Syahrul Amirul Hisyam Bin Mohamod - 2021652918 - Cpe520

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SEM 20242 – Individual Assignment


School of Chemical Engineering
College of Engineering, UiTM Shah Alam

Case Study: Designing a retention pond for a newly launched (Orchid Terrace) residential area.
ECO Globe is a housing developer in Selangor. The latest project to be handled by ECO Globe is
to develop a residential area with a luxury residential concept by the lake. The lake that will be
built will also serve as a retention pond for managing stormwater runoff, ensuring nearby streets
and homes stay flood-free. As a project manager, you have been assigned this job that requires
planning, design, and construction of retention ponds.
Based on this case study, please answer all these questions:
a) As a project manager with a chemical engineering background, explain the objectives of
the company in order to achieve the lakeside living concept and justify how will the
retention pond benefits the community.
As a project manager, to achieve the lakeside living concept, my first step is project planning. In
this step, it will include the scope of the task, assembling team, stakeholder engagement, regulatory
compliance, risk assessment and budget and timeline. Next step is the design and engineering. This
step is to do the stie analysis, retention pond design, know the environmental impact, landscaping
and aesthetics, utility integration and safety measures. For the third step, the construction phase.
In this phase, after the site being prepared, we can start the construction of the retention pond,
infrastructure and utilities, residential construction and make a quality control and inspection.
After the construction is settled, it will follow with step 4 which is project completion and
handover. This step is to make a final inspection, complete landscaping, and aesthetics, ensure all
documentation and certifications exist and maintenance planning in a long term. For the last step
is post completion follow up which is this step to evaluate the succession of the project, get the
feedback from the resident and try to find anything that can improved.
The justification of retention pond that will benefit the community, directly and indirectly, is flood
prevention. The retention pond can manage stormwater during heavy rain. This will prevent the
risk of flooding in residential areas and nearby streets. Next benefit is water quality management.
Retention ponds have a filter that can help filter the pollutant from the stormwater. This will
improve the water quality before it releases into the natural waterways.

(8 marks)

b) Determine the key stakeholders involved in this project and explain their roles,
responsibilities and expectations.
1. Project Manager
Role: Oversees the project from planning through execution to completion.
Responsibilities: Oversees all project operations, keeps an eye on the budget and
schedule, interacts with stakeholders, and makes sure all rules are followed.
Expectations: The accomplishment of the project with little delay, following
regulations and legal requirements, and meeting the demands of the community and
2. Local Government and Regulatory Bodies
Role: Maintain supervision and guarantee compliance to region legislation and
Responsibilities: Inspect building sites, issue permits, and enforce environmental
and zoning regulations.
Expectation: Compliance with all legal requirements, safety, and environmental
3. Investor
Role: Provide financing for the project.
Responsibilities: Make sure the project can be funded and keep an eye on its
Expectation: A return on investment, project completion on time and within budget,
and risk management.
4. Future resident
Role: Beneficiaries of the residential development.
Responsibilities: Participate in the development process and offer suggestions on
requirements of the community.
Expectation: A well-kept retention pond, recreational activities, and a residential
area that is safe, appealing, and practical.
5. Utility Providers
Role: Provide utilities including water, sewage, and power.
Responsibilities: Make sure all infrastructure and utility connections are made
Expectation: Utility services must be provided promptly and dependably, safety
regulations must be followed, and the system must be integrated.

(5 marks)

c) Considering the following aspects as major deliverables, justify their importance in this
a. Space requirement
Sufficient Land Area: Making sure there is sufficient space for the retention pond
and the residential development is essential to the project's success.

Compliance with Regulations: Minimum space requirements for residential areas

and retention ponds are governed by numerous local rules and regulations.
Fulfilling these prerequisites guarantees compliance and keeps clear of legal

b. Maintenance

Long-Term Functionality: For the retention pond to fulfill its primary purpose of
managing stormwater, regular maintenance is essential. Without regular
maintenance, the pond may become clogged or inefficient, leading to flood risks.

Community Safety: Maintaining the surrounding terrain on a regular basis keeps it

both aesthetically pleasing and secure for the locals.

c. Property value impact


Increased Property Values: The idea of a lakeside pond and retention pond can
greatly increase property values.

Market Differentiation: The development's luxury lakefront concept can serve as a

distinctive selling proposition, setting it apart from competitors and drawing in
high-end purchasers.

d. Design complexity.

Engineering Challenges: Complex engineering is required to ensure that a retention

pond can manage rainwater efficiently and blend in with the surrounding residential

Coordination Across Disciplines: Collaboration between civil engineers, landscape

architects, environmental specialists, and other stakeholders is necessary due to the
complexity of the design. In order to prevent delays and guarantee that the final
design satisfies all criteria, effective collaboration is essential.

e. Environmental impact

Regulatory Compliance: Environmental impact assessments are frequently

required, and failure to comply may result in fines or delays for projects.

Community Health and Well-Being: A beneficial effect on the environment helps

the community by fostering cleaner waterways, air, and natural areas for leisure.

(10 marks)

d) Based on the above-mentioned analysis, prepare a project charter including potential risks
and challenges that may affect the project as well as how can they be mitigated or managed.
Ensure that your project charter is only on one page.
(7 marks)
Project name Residential area with retention pond
Project description development a residential area with a luxury residential concept by the
lake. The lake that will be built will also serve as a retention pond for
managing stormwater runoff, ensuring nearby streets and homes stay
Project objectives To construct a residential area with a aesthetics looks and flood free by
using the retention pond.
Successful criteria 1. The construction is finished, and all the regulation is followed.
2. All utilities connected correctly with facilities and infrastructure.
3. Complete landscaping and aesthetic features around the
residential area and retention pond.
Stakeholders 1. Project manager
2. Local government and Regulatory bodies
3. Investor
4. Future residents
5. Utility provider
Timeline 3 years 5 month
Budget Rm 1.5 billion
Risks 1. Construction risk
Risk: Delays in construction due to weather, supply chain issues,
or labor shortages.
Mitigation: Create a thorough project schedule that accounts for
delays. Develop relationships with dependable subcontractors and
suppliers. Use project management techniques to track
developments and promptly resolve problems.

2. Financial risk
Risk: Cost overruns due to unforeseen expenses, mismanagement,
or changes in project scope.
Mitigation: Make a thorough budget that accounts for unforeseen
expenses. Keep an eye on your spending and uphold financial
3. Market risk
Risk: Changes in the housing market or economic conditions that
could impact property sales or values.
Mitigation: To comprehend present trends and possible
variations, conduct market research. In order to adjust the project
to changes in the market, design it flexible. Use marketing
techniques to draw in customers and preserve property values.
Approval 1. Project manager

2. Investor

a) Ottawa Corp. Sdn. Bhd. is currently experiencing rapid growth and expansion into new
markets. As the company diversifies its products, it realizes the need for specialized
expertise in research and development, and operations. However, the new market also
demands a localized approach to cater to unique customer needs and cultural differences.
At the same time, the company's projects become increasingly complex, requiring cross-
functional collaboration and coordination among multiple departments. Suggest and
elaborate the most suitable project management organizational structure that should be
implemented in Ottawa Corp. Sdn. Bhd. Discuss the advantages, and disadvantages of this
structure and provide the related references.

Given Otawa Corp. Sdn.Bhd situation, a matrix organizational structure would be the most
suitable option.
This is because of matrix organizational structure. More flexibility and cooperation are
made possible by a matrix structure, which combines project-based and functional
organizational structures. Team members report to both a functional manager (for their
specialized knowledge) and a project manager (for project-specific needs), emphasizing
cross-functional cooperation and communication. Organizations that engage in a variety of
projects, operate in complicated contexts, and need multidisciplinary knowledge frequently
choose this structure.


1. Improved Problem-Solving: The matrix format encourages varied viewpoints since

team members have different roles and experiences, which fosters more creative and
efficient problem-solving.
2. Enhanced Collaboration and Communication: The matrix structure facilitates
collaboration and knowledge sharing among different departments by promoting cross-
functional teamwork. Given the requirement for cross-functional interaction, Ottawa
Corp. Sdn. Bhd. may benefit from this strategy.


1. Risk of Organizational Conflict: Employees who have several reporting lines are more
likely to have conflicts between managers, which could lower morale and productivity
within the team.
2. Increased Complexity in Management: It can be difficult to run a matrix organization
since functional and project managers must carefully coordinate. Conflicting priorities
or power disputes may result from unclear communication.
References [1],[2]
(8 marks)

b) A feasibility study is crucial for assessing the viability of a proposed project or business
venture before resources are allocated to it. Explain the definition of feasibility study and
discuss the importance of a feasibility study in improving the team’s focus, identifying new
opportunities, and decision-making of a project. Provide the related references.

A feasibility study is a thorough examination that determines the viability of a project. Its
goal is to determine whether, within a given time period and financial constraints, a project
or business initiative is technically, economically, legally, operationally, and ethically
feasible. In basic terms, the analysis evaluates the project's viability and ability to produce
desired results while avoiding excessive risk. Technical requirements, market demand,
regulatory constraints, financial predictions, operational capacity, and resource availability
are some of the main components that a feasibility study usually looks at.

1. Improving Team Focus: A feasibility study aids in defining the goals and specifications
of the project, which in turn influences the team's work. Team members can prioritize
tasks, align their goals, and work efficiently when they have a clear focus. This focused
strategy lowers the possibility of misplaced efforts while fostering a sense of purpose.
2. Identifying New Opportunities: A feasibility study might identify previously
undiscovered new markets, client segments, income streams, or strategic alliances
through extensive investigation. This procedure aids companies or project groups in
investigating novel options and modifying their approaches to maximize results.
3. Enhancing Decision-Making: A feasibility study offers a data-driven framework for
making decisions. Stakeholders can assess a project's hazards and benefits by using the
study's findings. Stakeholders can decide whether to move on, make changes, or scrap
a project by having a thorough grasp of its financial viability, technical feasibility, legal
implications, and other important aspects.
Reference [1],[2],[3]
(7 marks)

c) Once a project has been selected to proceed, some project managers will use project
management software as a tool for monitoring and controlling purposes. When choosing
project management software, factors like team size, project complexity, collaboration
needs, budget, and integration capabilities were considered. Justify each listed factor's
impact on software selection. Recommend five types of project management software.
Provide related references to support your explanation.

1. Team size:
Impact: The number of people who require software access depends on the size of the
project team. Smaller teams might need more straightforward platforms, while larger
teams would need software that can manage several users at once without causing
performance difficulties. Certain technologies impact the cost because they charge per
user or have restrictions on the number of users.
2. Project complexity:
Impact: Robust software with advanced features like resource management, risk
tracking, and Gantt charts is necessary for complex projects with numerous activities,
dependencies, and stakeholders. Simpler projects could only require the most basic
functionality for task management and teamwork.
3. Collaboration needs:
Impact: Collaboration skills become even more important when the project comprises
personnel from different departments or distant workers. It is essential to have features
like file sharing, real-time communication, and integration with other programs for
4. Budget:
Impact: Software selection is influenced by project costs. While some programs require
paid subscriptions, others offer limited-featured free versions. The budget needs to
cover the cost of the software without sacrificing other project components.
5. Integration Capabilities:
Impact: For workflow to be flexible, integration with current tools and systems is
essential. Productivity can be greatly increased by using software that interfaces with
calendars, email, CRM platforms, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.

Recommendations for project management software.

1. Asana
2. Trello
3. Microsoft project
4. Jira
5. Smartsheet
Reference [1],[2],[4]
(15 marks)
1. Larson, E.W. (2021) Project Management: The managerial process. 5th edn. New York,
NY: McGraw Hill.
2. Mantel, S.J. (2005) Core concepts of Project Management in practice. 4th edn. Hoboken,
NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
3. Schwalbe, K. (2015). Information Technology Project Management (8th ed.). Cengage
4. Nicholas, J.M. and Steyn, H. (2012) Project Management for Business, Engineering, and
technology: Principles and practice. 3rd edn. Abington, Oxon: Routledge/Taylor & Francis

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