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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII
Division of Negros Oriental
Dauin District

Unwrapping a Sustainable Future: A Campaign to Reduce Plastic Pollution in Dauin Science

High School - Project Proposal for SY: 2023-2024
I. Basic Information
NAME OF PROJECT Unwrapping a Sustainable Future: A
Campaign to Reduce Plastic Pollution in
Dauin Science High School.
PROPOSED IMPLEMENTING NATIONAL Department of Environment and Natural
OBJECTIVES 1.Increase awareness about plastic pollution
among students and teachers of Dauin
Science High School.
2.Implement sustainable practices by
promoting reusable alternatives.
3.Advocate for policies to reduce single-use
plastics within the school.
4. Engage the school community in clean-up
and waste management activities.
5. Foster partnerships to PTA and SSG
officers to develop eco-friendly solutions.
TARGET PHYSICAL OUTPUTS 1. Host interactive presentations to teach
students about the harmful effects of plastic
2. Encourage students to bring reusable items
like water bottles and lunch containers to
reduce reliance on single-use plastics.
3. Start a petition to eliminate single-use
plastic items from the school.
4. Organize clean-up events involving
students and teachers to promote waste
management initiatives.
LOCATION OF PROJECT Dauin Science High School
TARGET BENEFICIARIES 1. Students of Dauin Science High School
2. Teachers of Dauin Science High School
3. School Administration
BUDGET Requested from Local Government: ₱40, 000
PTA Counterpart: ₱ 10, 000
II. Project Rationale and Objectives
Plastic pollution is a big problem for the environment, animals, and human health. Dauin Science
High School has an important role in teaching the next generation how to take care of the
environment. This campaign aims to involve the whole school community in addressing the issue
of plastic waste by raising awareness, promoting sustainable practices, and finding eco-friendly
1. Increase awareness about plastic pollution among students and teachers. Conduct fun and
engaging activities to teach the school community about the harmful effects of plastic pollution
on the environment, wildlife, and human health. Highlight the importance of reducing, reusing,
and recycling plastics to help solve the growing plastic crisis.
2. Implement sustainable practices by promoting reusable alternatives. Encourage students and
staff to use reusable items like water bottles, lunch containers, and shopping bags instead of
single-use plastics. Show the environmental, cost-saving, and other benefits of using reusable
items and living a zero-waste lifestyle.
3. Advocate for policies to reduce single-use plastics in the school. Work with school leaders to
create and enforce rules to eliminate or significantly reduce the use of single-use plastic items on
campus. Suggest affordable and sustainable alternatives, and develop plans to help the school
transition to more eco-friendly practices.
4. Engage the school community in clean-up and waste management activities. Organize regular
campus clean-up events with students, teachers, staff, and volunteers to promote responsible
waste management. Set up effective systems for separating and disposing of waste, with a focus
on reducing plastic waste through recycling and composting.

5. Foster partnerships with PTA, SSG officers, and local organizations to develop eco-friendly
solutions. Collaborate with the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), Supreme Student Government
(SSG) officers, and local environmental groups to combine efforts, resources, and expertise.
Develop and implement innovative eco-friendly solutions, educational programs, and community
outreach initiatives to make a bigger impact and ensure long-term sustainability.
Target Physical Outputs:
1. Conduct interactive presentations and workshops to teach the school community about the
harmful effects of plastic pollution and the importance of sustainable practices.
2. Give out reusable water bottles, lunch containers, and shopping bags to students and staff,
along with educational materials and pledges to reduce single-use plastic consumption.
3. Start a school-wide petition and awareness campaign to eliminate or significantly reduce the
use of single-use plastic items on campus, with support from students, teachers, and parents.
4. Organize regular campus clean-up events, involving students, teachers, staff, and community
volunteers, to promote waste management initiatives and environmental stewardship.
5. Establish partnerships with local environmental organizations, businesses, and community
groups to collaborate on eco-friendly initiatives, such as recycling drives, beach clean-ups, and
educational outreach programs.
Through this campaign, Dauin Science High School aims to empower its students and
staff to become environmental champions, promoting a culture of environmental stewardship and
sustainable practices. By raising awareness, implementing eco-friendly policies, and involving
the whole school community, the campaign will contribute to a cleaner, healthier, and more
sustainable future for everyone.
III. Project Description
The "Wave of Change" campaign aims to reduce plastic pollution at Dauin Science High
School. The campaign has several key goals: increasing knowledge about the harmful impacts of
plastic waste, promoting reusable containers to eliminate single-use plastics at the school,
establishing proper systems for collecting and disposing of plastic waste.
IV. Proposed Budget
Item Budget
Design and printing of campaign materials Php 5,000
Purchase reusable water bottles and lunch Php 20,000
Gloves and trash bags Php10, 000
Educational materials Php 5, 000
Speaker Php 5,000
Snacks Php 5,000
Total: Php 50,000



Student Student


Student Student





School Principal

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