Practice Test 23

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Time allotted: 60 min.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1:
A. plane B. ride C. end D. tube
Question 2:
A. key B. knee C. knife D. knock
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3:
A. quiet B. basic C. better D. relaxed
Question 4:
A. family B. conference C. banana D. volunteer
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 5: When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so
regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the …………….which open for us.
A. ones B. those C. things D. objects
Question 6: My main purpose in life is to make……………. to create ever more inventions.
A. money enough B. money too
C. enough money D. so much
Question 7: He…………….opens a school door closes a prison.
A. that B. which C. who D. whom
Question 8: At Gardens by the Bay, I felt the future - and it’s more beautiful than what I…………
A. ever expect B. ever expected
C. have ever expected D. had ever expected
Question 9: You are never too old to…………….another goal, or to dream a new dream.
A. set B. put C. take D. work
Question 10: You know the traffic is really bad today. That…………….be the reason why Anna is so
A. will B. must C. would D. shall
Question 11: Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers
to…………….the light.
A. set up B. go out C. pay back D. turn on
Question 12: Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again this time more……………..
A. intelligence B. intellect
C. intelligent D. intelligently
Question 13: Don’t write on the wall, …………….you?
A. do B. haven’t C. shall D. should
Question 14: Education is a…………….safeguard of liberty than a standing army.
A. good B. better C. best D. well
Question 15: At first, they’ll ask you why you…………….it. Later, they’ll ask you how you
……………. it.
A. will do, will do B. do, are doing
C. are doing, did D. did, have done
Question 16: Education aims to give you a……………. on the ladder of knowledge.
A. grow up B. boost up C. start of D. set off
Question 17. She ……………. an overwhelming desire to tell someone what had
A. was feeling B. feels C. has felt D. felt
Question 18: In the United States, there has risen a demand that guns…………….from the public.
A. are banned B. ban C. be banned D. banned
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 19; You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes or for their fancy car, but
because they sing a song only you can hear.
A. expensive B. funny C. new D. private
Question 20: Peasant people don’t have a chance to share in the riches that the planet can offer
because some people are taking off so much of the pleasures of this world.
A. farming B. labouring C. normal D. silly
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 21: We need to build up people’s awareness about the environment.
A. decrease B. raise C. stabilize D. fluctuate
Question 22: Travel makes one modest, you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.
A. lonely B. self-confident C. shy D. strong
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the option that best completes each of the following
Question 23: It’s late in the evening and two sisters have just come home.
- Jenny: “I’m starving, and there’s nothing in the kitchen.”
- Jane: “…………….”
A. So am I. I’m so thirsty for a glass of cold water.
B. Have you finished the housework before going out?
C. Don’t you think we should start cleaning the cupboard?
D. Why don’t we try that new restaurant on the comer?
Question 24: Tommy is seeing the doctor.
- Doctor: “…………….”
- Tommy: “I hurt it yesterday. It’s swollen, and it hurts to move my fingers.”
A. What’s wrong with your hand? B. Do you have a temperature?
C. How do you correct your errors? D. Have you brushed your teeth?
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 25 to 29.
Generation gaps form when two age groups begin to see the world from significantly different
perspectives. Generation gaps existed long before the 1960s - in the early 19th century; political
scientist Alexis de Tocqueville commented, "Among democratic nations, (25) …………… generation
is a new people." But they tend to emerge with greater frequency as the (26) …………… of societal
change increases. For example, in the 1800s, chances were that your father's world looked a lot (27)
……………your own. In the 21st century, even a short span of 20 years can bring radical changes in
technology (and the way we use it), moral and religious beliefs, and attitudes about education, work,
friends and family life.
Longer life spans also increase the prevalence of generation gaps. For babies bom in 1920, life (28)
……………in the United States was 56.4 years. For babies born in 2009, it's 78.7 years. Longer life
spans mean that more generations are living and working simultaneously. That means (29)
…………… for the first time in history, there are four distinct generations (and four generation gaps)
in the workplace.
Question 25: A. some B. few C. each D. variety
Question 26: A. part B. portion C. ratio D. rate
Question 27: A. as B. like C. similar D. same
Question 28: A. expectancy B. time C. length D. span
Question 29: A. that B. this C. it D. what
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each
of the questions from 30 to 34.
In today’s fast-paced industry, learning will most likely involve seeking new skills in ways that
challenge the norm. But thankfully, there is promise for such lifelong learning online - a promise that
will save you time and money while helping you earn more of both.
Provided you have access to a decent computer and the Internet, the barrier to getting started is
probably lower than k ever has been. And with those things in place, it is a matter of finding the
content you wish to learn. So, to help others who may be looking to maximize their own learning
efforts, I have listed some quick tips below.
First, set achievable goals. When you start learning, it is a good idea to set goals about what you
want to learn or what you might do with your newly acquired knowledge. It might be landing that
new job, building a tangible product, or impressing your current management. The goals may vary in
size and complexity, but do revisit these goals throughout your learning process. Within a couple
weeks ask yourself, “Am I getting closer to my goal?” or “Am I learning the skills necessary to reach
my goals?” If you are not, then you may need to look elsewhere.
Second, learn with others. By yourself, learning anything has a high propensity to become
frustrating. Try teaming up with friends or colleagues. They can often be your best resource for
maintaining motivation while you learn.
Third, make it a habit. Online habits often include scrolling through social media or watching
videos on YouTube. If you have the downtime for such activities, then you could spend that
downtime learning something. And why not learn something? If you do, then you will have plenty
more to talk about on social media anyways. So, make learning your new online habit by making a
commitment to learn something new each day.
Question 30: What does the word “both” in Paragraph 1 refer to?
A. Time and money B. Lifelong and online learning
C. New skills and ways D. Industry and technology
Question 31: According to the passage, what are the basic condition for learning online?
A. A smart phone and a 4-G sim card B. A computer and the Internet
C. A goal and learning efforts D. A content and the wish to leam
Question 32: According to the passage, what is the first step of learning online?
A. Buying a computer and having it checked every two weeks.
B. Landing a new job and building a tangible product.
C. Setting practical goals and checking them regularly.
D. Varying your goals in size as well as complexity.
Question 33: What is the word “commitment” in the last paragraph closest in meaning to?
A. a rule B. a chance C. a need D. a situation
Question 34: What is the passage mainly about?
A. Tips for lifelong learning B. Advantages of the Internet
C. Changes of technology D. Effects of social media
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each
of the questions from 35 to 42.
With 13,000 floral species and over 15,000 faunal species, three newly discovered big animal
species, and a ratio of country/world species of 6.3%, Vietnam has enormous tourism-particularly
ecotourism-potential. In fact, since 1986, when Renovation Reforms began the shift from a centrally
planned to a socialist-oriented market, or multi-sectoral, economy, tourism has been an sector of
primary concern to the government. In May 1995, the prime minister of Vietnam approved a master
plan of tourism development for the period 1995- 2010. In February 1999, the state decree on tourism
was part of the socioeconomic development strategy for the period 2001-2010 approved at the IX
National Congress of the Party: “Tourism development has become a spearhead economic industry
indeed. It is necessary to improve the quality and effectiveness of tourism activities, bringing into full
play the natural conditions, and cultural and historical tradition to meet the domestic and
international demand for tourism and to catch up with tourism development in the region”
(Document of the IX National Congress 2001).
Tourism has so far brought great benefits to the economy, but it has also contributed to
environmental degradation, especially biodiversity deterioration. Thus, the concept of “sustainable
development -development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their own needs - must be factored into tourism development. This
consideration is reflected in the term “ecotourism,” which is referred to variously as ecological or
environmental tourism, nature or green tourism, sustainable or responsible tourism.
Ecotourism involves travel to relatively undisturbed natural areas with the specific object of
studying, admiring, and enjoying scenery, plants, and animals, as well as any cultural features found
in these areas. It is distinguished from mass or resort tourism by its lower impact on the
environment, lower infrastructure requirements, and its role in educating tourists about natural
environments and cultural values.
Fully aware of its significance, the government of Vietnam has prioritized ecotourism in its
strategy for tourism development to ensure both sustainability and economic benefits. Though
ecotourism in Vietnam is at a beginning stage of development,, it is expected to grow strongly
through support from government and international organizations.
Question 35: How many types of plants does Vietnam have?
A. Thirteen thousand B. Fifteen thousand
C. Sixty three D. Three
Question 36: When has tourism officially contributed to socio-economic development?
A. Since 2010 B. Since 1995
C. Since 1999 D. Since 2001
Question 37: It can be inferred that in the late 20th century Vietnam’s tourism
A. has never been a spearhead economic industry
B. was not as developed as that in other Asian countries
C. has always been effective and necessary for economy
D. did not need natural conditions or cultural traditions
Question 38: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as “ecotourism”?
A. Environmental tourism B. Green tourism C. Responsible tourism D. Resort tourism
Question 39: Ecotourism is mainly for……………purposes.
A. entertaining B. educational
C. relaxing D. advertising
Question 40: What is the word “degradation” closest in meaning to?
A. Creation B. Pollution
C. Protection D. Decline
Question 41: What does the word “It” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A. Tourism B. Ecotourism
C. Environment D. Requirement
Question 42: According to the passage, who help ecotourism to develop in Vietnam?
A. Vietnam’s government and international organisations
B. Business people and environmental conservationists
C. Foreign tourists and local Vietnamese people
D. Business corporations and non-government organisations
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
Question 43: Wise man(a) speak because they have(b)something to say(c); fools speak because
they(d) have to say something.
Question 44: Life is what(a) happens when(b) you are busy making(c) other plan(d).
Question 45: They(a) who dare to fail(b) miserably can(c) achieve greatly(d).
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 46: No one knows the identity of the woman in the picture.
A. No one knows who the woman in the picture is.
B. No one knows how to identify the woman in the picture.
C. The woman is well-known by everybody for her picture.
D. It’s unknown who drew that picture of a woman.
Question 47: Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.
A. If I were you, I would be on the track.
B. Don’t get on the wrong track, or you’ll be run over.
C. Unless you move, you’ll be run over.
D. Opportunities may not find lazy people.
Question 48: What is the salary?
A. How would you like your salary be paid?
B. Could you let me know what the salary is?
C. Do you know how much I can pay you?
D. Have you received the salary this month?
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in
the following questions.
Question 49: I was thinking to myself. Would Laura be coming to the party tomorrow night?
A. Will you and Laura will be coming to the party tonight?
B. Do you know when will Laura be coming to my party?
C. Why won’t Laura come to the party tomorrow night?
D. I was wondering if Laura would be coming to the party the following night.
Question 50: I felt quite sorry for Tim. I saw him cry at the time.
A. Have you ever felt sorry, seeing Tim cry?
B. Seeing Tim cry, I felt quite sorry for him.
C. I’m sorry to tell you Tim was crying.
D. I regret for having seen Tim cry that night.
136. The camera……… on the actor’s face.
A. went B. moved C. turned D. zoomed
137. I badly……….. my ankle when I fell to the ground last night.
A. sprained B. stretched C. strained D. pulled
136. I’m sorry! I didn’t break that vase on……………... ,
A. time B. purpose C. intention D. my mind
137. I’ve never really enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; they’re not really my………...
A. piece of cake B. sweets and candy C. biscuit D. cup of tea


136. I am not sure how old he is but he must be…………...for 70.
A. going by B. getting up C. getting on D. going off
137. The smell was so bad that it completely …………... us off our food
A. set B. took C. got D. put
136. The…………... between the rich and the poor countries of the world is increasing daily.
A. space B. distance C. gap D. interval
137. As the little boy cried, large…………...rolled down his cheeks.
A. grips B. puddles C. tears D. streams
136. The accident made me much more ………….... to the needs of the disabled
A. sensible B. sensational C. sensitized D. sensitive
137. A series of articles have been published on different local………….... stories
A. success B. successful C. succeeding D. successes


Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 240: The republic of South Africa occupies the southern tip of the continent.
A. takes up B. takes in C. takes over D. takes on
Question 241: For centuries, people made up stories about dragons.
A. constructed B. created C. beautified D. prepared
Question 242: Humans depend on species diversity to provide food, clean air and water, and fertile soil for
A. destruction B. contamination C. fertilizer D. variety

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 240: The cake was heavenly so I asked for more
A. disgusting B. edible C. in the sky D. cheap
Question 241: You cannot receive housing benefit when you are employed
A. out of work B. out of fashion C. out of order D. Do out of practice
Question 242: The weather is horrible at the moment, isn’t it? I hope it clears up later.
A. becomes worse B. shines C. is not cloudy D. clean

Choose the best answer:

436. She is likely to fail her exams.
A. Her failure in her exams won’t happen.
B. It is highly likely that she can’t help failing her exams.
C. It is likely that she will fail her exams.
D. She can’t be a failure after her exams.
437. Sam emphasized the importance of being thoughtful toward one another.
A. Sam said that people should not talk too much.
B. Sam said that people should not be too serious.
C. Sam said that people should consider the feelings of others.
D. Sam said that people should discuss intellectually.
438. He likes jazz music and she is also interested in jazz music.
A. He likes jazz music and she is too.
B. He likes jazz music and so is she.
C. He likes jazz music and so she does.
D. He likes jazz music and she does too
439. This hotel is inaccessible in winter.
A. It is impossible to reach this hotel in winter.
B. It is possible to reach this hotel in summer.
C. This hotel is impossible in winter.
D. In winter, it is accessible to reach other hotels.
440. We’d better leave; it’s getting dark.
A. It’s getting dark. It’s time to leave you.
B. It’s getting dark. It’s time for us leaving now.
C. It’s time we left, it’s getting dark.
D. The time has come to us to leave.
441. Jane finds it difficult to drive on the left.
A. Jane is used to drive on the left.
B. Jane is not used to drive on theleft.
C. Jane is not used to driving on the left.
D. It’s difficult for Jane to driving on the left.
442. Tom acts as if he knew everything.
A. Tom knows everything so he acts that way.
B. The way he acts shows that Tom knows everything
C. Tom acts likes that if he knew everything.
D. Tom doesn’t know everything but he wants to appear he does.
443. They believe a single gunman carried out the attack.
A. The attack is believed to have carried out a single gunman.
B. A single gunman is believed to have carried out the attack.
C. It is believed to be carried out the attack by a single gunman.
D. It is believed that the attack has been carried out by a single gunman.
444. I remember telling you about the due day of the exam paper.
A. I remember to tell you when the exam paper was due.
B. I remember I have told you when the exam paper’s due.
C. I think I have tell you about the exam paper’s due.
D. I think I have told you when you sit for the exam.
445. If it hadn’t been for his carelessness, we would have finished the work.
A. He was careless because we hadn’t finished the work.
B. If he were careful, we would finish the work.
C. If he had been more careful, we would have completed the work.
D. Because he wasn’t careless, we didn’t finish the work.
446. I am hungry enough to eat two lunches.
A. I am too hungry to eat two lunches.
B. It is impossible for me to eat two lunches because I am hungry
C. Eating two lunches makes me very hungry.
D. I am so hungry that I could not eat two lunches.

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