SW201 A4 Part A Project Proposal

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This assignment is divided into 3 major parts totaling 40% of your final grade

Part A Community Development Project

proposal. Including implementation Wk 11
20% Sun 19 May 2024
plan, Budget, Sustainability/Social (11:55pm Fiji time)
enterprise, Evaluation & Monitoring

Part B Reflection with guided questions 10 % Wk 12

including ethical and professional 26 May 2024
consideration (Individual) (11:55pm Fiji time)

Part C Oral presentation (Team) 10% Wk 13

2 June 2024
(11:55pm Fiji time)

Worth: 20%
Deadline: 19 May 2024 (11:55pm Fiji time)

Words: 2,000 to 2,500 words

You are to develop a community development project proposal and include

the following elements:

➢ This assignment requires that you work in a team. You are to develop a proposal
for a community development project that is of interest. These may be related
to population groups that are marginalized or an area of interest that you agree
to as a group to address.

➢ Regional students - If you have no other student to work with, then you can develop
this on your own but please check with the Course Coordinator first to see if the
topic is relevant.

➢ The following are suggested questions you can ask to help you organize your
proposal. These are also derived from your text by Munford & Walsh-Tapiata
(2001) as well as the article by Barndt (1989) which all relate to structural
analysis (refer to resources on Moodle).

➢ Some of the points under the following headings may not be applicable to your
project so discuss this as a group to decide what is applicable and use those to
formulate your responses and build on your final proposal.
➢ Please feel free to use the community development tools provided in Moodle to
do your assessments and analysis of the issues in each phase of ‘Structural Analysis”
this is inclusive of gender analysis tools provided in Moodle. Include these as part
of your proposal in the Appendices and ensure that each appendix item is referred
to in the proposal itself and labelled accordingly in the Appendices.

➢ Using the phases of “Structural Analysis” you are to design a community

development project that is sustainable (social enterprise component). It may be
useful to look through the PowerPoint slides on each of the phases and read through
“How do we do it?”

➢ Each phase will have a corresponding slide that it titled “How do we do it?” Read
through that for a more comprehensive understanding of what to do at each phase.

➢ These are suggestions so please use what is applicable for your project.

Nominate one member of your group to submit the proposal. Please ensure
that all the group member names are listed clearly on the assignment. Please
use the following template as a guide for your proposal.

1. Introduction
a. Define your project and why you have chosen this area of interest

b. Provide a brief background on the community you have chosen to work with
Include a community profile (include if applicable things such as demographics,
socioeconomic status, employment status, location of community and other
profiling futures that may provide a comprehensive understanding of the
community). Include tools use in this profiling exercisein your appendices. These
can also include (History, Population profiles, Physical surroundings, Community
networks, Social and related services).

c. Clearly explain why this project is a worthy cause and how you will sustain the
project. Use supporting documents and evidence to support your arguments anduse
the following to guide what you are proposing (these 3 areas are discussed in full in
the final phase of structural analysis which is, “Plan for Action” so a brief summary
of these 3 points in the introduction will be sufficient.

i. A social enterprise component of the project highlighting how the project

will be sustainable or will generate funds that can keep the project afloat.
➢ This will mean that you will have to include a budget breakdown of
what the project will involve.
➢ You will also need to include how this project will keep itself sustainable
(howwill it fund itself so that it is not reliant on government and donor

ii. An implementation plan of the project

➢ How will the project achieve what needs to be done?
➢ How will this be implemented and by whom?
➢ Have a closer look at your project objectives and goals and see how this will be
implemented and how much it will cost to do so.

iii. A budget of how much this project will cost and how will the social
enterprise arm help. In deciding this you may need to ask for assistance from
government funding for the first 2 or 3 years to get the social enterprise
started before it sustains itself. Examples, include FRIENDS Fiji, helping single
mothers have a sustainable livelihood instead of relying on government
poverty alleviation scheme; Nayarabale Youth as shown in the additional
resources on Moodle.

➢ Note that your introduction needs to clearly outline what you are presenting
in this proposal as suggested above.

2. Structural Analysis Phases (Body of proposal)

i. Define and explain how structural analysis relates to your project (who holds
the power and who is being oppressed or marginalized); what then is the aim
of the project. To empower the community or how will your project help?

ii. In this section, your group will need to incorporate what theories apply to this
project (Fay’s Critical theory, Gramsci on cultural hegemony, gender and
empowerment, post modernism, post structuralism or any other theory(ies),
ideology(ies) applies.

3. Locating ourselves within the issue:

i. Identify how you and your group members locate yourselves within the issue
you are addressing include how each group member brings strength to the
group that will help with the issue (this can be a brief of your CV or
experiences in relation to the issue) (refer to the notes and readings on naming
the issue by Barndt (1989) on how to do this under additional resources in

ii. You can keep this brief as you may have already done this in your previous
assignment. In this section you can summarize how you individually have come
together and located yourselves within this issue you have chosen.
4. Naming the Issue: Identify how you actually arrived at naming the issue you
will be working on (include process and tools, including gender analysis tools
if they apply to your project-include these in the appendices).
i. What current issue/struggle is most critical to the interests of our group?
ii. What are the opposing interests (contradictions) around the issue?
iii. What are we fighting for in working on this issue in the short term andthe long
iv. What’s the history of struggle on this issue? What have been the critical moments in
the past?

5. Analysing the Issue: Discuss how you analyzed the issue.

i. Who’s with us and against us in this issue (in economic, political,
and ideological terms)?
ii. What are their short term and long term interests?
iii. What are their expressed and their real interests?
iv. What are their strengths and weaknesses of both sides?
v. What about the uncommitted?
vi. What actors do we need more information about?
vii. What’s the overall balance of forces?
viii. Who’s winning and who is losing and why?

6. Planning for Action: Explain how you will go about this project (includes
objectives, implementation plan, budget & evaluation and monitoring)
i. Have you finished all the analysis?
ii. What are your long and short term goals? When looking at the short term
goals, who is going to do it, where is it going to happen, how is it going to
happen? Your budget breakdown and implementation plan can be included
iii. You need to always be involved in action-reflection when you are doingthis
(how will you evaluate and monitor your project).
iv. Think about your past successes and build on those.
v. Identify your strengths and take advantage of your weaknesses.
vi. Think of the constraints and any of the dysfunctional outcomes.
vii. Who are your alliances?

7. Conclusion:
i. The concluding remarks needs to summarize what your proposal is all about.
Why this project is important and how it is a community development project
and not a community service?
ii. Summarize what the implementation plan and budget proposes to achieve
plus how social enterprise will contribute in terms of sustainability and or
how has your group managed to make this a sustainable project.
iii. Finally, discuss if there were or are any limitations to your proposal
and how these maybe addressed moving forward.

➢ Please note that this is an academic exercise so you are required to include
at least 7 sources with at least 3 course related text using APA
➢ Refer to the marking guide for clarity on what is being assessed.
Worth: 10%
Deadline: 26 May 2024
(11:55pm Fiji time)
Words: 800 to 1,000 words

Critically think through the group proposal experience and reflect on your
own learning using the following questions.

1. What are some of your reflections about the work process with your group members
or as an individual about this project? Explain what your thoughts are about the
project and how it was carried out by group members and/or by yourself?

2. What did you like and not like about the group process and why?

3. After doing work on this project what would be your understanding now of
community development and social enterprise?

4. In reference to the AiFSW Code of Ethics (refer to Moodle) what would be your
ethical and professional responsibility as a social worker in relation to this project?

5. Identify 2 things that you would like to highlight as having learnt from this whole

6. What do you think could have been improved in terms of this project and how?

7. You are mid-way through your learning journey as a Social Work student;
a. What would you like to highlight or have learnt from the last 1 and a half
to 2 years of the programme (you can refer to each year or summarize
overall learning from the last year and a half or last 2 years)
b. Finally, what would you like to see improve in this course and
the programme?

➢ Your response to these questions will provide feedback on the overall

group work process and overall course and programme evaluation.
➢ There are no references required in this reflection.
Weighting: 10%
Due: 2 June 2024

Presentation: 6 to 8 slides or written summary (10-12 minutes per group)

Familiarise yourself with the Presentation Guideline. Presentation slots will be posted
on Moodle by Week 10

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