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Approves Compliance Assessment Requirements

towards Devices Household appliances and Similar –

in the exercise of the jurisdiction granted to it by Articles 4, § 2, of Law No. 5,966 of 11 December 1973,
and 3rd, items I and IV of Law No. 9,933 of December 20, 1999, combined with the articles 18(V) of
Annex I to Decree No 6,275 of 28 November 2007 and 105, annex to Ordinance No. 2 of 4 January 2017
of the then Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Services, considering decree no. 10,139 of November
28, 2019, and thethan constas in Process KNOW No. 0052600.007365/2021-32, Solves:
Object and scope from application
Art. 1 º The Consolidated Regulation for Appliances and Similar Appliances is approved, in the form
of the Conformity Assessment Requirements and specifications for the Seal of Identification Of
Compliance Fixed respectively us Attachments I and II This Concierge.
Art. 2nd Suppliers of household appliances and the like must fully comply with the to the
provisions of the in present Regulation.
Art. 3 The Devices household appliances and Similar Objects This Regulation Should be
Manufactured import Distributed and Marketed from form the No Offer risks than compromise user
safety, regardless of the full compliance with the requirements Published.
§ First Applies or present Regulation To Devices household appliances and Similar Described in item
1 of the Attachment III of this Concierge.
§ 2nd They are Deleted of the compliance Of provisions Laid down This Regulation theDevices
described in the item 2 of the Attachment III This Concierge.
Art. 4th The chain Productive from Devices household appliances and Similar Is Subject To
Followingliabilities and Responsibilities:
I – or manufacturer national must manufacture and release the title free or onerous Devices
household appliances and Similar according to or willing regulation;
II – or importer must import and release the title free or onerous Devices household
appliances and Similar according to or willing regulation;
III – the other entities in the production chain and supply of household appliances and including
trade in physical or virtual establishments, shall maintain the integrity of the product Of Your Markings
Mandatory Preserving or Service To Requirements This Regulation.
Single paragraph. If an esum has more than one function in the supply and production chain,
among those previously listed, their Responsibilities are accumulated.
Fl.2 Of Concierge no. 148/Presi, from
Requirements Pre-Market
Art. 5th The Devices household appliances and Similar Manufactured import Distributed and
Marketed in territory national the title free or onerous Should be Submitted compulsorily, to conformity
assessment, through the certification mechanism, in compliance with the terms This Regulation.
§ First The Requirements from Evaluation Of Compliance towards Devices Household appliances and
Similar areFixed in Annex I of this Concierge.
§ 2nd The certification No Declines or supplier Of responsibility Exclusive By safety of theproduct.
§ Third The certification is Conditioning towards the authorization of the use of the Stamp from
Identification OfCompliance us goods and towards its Availability in market national.
§ 4th Or model from Stamp from Identification Of Compliance applicable towards Devices household
appliancesand similar, is found in Attachment II This Concierge.
Art. 6 Household appliances and similar appliances covered by the Regulation herein approved,
subject to the non-automatic import licensing regime, and the importer must obtain consent together
To Inmetro, recital the Concierge Inmeter no. 18, 14 from January 2016, or replacement.
Vigilance from Market
Art. 7 Household appliances and the like, objects of these Regulations, are subject, in national
territory, to market surveillance actions carried out by Inmetro and right public the he Linked by
covenant from delegation.
Art. 8th Is infraction the share or omission Contrary To willing This Concierge Being able give rise to
the Penalties Laid down in the Law No. 9.933, from 1999.
Art. 9 Or supplier, when subjected to surveillance actions market, it should be provide to the
Inmetro, when requested, the information Required in a deadline maximum of 15 Days.
Deadlines and provisions Transitional
Art. 10. The publication This Concierge No Implies in need from than Be Started new process
certification with base us Requirements now Consolidated.
Single paragraph. Certificates already issued should only be reviewed in the next step of
evaluation, for reference to the Ordinance now Published.
Art. 11. The Certificates Issued with base in Concierge Inmeter No. 371, from 29 from December
from 2009, shall have their validity adjusted, pursuant to rac sub-item, set out in Annex I of this
Concierge Having by reference the date of concession.
Art. 12. From the date of validity of this Ordinance, manufacturers and importers shall adopt, in
New Processes from certification from Devices household appliances and Similar the conditions and or
layout of theSeal of Identification Of Compliance according to Attachment II This Concierge.
Art. 13. The families from Devices household appliances and Similar already Certified until the date
from Duration of this Ordinance must adopt within 60 (sixty) months, from the effective date of this
Ordinance, the Stamp from Identification Of Compliance Bet in product according to the conditions and
layout Applicable of theSeal of Identification Of Compliance according to Attachment II This Concierge.
Paragraph unique. The Manufacturers and Importers from families from Devices household
appliances and Similar already Certificates has until 36 (thirty and six) Months Counted Of date from
Duration This Concierge towards suit the Processes from certification the end from Meet in packing
the conditions and or layout
Fl.3 Of Concierge no. 148/Presi, from
Applicable of the Stamp from Identification Of Compliance according to Attachment II This Concierge.
Clause from repeal
Art. 14. Are Repealed in date of validity This Concierge the Ordinances Inmetro:
I – paragraph 371 of 29 December 2009, published in the Daily Officer of the Union of 31 from
December2009, section 1, page 76;
II – No. 10, from 25 from January from 2010, Published in Daily Official Of Union from 27 from
January from 2010,section 1, page 136;
III - No. 328, from 8 from August from 2011, Published in Daily Official Of Union from 10 from
August from 2011,section 1, page 88 the 89;
IV – No. 163, from 5 from April from 2012, Published in Daily Official Of Union from 10 from April
from 2012, section1, page 54;
V – No. 402, from First august de 2012, published in the Daily Officer of the Union of August 3,
2012,section 1, page 78;
VI - No. 587, De29 from November from 2013, Published in Daily Official Of Union from 02 from
December from2013, section 1, page 62;
VII - No. 562, from 23 from December from 2014, Published in Daily Official Of Union from 24
from December2014, section 1, page 98;
VIII – no. 121, 6 from March 2015, Published in Daily Officer of the Union of 11 March 2015,
section 1, page 105;
IX – no. 149, of 13 March 2015, Published in Daily Official Of Union of 17 March 2011 2015, section
1, page 96; and
X – No. 361, from 16 from July from 2015, Published in Daily Official Of Union from 20 from July
from 2015,section 1, page 86 the 87.
Art. 15. This Concierge Enters in vigour in 02 from May from 2022, according to Determines art. 4th
of the DecreeNo. 10.139, from 2019.



Establish conformity assessment criteria and procedures for household appliances and similar, with a
focus on safety, through the certification mechanism, aimed at preventing accidents in the your use.
1.1 Grouping towards Effect from Certification
For certification of the object of this RAC, the concept of family applies, as defined by the in Subitem 4.2.

Towards Purposes of this RAC, healthy Adopted the Acronyms Contained us documents cited in item 3 of
this RAC.

3.1 Towards Purposes This RAC healthy Adopted the Following Documents Complementary beyond
Those Established in RGCP:

Abn. N.R. 5426:1985 Version Plan from Sampling and procedures in inspection by Attributes

Abn. N.R. NM 247-3:2002 Cables Isolated with Polyvinyl from vinyl (PVC) towards Tensions
Version Fixed:2002 Nominalup to 450/750 V inclusive - Part 3: Insulated conductors
(without coverage) towards fixed installations (IEC 60227-3, MOD)

IEC 60335-1:2016 (Ed. 5.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 1:
General Requirements

IEC 60335-2-2:2019 (Ed. 7.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-2:
Particular requirements for vacuum cleaners and water-suction
cleaning appliances

IEC 60335-2-3:2015 (Ed. 6.1) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-3:
Particular requirements Is Electric Irons

IEC 60335-2-5:2018 (Ed. 6.1) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-5:
Particular requirements Is dishwashers the

IEC 60335-2-6:2018 (Ed. 6.1) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-6:
Particular requirements for stationary cooking ranges, hobs, ovens
and similar appliances the

IEC 60335-2-7:2019 (Ed. 8.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-7:
Particular requirements for washing machines the

IEC 60335-2-8:2018 (Ed. 6.2) Household And alike electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-8:
Particular requirements Is shavers, Hair Clippers And alike

IEC 60335-2-9:2019 (Ed. 7.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-9:
Particular requirements Is Grills toasters And alike PortableCooking

IEC 60335-2-10:2008 (Ed. 5.1) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-10:
Particular requirements for floor treatment machines and wet
scrubbing machines

IEC 60335-2-11:2018 (Ed. 8.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-11:
Particular requirements Is Tumble dryers the

IEC 60335-2-12:2017 (Ed. 5.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-12:
Particular requirements Is warming plates And alike appliances

IEC 60335-2-13:2016 (Ed. 6.1) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-13:
Particular requirements Is Deep Fat fryers, frying pans And alike

IEC 60335-2-14:2019 (Ed. 6.1) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-14:
Particular requirements Is Kitchen machines

IEC 60335-2-15:2018 (Ed. 6.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-15:
Particular requirements for appliances Is heating liquids

IEC 60335-2-16:2012 (Ed. 5.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-16:
Particular requirements Is food waste disposers

IEC 60335-2-17:2019 (Ed. 3.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-17:
Particular requirements for blankets, pads and similar flexible
heating appliances

IEC 60335-2-21:2018 (Ed. 6.1) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-21:
Particular requirements Is storage water heaters

IEC 60335-2-23:2019 (Ed. 6.1) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-23:
Particular requirements for appliances Is skin OR Hair care

IEC 60335-2-24:2020 (Ed. 8.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-24:
Particular requirements for refrigerating appliances, ice-cream
appliances And ice-makers the

IEC 60335-2-26:2008 (Ed. 4.1) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-26:
Particular requirements for clocks

IEC 60335-2-28:2008 (Ed. 4.1) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-28:
Particular requirements for sewing machines

IEC 60335-2-29:2019 (Ed. 5.1) Household And alike electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-29:

Particular requirements Is battery chargers

IEC 60335-2-30:2021 (Ed. 5.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-30:
Particular requirements Is Room heaters

IEC 60335-2-31:2018 (Ed. 5.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-31:
Particular requirements Is Range hoods

IEC 60335-2-34:2021 (Ed. 6.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-34:
Particular requirements Is motor-compressors

IEC 60335-2-35:2020 (Ed. 5.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-35:
Particular requirements Is instantaneous water heaters the

IEC 60335-2-36:2017 (Ed. 6.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-36:
Particular requirements for commercial electric cooking ranges,
ovens, hobs and Hob Elements

IEC 60335-2-37:2017 (Ed. 6.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-37:
Particular requirements Is commercial Electric Deep Fat fryers

IEC 60335-2-38:2017 (Ed. 5.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-38:
Particular requirements for commercial electric griddles and
Griddles Grill

IEC 60335-2-39:2017 (Ed. 6.1) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-39:
Particular requirements for commercial electric multi-purpose
Cooking pans

IEC 60335-2-40:2018 (Ed. 6.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-40:
Particular requirements Is electrical Heat pumps, air conditioners
and dehumidifiers the

IEC 60335-2-41:2012 (Ed. 4.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-41:
Particular requirements for pumps

IEC 60335-2-42:2017 (Ed. 5.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-42:
Particular requirements Is commercial Electric Forced Convection
oven, steam cookers And steam-convection ovens

IEC 60335-2-43:2017 (Ed. 4.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-43:
Particular requirements Is Clothes dryers And Towel Rails

IEC 60335-2-44:2012 (Ed. 3.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-44:
Particular requirements for ironers

IEC 60335-2-45:2012 (Ed. 3.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-45:
Particular requirements for portable heating tools and similar

IEC 60335-2-47:2017 (Ed. 4.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-47:
Particular requirements Is commercial Electric Boiling pans

IEC 60335-2-48:2017 (Ed. 4.2) Household And alike electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-48:
Particular requirements Is commercial Electric grillers And toasters

IEC 60335-2-49:2017 (Ed. 4.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-49:
Particular requirements Is commercial Electric Hot cupboards

IEC 60335-2-50:2017 (Ed. 4.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-50:
Particular requirements Is commercial Electric Bains-Marie

IEC 60335-2-51:2019 (Ed. 4.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-51:
Particular requirements Is Stationary Circulation pumps Is heatingand
service water installations

IEC 60335-2-52:2017 (Ed. 3.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-52:
Particular requirements Is oral hygiene appliances

IEC 60335-2-53:2021 (Ed. 4.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-53:
Particular requirements Is sauna heating appliances

IEC 60335-2-54:2019 (Ed. 4.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-54:
Particular requirements for surface-cleaning appliances for
Household use employing liquids or steam

IEC 60335-2-55:2008 (Ed. 3.1) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-55:
Private requirements for electrical appliances for use with
aquariums And Garden ponds

IEC 60335-2-58:2017 (Ed. 4.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-58:
Particular requirements for commercial electric dishwashing

IEC 60335-2-59:2009 (Ed. 3.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-59:
Particular requirements Is insect Killers

IEC 60335-2-60:2017 (Ed. 4.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-60:
Particular requirements Is Whirlpool baths And Whirlpool Spas

IEC 60335-2-61:2009 (Ed. 2.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-61:
Particular requirements Is thermal storage Room heaters

IEC 60335-2-62:2019 (Ed. 4.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-62:
Particular requirements Is commercial Electric rinsing sinks

IEC 60335-2-64:2017 (Ed. 3.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-64:
Particular requirements Is commercial Electric Kitchen machines

IEC 60335-2-65:2015 (Ed. 2.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-65:
Particular requirements Is air cleaning appliances

IEC 60335-2-66:2012 (Ed. 2.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-66:
Particular requirements Is water-bed heaters

IEC 60335-2-67:2016 (Ed. 4.1) Household And alike electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-67:
Particular requirements Is floor treatment And floor cleaning
machines Is industrial And commercial Use

IEC 60335-2-68:2016 (Ed. 4.1) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-68:
Particular requirements for spray appliances extraction for
industrial and commercial Use

IEC 60335-2-69:2016 (Ed. 5.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-69:
Particular requirements Is Wet And dry vacuum Cleaners including
Power brush for industrial and commercial Use

IEC 60335-2-71:2018 (Ed. 3.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-71:
Particular requirements for electrical heating appliances for
breeding and rearing animals

IEC 60335-2-72:2016 (Ed. 4.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-72:
Particular requirements Is automatic machines Is floor treatmentIs
commercial And industrial Use

IEC 60335-2-73:2009 (Ed. 2.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-73:
Particular requirements Is Fixed immersion heaters

IEC 60335-2-74:2009 (Ed. 2.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-74:
Particular requirements Is Portable immersion heaters

IEC 60335-2-75:2018 (Ed. 3.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-75:
Particular requirements Is commercial dispensing appliances And
Vending machines

IEC 60335-2-76:2018 (Ed. 3.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-76:
Particular requirements Is Electric fence Energizers

IEC 60335-2-77:2002 (Ed. 2.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-77:
Particular requirements for pedestrian controlled mains-operated

IEC 60335-2-78:2019 (Ed. 2.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-78:
Particular requirements Is billboard barbecues

IEC 60335-2-79:2016 (Ed. 4.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-79:
Particular requirements for high pressure cleaners and steam

IEC 60335-2-80:2015 (Ed. 3.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-80:
Particular requirements for fans

IEC 60335-2-81:2020 (Ed. 3.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-81:
Particular requirements Is foot warmers And heating Mats

IEC 60335-2-82:2020 (Ed. 3.1) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-82:
Particular requirements Is Amusement machines And personal

services machines

IEC 60335-2-83:2008 (Ed. 1.1) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-83:
Particular requirements Is heated Gullies Is roof drainage

IEC 60335-2-84:2019 (Ed. 3.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-84:
Particular requirements for toilets

IEC 60335-2-85:2017 (Ed. 2.2) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-85:
Particular requirements for fabric steamers

IEC 60335-2-86:2018 (Ed. 3.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-86:
Particular requirements Is Electric Fishing machines

IEC 60335-2-87:2018 (Ed. 3.1) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-87:
Particular requirements Is electrical animal-stunning equipment

IEC 60335-2-88:2002 (Ed. 2.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-88:
Particular requirements for humidifiers intended for use with
heating, ventilation or air-conditioning systems

IEC 60335-2-89:2019 (Ed. 3.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-89:
Particular requirements Is commercial refrigerating appliances
with an incorporated or remote refrigerant condensing unit or
compressor the

IEC 60335-2-90:2019 (Ed. 4.1) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-90:
Particular requirements Is commercial microwave ovens

IEC 60335-2-91:2008 (Ed. 3.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-91:
Particular requirements for walk-behind and hand-held lawn
trimmers And Lawn Edge trimmers

IEC 60335-2-92:2002 (Ed. 2.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-92:
Particular requirements for pedestrian-controlled mains-operated
lawn scarifiers

IEC 60335-2-94:2008 (Ed. 3.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-94:
Particular requirements Is Scissor type Grass shears

IEC 60335-2-95:2019 (Ed. 4.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-95:
Private requirements for drives for vertically moving garage
Doors Is residential Use

IEC 60335-2-96:2019 (Ed. 2.0) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-96:
Particular requirements for flexible sheet heating elements for
Room heating

IEC 60335-2-97:2019 (Ed. 3.1) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-97:
Particular requirements Is drives Is Rolling shutters, awnings,
blinds And alike equipment

IEC 60335-2-98:2008 (Ed. 2.2) Household And alike electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-98:
Particular requirements Is humidifiers

IEC 60335-2-99:2017 (Ed. 1.1) Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-99:
Particular requirements Is commercial electric hoods

IEC 60335-2-100:2002 (Ed. Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-100:
1.0) Particular requirements for hand-held mains-operated garden
blowers, vacuums And Blower vacuums

IEC 60335-2-101:2014 (Ed. Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-101:
1.2) Particular requirements Is vaporizers

IEC 60335-2-102:2017 (Ed. Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-102:
2.0) Particular requirements for gas, oil and solid-fuel burning
appliances Having electrical connections

IEC 60335-2-103:2019 (Ed. Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-103:
3.2) Particular requirements Is drives Is Gates Doors And Windows

IEC 60335-2-104:2021 (Ed. Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-104:
2.0) Particular requirements for appliances to recover and/or recycle
refrigerant From air conditioning And refrigeration equipment

IEC 60335-2-105:2019 (Ed. Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-105:
2.1) Particular requirements for multifunctional shower cabinets

IEC 60335-2-106:2007 (Ed. Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-106:
1.0) Particular requirements Is heated carpets And Is heating units Is
Room heating installed Under removable floor coverings

Ordinance Inmetro N° 200, Approves General Product Certification Requirements (RGCP) -

2021 Consolidated.

Concierge Inmeter current Technical Quality Regulations and the Quality Assessment
Requirements of theCompliance for Yarn, Cables and Cords Flexible

3.2 Until 31 December 2024, this RAC considers the possibility of using as a normative basis the
standards to be follow:
a) Abn. N.R. NM 60335-1:2010 - Safety from Devices Household appliances and Similar Part 1:
Requirements General - and the Your Respective Standards individuals; and
b) IEC 60335-1:2006 (Ed. 4.2) - Household And alike electrical appliances - Safety - Part 1: General
Requirements - and their Respective Standards Private.

Towards Purposes This RAC healthy Adopted the definitions the follow Complemented By Contained us
Documents complementary aforementioned in item 3.
4.1 Packing
For the purposes of this RAC, packaging containing the product for marketing purposes for the
consumer final.
4.2 Family from Product
Set of products manufactured in the same plant, which are intended for the same function and which,
necessarily Fulfil the following conditions:
- Have the same basic design (in common, parts or assemblies essential to safety) in terms of from:
technology Applied Features Mechanical from shell and materials Plastic and Metallic Employees us
methods of fixation finishing and isolation;
- The models differ in the nominal input electrical characteristics (127 V or 220 V) and in the use of
secondary functions or Accessory.


Or mechanism from evaluation Of compliance towards Devices household appliances and Similar is or Of


The conformity assessment process consists of several steps, as defined in the RGCP. Every stage Obey
the one succession from procedures according to or Model from Certification adopted.
This RAC Establishes the Following options from templates from certification:
a) Model 5 from Certification: Evaluation Initial Consisting from Tests in Samples Withdrawals in
manufacturer including Quality Management System Audit - QMS, followed by Maintenance Assessment
by collecting the product in the factory and in the trade, alternately, to accomplishment Of Activities
from evaluation Of compliance and audit of the SGQ; or
b) Model 1b Certification - Essay from Lot.
6.1 Model from Certification 5
6.1.1 Evaluation Initial Request from Certification The application for certification must be carried out as set out in the RGCP, and the
documentation Planned be complemented by the following:
a) Lists from Components and Your Suppliers Informing those already certificates;
b) Schemes electrical systems;
c) Drawings from mounting and/or records Photographic of the product and subsets;
d) Labels from identification;
e) Drawing art final or photo Of individual packaging; and
f) Documentation technique Of Plates from circuit printed (where applicable).

148/2022 Analysis Of Request and Of Compliance Of Documentation
The Criteria from analysis Of request and Of compliance Of documentation Should follow the
RequirementsEstablished in Rgcp. Audit Initial of the System from Management Of Quality and Evaluation of the Process
Productive The Criteria from audit initial of the system from management Should follow the conditions
Described inRGCP, except hair than Follows in the sub-items and the follow. Or OCP must evaluate or QMS of the manufacturer with base us Requirements Of Norm ISO
9001:2015 orABNT NBR ISO 9001:2015, from agreement with the Table 1 the follow:
Table 1 - Requirements Minimum from verification of the QMS.

Requirem Items Of norm

Resources /

Information Documented 7.5.2 / 7.5.3

Control from Processes goods and services Provided externally 8.4.2 / 8.4.3

Production and provision from service 8.5.1 / 8.5.2 / 8.5.4 / 8.5.5

Release from goods and services 8.6

Control from Outputs No Conforming 8.7

Monitoring measurement analysis and evaluation 9.1.2

No compliance and share Corrective 10.2 The presentation of a certificate from the Manufacturer's QQS, within its validity, being this
Issued by one OCS Believed hair Inmeter or Recognized hair IAF second the ISO 9001 or Abn. N.R. ISO
9001 and Being this certification Valid towards the line from production of the product object Of
certification Can exempt the requesting company, under analysis and responsibility of the OCP, from the
evaluation of the QMS provided for in this RAC during the audit initial. This case the enterprise
Requesting must place to the disposition of the OCP everyone the records corresponding to this
certification. The OCP shall review the relevant documentation in order to assure than the requirements
Described in Table 1 and in the Attachment The Were Met. The audit shall include monitoring the manufacture of product models Integrate or scope
from certification. Or OCP must check if the Tests from routine towards Control Of quality of the product
healthyPerformed hair manufacturer in 100% Of production. Must be assured than hair less the Tests from routine Described in Attachment The This
RACare carried out hair manufacturer. Or OCP should check if or manufacturer maintains the records Of Tests from routine. Plan from Tests Initial
The Criteria of the plan from Tests Initial Should follow the established requirements in Rgcp.

ATTACHMENT OF CONCIERGE INMETRO No. Definition Of Tests the Be Performed 148/2022 The Criteria from definition Of Tests the Be Performed Should follow the

Established in Rgcp. The full-type test, in accordance with the general standard and its particular standard,
Established in item 3 This RAC, you must be accomplished by family. Exclusively for the purposes of compressor certification, may be accepted, in the evaluation
of the initial reporting from Tests Issued by Laboratories Foreign than Meet To Criteria from under-item, up to a maximum period of 3 (three) years between the issuance of the test report and
submission to the PcO. In this case, previously issued reports only may be accepted if the report holder
is able to demonstrate that the product to be certified is the Same than or previous Including with
relation To Your Components Your Specifications and Your Suppliers. Variations/models within the family, where there is significance regarding safety, should be
representative samples of these variations/models, in the tests relevant to those variations. Features
from variation. Should be Considered Variations: us data Nominal from entry and output Layouts,
insulation systems, power supplies, engine use, pressure systems/components, components/systems
from heating masses volumes and other. Tests Complementary Should be Applied when There difference in component in in relation
to the model base from agreement with the Table 2.
Table 2 – Components from Household appliances and Chapters Of Standards the Be Checked.

Chapters of the standards considered to be verified, if


Compressor/engine 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19*, 21, 22, 23, 24*, 27, 28, 29, 30*

Thermostat 8, 11, 13, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24*, 27, 28, 29, 30*

Valve Pressostatic 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19*, 21, 22, 23, 24*, 27, 28, 29, 30*

Plastic of the cabinet 20, 21, 22, 23, 30

Switch 8, 11, 13, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24*, 27, 28, 29, 30*

Fan 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19*, 21, 22, 23, 24*, 17, 18, 19, 30*

Cabinet 8, 11, 13, 15, 16, 20, 22, 25

Resistance 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30*

Reactor 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19*, 21, 22, 23, 27*, 28, 29, 30*

Transformer 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30*

Printed Circuit Board

Mounted with the Your 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19, 29, and 30*

* = applicable if the component No Is certificate with base in Concierge Inmeter current.

148/2022 Household appliances and the like must comply with the classes of isolation Laid down In
Standards Techniques Of series IEC 60335, being prohibited the Classes from isolation 0 and 0I. The Devices household appliances and Similar when Marked with the belt from tension
nominal shall be ascertained in such a way that they express the rated power on the basis of the nominal
voltages Brazilian. Brazilian nominal stresses for secondary alternating current distribution in three-phase
networks, considering the values for line voltage (phase/phase) and phase voltage (phase/neutral), are
440/254 V c.a., 380/220 V c.a. and 220/127 V c.a. In single-phase networks, the voltage values are
respectively 254 V c.a., 220 V c.a. and 127 V (phase/neutral). Tolerances for deviation evaluation purposes and nominal voltage range settings and
power nominal healthy the ones described in norm IEC 60335-1. Household appliances and the like must be checked in such a way that they do not use
cables and Class 4 conductors, defined by the Abn. NBR NM 247-3. Irons must be checked in such a way that they have flexible cords certificates, in
accordance with the current Inmetro Ordinance for Electrical Wires, Cables and Cords (cords Flexible
with isolation extruded from polyethylene chlorosulfonated (csp) towards Tensions until 500 V). Electric fences of all types must be checked in such a way that they meet the electrical
insulation requirements between high voltage circuit (fence circuit), power supply and parts accessible,
regardless of whether or not they are connected to the power supply, and the use of equipment that
takes over the power circuit as part of the grounding circuit, even if the connection Occur by brief
intervals from time. Definition from Sampling The criteria for defining sampling shall follow the requirements laid down by the Rgcp. Should be Collected Samples (evidence, counter-proof and witness) towards realization of
the Tests Laid down in Subitem from 1 (one) model by family Owe be selected that than
represent the configuration more complete and more unfavorable of the family. It is the responsibility of the OCP, based on the applicable standards set out in item 3 of
this RAC and in analysis Of Different Types Constructive accessories and/or variations/models Allowed
insideOf family define or number from Samples to be Collected. If there is disapproval in the evidence sample, and this failure interferes with the
construction of the product as a whole, the OCP shall determine whether the product should be
subjected to all general and particular standard referred to in item 3, applicable to the product.
Otherwise only trials whose results are affected by failure should be carried out and are under the
responsibility of the OCP take such a decision. Definition of the Laboratory The criteria for the definition of a laboratory shall follow the requirements set out in Rgcp. Exclusively for the purposes of compressor certification, Can be accepted Tests Performed
by Laboratories Foreign Accredited by one Organism from Accreditation than Be signatory of the
Worldwide System for Conformity Testing and Certification of Electrotechnical Equipment and
Components - IECEE CB SCHEME (System Worldwide towards Tests from Compliance towards
Equipment and

Components Electric). Treatment from No Conformities in stage from Evaluation Initial
The Criteria towards treatment from No Conformities in stage from evaluation initial Should follow the
Requirements Established in Rgcp. Emission of the Certificate from Compliance The Criteria towards emission of the Certificate from Compliance Should follow the
RequirementsEstablished in Rgcp. Or Certificate Compliance must be valid from 6 (six) Years. Must be Indicated in certificate the norm general and the Standards Private Used and
YourRespective Editions. In Certificate from Compliance o(s) model(s) Of family must(m) be noticed(s) according to
Table 3.
Table 3 – Notation do(s) model(s) belonging(s) to the family in certificate from compliance

Brand Model (Designation Description (Description Technique of the Barcode

Commercial of the Model) commercial
Model and Codes (when existing)
- Tension nominal or belt from
reference of All the
commercial, if Versions.
existing ones) - Power nominal or current nominal;
- Degree from protection against
penetration fromwater; and
- Other technical characteristics or that
differentiate the models of thefamily

6.1.2 Evaluation from Maintenance

The Criteria towards the evaluation from maintenance Should follow according to established in Rgcp.
The Evaluation from maintenance aims to verify whether the technical and organisational conditions that
gave rise to the concession initial Of certification Continue Being Met. The periodicity Of Audits and Tests
frommaintenance is from 12 (months) Months Counted Of granting of the certificate. Audit from Maintenance of the System from Management Of Quality and Evaluation of the
Process Productive
The Criteria of Maintenance Audit of the Quality Management System and Evaluation of the Process
should follow the requirements set out in the RGCP, in compliance with Table 1 and the one established
in sub-item of this RAC. The QMS audit should be carried out every twelve (12) months from
the date from emission of the certificate. Plan from Tests from Maintenance
The Criteria towards or plan from Tests from maintenance Should follow according to defined in Rgcp. Definition from Tests the Be Performed The Criteria from definition Of Tests the Be Performed Should follow the Requirements
Established in Rgcp. Is responsibility of the OCP, joint in analysis Of Different Types Constructive accessories
and/or Variations Allowed inside Of family define the Tests of each applicable standard To product well
how or plan from Tests from maintenance the Be Performed In Respective Samples the Be Collected. Annual maintenance tests shall cover all items of the general standard and particular Cited
in item 3 of this RAC, for at least less one model than Represents the family. Tests Complementary towards other templates when There variation Of tension from may
be required, and it is up to the OCP to define them, according to the Test Plan established, but at a
minimum shall include the following items of the general and particular standard, cited on the item 3
This RAC: 7 – 10 – 11 – 15 – 16 – 19 – 23 – 25. Definition from sampling from maintenance The criteria for defining maintenance sampling must follow the requirements Established in
Subitem of this RAC and hair that follows. The sample should be collected randomly from each certified product family in the
production, distribution centre and trade, alternately, considering that it should be possible to
accomplish in selected product everyone the Tests provided for in the Subitem Found Some non-compliance in some Of Tests from maintenance this must be repeated In
Samples of counterproof and witness towards or attribute No according to. Definition of the laboratory
The Criteria towards the definition from laboratory Should follow the Requirements Established rgcp. Treatment from No Conformities in stage from Evaluation from Maintenance
The criteria for the treatment of non-conformities in the maintenance evaluation step should follow the
the requirements Established in Rgcp. Confirmation Of Maintenance
The Criteria from confirmation Of maintenance Should follow the Requirements Established in Rgcp.
6.1.3 Evaluation from Recertification The Criteria towards evaluation from recertification should be follow the requirements Established
in Rgcp. The Evaluation from Recertification must be Held the every 6 (six) Years Owe be Terminated
untilthe date of validity of the Certificate from Compliance.
6.2 Model from Certification 1b
6.2.1 Evaluation Initial Request from Certification
The Criteria towards the request from certification Should follow the Requirements Established in Subitem RAC. Analysis Of Request and Of Documentation
The Criteria from analysis Of request and Of documentation Should follow the Requirements
Established insub-item This RAC. Plan from Tests
The Criteria of the plan from Tests Should follow the Requirements Established rgcp. Definition Of Tests the Be Performed The Criteria from definition Of Tests the Be Performed Should follow the Requirements
Established rgcp.
148/2022 Is responsibility of the OCP, joint in analysis Of Different Types Constructive accessories
and/or variations allowed within the family, define on the basis of the standards applicable to the
product, theTesting from Kind the Be Performed In respective samples to be Be Collected. Is responsibility of the OCP, joint in analysis Of Different Types Constructive accessories
and/or variations allowed within the family, define in relation to the standards applicable to the
product, the Complementary Testing Plan to be carried out, in the respective samples to be collected,
considering the tests described in items 7, 8, 10, 16, 20, 22, 25, 27 of the standards, general and private,
Cited in item 3 This RAC. Type tests and supplementary tests for the batch shall not be non- Conformities. In the
event of non-conformities, the withdrawal of new Samples of the lot. If the findings Of Tests Submit non-compliance with the Requirements Of Standards and
individuals mentioned in item 3 of this RAC, applicable to the product, the request must be rejected. If
there is disapproval of a model, the whole lot will be disapproved. If the OCP does not consider
everyone the Requirements towards the concession of the certificate from compliance must inform to the
enterprise Requesting the aspects By What the request Was rejected. Definition from Sampling The Criteria from definition from sampling Should follow the Requirements Established in
Rgcp. The Tests from kind healthy Performed in double from Samples Defined how Necessary
towards oressay from proof. Or number of samples towards the complementary tests must be determinate according to
theAbn. N.R. 5426, with plan simple sampling normal level general from inspection I and NQA 0.25. No healthy Performed Tests from rebuttal and witness. Definition from Laboratory
The definition of the laboratory must follow the Requirements Established in Rgcp. Emission of the Certificate from Compliance
The Criteria towards emission of the certificate from compliance Should follow the Requirements
Established insub-item, except By validity, which is Undetermined.


The Criteria towards treatment from Complaints Should follow the Requirements Established in Rgcp.


The Criteria towards the Activities Performed by OCPs Accredited by member of the MLA of the IAF
Should followthe requirements Established in Rgcp.

The Criteria towards transfer Of certification Should follow the established requirements in Rgcp.


The Criteria towards closure Of certification Should follow the Requirements Established in Rgcp.


The Criteria General towards or Stamp from Identification Of Compliance are Defined in RGCP and in
Attachment II.


The Criteria towards authorization of the use of the Stamp from Identification Of Compliance Should follow
the RequirementsEstablished in Rgcp.


The Criteria towards Responsibilities and liabilities Should follow the Requirements Established in Rgcp.


The Criteria towards accompaniment in market Should follow the Requirements Established in Rgcp.

The Criteria towards Penalties Should follow the Requirements Established in Rgcp.


The Criteria towards Complaints Complaints and Suggestions Should follow the Requirements Established
in Rgcp.


1.1 Routine tests are provided to be carried out by the manufacturer on each appliance for production
variations that may affect safety. They are usually performed in the apparatus complete after the
mounting but or manufacturer Can accomplish the Tests in one internship appropriate during the
production since than the Processes from manufacturing Later No Affect thefindings.
Note: Components are not subject to these tests if they have been previously submitted to the Tests
from routine during its manufacturing.
1.2 The manufacturer may use a different routine test procedure, provided that the level of safety Be
equivalent to that obtained By Tests specified in this Attachment.
1.3 The Tests Described This Attachment healthy Considered how or minimum necessary towards cover
the Aspects essential security measures. It is the manufacturer's responsibility to decide whether
additional routine tests are Needed. It can be determined from technical engineering considerations
that some of these trials are impractical or Inadequate and This way, not Need be carried out.
1.4 If a product fails in any of the tests, it should be retested after repair or adjustment.


2.1 The fall from tension is measured and the resistance is Calculated No Owe exceed:
− 0,2  towards Devices with one cord from feeding or 0,1  more the resistance of the cord
fromfood; and
− 0,1  towards other Devices.
Note 1: The test is only carried out for a duration necessary to allow the voltage drop to fall be
Note 2: Care should be taken to ensure that the contact resistance between the tip of the device
measuring and the part Metal under test does not influence the findings testing conditions.


3.1 The insulation of the appliance is subjected to a virtually sine voltage with a frequency of
approximately 60 Hz for 1 s. This test voltage value and the application points are shown in the Table 1
the follow:

Table 1 – Tensions from essay

Tension from essay (V)

Devices class I and Devices class II

Stitches from application
Tension nominal Devices
class III
Between living parts and metal parts
Accessible Separate from Parts Live by:  150 V > 150 V

only isolation Basic 800 1.000 400

isolation couple or Enhanced 2.000 2.500 -----


the Towards class I appliances, this test does not need to be carried out in parts of class II
construction, ifthe test is deemed how Being inadequate.

3.2 It may be necessary for the appliance to be in operation during the test to ensure that the test
voltage is applied to all relevant insulation, e.g. heating elements Controlled by one Relay.
3.2.1 No disruptive discharges should occur. Disruptive discharge is considered to have occurred when
the current in circuit from essay Exceeds 5 Ma. Meanwhile this bound Can be Increased until 30 mA for
Devices with one discharge current from escape.
3.3 The circuit used for the test incorporates a current sensor device that acts as soon as the current
exceeds or bound.
3.4 Or transformer from discharge tension must be capable from maintain the tension Specified in bound
from current.
3.5 To Instead from be Submitted the one tension c.a., the isolation Can be Submitted the one tension
c.c. from 1,5 times the value shown in Table 1 of this Annex. A a frequency of up to 5 Hz is
Considered how Being one tension c.c.

4.1 The correct operation of an appliance is checked by inspection or an appropriate test if the
connection or adjustment incorrect from Your Components Can present Implications than Affect the
Note: Examples are checks of the correct direction of engine rotation and proper operation of the
interlock switches. This does not require testing of thermal controls or devices of protection.




1. Or Stamp from Identification Of Compliance must be Bet in product and in packing from every
apparatus appliance, as shown in Figure 1, and it must be legible and indelible and must be at least 50

Figure 1 – Stamp from Identification Of Compliance


2. Case the Dimensions of the apparatus Appliance No Allow the application of the Stamp from
Identification Of Complete compliance, as shown in Figure 1, the compact Conformity Identification Seal
may be affixed, according to Figure 2, and the same must be legible and indelible and conforming to the
sizes Minimum Established.

Figure 2 – Stamp from Identification Of Compliance



1.1 This Regulation Covers the Devices household appliances and Similar Listed in Table 1 the follow.
1.2 Appliances not intended for normal home use, but which, however, may be a source of from danger
towards or public Such how Devices Intended the Be Used by Lay in Stores in industry lightweight and in
Farms are inside of the scope. This condition if Applies the everyone the goods Presented in Table 1, even
when No mencioando explicitly.
1.3 Products that perform a function similar to that of household appliances described in the Table 1 is
covered by this regulation, even if they have different trade names from the Her Described.
1.4 Equipment that has electrical circuits and is within the scope of the regulation, still that its primary
function is carried out through the use of an energy source other than the electric, should be Certificates
from according to the norm relevant.
1.4.1 The exception of this requirement is the products whose specific standard excludes from their
scope the equipment powered by a distinct power source, such as electric barbecues that use coal how

Table 1 – Scope and Devices Belonging To Scope.

Item Scope Devices Belonging To Scope

− Apirador from dust and water

− Apirador from robot powder
− Vacuum cleaner from central powder
− Vacuum cleaner electric powder
Electric vacuum cleaners and cleaning
appliances with suction from water towards − Vacuum cleaners towards hygiene
1 use domestic and Similar including Vacuum animal
cleaners towards hygiene animal with tension
− Heads from cleaning Motorized
nominal No greater than 250 V.
− Cleaners Moved the battery
− Hoses Conductive from current Electric
Associated with the one vacuum
cleaner specific
− Broom Electric
Irons Electric the dry and Irons Electric the
steam, including those with water separate or − Iron electric from pass clothing the dry
2 boiler with ability No more than 5 L, for
domestic and similar use, with tension − Iron electric from pass clothing the
nominal No greater than 250 V. steam

Machines from wash dishes Electrical towards
use domestic and alike than healthy Meant
towards wash and rinse cymbals cutlery and
other Utensils whose tension nominal No Be
superior the 250 V towards Devices Phase and − Washer from dishes from use domestic
480 V towards other Devices with ability inferior 1.500 dishes/hour
If or apparatus if Intended the be utilized and ability minor 100 baskets (0.5 m x
professionally towards wash and rinse cymbals 0,5 m) the
and cutlery and other Utensils from use
commercial or apparatus No is deemed how
Being only towards use domestic and similar.

− Table stove
− Stoves Electric
− Oven the steam
Stoves Electric Stoves from table Ovens and
− Oven self-cleaning pyrolytic
Devices Similar Stationary towards use
4 domestic whose tension nominal No Be more − Ovens electric
than 250 V for single-phase devices and 480 V
− Grills by contact
to other devices.
− Grills by irradiation
− Table by induction kind wok
− Table by induction;

Machines Electrical from wash clothing

towards use domestic and alike with the
purpose washing machines and textile − Washer from clothing from use
materials, using detergent or electrolyte, the commercialwith ability of up to 25 kg
nominal voltage of which No Be superior the from clothing the
250 V towards Devices single-phase and 480 V
towards other Devices.
− Shaver electric
− Epilator electric
Shavers Electric Machines from cut hair and
Devices Similar towards use domestic and − Sander Electric from fingernail and foot
Similar with tension nominal No greater than − Machine Electric from cut from hair
6 250 V.
− Machine Electric from cut from By
Note: Examples of similar devices are those fromanimals
used towards manicure and pedicure.
− Shearing Electric from animals
− Devices towards Hairdressers

− Assadores
Devices Electric portable towards use
7 domestic and similar that Have the function − Barbecue Electric Swivel
from cook how roast and grill with tension − Barbecue Electric towards use internal
nominal No superior the 250 V. − Creperie Electric from use domestic
If or apparatus if Intended the be used − Dehydrator electric domestic
professionally towards prosecute food fromfood
towards consumption commercial or
− Stove electric from induction portable
apparatus No is deemed how Being only
(withsmaller mass than 18 kg) the
towards use domestic and alike.
− Stove electric portable (with dough
minor than 18 kg) the
− Stove electric portable (with dough
minor than 18 kg) the
− Oven electric portable (with dough
minor than 18 kg) the
− Deep fryer Electric the air/ without oil
− Grill Electric from contact
− Grill Electric radiant
− Grill electric
− Machine from cotton sweet from use
− Machine from pretzel Electric from
− Machine from waffler Electric from
− Machine Electric domestic from bread
− Omelette Electric from use domestic
− Pancake Electric from use domestic
− Pipoqueira Electric from use domestic
− Racleteira Electric from Household
− Sandwich maker Electric
− Electric toaster
− Electric roaster from Grain
− Toaster Electric

Machines for electrical treatment of floors and − Waxing

wet washing intended for domestic use and
with a nominal voltage not exceeding 250 V. − Scrubs Electric from ground
8 Note: Encompasses Devices Intended To use in − Cleaners from carpet
Hotels Offices schools hospitals and facilities − Cleaners from Upholstery
− Electric polisher

Dryers Electrical towards use domestic and
Similar its tension nominal No Being more
than 250 V for single-phase devices and 480 V
to other devices.
Are Covered also the Dryers than use cooling − Dryer from clothing
system, incorporating motorcycles Sealed
9 − Dryer from clothing by rotation from
towards the drying from textile materials.
These devices can use flammable refrigerants. usecommercial

Note: Encompasses Dryers from clothing

towards use common in Blocks from
Apartments or in Laundries

Electric heating plates, electric heating trays,

heating and Devices Similar intended to
maintain food or containers heated, for home
use and the like, with tension nominal No
greater than 250 V. − Heater electric from cymbals and Trays
10 If or apparatus if Intended the be utilized − Cupboard electric heated towards
professionally to keep containers Heated or to dishes
process food for consumption commercial or − Plate electric heater
apparatus No is deemed only towards use
domestic and similar.

Fryers Electrical with one quantity maxim

Recommended from oil No superior the 5 l,
Pans Woks and other Devices us What or oil is − Deep fryer Electric from immersion
used towards cook and Intended only towards − Frying pan Electric
use domestic its tension nominal Being No
more than 250 V.

− Opener electric from Cans

Machines Electrical from kitchen towards use − Sharpener from Knives Domestic
domestic and Similar with tension nominal No − Conditioner electric from Meat
greater than 250 V.
− Grinder electric from Knives
If or apparatus if Intended the be used
professionally towards prosecute food − Mixer Electric residential
12 towards consumption commercial or − Centrifuge Electric towards food
apparatus No is deemed how Being only
towards use domestic and similar. − Cylinder the sovador, Laminator
automaticfrom use domestic
Note: The use of a kitchen machine in one inn
by example is deemed towardsHousehold. − Cutters from beans
− Cutters from vegetables
− Peeler electric

− Depulper electric domestic
− Squeezer electric fruit of usedomestic
with power until 300 W the
− Squeezers Centrifugal
− Extractors from juice from Fruits Wild
− Knife Electric
− Slicer electric
− Rolling mills mass
− Blender domestic
withability from until 3.5 liters the
− Machine from slice
− Machine from sift
− Machine from production from
− Machine from ice cream including
Thosetowards use in refrigerators and
− Machine Electric from whipped cream
− Mini processor electric
− Electric mixer
− Grinder electric domestic from Grain
with reservoir capacity up to 1.5Kg the
− Grinder electric towards Meat from use
− Grinders from coffee with ability maxim
from 500 g the
− Grinders from Grain with ability from
reservoir up to 3 liters the
− Preparer electric from food
− Processor from food electric
− Electric grater
− Electric roller towards dough
− Crusher electric

Devices Electric towards heating from liquids − Heater electric from water (portable) or
for domestic use and the like, with tension ebulidor
13 nominal not higher the 250 V. − Heater electric from feeding bottle
Note 1: Some devices can be used to warm up − Heaters from milk
− Coffee pot Electric and Devices Similar

If or apparatus if Intended the be used towards boil water with
professionally towards prosecute food abilitynominal not exceeding 10
towards consumption commercial or Liters the
apparatus No is deemed how Being only
− Electric kettle
towards use domestic and similar.
− Cooker electric from eggs
Note 2: Examples from Such Devices healthy:
− Melter Electric from chocolate with
- reservoir from glue with one jacket from
ability from until 5 Liters from chocolate
water; the

- Boilers power supply from cattle;

− Electric yogurt maker
- Sterilizers.
− Machine from coffee
− Machine from express
− Pot Electric
− Electric pressure cooker with pressure
not more than 140 kPa and ability from
until 10 liters the
− Electric steam pan with capacity of up
to 10 Liters the
− Electric pot with capacity up to 10 liters

− Pot Electric rice

− Pot Electric cooking slow
− Sopeira with the ability to until 10 Liters

− Tower source or waterfall Electric from

chocolate with ability from until 5 Liters
from chocolate the
Discarders Electric from garbage alimentary
14 towards Purposes Domestic and Similar with − Crusher electric from garbage feed
tension nominal No greater than 250 V.

Blankets Electric Pads clothes and other

Devices Flexible than Warms the bed or or
body human towards use domestic and with a − Blanket thermal-electric
nominal voltage of not more than 250 V, and
− Sheet thermal-electric
15 the units of control provided with the Devices.
− Blanket thermal-electric
Appliances intended for use in salons beauty
or by people in cold environments, are inside − Pillow thermal-electric
of the scope.

Heaters Electric from water by accumulation for
domestic and similar use, intended for water − Heater from
heating below temperature from boiling accumulation electric(hybrid or no)
whose tension nominal No Be

more than 250 V for single-phase devices and
480 V to other devices.

− Apparatus electric towards permanent

fromhair (domestic or commercial)
− Plate Thermal Electric (straightener /
Flat iron / plank)
− Electric iron from Drag one's feet hair
− Devices towards permanent from hair
− Heaters with bobes Detachable
Electrical appliances for skin care or hair from − Brush straightener from hairs
people or animals and Intended towards use − Brush from hairs Rotating
domestic and Similar whose tension not more
than 250 V, and may be these Devices − Brush dryer from hairs
17 incorporate Devices towards production from − Crimper from hairs
steam or spray.
− Machine Electric towards drying from
Note: Encompasses Devices towards use in animals (type cabinet)
Halls frombeauty.
− Modeler / Straightener towards beard
− Modeler of curls for hair
− Comb thermal electric straightener
− Saunas Facial
− Hairdryer electric from hair (portable)
− Hairdryer electric from Hands
− Hairdryer electric hair from animals

Refrigeration appliances for domestic use and

alike Machines from do ice Incorporating one
bike compressor and Machines from do ice
Meant the Be Incorporated in Magazines from − Cellar
storage from frozen food, refrigeration − Conditioner electric from Drinks
appliances and ice making machines for use in domestic
camping, Trailers tourism and boats for
− Minibars with door from glass
leisure purposes, whose rated voltage is not
more than 250 V towards Devices single- − Machine Electric ice
18 phase, 480 V towards other Devices and 24
− Machine Electric domestic from ice
Vd.c. towards Devices Operated thebattery.
These Devices Can be Operated Connected to
− Refrigerator portable from travel
the network Electric the one battery Separate
or both. − Refrigerator portable towards cosmetics
Ice cream machines are also in scope Meant − Refrigerators Compact with door from
towards use domestic whose tension nominal glass
No Be superior the 250 V towards

Devices single-phase and 480 V towards other
Comes also from Devices of the kind
compression for home use and the like, which
use flammable refrigerants.
Note: Note that the exclusion set out in the
item 66 Of Table 2 This Attachment.

− Alarm clock electric

− Alarm clocks
− Electric watch
Watches Electric with tension nominal No
19 − Watches Incorporating wherewithal
greater than 250 V.
from Drive Different from Engines
− Watches Moved the spring with
mechanism from winding Operated

Machines from sewing Electrical towards use

domestic and similar, the nominal voltage of
which does not Be superior the 250 V towards
Devices single-phase and 480 V towards other − Machine Electric from sewing / overlock
Devices. /straight / zigzag

Machines from sewing the Be Used by lay

people in stores or in the light industry are in
− Boots from Batteries and Batteries (A,
Boots from Batteries Electric towards use
AAAAA C, D, 9 V and 12 V)
domestic and alike Having one output with
extra low voltage safety, whose voltage − Boots from Batteries Automotive than
nominal No Be superior the 250 V. Obey Cumulatively To Parameters
21 Maximum from 30 The tension from
Boots from Batteries No Intended To use
output from 15 V and dough from 18 Kg.
domestic normal Such how Boots from
Are Of Same manner Included the
Batteries the Be Used in Garages in Stores in
chargers of battery than Have voltage
industry lightweight or in Farms are inscope.
selection options and one of the
options Be one value minor than 15 V

− Devices from heating by lampheat

mounted on the roof
Ambient electric heaters for use domestic and − Heater electric from environment
similar, its nominal voltage does not Being − Heater electric towards greenhouse
superior the 250 V towards Devices single-
phase and 480 V towards other Devices. − Heaters with fan
− Heaters from dashboard
− Heaters by convection

− Heaters Radiant
− Heaters Tubular
− Radiators to the liquid

Hoods Electric and other Extractors from

kitchen smoke installed above, next door,
behind or under Stoves Domestic Stoves and
Devices from kitchen Similar with tension − Hood Electric from use domestic
23 nominal No greater than 250 V.
− Ventilator electric from use domestic
Note: Or apparatus from kitchen Can be fed
by electricity or other fuels, such as or gas.

Sealed motorcycles (airtight type and semi-

hermetic), its control systems and protection
if Existing Intended the Be Embedded in
equipment from use Domestic and Similar and
than are in accordance with the rules
applicable to such equipment. Applies to
motorcycle compressors Tested separately
under the conditions more Severe than Can
occur in use normal its tension nominal No
Being superior the 250 V towards motorcycles
single-phase and 480 V towards other
− Compressors Airtight and semi- Airtight
Note: Examples of equipment that contains
24 towards goods from refrigeration and
motorcycles healthy:
- refrigerators, food freezers and Machines
from do ice;
- Devices from air conditioned Bombs from
electric heat and dehumidifers;
- Devices from distribution commercial and
Machines from sale Automatic - Sets built in a
factory for the transfer of heat in Applications
from refrigeration air conditioned or heating
or one combination from Such Purposes.

Heaters Electric Snapshots from water towards

use domestic and Similar and Intended To
water heating below temperature from boiling
its tension nominal No Being more than 250 V − Heaters Electric Snapshots fromwater
for single-phase devices and 480 V to other
Note: Instant water heaters Incorporating
Elements from heating Naked
are inside of the scope.

Stoves Electric Commercial towards cook and

roast Elements from stove and Devices Similar
No Intended To use domestic with rated
voltage not exceeding 250 V for single-phase
devices connected between a phase and
neutral and 480 V towards other Devices. − Stove electric from use commercial
26 Note: These Devices healthy Used by for − Greenhouse Electric from use
example, in restaurants, canteens, hospitals commercial
and Companies Commercial how Bakeries
− Fermentor electric from use commercial
Butchers and so on.
Devices than Use Other Forms from energy
but than Have part Electric are also in. of the

Electric commercial fryers, including types

Pressurized No Intended To use domestic its
tension nominal No Being more than 250 V for
single-phase devices connected between a
phase and neutral and 480 V to other devices.
Note: These Devices healthy Used by for
− Deep fryer Electric from use
27 example, in restaurants, canteens, hospitals
commercial withvolume total from oil
and Companies Commercial how Bakeries
until 50 Liters the
Butchers and so on.
Devices than Use Other Forms from energy
but than Have part Electric are also in. of the

− Plate Electric from use commercial

− Creperie Electric from use commercial
Plates and Grids Electrical Commercial No
Meant To use domestic its tension nominal No − Grill electric from use commercial with
Being superior the 250 V towards single-phase processing capacity up to 60 kg by hour
devices connected between a phase and
neutral and 480 V towards other Devices. − Machine from pretzel Electric from use
Note: These Devices healthy Used by for commercial
example, in restaurants, canteens, hospitals − Machine from waffler Electric from
and Companies Commercial how Bakeries usecommercial
Butchers and so on.
− Omelette Electric from use commercial
Devices than Use Other Forms from energy
but than Have part Electric are also in. of the − Pancake Electric from use commercial
scope. − Racleteira Electric from commercial use
− Toaster Electric from use commercial
with ability from processing until

148/2022 the
60 kg by hour

Pans Electrical from kitchen Multipurpose No

Meant To use domestic with tension not
exceeding 250 V for appliances single-phase
Connected between one phase and neutral
and 480 V for others Devices. − Machine Electric commercial from
Note: These Devices healthy Used by for cottonsweet
example, in restaurants, canteens, hospitals − Pot Electric from use commercial with
and Companies Commercial how Bakeries ability from until 200 liters the
Butchers and so on.
Devices than Use Other Forms from energy
but than Have part Electric are also in. of the

Bombs Electrical from heat including Bombs

from heat from water hot Health Conditioners
from air and Dehumidifiers Incorporating
and ventiloconvectors
hydronics, Being Your nominal voltages not
greater than 250 V for single-phase devices
and 600 V for too Devices.
This scope also Covers Bombs Electrical from − Pump Electric from heat with ability
heat Conditioners from air and Dehumidifiers nominal until 60.000 Btu/H the
Containing soft drink flammable. These − Conditioner from air portable
Devices Can consist in one or more Sets
Manufactured. If Provided in more from one − Hair conditioner from air portable
ensemble the separate sets should be used − Dehumidifier electric
together and the Requirements healthy Based
in use Of corresponding sets.
Additional heaters, or a provision for their
separate installation, are within the scope but
only Heaters than healthy designed as part of
devices, thebuilt-in controls to the appliance.

Cooks the steam and Generators from steam

used exclusively in electric ovens, not
intended for domestic use, and their nominal
voltages not greater than 250 V for single- − Cooks the steam from commercial use
phase devices connected between a phase and
31 − Generators from steam Used
neutral and 480 V towards the too Devices.
exclusively in electric ovens of
Note 1: These Devices healthy Used by for commercial use
example, in restaurants, canteens, hospitals
and Companies Commercial Such how
Bakeries Butchers and so on.

Devices than Use Other Forms from energy
but than Have part Electric are also in. of the
Note 2: The exclusion established in the item
50 Of Table 2 This Attachment.

Electric dryers for drying clothes textiles on

shelves located in a stream hot air and electric
− Clothesline dryers, with circulation
towel racks, for use domestic and similar, with
from air hot natural orForced
its tensions Nominal No Larger than 250 V.
32 − Dryer from clothesline (towel rack
Note: The hairmen Can be Fixed or
electric) for drying from Towels
Independent in one cupboard. The circulation
fromair can be natural or forced.

− Treadmills towards trousers.

− Dowels from clothes of the kind rotary;
Treadmills Electrical towards Purposes − Dowels from clothes Electric by
Domestic and Similar Being Your Tensions pressing;
Nominal No Larger of the than 250 V towards
− Presses from starch towards operation
Devices single-phase and 480 V towards the
byone person;
too Devices.
− Vaporizer from clothes / zebra crossing
Electric the steam from clothes
− Cigarette lighter electric from stove
− Pliers peeler electric
− Heater electric from water by
resistance Encapsulated
− Pen Electric from burning (pyrograph)
− Stripper (peeler) electric fromink
Tools Electrical portable from heating and
similar appliances, Your Tensions Nominal No − Packer Electric portable
Larger of the than 250V.
− Season Electric from air hot towards
34 Devices that can also be used Mounted in one rework (welding)
support are inside of the scope This
− Power station from solder
− Season Electric dessoldieror
− Tool Electric from cut from Horns
− Tool Electric from cut from plastic
− Tool Electric from marking
− Tool Electric from solder

− Tool Electric from solder
fromElectrical conduit Thermoplastic
− Iron from solder electric
− Ignitor from fuel solid
− Pistol Electric air hot
− Pistol Electric from glue hot
− Pistol Electric from soldering
− Pistol Electric from solder
− Sealer portable or from workbench
− Sealing Electric portable from packing
for food
− Welder electric from plastic portable or
from workbench

Pot Electric Commercial to the steam No

Meant To use domestic Being Your nominal
voltages not greater than 250 V for single-
phase devices connected between a phase and
neutral and 480 V towards the too Devices.
Note: These Devices healthy Used by for − Pot Electric from use commercial the
example, in restaurants, canteens, hospitals steamwith capacity of up to 200 liters
and Ventures Commercial how Bakeries the

Butchers and so on.

Devices than Use Other Forms from energy
but than Have part Electric are also in. of the

Barbecues and Toasters Electrical commercial − Electric roaster fixed

goods not intended for domestic use, with − Roaster rotary with Driveelectric
rated voltage not exceeding 250 V for single-
phase devices connected between a phase − Roaster/Salamander/Barbecue with
and neutral and 480 V towards other Devices. Parts Electrical with system from
heating electric or electric/gas or
Churraqueiras Rotating or Continuous and electric/gas Fuels towards
toasters and similar appliances intended for usecommercial
36 grill by heat radiant how assadores,
Salamanders and so on. are inside of the − Barbecues and Toasters Rotatingor
scope. Continuous

Note 1: These Devices healthy Used by for − Ovens Electric Rotating towards roast
example, in restaurants, canteens, hospitals Chickens and equipment Similar
and Ventures Commercial how Bakeries − Francagueira Electric
Butchers and so on.
− Roaster / Toaster Electric from use
Devices than Use Other Forms from energy
but than Have part Electric
also are inside of the scope. commercial
Note 2: Observed the exclusion Established in
item 50 Of Table 2 This Attachment.

− Heater radiant
Electrically operated commercial appliances to
keep food and crockery warm ed if Intended − Hot cabinets, with or without lids
To use domestic with tension not exceeding Heated (from use commercial)
250 V for appliances single-phase Connected − Balcony electric heated from use
between one phase and neutral and 480 V for commercial (including by induction)
others Devices.
37 − Heated dishwashers (from commercial
Note: These Devices healthy Used by for use)
example, in restaurants, canteens, hospitals
and Ventures Commercial Similar. − Exhibitor / greenhouse / showcase
Electric electric heated towards food
Devices than Use Other Forms from energy (from commercial use)
but than Have part Electric are also in. of the
scope. − Table Electric from use commercial
(including induction)

Electrically operated commercial water bath

not intended for domestic use, with voltage
not exceeding 250 V for appliances single-
phase Connected between one phase and
neutral and 480 V for others Devices.
− Bain-marie electric from use commercial
38 Note: These Devices healthy Used by for
example, in restaurants, canteens, hospitals − Pot Electric from use commercial
and Ventures Commercial Similar.
Devices than Use Other Forms from energy
but than Have part Electric are also in. of the

− Devices Electric from hygiene oral

Oral hygiene electrical appliances for use
39 domestic and Similar with tension nominal No − Brush from tooth Electric
greater than 250 V.
− Irrigator oral electric

Electrical sauna heating equipment, having a

nominal input power not superior the 20 Kw
with tension nominal No more than 250 V for
single-phase devices connected between a
phase and neutral and 480 V to other devices. − Electric heating apparatus for heating
sauna with or without unit humidifier
40 The Devices Covered healthy Intended To use (with Power nominal until 20 kW) the
domestic and in Saunas Public Located in Blocks
from Apartments Hotels and Local Similar.
Note 1: The Devices from heating Of sauna

Can be of the kind from storage thermal.
Also this Included in scope Devices sauna
heating electrics provided with a humidifier
unit. Your tension not exceeding 250 V for
appliances single-phase Connected between
one phase and neutral and 480 V for other
devices. The air environment is Humidified By
evaporation oratomization of the water.
Note 2: A humidifier can be part of a sauna
heating appliance or you can incorporated
into the sauna heater. Or apparatus from
heating Of sauna or or sauna heater can be
operated with or without or humidifier.

Devices Electric from cleaning towards use − Apparatus electric towards cleaning
domestic than if Intended to the cleaning from from surfaces, using cleaning agents
Surfaces how Windows Walls and Pools empty Liquids or steam, from use domestic
using liquid cleaning agents or steam with
− Washer Electric by discharge pressure
tension nominal No superior the 250
41 orby steam from use domestic
V. Also are Included Devices from removal
from paper from wall. − High-pressure electric cleaner or by
steam from use domestic
Note: The Devices Can incorporate Elements
from heating or wherewithal towards − Machine from removal from paper
pressurize the container from liquid. from wall, the steam from use domestic

− Feeder electric from animal feed

Devices Electric towards use in Aquariums and
42 Lakes from garden with tension nominal No − Devices towards suction from mud
greater than 250 V.
− Sanders

Machines from wash dishes Operated

electrically for washing dishes, dishes, glasses,
cutlery and similar articles, with or without
wherewithal towards heating or drying No
Meant To use domestic its tension nominal No − Washer from dishes with mat carrier
Being superior the 250 V towards single-phase − Machine from brushing crockery
devices connected between a phase and
neutral and 480 V towards other Devices. − Washer from dishes from use
commercial with ability from washing
Note: These Devices healthy Used by example
from until 1.500 dishes/hour or ability
in restaurants Hotels canteens hospitals and
bigger 100baskets (0.5 m x 0,5 m) the
Companies Commercial how Bakeries
Butchers and so on.
Devices than Use Other Forms from energy
but than Have part Electric are also in. of the

Electrical insect exterminators for purposes
− Terminator electric from Insects
44 Domestic and Similar its tension nominal No
(including kind racket)
Being superior to 250 V.

Bathtubs from hydromassage Electrical

towards internal use and hydromassage spas,
for use domestic and Similar with tension
nominal No superior the 250 V towards
45 − Bathtub Electric from hydromassage
Devices single-phase and 480 V for other
devices, Being Included also the Devices
towards circulation from air or water in Baths

Heaters Electric from storage thermal for

domestic use and the like are intended to heat
up the environment in which they are Located − Heaters from storagethermal
its tension nominal No Being more than 250 V from environment
for single-phase devices and 480 V to other

Machines from rinse from use commercial

electrically operated not intended for the use
of domestic its tension nominal No Being more
than 250 V for single-phase devices connected
between a phase and neutral, and 480 V to
other devices.
− Machine Electric from rinse from use
47 Note: These Devices healthy Used by example
in restaurants canteens Hotels hospitals and
Companies Commercial how Bakeries
Butchers and so on.
Devices than Use Other Forms from energy
but than Have part Electric are also in. of the

Machines from kitchen Commercial Operated − Machines Electrical Rotating from

electrically No Meant To use domestic its kitchenfrom use commercial
tension nominal No Being more than 250 V for
single-phase devices connected between a − Opener electric from Cans
phase and neutral, and 480 V to other devices. from usecommercial

Note: These Devices healthy Used by example − Kneader Electric with abilityminor or
in restaurants canteens Hotels hospitals and equal the 40 kg of dough the
commercial establishments such as Bakeries − Mixer Electric commercial
Butchers and so on. withability minor or equal to 18 Liters
It is also included in the scope of the which, in
order to facilitate transport, are provided in − Centrifuge Electric commercial
several parts (subsets) that, when Mounted in towardsfood
local from installation Form one
− Cylinder whistled and Laminator
automatic with length from roll
148/2022 the
unit Constructive without the use from Any minor or equal the 500 Mm
additional parts.
− Cutter electric from dough towards use
Devices than Use Other Forms from energy commercial
but than Have part Electric are also in. of the
− Depulper electric commercial
− Squeezer electric from Fruits from use
commercial with power from 300 W the

− Slicer electric from use commercial

− Blender from use commercial with
capacity above 3.5 liters up to 18 Liters

− Machine Electric from washing and/or

drying from food from use commercial
− Mixer electric from use commercial
with capacity until 100 kg/h the
− Electric mass modeling use commercial
with length from roll minor or equal to
400 Mm the
− Grinder electric commercial from Grain
with ability of the reservoir from 1,5 Kg
until15 kg the
− Grinder electric towards Meat with
ability from until 400 kg/h, and/or
diameter of the grinding disc up to 100
mm the
− Preparer from use commercial with
ability from until 100 kg/h the
− Reaper from use commercial with
ability from until 100 kg/h the
− Grater from use commercial with ability
from until 100 kg/h the
− Chipper from use commercial with
ability from until 100 kg/h the
− Commercially used electric peeler with
capacity from until 100 kg/h the
− Commercially used electric peeler with
load capacity per cycle of operation
from in maximum 25 Kg the
− Processor electric from food from
commercial use
− Roll electric from dough of use

with length from roll from until 500
Mm the

Electrical air purification apparatus for − Devices from purification from air
domestic use and the like, its nominal voltage
49 − Filter electric of air
No Being superior the 250 V towards Devices
single-phase and 480 V towards other Devices. − Ionizer electric of air

Electric heaters for water beds and their Units

from Control Associated with towards
50 − Heater electric from Beds water
Purposes Domestic and Similar its tension
nominal NoBeing superior to 250 V.

Devices Operated by engine electric Designed

mainly towards use industrial and commercial,
with or without accessories, including Devices
than Incorporate suction Wet and / or dry, its
nominal tension not exceeding 250 V towards
Devices single-phase and 480 V towards other
devices. These devices can be used to polish
floors (including wax and polishing), rub and
Grinding scarify and washCarpets. − Machine Electric from treatment
51 and/or cleaning from floor from use
Note: Commercial uses are, for example,
commercial and industrial
towards use in Hotels schools hospitals
Factories shops and offices for purposes other
than cleaning normal.
Also is Included in scope the Machines than
handle hazardous dust, such as asbestos
liquids, and appliances that use other Forms
from energy towards or engine.

Devices Electric Mobile and portable from

extraction by spray (spraying) Operated by
motor and electrical accessories intended for
use industrial and commercial, its nominal
voltage does not Being superior the 250 V
towards Devices single-phase and 480 V for
other devices. These Devices Employ Agents
from cleaning to the base from water and − Machine Electric towards cleaning from
52 healthy Used towards clean fabrics, carpet with spray (for commercial or
upholstery, carpets,floor or Surfaces Hard commercial use,industrial)

Note: Commercial uses are, for example,

towards use in Hotels schools hospitals
Factories Stores and Offices towards other
Purposes beyond Of cleaning normal.
Machines with or without Elements from
heating electric and with or without
are inside of the scope.
Are Included in scope the Devices in than the
pressure of the agent from cleaning is positive
and No more than 2.5 MPa, or where the
product of the pressure (in MPa) and or flow
of the agent from cleaning (in Liters by minute)
No Exceed 100, and where the temperature of
the cleaning agent in output of the sprayer No
Exceed 85 °C.
Also is Included in scope the Machines than
handle hazardous dust, such as asbestos
liquids, and appliances that use other Forms
from energy towards or engine.
Vacuum cleaners from dust Operated by
engine electric and Includes Devices and
equipment stationary systems specifically
designed for suction Wet and/or suction
drought towards use industrial and
commercial with or without accessories such
as dust suction or dust Similar From from
countertops from work and production
machines, and its tension nominal No superior − Vacuum cleaner from dust electric
the 250 V towards Devices single-phase and (dry and/orwet) from use commercial
480 V towards otherDevices. − Vacuum cleaner from dust electric
Note: Commercial uses are, for example, (dry and/orwet) from use industrial
towards use in Hotels schools hospitals
Factories Stores and Offices towards other
Purposes beyond Of cleaning normal.
Also included in the scope are the machines
than Handle Dust Dangerous how asbestos or
liquids, and appliances using Other Forms
energy towards or engine.

Devices from heating electric Used towards

creation and reproduction from animals Such
how: Devices from irradiation from heat
chocadeiras Electrical towards Chickens
Incubators Units from creation from Chickens − Chocaderias Electrical towards chickens;
and heating plates for animals, the voltage of
− Incubators from animals;
54 the apparatus being not more than 250 V
towards Devices single-phase and 480 V − Plates from heating towards animals;
towardsother devices.
− Units Creators from animals;
Also are Included in scope the Devices from
heating Used towards creation and
reproduction from animals than Include one
engine electric.

55 Machines Combined portable Fed − Waxing Electric towards use commercial

by the power grid or by battery, with or − Polishing Electric towards use
without a built-in battery charger, having a commercial
chassis with or without Drive from traction
destined To use commercial and industrial
internal or external for dry or wet treatment of
hard floors or carpeted floors, the its rated
voltage of not more than 250 V for the Devices
single-phase and 480 V towards the other
Note: Examples from Such Devices healthy
equipment from restoration Devices from
cleaning towards use industrial and
commercial and Devices towards Hairdressers.
Also included in the scope are the machines
handling hazardous dust and appliances who
use other forms of energy for the engine.

Fixed electric immersion heaters for home use

and the like that are intended for installation
in one tank from water open to the
atmosphere towards warm water the one
temperature below its boiling point, Being the
its tension nominal No superior the 250 V for
single-phase devices and 480 V for the others
Devices. − Heater from water from immersion
Fixed towardsswimming pool and
56 Note 1: Or tank from water Can have Similar
wherewithal alternative water heating, such
as the hot water circulation supplied by a − Heater from immersion fixed in general
boiler Separate. fromresidential use or commercial

Note 2: Heaters from immersion with one

power nominal from entry from until 25 Kw
towards incorporation how source alternative
from heating in Boilers from heating central
also are inside of the scope.

Heaters Electric from immersion portable for − Heater electric fixed immersion
57 home use and similar, with voltage nominal
No greater than 250 V. − Ebulidor portable from Liquids

− Coffee pot Electric from use commercial

Dispensers Electric Commercial and Machines
− Kettle Electric from use commercial
from sale Automatic towards preparation or
delivery of food, beverages and food products − Dispenser from Juices
consumption its tension nominal No Being
− Machine from coffee from use
more than 250 V for single-phase devices and
480 V to other devices.
− Machine from express from commercial
− Machine from sale
Automatic from

− Machine Electric commercial from ice
− Machine Electric from preparation
and/or sale of beverages (soft drinks,
juices, etc.)
− Machine Electric from refreshment
− Electric machine for food sales Packed
(Snacks) and Drinks (soft drinks, Juices
− Machine Electric towards sale from ice
− Machine Electric towards sale from
Newspapersand/or other goods
− Machine Electric towards sale from
− Machine Electric towards sale from ice
Energizers from fence Electric whose tension
not more than 250 V and by means of Of What
− Fence electrifier / Electric fence,
the Wires from Fences in Spaces rural,
59 domestic, rural and control of Wildlife
domestic or animal control Wild and Fences
from safety than Can beElectrified monitored.

Electric, cylinder or lawn mowers Rotating

Controlled by Pedestrians Designed mainly
60 towards use in house or towards Purposes − Cutter electric from grass (from cart)
Similar its tension nominal No Being superior
the 250 V Monophase.

Outdoor barbecues for home use and alike its

tension nominal No Beinggreater than 250 V.
61 Note: Encompasses Devices Used by − Barbecue Electric towards use external
restaurants and Hotels.

Cleaners from discharge pressure towards use
domestic industrial and commercial with one
pressure No inferior the 2,5 Mpa and No
superior the
25 Mpa and with one entry towards or high- − Washer Electric by discharge pressure
pressure pump actuation does not more than orby steam from use commercial
10 kW, and its rated voltage is No superior the − Cleaner electric by discharge pressure
250 V towards Devices single-phase and 480 V orby steam from use commercial
towards other Devices.
Are in scope the Machines from cleaning the
steam Industrial and Commercial with reservoir
from water with ability No superior the 1.000
l, pressure nominal No superior the 3,2 Mpa

product capacity and rated pressure not
greater than 300.
Are also Included in scope the Devices than
Use Other Forms from energy towards or

Fans Electric towards use domestic and Similar − Curtain from air
its tension nominal No Being more than 250 V
− Ventilator from air
for single-phase devices and 480 V for other
appliances, including also the Controls − Fan from tower
63 Separate Provided with the Fans.
− Fan without propeller
Note: Note: The exclusion established in the
− Fans from duct
Items 75 and 76 table 2 This Attachment.
− Fans from partition

− Footwear electric heated

Heaters Electric from feet and Rugs from
heating towards Purposes Domestic and − Heater from feet
similar, its nominal voltage not being greater
− Carpet from heating (with area No
than 250 V.
superior the 0,5 Mm2) the

− Apparatus towards polish Shoes.

− Cupboard electric from baggage
− Scales
− Box Electronic
− Dispenser electric from Coins
− Dispenser electric from paper towel /
paper hygienic
− Dispenser electric from soap
Machines from entertainment Commercial − Trunk electric
electrical and personal service machines, their
− Machine from arcade (e.g.: pinball)
65 rated voltage not exceeding 250 V towards
Devices single-phase and 480 V towards other − Machine Electric from billiards
− Machine Electric from bowling
− Machine Electric from fun
− Machine Electric from shine/polish
− Machine Electric towards
refill fromCards
− Machine Electric towards sale from
− Simulator electric from conduction
− Video game
Gutters Heated electrically towards thaw the
entry of the system from drainage from Roofs
− Heater electric towards
66 from Apartments Balconies and similar
drain fromroof
structures, with nominal voltage not higher
the 250 V

Vessels Health Electric us What excrement is − Heaters from water for showers
stored, dried or destroyed, with tension
nominal No superior the 250 V, Being Included − Seat electric heated towards bathroom
also the equipment Electric towards use with − Devices Automatic towards coverseat
67 Vessels Health Conventional.
− Unit shredder towards bathroom
Note: Vessels Health Electric Can be Used
towards prosecute Waste Such What paper and − Units from pumping
remains from food. towardsbathroom

Vaporizers from fabric towards use domestic or

− Machine Electric towards
Similar with tension nominal No superior the
cleaning frompadding or from
68 250V.
Note: Encompasses Devices Used in Laundries
− Machine Electric towards cleaning to
and Dry cleaners
the steamfrom Tissues
Machines Electrical from fishing by middle Of
What water can be electrified with the aim of
capture Fish or provide Barriers towards
everyone the animals than live in the water.

69 The rated voltage of electrical fishing is not − Machines Electrical from fish
more than 250 V for machinery Phase and 480
V for Other Machines except than the tension
nominal Of Machines electric fishing for
permanent connection with wiring Fixed No is
superior to 1,000 V.

Electric animal stun machine whose rated

voltage is not more than 250 V towards
Devices single-phase and 480 V towards other
appliances, including the appliances Manuals − Equipment Electric
semi-automatics and automatic towards light towardsstunning from animals
commercial or industrial use, for use in farms
or for use in areas where they may be a source
from danger towards or public.

Humidifiers Electric Intended To use with

heating, ventilation or air conditioner in
Applications Domestic Commercial and − Humidifiers Intended towards use with
71 Industrial Light (may be Included Great Systems from heating ventilation or air
equipment Commercial autonomous) than conditioned
Operate from agreement with or system
Evaporative or from atomization injection
from water steam and Similar Being the its
maximum rated voltage not exceeding 250 V
towards Devices single-phase and 600 V
towards everyonethe others Devices.

− Cellar from commercial use

− Refrigerated service desk or from Self
(self-service) fromcommercial use
Commercial refrigeration electrical appliances − Conditioner electric from Drinks from
that have a built-in compressor or that healthy usecommercial
Provided in two Units towards mounting how
72 − Freezer electric from use commercial
one unique apparatus from agreement with
the Instructions of the manufacturer (system − Conservative electric from use
divided). commercial
− Exhibitor electric cooled from use
− Refrigerator electric from use
Microwave ovens without cavity door or with
door from cavity and with wherewithal from
transport Intended the use commercial and
the on board ships, the nominal voltage of
− Oven from Microwave from use
73 which is not more than 250 V for single-phase
commercialwith power until 7.500 W the
devices connected between a phase and
neutral and 480 V for other devices, and also
included the microwave ovens that use non-
energy Electric.

Cutters from grass Electric Manuals and − Sideboard from edge lawn
laptops and lawn edge cutters, with element
(s) from cut from line from filament No − Sideboard electric from grass
metallic or Cutters No Metallic from rotation portable andmanual
74 free with energy not more than 10 J each, − Cutter electric from grass portable and
used by one operator from foot towards or cut manual
from grass whose tension nominal No Be
superior the 250 V towards − Mowing Electric from grass portable
BC. or 50 V anno Domini.. andmanual

Scarifiators and Aerators Electric from lawn

Operated by Pedestrians with Cutters Rotating
towards Lawns by example Removing straw
and moss Of grass or Cutting vertically the − Lawn scarifers and aeratorsControlled
75 surface of the lawn. These scarifers are by Pedestrians
designed mainly for use inside and outside the − Mowing Electric
house or for similar purposes, the nominal
voltage of which it's not superior the 250 V

Scissors Electrical Manuals towards grass with
one width from cut maxim from 200 Mm − Scissors from prune to grass
76 designed primarily for mowing grass, whose
nominal voltage is not greater than 250 V − Scissors Electric towards cut grass
towards BC. or 50 V anno Domini.

− Drives for garage doors than if Move

vertically from use residential
− Automated from gate Windows
Curtains and engines garage

Electrical controls for garage doors for − Command electric towards Skylights
residential use that open and close in − Command electric towards Covers
direction vertical whose the tension nominal Mobile and Similar
77 No Be more than 250 V for single-phase
− Command electric towards Windows
devices and 480 V for other devices, and is also
Included the Devices from protection against − Command electric towards Doors
imprisonment towards use with inverters.
− Command electric towards
Doors frombearing
− Command electric towards Doors
− Command electric towards Doors
Sheets of flexible heating elements intended − Plate flexible towards heating from
to be incorporated into the building towards Environments
warm or environment in than are Located
78 − Leaf flexible towards heating from
whose tension nominal No Be more than 250 V
for single-phase installations and 480 V
towards Other facilities. − Electric floor heated

− Automated from gate

WindowsCurtains and engines of
− Command electric towards Doors
Commands Electric towards equipment from − Command electric towards Doors
Drag one's feet how Blinds Blinds and Awnings Folding
intended for domestic use and the like, dirty
rated voltage is not greater than 250 V for − Command electric towards Doors
Devices single-phase and 480 V towards other − Command electric towards
Devices Being Included also the Commands Doors frombearing
towards equipment with part Thrown by
spring. − Command electric towards Windows
− Command electric towards Skylights
− Command electric towards Covers
Mobile and Similar
− Command electric towards Awnings
− Command electric for curtains

− Command electric for grids
− Command electric towards Screens from
− Command electric towards Blinds
Humidifier electric towards use domestic and
the nominal voltage of which is not higher
80 − Humidifier electric
than 250 V for single-phase and 480 V devices
to other devices.

Commercial lye hoods intended for

commercial use installation above from
Devices from kitchen such as stoves, grills,
grills and and Fryers and No Meant To use
domestic Being its tension nominal No
superior the 250 V towards Hoods Phase
between phase and neutral and 480 V for
other devices. Complete units only Individual
and Hoods Provided how Parts Separate than − Hood Electric from use commercial
81 when Mounted Form one hood functional
− Ventilator electric from use commercial
Complete Incorporating a fan, are inside of the
Note: The Hoods Can be Used by for example,
in restaurants, canteens, hospitals and
Ventures Commercial how Bakeries Butchers
and so on. The hood Can be Used above from
one or more household appliances of the
Same kind or from Types Different.

− Vacuum cleaner electric towards the

Manual electric garden vacuumcleaners
cleaning fromGardens
Connected the network Electric Blowers /
blowers with or without grinding media and − Blower electric towards the cleaning
garden blowers for use inside and outside fromGardens
from house or towards Purposes Similar Being
− Blower electric towards the cleaning
its tensionnominal not exceeding 250 V Phase.

− Flavoring electric
Electric vaporizers for home use and Similar
− Deodorisers Electric
83 Being its tension nominal No greater than 250
V. − Repellent electric from Insects

Devices from combustion the gas oil and Fuels − Devices from kitchen
Solid Provided from Parts electrical, for − Devices laundry and cleaning
domestic use and alike whose rated voltage is
84 − Heater central
not greater than 250 V for Devices single-
phase and 480 V towards otherDevices. − Heater towards oil and gas
(withelectrical connection)

− Heaters from water.
− Heaters from environment
− Heaters from air
− Equipment commercial from provision

− Automated from gate

WindowsCurtains and engines garage
− Command electric towards Doors
− Command electric towards Doors
Command electric towards Gates Doors and − Command electric towards Doors
Windows than if Move horizontal and Revolving
vertically for home use and the like, Being the − Command electric towards
its tension nominal No superior the 250 V for Doors frombearing
single-phase and 480 V devices for other
devices. − Command electric towards Windows
− Command electric towards Skylights
− Command electric towards Covers
− Command electric towards Doors
sectioned Suspended
− Command electric towards Doors
Devices Electric towards retrieve and / or − Devices Electric towards recovery from
recycle coolant from air conditioners and refrigerant from air conditioners and
refrigeration appliances than Incorporate Devices from refrigeration
86 open compressors or motorcompressors,
nominal voltages not exceeding 250 V towards − Devices towards recycling from
Devices single-phase and 600 V towards other refrigerant from air conditioners and
devices. Devices from refrigeration

Cabins from shower Multifunction and Units

Electrical Separate from shower Multifunction
towards use domestic and Similar Being the its
tension nominal No superior the 250 V for
87 single-phase and 480 V devices for other − Cabin Electric Multifunctional from bath
Apparatus intended for use by persons Lay in
Hotels Academies from gymnastics and Local
similar, are in the scope.

Rugs Heated and Units from heating from
comodos than if Intended the Be Installed − Heater electric from floor Carpeted
bluntly down from one coating removable − Electric floor heated
from floor Being its

tension nominal No superior the 250 V
towards single-phase installations and 480 V
for other facilities.
Note: Examples from materials Used how
Coatings Removable from floor healthy Carpets
alfomadas vinyl or laminated Loose.
the TheDevices Should have the Parameters Technical Described in table Embedded To manual
to the product (plate from nominal data) and packaging.


The Table 2 the follow Sets the products that are exuded of the scope This Regulation.

Table 2 – Devices No Belonging To Scope

1 Drives towards Curtains from theatre.

2 Lengtheners from dough Covered By norm IEC 60335-2-64.

Kneader with ability bigger than 40 Kg from dough Covered By norm IEC60335-2-64.

Devices from audio and video and equipment Electronic Similar Covered By normIEC

5 Devices from exposure Of skin the radiation UV and GO Covered By norm IEC 60335-2-27.

6 Devices massage, Covered By IEC standard 60335-2-32.

7 Devices from continuous process for the production in dough from food.

8 Devices Intended the burn coal or Fuels Similar.

Appliances intended for use in places where special conditions prevail, such as explosive
atmospheres, within the scope of the Inmetro Ordinance in force for Electrical Equipment
for Explosive Atmospheres, under the Conditions of Gases and Vapors Flammable and
Dust Fuels.

10 Devices Electric Intended exclusively towards Purposes Industrial.

Devices Electric from Fish Such how:

− Feeder or dispenser automatic from food towards aquarium;
− Apparatus electric towards suction from mud from aquarium;
− Heater electric towards aquarium;
− Filter / aerator / compressor electric towards aquarium / apparatus electric
towards use inaquarium;

− Bombs from Aquarium.

Devices household appliances and Similar exclusively class III

Note 1: Class III apparatus is the device powered by extra low voltage safety and in which
No healthy Generated Tensions more High of the than the extra low tension fromsafety.
12 Note 2: Scope exclusion does not apply to class III battery-powered devices recharged to
the appliance itself via the charger base. These devices are still in the scope This

13 Devices towards heating from discharge frequency.

Devices towards Purposes doctors inside of the scope Of Concierge Inmeter current
towardsEquipment under Regime from Vigilance Health.

15 Devices than Send Waves Ultrasonic.

16 Heaters from rigid bed, such as the metal or material ceramic.

17 Bathrooms Chemical.

18 Whisks with greater capacity than 18 Liters Covered By norm IEC 60335-2-64.

19 Boleadoras Continuous Covered By IEC standard 60335-2-64.

20 Cabins from shower Multifunction towards use medicinal products.

Boots from Batteries than healthy part from one apparatus whose battery No is accessible

Centrifugal from Clothes inside of the scope Of Concierge Inmeter current towards Centrifugal

23 Showers Electric.

Cylinders sovadores, Rolling mills and Automatic with length from roll bigger than 500mm,
covered By norm IEC 60335-2-64.

Hoods Built in local from use or Built in factory towards use Specific Being theyNo
Produced in dough.

26 Hoods than No Incorporate Fans.

27 Collars from training from animals Coupled electromagnetically.

Commands Electric Meant the Be Used only by staff Trained inPremises commercial or

Commands Electric towards Doors Horizontal towards Pedestrians with aperture Exceeding
3Meters and one area from opening exceeding 6.25 m².

30 Commands Electric towards use specific how for instance Barriers counterfire.

Compressors Covered By norm IEC 60335-2-34, when Embedded the

equipment from refrigeration.
Note 1: Catafalque exclusion of the scope This regulation No or Exempt from fulfill with the
Requirements Of norm IEC 60335-2-34.
Note 2: The Compressors when Marketed from form Isolated Intended Tomarket from
replacement yet are covered by this Regulation.

32 Computers Personal and equipment Similar Covered By norm IEC 60950.

Conditioners from air (window and split) inside of the scope Of Concierge Inmeter current
towardsConditioners Air.

Conditioners from air kind multi-split, Ducts and Central from refrigeration Covered ByIEC
standard 60335-2-40.

35 Divider-boleadora, Covered By norm IEC 60335-2-64.

Dividers volumetrics Semiautomatic / Automatic Covered By norm IEC 60335-2-64.


37 Modeling dividers, Covered By norm IEC 60335-2-64.

Elements from heating Flexible Embedded in other Devices different OfCovered By IEC 60335-

39 Equipment from welding to bow.

40 Equipment Electric under Regime from Vigilance Health.

Equipment towards consumption from water inside of the scope Of Concierge Inmeter
current towardsEquipment towards Consumption from Water.

42 Mat from Gathering Covered By norm IEC 60335-2-64.

43 Sterilizers from pressure.

44 Slicers from bread/ slicer from Cakes Covered By norm IEC 60335-2-64.

45 Tools Electrical portable Operated the engine Covered By norm IEC 60745.

Tools Electrical semi-stationary Operated the engine Covered By norm IEC61029.


47 Tools than Use heating from discharge frequency.

Stoves and Ovens the gas from use domestic inside of the scope Of Concierge Inmeter current
towardsStoves and Ovens the Gas from Use Domestic.

49 Ovens from Microwave from use domestic inside of the scope Of Concierge Inmeter current

towards Ovens from Microwave.

Ovens Electric Commercial inside of the scope Of Concierge Inmeter current towards
OvensElectric Commercial.

51 Rolling mills from pizza Covered By IEC standard 60335-2-64.

Machines from slice with one knife circular whose blade is Leaning in one angle superior
the45° in relation vertically.

Washing machines within the scope of the current Inmetro Ordinance for Washing Machines
Wash Clothing.

54 Machines towards production of salty, Covered By norm IEC 60335-2-64.

55 Tables Rewinders from dough Covered By norm IEC 60335-2-64.

Modelers from dough with length from roll bigger than 400 Mm Covered ByIEC standard

57 Modelers-lengtheners, Covered By norm IEC 60335-2-64.

58 Mill from flour from screw thread Covered By IEC standard 60335-2-64.

59 Motor pumps inside of the scope Of Concierge Current inmetro towards Bombs Centrifugal.

60 Motor pumps, Covered By Standards IEC 60335-2-41 and IEC 60335-2-51.

Semi-hermetic technology, scroll technology and technology motorcycles hermetic

reciprocating agents, with a capacity of 4,700 refrigerators or more (about from 18.700
BTU/h), Intended the Systems from refrigeration towards Cameras refrigerators,
condensing units, refrigerated plants, etc. and technology motorcompressors scroll, with
a capacity of 64,000 BTU/h or more intended for air systems conditioned from bigger

Milkers Mechanical (system from milking mechanics or machine from milkingmechanics),

Covered By norm IEC 60335-2-70.

Treadmills Revolving towards operation by more from one person.

63 Note: Or length of the roll from Such Devices usually Exceeds 1,6 m fromlength.

64 Projectors and equipment Similar Covered By norm IEC 60335-2-56.

65 Radio clock.

Refrigerators and Your similar from use domestic inside of the scope of the Ordinance
Current inmetro towards Refrigerators and Similar.

67 Clock point.

Watches with Other Functions Combined or No with the indication Of Hours how Watches
from Control master and Timers towards Stoves Machines from wash and Devices Similar.

69 Watches Operated to the battery.

Dryers from clothes Incorporated in Machines from wash clothing inside of the scope Of
Inmetro Ordinance current for Machines from Wash Clothing.

71 Systems from heating central.

72 Crushers from Waste Food of the kind incinerator.

73 Crushers portable from Waste Food.

74 Vessels Health us What or excrement is destroyed by combustion.

Fans from table wall pedestal and Circulators from air inside of the scope Of Concierge
Current inmetro towards Fans from Table Wall, Pedestal and Circulators of Air.

76 Fans from roof inside of the scope Of Concierge Inmeter current towards Fans from Roof.


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