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The chosen site for the BET building proves to be strategically positioned amidst an array of
complementary facilities and structures. Positioned to the north is the Chapel, while the Engineering
Building and the BET-College Area lie to the south. Adjacent to the building's eastern side is the
Research and Extension Center, with the Parking and Park Center situated to the west. This proximity to
vital facilities like a dormitory, the basic arts and science department, a gymnasium, and a swimming
pool contributes to its advantageous location. Furthermore, the distance from other classroom-centric
buildings underscores its suitability, offering an ideal setting for the BET building which houses noisy
machinery-intensive laboratories. This configuration ensures that the noise generated by the specialized
equipment within the BET building would have minimal impact on the overall learning experience of
students in nearby classrooms, making it a well-suited and strategically situated site for this purpose.


The allotment of space for individual rooms is established through a dual-pronged methodology,
considering both the upward trajectory in student enrollment and the optimal student-to-space
correlation. In order to effectively cater to the escalating student populace, the architectural design
adheres to a proportional ratio of 1:35. This ratio dictates that for every cohort of 35 students, a
dedicated room is designated, thereby ensuring an equitable dispersion of students among diverse
spaces. However, in an effort to create a conducive learning environment and give the highest priority
for safety, each room's upper limit is set at 40 students, notwithstanding the potential allowance
suggested by the ratio. This wise restriction helps to maintain classrooms as welcoming centers for
learning, fostering a positive educational experience while supporting the increase in student demand.


The intended users, the students of TUP Taguig, play a central role in the transformative design of the
BET (Building and Engineering Technology) transformable building. This design caters to their
educational needs by offering a versatile and adaptable environment that can be tailored to various
learning scenarios. The design's flexibility enables students to engage in hands-on experiences,
collaborative projects, and innovative experiments, aligning with the practical nature of engineering and
technological education. This user-centric approach empowers students to actively participate in their
learning journey, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. The transformable
building not only facilitates effective teaching but also provides an engaging space where students can
explore, experiment, and apply theoretical concepts in a tangible manner. By placing the needs and
aspirations of TUP Taguig students at the forefront, the BET transformable building design becomes a
catalyst for immersive learning experiences and knowledge advancement.

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