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Stove Kraft Limited ‘STATEMENT OF UNAUDITED FINANCIAL RESU FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 30, 2022 YX av, Vige arc Hoth, Kanpur Tal, Raman Dis, Kamu 2112 = Website: www E-mail : ex@stovekraft,com CIN:1.29301KA1999PLCO25387 ‘Gann Raps Money ing Sar es ere ae) Forte Quner| Forthe Quarter] Forth Your . fois wind ‘oes i Partin sno'nea | marceanan2 | suse | arse 202 Caves) | Camas) | —Taaees) | eaiey ferns + come (eve fr cpt aros| ren] ateass] sais orm ore ‘cn a oe on {Steg Gos) et 1833 3 : i tlic (eis) Shea | hesise) sae [ets 2 leap Gxt mai cnr ves] onsets] aaeas Ohachn fsecn te er ‘ori vein] ons (©.cang init at we (ico) tat (es75] aoa] trogen cn (© Eels anes xe sae 80s mee) ian (emetn narnia expe coir si aie] “iorae CD Alewec er oed e nnpsien ot fen ses 10 ss pas] ana (Doe eer ed mae mon) taster Corie oe hs pe Tea epee OSS RT aaa sn] aon | ras 2 aibearem tea is om a 4 fincenome ‘eure an 216 : asa, {overed ut Goi : 5135 [Stisexpen 2 Tz = eas + [aitbrtie pamper BE ae a] aE 6 loser Compretesie acme fee wt ered opt ors Tevet of ed bee 19 vs ase] aso] om) fee gs 4 . x . [ut te compchenc aoa are pa i iz am al 1 [Raat comprteie oe orp ear aa wat aaa} Sa 1 itp uy Sar Capa ae Vaca Ter aa Tae a esa) 9 fans per sare TEN ARG) (Tc wots 10ehr 26 28 as nat Dine ne ae a af enh bet i to ras ‘Se accompanying noes to hes financial rel EPS tot annualized or the quarter ended une 30, 2022, quarter ended March 3 2022 an quarer ended ane 30, 2021 Stove Kraft Limited * 81/1, Medanarane Hal Vilage Hari Hob, Kander Talk, Ramana Dit, Karak 62112 Webste:wisestovelafteam: Femail exeoveraf com CREL2S001KAISS9PLCUS347 ‘STATEMENT OF UNAUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 30,2022 (Amon Rupees Milos unless ters stated) fot 1 The Statement has teen prepared in accordance wih he recognition and messrement principles ni down inthe Conpanies (niin Account Sundar) Rules, 205 (as amended) (nd AS), prescribed under Section 13 of the Companies At, 2013 rend with he eevart rls ited theeunde and i ems ofthe Secures and Fxchunge Bad of nda (Listing Obigions and Dissasure Requiemans) Ragulsios, 205, a8 ended (Lisi Regulations) The Companys operations relate to ony one reportable segment viz Kitchen and Home Appliances. Accadigly, no sepante disclsue of semen} information segues. 3 impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: The Company bas considered various intra and external sources consisting of fsa rom the cstomers snd the matkt tends, up othe date of approval of he fancies in deermining th impact, a, rig fom be pandemic on vous clement of ‘nancial esis The Company bas used the pinches of prudence in applying jdgmens,etietes and assumption ad based on caren etna filly expects to recover the eying vale ofits Fancal apd anna sets, inn agile ets. Te evens teams ofthe posible imps ‘ofthe pandemic maybe cierent rm hse estimated at on the dt of sproval other nancial aul 4 The Company has om time tie nthe normal couse of business entered it trig agroamets wth Bansinsitaton fr some of he rade ‘ecevbles on nonecourse tsi. Under this arangemot to ae payment a ret ik Waster o Bnksstition withost rca othe Company. Therefore the Company derecognises he rasteed assets a the point when th amount i ressived fom the Bunk/nsutions. As at Jno 30, 202, the tae receivables do ot nce reeivabies amounting oR 264 68 which hasbeen deroongnieed (hough the atl ced peri tthe astmes has ot expe) in accordance with Ind AS 109 Fino Instruments, purus sue toring eee, '5 The Compan, at various gran dss, has sued employe stock options ois employes a exer pices of. 0 and Rs.562.10 preity she, a8 proved ty te Nomination and Remuneration Commie an Baud of Dretrs in aezarance mth Employee Stok Option Plan 2018 Fa the quarter ded June 30, 2022, an amount of Rs273 June 30, 2021 Rs 480) has been ecogisedas employee share expen, bated on requirement of nl AS 102, Share Based Payments The stock options granted tnd oustanding asa June 30, 2022 agrepts to 420,908 lune 30,2021 670,039) {6 The Company bas entered in toa Busines Transfer Agreament with SKAVA Elec Private Limite forthe aquttion of businessunderaking as & ng concer basis on slum sl basis fora lumpsu consideration oF. 40 (at dod vide Sock Fachang anounement dated January 1, 2022 and February 4,202), The aequstion i effestive fom Api, 2022. Te flowing assets ave bee ante tthe Company wih est om Ihe Serementond date jis oF asset acquired [Amount rope, past and caviar 21] (sande 859 ‘The Company has aecouned or the ne asses seule on aca of the aforementioned arangement son te effete date and he purchase ensiertion has been ase axis the net att, alin in god of Rs 32, 7 The company has entered into ae MoU with METSMITH lnowaians Pia Li fo the purchase of property, plat and equipment t purchase price ‘alu 85827 (exclusive of GST) as deted vie Stock Exchange announcement ded Janusy 01,2022), The aeqistion af hese ast was ‘comple on May 19,2022 8 Fiues fr the quer ended March 31,2022 the balancing figures between acted gues in respct fhe full nancial yea andthe published maid yer

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