Edited - Vocab-O-Pedia (Proverbs)

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Name: ________________ Vocab-O-Pedia Date: ___________

Proverbs with their meanings:-

1. To have one's cake and eat it too – To get double advantage from one thing.
2. Too many cooks spoil the broth – Too many experts make a mess of the job.
3. Silence is golden – Absence of noise gives mental peace.
4. The pen is mightier than the sword – Writings prove more effective than the use of arms.
5. A stitch in time saves nine – By mending in time, further big loss is avoided.
6. Haste is waste – To hurry in doing things is a waste altogether.
7. The darkest cloud has a silver lining – There is always hope in a miserable condition.
8. A bad workman quarrels with his tools – An inefficient person always grumbles.
9. To toil is the lot of mankind – Man survives by working.
10. Time makes the worst enemies friends – Time is the healer of all wounds.
11. Rome was not built in a day – Great achievements are achieved over long periods.
12. It is no use crying over spilt milk – Regret for what has already happened is of no avail.
13. Time and tide wait for no man – One must behave according to the nature and not against
it. Opportunities do not wait.
14. God helps those who help themselves – Self-help is always rewarded.
15. Turn the other cheek – Refrain from retaliating when one has been attacked or insulted.
16. Don't cross the bridge until you come to it – Don't worry about the difficulties until they
actually occur.
17. He who follows two hares catches neither – One should not pursue many things at a time.
18. Wisdom is too high for a fool – Fools will never heed to wise advice.
19. Discretion is the better part of valour – In the act of bravery, practical wisdom is a necessity.
20. He laughs best who laughs last – He who succeeds ultimately is the happiest.
21. Little strokes fell great oaks – Even little efforts achieve great success.
22. It is easier said than done – It is very easy to speak than to act.
23. Prevention is better than cure – It is better to mend things in initial stages.
24. Giving to the poor is lending to God – To help the poor is the most pious act.
25. Many a flower is born to blush unseen – Many unfortunates are born without getting an
opportunity to show their merit.
26. Nothing succeeds like success – Success is the highest achievement and cannot be
compared with anything else.
27. Jack of all trades but master of none – One who knows many things but has no thorough
knowledge of anything.
28. Still waters run deep – A person of clam nature has depth of thought and vision.
29. Look before you leap – Think of the consequences before you act.
30. One cannot pump the ocean out – One cannot do things which are beyond one's strength.
31. Where there is smoke there is fire – Behind every happening, there is a reason.
32. Half a loaf is better than nothing – Something is better than nothing.
33. It is never too late to mend – Correct yourself as soon as you discover the mistake.
34. As you sow, so shall you reap – You get good or bad fruit according to your good or bad
35. Put your shoulders to the wheel – Do your fair share of the work.
36. A storm is a teacup – Excitement over a trivial matter.
37. A watched pot never boils – Over care and anxiety never proves helpful.
38. A rolling stone gathers no moss – A man running here and their achieves nothing.
39. To mind you P's and Q's – To behave politely and properly.
40. A man is known by the company he keeps – A person's repulation is determinded by his
41. A wounded reputation is seldom cured – It's difficult to attain a good name once the
repulation is wounded.
42. Many straws may bind an elephant – Everthing can be achieved by unity.
43. Hobson's choice – To have no choice at all.
44. The sword of Damocles – A worrying threat or a danger.
45. Malice seldom wants a mark to shoot at – A malicious person is always jealous and finds
fault with everyone.
46. The early bird catches the worm – One who hurries up always gets the best.
47. Vanity carries its own punishment – A proud person always has to pay for his pride.
48. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush - It is better to hold onto something one has than to
risk losing it by trying to get something better.
49. A fool and his money are soon parted- A foolish person spends money carelessly and will
soon be penniless.
50. A friend in need is a friend indeed - A person who helps at a difficult time is a person who
you can really rely on.
51. A penny saved is a penny gained – It is important to save money.
52. All that glitters is not gold – Appearances are decieving.
53. An idle mind is the devil's workshop – If you have nothing to do, you are likely to do some
54. Barking dogs seldom bite - A person who threatens does not often take action.
55. Better late than never - Doing something late is better than not doing it at all.
56. Birds of a feather flock together - Those with similar interests tend to form groups.
57. Do not put all your eggs in one basket – Don’t put all your resources into one thing.
58. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched – Do not count on something that has
not yet happened.
59. Every cloud has a silver lining - Every difficult or bad situation has a comforting or more
hopeful aspect.
60. Give a dog a bad name and hang him – A person who has been guilty of some offence will
always be suspected.
61. Give a fool rope enough and he will hang himself – Too much of freedom can lead to
62. Honesty is the best policy – Being honest is always good and fruitful.
63. His bark is worse than his bite – His actions are not as bad as his threats.
64. If wishes were horses, beggars might ride – If you could achieve your aims simply
by wishing for them, life would be very easy.
65. Nothing ventured, nothing gained – You can’t expect to achieve anything if you never take
any risk.
66. Out of the frying pan into the fire – To go from a bad to a worse situation.
67. You cannot eat your cake and have it too – One should not try to have more than his
68. Speaking without thinking is shooting without aim – To speak harshly but without any bad
69. There's many a slip between the cup and the lip – There is a big gap between now and the
future, anything can happen in this gap.
70. United we stand, divided we fall – As long we are together nothing bad can happen.
71. Waste not, want not - If you use your resources carefully, you will never be in need.
72. Well begun is half done – A good beginning always assures success.
73. What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander – A person or situation should be treated
the same way as another is treated.
74. Where there’s a will, there's a way – If you are determined enough you can find the way to
achieve what you want.
75. When in Rome, do as the Romans do – Adapt yourself to a certain place or people you are
76. Spare the rod and spoil the child – If you do not punish a child when they do something
wrong, they will not learn what is right.
77. Cut your coat according to your cloth – Undertake only what you have the money or ability
to do and no more.
78. Strike the iron while it is hot – Take advantage of favourable conditions.
79. Where ignorance is bliss, it’s folly to be wise – If you don’t know about something you need
not worry about that thing.
80. A friend is easier lost than found – It is difficult to find a good friend.
81. A good name is better than riches – A good reputation is worth more than money.
82. Absense makes the heart grow fonder – You feel more affection for those you love when
parted from them.
83. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy – Without time off from work a person becomes
both bored and boring.
84. Charity begins at home but should not end there – Too good to all near and far away.
85. Forewarned is forearmed – Prior knowledge of possible dangers or problems can be of

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