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Background of the Study

In the coastal municipality of Dauin, Philippines, the coexistence of agriculture and

tourism has become increasingly complex. As Dauin continues to develop its tourism, the

voices and experiences of its vegetable vendors and farmers become crucial to comprehend.

According to Rai M. (2019), despite its crucial role in the local economy, vegetable vendors

and farmers struggle to be heard amidst the focus on tourist-driven growth.

On the other hand, according to Oracion E. (2021), the municipality of Dauin topped

the list of Local Government Units (LGUs) in Negros Oriental with the highest number of

foreign tourists (1,352) and domestic travelers (19,807). This research aims to delve into the

perspectives and challenges faced by this sector amidst the backdrop of tourism development.

In other words, the interaction between agricultural activities, particularly vegetable vending

and farming, and the ongoing development of tourism in Dauin is the focus of this study.

Understanding the dynamics between agriculture and tourism development is vital for

sustainable growth in Dauin. Firstly, vegetable vendors and farmers form the backbone of the

local economy, and their insights can inform policies and practices that balance economic

development with environmental and social considerations. According to Saud D. (2022),

agriculture is indispensable for societal sustenance and economic growth. Its significance lies

in its role as the primary source of food production, directly impacting human existence and

the overall development of a country.

Furthermore, the development of tourism, including transportation networks,

accommodation facilities, and recreational amenities, can have far-reaching consequences for

local communities, particularly those engaged in traditional economic activities such as

agriculture (Telfer & Sharpley, 2008; Sharpley & Telfer, 2015). As Dauin positions itself as

an attractive tourist destination, it is crucial to understand the perspectives and challenges

faced by the vegetable vendors and farmers, who represent a vital component of the local

economy and cultural fabric. This sector often bear the brunt of the transformative impacts of

tourism development, including land-use changes, resource competition, and shifts in

economic priorities (Tolkach et al., 2021).

In addition, the rapid growth of tourism can exert significant pressure on local

agricultural systems, leading to the displacement of farmers, loss of arable land, and

disruptions in traditional farming practices (Saarinen et al., 2017). Moreover, the influx of

tourists and the consequent demand for agricultural products can create market imbalances,

affecting the pricing and distribution channels for locally-grown produce (Gascón, 2015).

These changes can have profound implications for the livelihoods, income generation, and

long-term sustainability of small-scale vegetable vendors and farmers, who may struggle to

adapt to the evolving economic landscape.

This research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how tourism

development affects the livelihoods, income generation, and sustainability of vegetable

vendors and farmers in Dauin. By identifying the specific hurdles and constraints they

encounter, such as land acquisition, resource scarcity, market disruptions, and socio-cultural

impacts (Telfer & Sharpley, 2008; Sharpley & Telfer, 2015), the study aims to inform

policymakers, development agencies, and local authorities in formulating strategies and

interventions that strike a balance between promoting tourism and safeguarding the interests

of these essential economic actors. The integration of diverse stakeholder perspectives,

including those of marginalized groups like small-scale farmers and vendors, is crucial for

achieving sustainable tourism development and mitigating potential conflicts (Tolkach et al.,

2021; Saarinen et al., 2017).

Finally, the research recognizes the need to consider the socio-cultural dimensions of

tourism's impact on local communities. Traditional agricultural practices and the production

of local crops often hold deep cultural significance, serving as a conduit for preserving

indigenous knowledge, traditions, and identities (Gascón, 2015; Tolkach et al., 2021). By

exploring the perspectives of vegetable vendors and farmers, the study aims to shed light on

these cultural aspects and inform strategies that promote the preservation of local heritage

and traditional livelihoods alongside tourism development.

Aims of the Study

This study aims to understand the perspectives and challenges in the context of

tourism development on the livelihoods of vegetable vendors and farmers in Dauin and to

further propose collaborative strategies with the aid and assistance from relevant stakeholders

to address the problem.

Objectives of the Study

 To explore the perspectives of Dauin's vegetable vendors and farmers on tourism


 To analyze the impact of tourism development on the livelihoods of these vendors

and farmers.

 To identify the challenges faced by these vendors and farmers due to tourism


 To propose strategies, in collaboration with government agencies, the Department

of Agriculture (DA), NGOs, and local authorities, that address the identified

challenges and consider the perspectives of Dauin's vegetable vendors and farmers

in the context of tourism development.

Research Methodology

The study aims to gather insights from vegetable farmers and vendors regarding the

challenges they face amid tourism development in Dauin. The researcher will first ask the

barangay with the largest number of farmers at the Department of Agriculture (DA) of Dauin.

Following this, one-on-one interviews will be conducted to establish a connection with the

respondents. Unstructured data collection methods will be employed to gather information

based on the perspectives and insights of the respondents. Voice recording using a

smartphone will be utilized during the data collection process, and researchers will also

capture pictures as evidence throughout the study. This comprehensive approach will enable

the researchers to gain a thorough understanding of the information provided by the

respondents and allow for further examination if necessary.

Moreover, this study adopts a qualitative approach, and the data is obtained through

in-depth interviews with vegetable farmers and vendors operating in the vicinity of the

tourism. The researchers employ the purposive sampling method, a non-probability sampling

technique, to identify participants who meet the research criteria. Before the interviews, the

researchers seek consent from the participants and ensure their privacy and confidentiality

throughout the study. A total of 10 respondents were selected to gather sufficient information

to fulfill the research objectives, specifically 5 vegetable farmers and 5 vegetable vendors.

The respondents in this study are vegetable farmers and vendors, and there is no specific

gender requirement as long as the desired number of 10 respondents is achieved.

Research Design

Research design refers to the plan and structure of investigation employed to obtain relevant

answers to research questions. This study utilized in-depth interviews on the perceptions and

challenges of Dauin's agriculture sector, specifically vegetable vendors and farmers, amid

tourism development. Conducting in-depth interviews will facilitate comprehensive

exploration, allowing participants to freely share their experiences, uncover new themes, and

provide valuable context regarding their livelihoods within the evolving tourism

infrastructure development. Additionally, the qualitative nature of in-depth interviews

provides rich, detailed insights into the lived experiences and perspectives of the participants,

which can be invaluable in understanding the complex dynamics and intersections between

agriculture and tourism development. This design supports the systematic collection of data

from respondents and allows for a thorough investigation.

Sample and Sampling Technique

The target population of this study includes vegetable vendors and vegetable farmers

formally engaged within Dauin municipality. For this qualitative study, a total of 10

participants will be selected, comprising 5 vegetable vendors and 5 vegetable farmers from

the municipality of Dauin in Negros Oriental, Philippines. According to Robinson (2013),

samples in qualitative research tend to be small in order to support the depth of case-oriented

analysis that is fundamental to this mode of inquiry. The research employed purposive

sampling in selecting respondents. With the aim of exploring the perspectives and challenges

faced by vegetable vendors and farmers amid tourism development in Dauin, researchers will

utilize purposive sampling to intentionally select individuals capable of providing

comprehensive and detailed insights into this specific phenomenon.

Data Collection instruments

Semi-structured interviews are important for this study because they are an effective

method for providing reliable data. The researchers can ensure that all participants are asked

the same set of questions, reducing potential bias and ensuring that data is collected

uniformly. In addition, interviews are easy to administer and can be completed at a

participant's convenience, making them a convenient method for collecting data from

vegetable vendors and farmers in Dauin.


Below is the course of action that the research project employed to achieve the aim of

the study. This schedule presented is flexible with accord to the aim of each task.

Timetable of the Study

Date Action
February 19, 2024 Brainstorming of problem and topic to be
February 20, 2024 Identifying the research problem of the
research project.
February 21, 2024 Constructing aims and objectives of the
February 22, 2024 Conduct a thorough review of existing
literature related to the study.
February 23, 2024 Develop the research scope and
February 25 – March 11, 2024 Write the research proposal including all
required components.
March 12, 2024 Review and edit the proposal.
March 14, 2024 Prepare a presentation that summarizes the
proposal of the study.
March 20 – 23, 2024 Conducting interviews with the respondents.
March 27 – April 2, 2024 Analysis of data and providing implications.
April 5, 2024 Finalizing the paper.
April 15, 2024 Revising of research paper after defense.
April 22, 2024 Presenting the results of the finding.

Ethical Considerations

During the research process, the researchers upheld integrity and high moral

standards. The researchers asked permission from the head of the school and the signal of the

Municipal DA upon conducting the survey. The researchers also sought permission from the

vegetable vendors and farmers before interviewing. Moreover, the researchers followed the

time frame, respected the respondents' feedback and decisions, and treated the information

given by the respondents with confidentiality.


The research project aimed to delve into the perceptions and challenges faced by

vegetable vendors and farmers amidst the development of tourism in Dauin. The findings of

this study shed light on the nuanced perspectives of these stakeholders, providing valuable

insights for policymakers, local authorities, and community leaders.


The primary objective of the research was to elucidate the multifaceted dynamics at

play within the local agricultural sector, particularly about the evolving landscape of tourism

development. By understanding the perspectives of vegetable vendors and farmers, the study

aimed to inform decision-making processes and facilitate the development of policies and

initiatives that are sensitive to the needs and concerns of these stakeholders.

The research employed a qualitative research approach, using depth interviews to

explore the diverse range of experiences and viewpoints within the community. Through in-

depth conversations with vegetable vendors and farmers, as well as key informant interviews

with local authorities and industry experts, the study sought to provide a comprehensive

understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the agricultural sector in Dauin.

The findings of the research highlighted several key themes, including the impact of

tourism development on land use patterns, access to markets, and livelihood strategies.

Additionally, the study identified potential areas for intervention and support, such as th e

provision of training and resources to enhance agricultural productivity and resilience in the

face of changing economic and environmental conditions.



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