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Student’s name:_________________________ Group:_______ Date:______


I. Write the questions in the conversation.

A: Can I help you?
B: Yes, I want to join the computer club, please.
A: 1)___________________________________
B: Vaughan.
A: 2)__________________________________
B: V-A-U-G-H-A-N.
A: 3)__________________________________
B: David
A: 4)__________________________________
B: 33 Talbot Road, Cambridge, CB4 2AP.
A: 5)__________________________________
B: Three seven one, six three double-four.
A: 6)__________________________________
B: Sure. It’s three seven one, six three double-four.

II. Complete the sentences with my, your, his, her, its, our or their.
1.- I’m a singer. _______ sister is Solange Knowles.
2.- He’s from Springfield, in the USA. _________ son’s name is Bart.
3.- Adele’s from Britain. __________ albums include 21 and 25.
4.- We’re married. ________ names are Kanye and Kim.
5.- They’re American. ________ last name is Clinton.

III. Answer the questions with your own information. Write long answers.
1.- How are you?
2.- How often do you take a shower?
3.- What do you have for breakfast?
4.- Who’s your favorite rock band?
5.- What school subjects do you like?

IV. Answer the questions

1. Can you play the piano? Yes, ___________ No, ____________
2. Do you have breakfast everyday? Yes, ___________ No, ____________
3. Is there a bank near your house? Yes, ___________ No, ____________
Yes, ___________ No, ____________
4. Are you dancing at the moment?
Yes, ___________ No, ____________
5. Does your mom cook on the

V. Write a, an, some, any.

There is ________ accountant in my family.
Do you have _________ brothers or sisters?
My sister has ________ old Elvis cassettes.
I don’t have ________ heavy metal magazines.
There is _______ new student in Kevin’s class.

WRITING. Write about someone you admire. 80-100 words.

Name, nationality, age, marital status, occupation, description, family, likes,
dislikes, e-mail address, web sites.

SARAH MEETS RYAN. It is Sarah’s first day at work at the Good Health Club.

A good-looking young man speaks to her.

‘Hello. Are you new here?’
‘Yes, I am.’
‘I’m Ryan Jones. Are you a member of the club?’
No, I’m an instructor here.’
‘Do you take the jazz dance classes?’
‘No. I take aerobics and circuit training.’
‘Oh, really? When are your classes?’
‘They’re on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
Look. The class timetable is here, on the noticeboard.’

The next day Sarah meets her class for the first time.
‘Good morning, everyone! My name’s Sarah.’

Ryan is the front raw. Sarah is surprised.

‘Oh, hello! Are you in my class?’
‘Yes, I am now’

After the class, Ryan speaks to Sarah.

‘Thanks for a good class.’
‘You’re Welcome.’
‘I like your style. Are you a fitness instructor back in New Zealand?’
‘No, I’m not. I’m a student at a sports college in Wellington. Look, I …’
‘What about dinner this evening?’
‘Sorry, I’m busy.’
‘Well, maybe tomorrow. What’s your telephone number?’
‘Look, Ryan…’
‘Where do you live? What’s your address?’
‘Sorry, Ryan.’
‘Hey! Wait a moment, Sarah! Here’s my card. Give me a call.’
‘I’m sorry. I must go. It’s time for my next class.’
‘See you around’.

Write if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE.

1.- Ryan Jones is a member of the club. _______

2.- Sarah’s classes are on every day of the week. _______
3.- Ryan is in Sarah’s class. _______
4.- Sarah is a fitness instructor in New Zealand. _______
5.- Ryan wants to have dinner with Sarah. _______
6.- Sarah gives Ryan her telephone number. _______

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