significant effects on human health and the environment. Housing animals on factory farms is not
like the northern European practice of housing stock undercover for a cold winter.
On factory farms, animals are crowded cruelly into rows of small pens. Manure and urine are
flushed into huge waste lagoons. On factory farms, ‘lagoon’ means an open air pit filled with
animal wastes. These often break, leak or overflow, sending harmful microbes, nitrate pollution
and drug-resistant bacteria into natural watercourses. Factory-farm lagoons also emit toxic gases.
Farms often spray the manure onto land as fertilizer - these ‘sprayfields’ bring still more of
these harmful substances into our air and water.
People who live near or work on factory farms breathe in hundreds of gases, which are
formed as manure decomposes. The stench can be unbearable but, worse still, the gases contain
many harmful chemicals. Health problems associated with the gases from factory farms include
gasping for breath, headaches, wheezing and excessive coughing.
Drinking water supplies can be contaminated by animal waste. Pollutants often seep from
lagoons and sprayfields into groundwater. Contaminated drinking water has been linked to
disease outbreaks traced to bacteria and viruses from waste.
The widespread use of antibiotics also poses long-term dangers. Factory farms often give
animals antibiotics to promote growth, or to compensate for illness resulting from crowded
conditions. These antibiotics then enter the environment and the food chain, contributing to the
rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and making it harder to treat human diseases.
(http://www. nrdc. org/water/pollution/nspills. asp)

Question 36: What is one benefit the writer ascribes to factory farms ?

A. space saving B. enriched farm soils

C.natural waste disposal D. cheaper meat
Question 37: The word significant in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to__……………
A. gradual B. enormous C. temporary D. restricted
Question 38: In paragraph 2, pens are used for ……………
A.keeping animals
B. writing with ink
C. making notes
D. growing tree
Question 39: The writer claims a big problem caused by factory farms for all people is
A. drug-resistant bacteria B. high levels of animal waste
C. widespread use of antibiotics D. smell and poisonous food
Question 40: The writer is deeply concerned about the…………...
A. size of the sheds that house the animals
B. location of factory farms near waterways
C. use of antibiotics on factory farm animals
D. overcrowding of many animals in confined spaces
Question 41: What words best describe the writer’s reaction to factory farms?
A. supportive but with reservations
B. critical but optimistic
C. judgemental and one-sided
D. enlightening and practical
Question 42: The writer claims that there are doubts about factory farm ethics. By this, the writer
implies that factory farm operations are…………….
A. officially considered wrong
B. legal but do not have popular public support
C. not conducted with appropriate regard for the animals’ wellbeing

D. regarded as necessary but not the best solution for providing food
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
Question 43: In spite(a) I was feeling(b) hungry, I made up(c) my mind not to stop and
went on(d) studying.
Question 44: A gas(a) like propane will combination(b) with water molecules in(c) a saline
solution to form a solid called(d) a hydrate.
Question 45: Whenever we hear of(a) a natural disaster, even in a distant part(b) of the world, we
feel sympathy for(c) the people to have affected(d).
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 46: The Covid-19 pandemic made it impossible for us to go to school again.
A. In spite of the Covid-19 pandemic, we were able to go to school again.
B. We couldn’t go to school again because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
C. We could go to school again because the Covid-19 pandemic happened.
D. The Covid-19 pandemic didn't prevent us from going to school again.
Question 47: “Why don’t you get your hair cut, Minh?” said An.
A. An advised Minh to cut his hair.
B. Minh was suggested to have a haircut.
C. It was suggestible that An get Minh’s haircut.
D. An suggested that Minh should have his hair cut.
Question 48: I stayed up to finish the book in one go because it was so interesting.
A. I stayed up to finish the book in one go, therefore, it was interesting.
B. Unless it were an interesting book, I would stay up to finish it in one go.
C. So interesting was the book that I stayed up to finish it in one go.
D. Though it was an interesting book, I stayed up to finish it in one go.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in
the following questions.
Question 49: They got lost in the desert. They didn’t have a map.
A. Having got lost in the desert they didn’t have a map.
B. Getting lost in the desert, they failed to buy a map.
C. They got lost in the desert because they didn't have a map.
D. They got lost in the desert; moreover, they didn’t have a map.
Question 50: The house was situated in a very nice area of the city. It needed a lot of work to be
done on it. i

A. The house was in a very good part of the city, and so it needed a lot of work to be done on
B. The house looked very bad even though it was located in the best part of our city.
C. Although the house was situated in a very nice area of the city, it needed a lot of work to
be done on it.
D. We needed to do a great deal of work on the house we had bought in a very beautiful part
of the city.

144. There’s no need to……….. your voice - I can hear you perfectly clearly.
A. increase B. lift C. shout D. raise
145. When he was presented with a prize for his latest book, he was lost for………..
A. thoughts B. words C. speech D. talk
144. Don’t try to bite off more than you can……………...I am afraid you are not so talented.
A. take B. swallow C. hold D. chew
145. Sorry, I can’t talk now. I am ……………....
A. in the nick of time B. on approval C. out of reach D. in a hurry
145. Though there was a huge amount of turbulence during the flight, the pilot managed to……….. the
plane…………without crashing it.
A. take/off B. set/out C. run/over D. touch/down
146. We intend to…………... with the old system as soon as we have developed a better one.
A. do up B. do in C. do away D. do down
144. She brought three children up......................
A. single-minded B. single-handedly C. single-mindedly D. single-handed
145. Joe, remember that I’ to see that there’s no trouble at the party on Sunday.
A. relying on B. waiting for C. believing in D. depending on
144. Keep my………….....jewels in the bank.
A. treasured B. treasure C. treasuring D. treasures
145. Our goal was scored in the………….....minute of the game.
A. died B. dying C. death D. dead
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 152: The most striking technological success in the twentieth century is probably the computer
A. productive B. dangerous C. prominent D. recent
Question 153: Traffic began to flow normally again after the accident.
A. strangely and irregularly B. repeatedly in different modes
C. in the usual or ordinary way D. with the same speed
Question 154: Don’t be concerned about your mother’s illness; she’ll recover soon.

A. surprised at B. worried about C. embarrassed at D. angry with

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE
in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 254: There is a very large statue in the center of the square.
A. immense B. tiny C. huge D. high
Question 255: When he was hospitalized last month the doctor advised him to give up smoking.
A. keep on B. let down C. give away D. make out
Question 256: When she lost her gold ring in her room, she was dubious about her roommates
A. certain B. sympathetic C. intrepid D. doubtful
Question 257: It is easier to talk about social change than it is so make it happen.
A. prevent it B. predict C. bring it about D. put up with it

Choose the best answer:

476. They should have finished the bridge last month but they are still building it.
A. The bridge was due to be finished last month but it is still being built.
B. The bridge must be finished last month but they didn’t
C. It is the builders’ fault not to finish the bridge last month.
D. The bridge is still being built although it was necessary for it to finish last month.
477. In court, the lawyer said I was a thief.
A. In court, the lawyer accused me of being a thief.
B. In court, the lawyer was accused of being a thief.
C. c. In court, both the lawyer and I were accused of being thieves.
D. In court, I was said to have been a thief by the lawyer.
478. Make good use of your time. You won’tt get such an opportunity again.
A. He offered me such an opportunity so that I could make good use of my time.
B. He ordered me to make use of my time saying that I wouldn’t get an opportunity again.
C. He advised me to make good use of my time as I wouldn’t get an opportunity again.
D. He lets me make use of my time, knowing that I wouldn’t get an opportunity again.
479. I haven’t watched TV for ages, so I’m not sure what’s happened| in the story.
A. I don’t know about happenings in the story because I don’t watch TV for a long time.
B. I haven’t watched TV for a long time, therefore, I’m not sure what happened in the story ages ago.
C. The last time I watched TV was ages ago, so I’m not sure what’s happened in the story.
D. Though I haven’t watched TV for a long time, I’m quite sure what happened and didn’t happen
in the story.
480. It’s really important you don’t arrive late.
A. No lately arrival is really important for you.
B. No arriving late is really important for you.
C. You had better not be late.
D. It’s really important for you not arrive late.
481. She took a month to recognize the office.
A. It took her a month to recognize the office.
B. The office took a month to recognize
C. It took the office a month to recognize.
D. The office spent a month on recognizing.
482. She turned the radio on at 7.30. She was still listening to it when her mother came home at 9.00.
A. She has been listening to the radio at 7.30.
B. She had been listening to the radio since 7.30.
C. She has been listening to the radio after 7.30.
D. She had been listening to the radio by 7.30.
483. The blouse is little too loose. You’d better ask your tailor to take it in.
A. Your tailor is asked to take your blouse in a little.
B. You’d better have the blouse taken in as it is too loose.
C. The blouse is lost as you didn’t ask your tailor to take It in.
D. The blouse is little as you asked your tailor to take it in.
484. It was difficult for him to understand the instructions.
A. To understand his instructions was difficult.
B. He was difficult to understand the instructions
C. It was difficult to understand his instructions.
D. He could hardly understand the instructions.
485. It’s a two-hour drive to the seaside.
A. It’s not a two-hour ride by car to the seaside.
B. It lasts two hours to drive to the seaside.
C. It takes two hours to drive to the seaside.
D. The car drives to the seaside for two hours.

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