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Water distribution

Types Network
of conveyance systems Conveyance

1 Gravity isPrimary

27 pumping 4 Secondary

34 combination
of gravity and pumping 34 Tertiary

1 Water supply or water distribution Systems


For Developing any community or planning a city water supply or

clean water is required along with the good structures and roads

Water supply system starts with the reservoir from where a part
will be taken to the overhead tanks as per requirement and

then through pipe networks water will be supplied to the end user

2 This system can be worked in 3 ways

14 Gravity

27 pumping

34 combination
of gravity and pumping

If the reservoir is at a higher elevation then the gravity system is

the is at the lower elevation then pumping is

useful if storage system

useful and in most cases the combination system is used where water is
collected in the sump pumped up in the overhead tank and then

by gravity to the end user through top connection

3 In this study the quantity and quality

of water is to be measured

as well as the designs water are to be executed

for supply engineering

Waste water engineering

In this study the sewage disposal quantification

of sewage disposal systems

treatment processes are to be studied and executed

For Designing any water supply system the flow or discharge is to be

first and usually the system is to be designed for 30 you

Forecasted demand is to be calculated which could be arrived from population

forecast There are different methods

of population forecasting

1 Arithmatic increase method

2 Geometric increase method

3 Incremental increase method Syllabus

4 Decrease rate method

S Graphical comparison method

6 Zoning method

7 Ratio and correlation

8 Graphical extension
9 Growth Composition

1 Arithmatic increase method


Pn P n I

Presentpopulation no
ofdecades Aug increment

2 Geometric increase method

Pn P I Rate
If ofincrease

3 Incremental increase method

no of

Pn P t n I t n 1 6 Aug incremental increase

Avg increase perdecade

4 Decrease rate method or logistic method

loge Psp P lose Ps P KPst

Po population
of the starting point

Ps saturation population

P population at time

01 Following is the population data of a city available

from past census determine the population city in 2011

Arithmetic increase method geometric increase method
and incremental increase method
12000 16500 7 450012000 100

5 infrease incremental
I 1931 12000 he decade increase

2 1941 16500 4500 37 5

3 1951 26800 10300 6242 5800

4 1961 41500 14700 54.85 4400

S 1971 57500 16000 3855 1300

6 1981 68000 10500 1826 5500

7 1991 74100 6100 897 4400

Aug 10350 Augi3676 Aug 320

Arithmetic method Ptn I

74100 2 10350

PColl 94800

4 Geometric method Pn Px
74100 I 31 75


34 Incremental method

no of

Pn P t n I t n 1 6 Aug incremental increase

Avg increase perdecade

74100 2 10350 2 1 320


2011 95760

Q1 The city has following recorded population estimate saturation

population and expected population in 2011 year population

1 1951 50000

2 1971 110000

3 1991 160000

loge Ps loge Psp

P KPst
Ps 2 POP P Po P2

a loge Psp
P b lose

Pn Ps
I patbt
Water Demand

For Designing any water distribution system water demand has to

be finalized or calculated apart from forecasting the population

The Demand has to be futuristic and based on the type of

development like residential institutional public or civic use or

fire demand or Industrial use and water system losses

Usually the day ped

domestic demand is considered 1351

while calculating the demand the provision for fire demand is also to

be made for lump sum demand 10 20

of total demand or calculated

by using the formula

1 Kuichling's formula

2 Buston's formula
5663 PT

3 Freeman's formula
1136 10

4 National board
of fire formula
4637 OF 1 0.0158
Q1 the demand having population
Compute fire for a city
140000 using various formula

P thousands 1pm
Hence 160 litres per min

1 K
O 3182540
37649.9 1pm
2 B
O 5663540
67005.51 1pm
3 F
O 1136 10

463168 1pm
4 NB

D 4637 TO 1 0.01 TO
48373.9 1pm
Total domestic demand 135 140000 18900000
Firedemand CNB 48373.97 69658416 Lped
plants s
losses 10

For a city with a population 140000 calculate the

water demand per day considering all the factors

Use NB formula

18900000 20 69658416 lped

Ans 1pm
92.36 106 lped

Lpm lped
Litre per min litre percapita day 24 60


I Size and type of community 77 sewage metering

24 standard of living 87 water rates

3 climatic conditions 94 age of community

44 Quality of water
57 pressure in supply

6 system ofsupply
Water Conveyance and duality


Treatment plant

is River
Pipes pumps
canalintake 1 physical test
a Water Demand
37Reservoirintake 2 chemical test
lake intake 3 biological test

Intake structures are for collecting water from surface source to the treatment

plant For identifying the location of intake structures following precautions are to be taken

1 Best Quality and Sufficient Quantity

2 should not be
undercurrent near
by the structure

3 No sewage lines or sewage disposal sites in the vicinity

4 No navigation channels should be there around the structure

Once the water is taken from the intake structure the impurities in the water are to be

identified There are 3 types

is Dissolved calcium magnesium sodium gases

2 Suspended Algae plastic silt

37 colloidal Electric currents

Once the impurities are identified Multiple tests are to be conducted to

remove the impurities and make water drinkable useful for domestic

The water Analysis can be carried out in 3 ways

1 physical taste odour colour turbidity

of chemical ph hardness iron magnesium TDs

3 biological Bacteria microorganisms Bacterial

test micro test

Once the tests water is the

are performed safe to convey to

household other communities domestic uses To this water

for convey

an assembly or network of pipes and pumps is to be installed and

the slopes
of these pipes are to be calculated
for Designing these pipes pumps

water demand is to be calculated demand population needs to be

for the forecasted

if p logo 27 P logic

Q The measured
ple value of incoming and outgoing water at a water treatment plant

are 7 3 and 85 Determine the avg pH water

Avg 73
28s 7.9

73 logto Hit 01369 0 22545 0.1272

8s logio OH 0.1176 10910 7 85

Find out plefor the mixture for sample A Vol 500mL pH 7

for sample B Vol 500mL pH 5

10 7
Htmix 5
1 10 PH 10910ft'm
5.05 10 6

hf 82 Darcy weisbach

2 y 0.854120635054C Hage's william's formula

0.354 06350.54C

3 V 122135112
I mannings formula

Assume Y 1 125mls

Q A city has a population

of 12,000 water is to be supplied

at which the pipes

Determine the sizes of supply conduit and the hydraulic gradient

are to be laid assuming daily

demand as 2001 lped


1 population 12000 4 use HW formula

2 Lped 200

3 Velocity Assumed 1 2 ms
D slope S O Demand

0.02778 m S

A area 0 0231 m

dia 0.171 m

63 5054
V 0.354 c

s 1 in 66.7

A storage reservoir is situated at a distance

of 6 km from a

city of population 3L
The total loss head is not to exceed 20m Taking daily demand
as 200 lped and pumping is done for 12 hrs determine the sire of

supply main by D w formula Considering

f 0.015 and hw C 100

Lol population 3L L 6km 0 AXV

0 015 5
If 20m 1 4
at 201 c 100 S 3 33 10 3

If 8202 20 0 015 6000 113872

12105 12 1 DS

D 0.93
iii v 0.354 CD 063 5054 I population Demand

0.354 100 3 333 10

0 93
3 2 hi
I 1 38 m S

O A city has a population 150000 water is to be supplied

at the rate 160 lped Static 40m

of lift of pump
calculate blep motor Rising main is 300m long And 50cm die
Assume motor efficiency 801 pump efficiency 60 1 0.04 and

peak hour demand is is

demonand BHP Break

peak 150000 160 1 5 0.416 his static lift
703 24 60 60

H Hs hf hexit D AV

40 0416
7 052 xu
114 Eg
40 0.04 300 10.416 2118
12 1 0.52 2

40 5.492 0 107

45.6 m
iv HP 75
Kg mls N ms Watt

2 9810

Power 20H 981 100

9810 0.416 us 7

186499.87 watt
1 5
186.49 kW 1kg 9.81 N

BHP 18649
9.81 Mp Me 75


d Water is to be lifted from a tube well to a overhead

tank find BHP of an electric motor pumping from following data

Discharge from well 40 lls RL Reduced length

velocity in rising main 2m s

length 250m

RL of ground 100m

RL depression head 4m
RL water level in tank 112 m
f 0.0485

Combined efficiency motor 70

RL of well 86m
Sol 4 depressionhead

100 BHP pump H 112 100 10086 4

22 86 H 12 14 4


40 lps
power 00H

9810 40 153 30

11772 watt

11 72 KW

BHP Power 11.72

9.81 0.7 75

22 86 0.02275


Impurities Process

Floating matter Screening

Suspended impurities Plain sedimentation

Fine suspended impurities sedimentation with coagulation

micro organisms Filtration

Dissolved gasses Aeration

Pathogenic bacteria Disinfection

Rawwater settingtank Stillwell Aeration chemical

Reservoir Pumphouse Filterhouse

Distributor Network

Coarse screening Fine screening

25mm bars at 1 The holes dia to drum

1 placed of 6mm a

75 100mm c c or a band which is taten in a

24 Inclined at 3 to 6 V I H circular movement and then sent to

the Aeration tank

inlet outlet

It removes odour and tastes caused due to
by gases

organise decomposition

Increases dissolved oxygen

removes hydrogen sulphide

Decreases Co2
Converts iron or manganese from its soluble state to

insoluble state

Air diffusion basin
Freefall spray
1 cascade Divides water to separate Perforated pipenetwork
27 Inclined fine streams so that it is is installed at the

37 Gravelbed exposed to air bottom the tank


Plain sedimentation Sedimentation
by coagulation

Removal when the added

of Suspended particles
chemicals are

gravitational settling Sedimentation tanks to reduce the quantity of

are designed to reduce the velocity fine suspended particles

of flow so as to permit the suspended

particles to settle gravity

Plain Sedimentation can be applied

when the impurities are separated

from suspended fluid by gravity


of sedimentation tank
Q A Water works has to purify water for a town whose

Daily demand is 9 106 Lpd Design the suitable sedimentation tank

the water works Assume velocity 22ammin and

of of flow as detention period

is 8 hrs

Sol demand 9 106 Lpd

velocity 22 am min

i Quantity to be treated during 8 hrs

8 3000 m

2 velocity 22cmmin

leg 8
length of tank 105.6m

3 as area 28.4
4 Assume depth 3 sm

s width depman 238 8114 m

Q Design a sedimentation tank for a water works supplying water

of 1.4 106 lpd to a town Sedimentation period is 5 hrs Velocity

of glow is

is 4m to be
10am min depth
of tank Assuming an allowance
for sludge is

made 80cm
w EfEfuacao
During the treatment process when raw water is passed through sedimentation

Tank there are some fine particles to be removed

by chemical


There are 3 stages treatment in this zone

1 chemical
2 Floculation

37 Sedimentation

There are used treatment

following common Coagulants
1 Aluminium sulphate or Alum

2 chlorinated coppras or Hydrated ferratulphate

3 ferrous sulphate or lime

4 magnesium carbonate

5 polyelectrolysis

6 Sodium Aluminate

EE EgeiInini

d At a water treatment plant 12m l water is to be treated

daily using alum 16mg l Find the total Alum

of quantity of
used and amount Co2 released
1 wt
of alum required 12 10 16 192

2 Alum Alz Sou 18H20

Alz Sou 18H20 3 Ca Hos 2 2 Al OH 36504 18H20 6002

AL 27 Ca 40 4 1 0 16 5 32

Molecular wt Alum
27 2 32 3 4 3 16 18 2 18 16
54 96 192 36 288

Molecilar wt 02 12 32 44
602 264
264 666 264 CO2 relaxed in 666 alum
192 Howmuch Co2 for 192 alum

Ans 77 69

Q Water works
of a town treat 35 106 lpd the water is

treated sedimentation The quantity alum is consumed

by coagulation
at 20mg l Raw water has
of water an alkalinity equivalent
4mg l of Cacos Determine the filter alum and quick time containing

80 of Cao req per year of the plant

1 alum 35 106 20 700 Kg day
Quantity of

700 365 255500 25s s tons

per year kg

2 Molecular wt Alum 666

Caco 100

Cao 56

3 times Caco req 300

36 255.5 103 115 09 tons


After passing the water through Screening Aeration plain

sedimentation coagulant sedimentation water is passed through the filters
The filters are usually in the layers sand gravel
of pebbles

There are 3 major processes occur in this zone

1 Mechanical
2 Sedimentation

3 Biological action

4 electrolyte action

There are 2 made clean sand 1 slow sand

types of fillers of
filter 2 rapid sand filter Rapid sand also has 2 types

gravity type pressure type


slow sand filter Rapid sand filter

gravity type pressure
slow sand filler

Enclosed tank Filtermedia Basematerial Under drainage

Y u

Coarse Sand Outlet
Pebbles J

I I 1 1 1 1

1 Enclose Tank
Rectangular shape
slope in 100 to in 200

Area so 100 m

Depth 2.5 4 m

2 Filler media
Sand layers thickness 90 110 am

size sand particles 0.2 0.35 mm

effective of
Base material pebbles or gravel bed 30 75 am

usually in 3 layers 6 20 20 40 and 40 60


3 Underdrainage system

lateral drains are provided which are nothing but perforated pipes
7.5 10 am diameter spaced at 2 3 m c c
Once the water passes through the sedimentation tank it is strained through

Slow and rapid sand fillers The slow process is to entrap maximum impurities

and rapid is for removal small impurities

Both filters have a similar structure sand bed gravel bed and
underdrains The sizes both the the
of filters depend on availability
land quantity of water to be filtered and the expected quality of filtered water

The concept
of Schumedeck is applicable to SSF However the concept

backwash is prevalent in RSF

There are standard sizes filters available in the market The
Designer needs to check the utility of these units for the project assigned

Design a slow sand filter for the population

of 40.000 with an avg rate

of water supply 150 ipod with the peak demand of is

Sol 1 Max demand 1.5 40000 150 a 106

2 Rate a
offiltration Surface area

Assume the rate of filtration 100200 1141m litres perhour per ma


3 Surface area 9 6 2500m 1200 m

I standby sse should be provided

let soo me area for 1 SSF

No 5
of SSFfiltersfor 2500m along with one standby filter

4 L B Too 22.36m 2

let the depth

of SSF filters be between 2s 3s m and design period is for 10yrs
and freeboard be 0.3

water Schumedeck


1 I I

d A city has a population

of 75.000 with uped 135 and rate
filtration as 250 1141m Design a rectangular tank filter SSF

consider peak demand as 1.5

Sol 1 Max demand 75000 135 15 15187500

2 0
Surface area

3 Surface area 15187500 2531 25

250 24
2531.25 1200 m provide 1

let soo me area for 1 Sse I 2 3 4 5 6

No 5
of SSFfiltersfor 2500m along with one standby filter

4 i C B 2
2 31.62
13 15 81

L 2B

LAB 500 B 5

et the depth SSF filters be between

2s 3s m and design period is for 10yrs
and freeboard be 0.3

Q Design a rapid gravity filler for a town having total filtered water requirement

s million per day Assume suitable data

Lol For RSF following design parameters and units to consider

1 Design of filler units

2 Estimation
of sand depth
3 Estimation
of gravel bed

1 Design
of filter units
1Assume Quantity
for backwashing 31

i Total demand SX 1.03 mild millionlitres


2 Time for backwashing 30min

i Quantity required 0.219 million 1 1h

Assume rate of filtration 5m 1h1m

3 Surface area 43.8 25m

Therefore 2 fillers req

4 C B 4.67 Fa

1 not 219
Surface area for 4321

2 Estimation
of sand depth

Assume Goom depth and size sand as 5mm

dd h Bi x 29323

B 4 10 4 for poor response filtration

h Terminal headloss 2s m

O 5 2 10 m 11m rate of filtration

d 0 Smm
10 as 4 10 4 29323 0.266 m 0.6 m
i ok

3 Estimation
of gravel bed
a2 2
121 S
l 2 su K log d 9.18 10
k 12

d 2 mm

l 2su xizxlog 2

9.17 9.2 on

gravelsize 2 5 10 20 40

l 92 213 3048 39.65 48.83


Total soom a 4883 am 6

with sand Goom total go
so 60 0.5 0.5 111cm

Once water is passed through the filtration units some

microorganisms are also have to be removed from it The

disinfection is a process which reduces the microorganisms to a

It is different than sterilization where microorganisms are killed

while selecting the disinfectant it should be safe to handle readily
available and method
of application to be simple

The methods are classified into 2

1 Physical 2 chemical

Boiling applying light chlorine Bromine ozone Hydrogen peroxide


Minor methods

1 boiling

27 line treatment
3 silver treatment

by V.V Rays

s potassium permanganate treatment

In all these methods chlorination is simplest cheap reliable

easy to handle

When chlorine is added to water the precise action is not known

but by enzymatic hypothesis process the micro organisms are removed to

bring water to the safe limit

Chlorine Demand
Amount consumed
of chlorine in the oxidation
of impurities

before any disinfection is acheived is known as chlorine demand

It is also defined as the difference between the amount chlorine

added chlorine remaining at the end
quantity of pre available of
a specific contact period

The chlorine can be applied powder Chloramines

by using bleaching

free chlorine gas or chlorine oxide


Q Calculate ant
of bleaching powder required per day for disinfection Umillion

perday Dose chlorine has to be 0 s ppm and the bleaching powder contains
30 of available chlorine

Sol 4000098 0.5

6666666 67 6 67

Q In the treatment
of 25000 m per
day is 9kg per day The

residual chlorine after 10mins of contact is 0.2 mg le Calculate

the dosage in mgle and chlorine demand

of water

for 25000 9 kg per l
800 l 9 106 demand 0.36 02
25000 103

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