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I nt egrat ed Logist ics Support

( I LS)
I t s disciplines, logist ic support analysis,
recording, planning, and organizat ion

Sum m ary
I nt egrat ed Logist ics Support ( I LS) st ands for t he disciplined and unified m anagem ent
of t he t echnical logist ic disciplines t hat plan and develop support for any large syst em
during it s com plet e life cycle. An I LS organizat ion including t he I LS program m anager
and t he cont ract ors are responsible for it s success. Logist ic Support Analy sis ( LSA)
ensures a cent ral and coordinat ed process. Key elem ent s in LSA are t he ident ificat ion
and t he analysis of m aint enance t ask s, as t hey dict at e t he required support during t he
syst em life cycle. All docum ent at ion is handled in one cent ral Logist ic Support Analy sis
Record ( LSAR) dat abase. The set - up of I LS at t he Royal Dut ch Navy is sket ched as
illust rat ion.

John Yolt on

12 Pages
Published February, 2008
em ail info@apt it
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I nt egrat ed Logist ics Support ( I LS)

Ta ble of con t e n t s

1. I nt r oduct ion ........................................................................... 3

1.1. Goals ................................................................................................. 3
1.2. Applicat ion .......................................................................................... 3
2. The 1 0 Pr in ciple D iscipline s .................................................... 3
3. Logist ic Su ppor t An a lysis ( LSA) .............................................. 5
4. Logist ic Su ppor t An a lysis Re cor d ( LSAR) ................................ 6
5. I n t e gr a t e d Logist ics Su ppor t Pla n ( I LSP) ............................... 8
6. Logist ics M a na ge m e nt ............................................................ 8
6.1. I LS Organizat ion .................................................................................. 8
6.2. I LS Program Managem ent .................................................................... 9
6.3. Role Of Cont ract ing.............................................................................. 9
7. Ex a m ple : Roya l D ut ch N a vy .................................................. 1 0
8. Conclusion ............................................................................ 1 0
9. Re fe r e nce s ........................................................................... 1 0
10. Appe ndix A ........................................................................... 1 2
10.1. Failure Mo3des, Effect s, and Crit icalit y Analysis ( FMECA) ......................... 12
10.2. Reliabilit y Cent ered Maint enance ( RCM) ................................................ 12
10.3. Level Of Repair Analysis ( LORA) ........................................................... 12

I nt egrat ed Logist ics Support ( I LS) © 2012 SKF Group 2 ( 12)

m anuals, t est equipm ent , special t ools, and
1. I n t r odu ct ion m aint enance courses for t he service
em ployees of aut om obile dealerships. The
I nt egrat ed Logist ics Support ( I LS) is t he
aut om obile dealerships and m anufact urer
disciplined and unified m anagem ent of t he
m ust also st ock part s. What would happen if
t echnical logist ic disciplines t hat plan and
an aut om obile dealer sold a car wit hout any
develop support for m ilit ary forces [ 1] .
provision for it s service?
Logist ics is, “ t he science of planning and
carrying out t he m ovem ent and m aint enance
of forces. I n it s m ost com prehensive sense, 1.1. Goa ls
t hose aspect s of m ilit ary operat ions w hich
The prim arily goals of I LS include [ 1,2] :
deal wit h: ( 1) design and developm ent ,

acquisit ion, st orage, m ovem ent , dist ribut ion,
I nt egrat e support considerat ions int o
m aint enance, evacuat ion, and disposit ion of
design from t he out set of t he life cycle

m at eriel; ( 2) m ovem ent , evacuat ion, and
Det erm ine t he support requirem ent s

hospit alizat ion of personnel; ( 3) acquisit ion
Acquire t he required support

or const ruct ion, m aint enance, operat ion, and
Provide t he required support at m inim um
disposit ion of facilit ies; and ( 4) acquisit ion or
cost .
furnishing of services.” [ 2]

Focusing on t he support of ( arm y) 1.2. Applica t ion

equipm ent , I nt egrat ed Logist ic Support ( I LS)
I LS is designed as t he disciplined and unified
is a disciplined, unified and it erat ive
m anagem ent of t he t echnical logist ics
approach t o t he t echnical and m anagem ent
disciplines t hat plan and develop support for
act iv it ies necessary t o int egrat e support
m ilit ary forces. Out side large m ilit ary
considerat ions int o syst em design during all
program s, I LS is being applied t o rail
st ages of t he life cycle. I nt egrat ed Logist ics
syst em s, shipping, pet roleum indust ry,
Support is described as a m et hodology for
com m ercial aviat ion, and m any ot her areas
set t ing up t he necessary logist ic processes
where large sum s of m oney are invest ed t o
t o support a capit al asset during it s whole
creat e a capabilit y [ 1] .
life cycle. I t is ident ified as a com plet e
logist ics approach originally developed for
t he US defense.
2. Th e 1 0 Pr in ciple
D isciplin e s
While t he definit ions of int egrat ed logist ics
support m ay sound a lit t le com plicat ed, The US Arm y has ident ified t en separat e
com pare t hem t o a hypot het ical sit uat ion elem ent s of t he acquisit ion logist ics. I t is
wit hin t he aut om obile indust ry . An im port ant t o not e t hat w hile t hese are
aut om obile m anufact urer spends sev eral separat e elem ent s, each elem ent of logist ics
years developing and t est ing a new m odel support is direct ly relat ed t o one anot her
car. The car is t hen m anufact ured and and cannot st and alone. These t en principle
t ransport ed t o aut om obile dealers. During I LS disciplines are [ 1,2] :
t he developm ent phase, designers creat e a
new body st yle, int erior, and incorporat e 1 Maint enance planning; m uch of t he
ot her feat ures such as safet y, which will support is cent ered around m aint enance
at t ract cust om ers. The aut om obile of equipm ent . A prim ary funct ion of I LS
m anufact urer m ust also creat e service

I nt egrat ed Logist ics Support ( I LS) © 2012 SKF Group 3 ( 12)

is t o develop a concept for t he requirem ent s are focused on t he
m aint enance program t o support t he m aint enance of hardware. This leaves
syst em . The requirem ent s for soft ware, which does not have t he
m aint enance t hen drive t he decisions physical charact erist ics of hardware, and
concerning t he resources necessary t o hence m ore difficult t o address in t he
support m aint enance act ions. cont ex t of failures and m aint enance
2 Manpower and personnel; Syst em s t asks. The resources t o support soft ware
cannot operat e and m aint ain and hardware are an int egral part of t he
t hem selves. I LS is charged w it h t he support package for m ost syst em s.
responsibilit y of ident ifying t he num ber 8 Facilit ies; Operat ion and m aint enance of
of personnel needed t o support m ost m ilit ary syst em s and t raining of
operat ions and m aint enance, and t he personnel require som e t ype of facilit ies.
skills t hey require. I LS is responsible for ident ifying t he
3 Supply support ; Operat ion and needs, planning and dev eloping t he
m aint enance act ions require m at erial in j ust ificat ion for acquisit ion.
t he form of spare and repair part s. 9 Packaging, handling, st orage, and
I dent ificat ion and acquisit ion of t he t ransport at ion; Possible physical
m at erials necessary t o support t he m ovem ent of t he syst em m ust be
operat ion and m aint enance of syst em s is accom plished in a m anner t hat does not
anot her key responsibilit y of t he I LS reduce it s effect iveness. Logist ics
organizat ion. engineers plan and im plem ent t he
4 Support and t est equipm ent ; Som e procedures and m easures.
syst em s require addit ional equipm ent t o 10 Reliabilit y and m aint ainabilit y; The areas
support operat ions or m aint enance. of reliabilit y and m aint ainabilit y address
Support equipm ent specialist s and t est how long a syst em w ill operat e wit hout
engineers conduct analy ses t o ident ify failure and how long it w ill t ake t o fix an
and develop t hese requirem ent s. it em w hen it fails, respect ively . They
5 Training and t raining support ; Trained play an im port ant role in det erm ining
and qualified operat ors and m aint enance t he support needed when a syst em is
personnel are required t o support t he used.
syst em s. Wit hin t he I LS organizat ion,
are t raining specialist s who part icipat e in Each of t he 10 disciplines has a specific role
t he planning process. Necessary devices in t he logist ics support planning process.
and equipm ent t o support t raining are These disciplines m ust t hen be coordinat ed
also developed by t his group. t o achieve t he desired result . Three key
6 Technical docum ent at ion; The elem ent s which focus on t he cent ral
equipm ent users need inst ruct ions on processes, recording, and planning,
how t o operat e and m aint ain t he respect ively, are Logist ics Support Analysis
syst em . Technical docum ent at ion is ( LSA) , Logist ics Support Analysis Record
prepared by t he t echnical publicat ions ( LSAR) , and I nt egrat ed Logist ics Support
discipline. Plans ( I LSP) .
7 Com put er resources; Com put ers are
used t o operat e and m aint ain m ost
syst em s. The m aj orit y of logist ics
act iv it ies have hist orically dealt w it h
hardware, and m ost logist ics

I nt egrat ed Logist ics Support ( I LS) © 2012 SKF Group 4 ( 12)

3 .1 .3 . Se ct ion 3 0 0 , Pr e pa r a t ion a n d
3. Logist ic Su ppor t An a lysis
e va lu a t ion of a lt e r n a t ive s:

( LSA)
Task 301 - Funct ional requirem ent s
The various individual act ivit ies of t he I LS ident ificat ion
disciplines m ust be coordinat ed t o achieve • Task 302 - Support syst em alt ernat ives
t he best logist ics support . For t his reason, • Task 303 - Evaluat ion of alt ernat ives
t he process known as Logist ic Support and t rade- off
Analysis ( LSA) was developed [ 3] .
3 .1 .4 . Se ct ion 4 0 0 , D e t e r m in a t ion of
LSA involves t he int egrat ion and applicat ion logist ic su ppor t r e sou r ce s
of a range of quant it at ive and qualit at ive r e qu ir e m e n t s

m et hods t hat aim t o ensure t hat int egrat ed
Task 401 - Task analysis

logist ic support requirem ent s are considered
Task 402 - Early fielding analysis

com prehensively in all phases of t he life
Task 403 - Post product ion support

The est ablishm ent and im plem ent at ion of a

logist ic support analysis program is oft en a 3 .1 .5 . Se ct ion 5 0 0 , Su ppor t a bilit y
requirem ent of governm ent al cont ract s for a n a lysis
t he design and developm ent of ( m ilit ary) • Task 501 - Support abilit y t est ,
syst em s. MI L 1388- 1A, Logist ic Support evaluat ion, and verificat ion
Analysis, cont ains det ailed descript ions of
t he requirem ent s and t he t asks t hat m ust be The scope of t he LSA m ust be
perform ed. com m ensurat e wit h t he needs of each
specific program . No t asks should be
The LSA program consist s of a series of 15 accom plished on a st and- alone basis. The
int errelat ed t asks, organized as follows: SLA process is designed t o enhance t he
int errelat ions bet ween design phase and I LS
3 .1 .1 . Se ct ion 1 0 0 , Pr ogr a m pla n n in g & and am ongst t he I LS disciplines.
con t r ol:

MI L 1388- 1A furt her divides t he t ask s int o
Task 101 - Early LSA st rat egy

subt asks, and ident ifies t he input s required
Task 102 - LSA plan

t o perform t he t ask, and t he out put s t hat
Task 103 - Program and design review
perform ing t he t ask generat es. I t is out side
t he scope of t he paper t o fully explore all
3 .1 .2 . Se ct ion 2 0 0 , M ission a n d su ppor t subt asks for each t ask , see e.g. [ 1] . I nst ead,
syst e m s de fin it ion : only a few subt asks are highlight ed, which
• Task 201 - Use st udy are of m ain im port ance for t he LSA process.
• Task 202 - Mission hardware, soft ware,
and support syst em st andardizat ion

3 .1 .6 . Ta sk 3 0 1 - Fu n ct ion a l
Task 203 - Com parat ive analysis

Re qu ir e m e n t s
Task 204 - Technological opport unit ies

One im port ant set of subt asks relat ed t o
Task 205 - Support abilit y and
m aint enance is included under Task 301,
support abilit y- relat ed design fact ors
funct ional requirem ent s ident ificat ion.
Subt asks 1- 2 are relat ed t o syst em funct ion
ident ificat ion. Subt ask 3 includes risk

I nt egrat ed Logist ics Support ( I LS) © 2012 SKF Group 5 ( 12)

ident ificat ion. The subt ask 4 is devot ed t o 3 .1 .8 . Ta sk 3 0 3 - Eva lu a t ion of
t he ident ificat ion of operat ion and a lt e r n a t ive s
m aint enance t asks. Subt ask 4 is one of t he As subt ask 7 in 3 0 3 , evaluat ion of
keys t o develop a det ailed logist ic support alt ernat ives and t radeoff analysis, a Level Of
package for t he new equipm ent . The place Repair Analysis ( LORA) is conduct ed for each
t o st art is Failure Modes, Effect s, and alt ernat ive t o det erm ine t he opt im um
Crit icalit y Analysis ( FMECA) . I n addit ion of m aint enance program for t he syst em and
FMECA, Reliabilit y Cent ered Maint enance opt im um ut ilizat ion of support resources.
( RCM) is used t o ident ify t he m aint enance See for LORA, Appendix A.
t asks t hat are required t o support t he new
equipm ent . Bot h m et hods are described 4. Logist ic Su ppor t An a lysis
short ly in Appendix A. Subt ask 5 focuses on Re cor d ( LSAR)
alt ernat ives in t he equipm ent design where
support abilit y becom es a problem . Subt ask The out put s of LSA feed int o a cent ral
6 finally defines t he updat ing of t he dat abase called a Logist ic Support Analysis
program , such a cont inuous process is Record ( LSAR) .
achieved. The purpose of t his single relat ional
dat abase is t o provide a st andardized
m et hod for com piling and st oring logist ics
3 .1 .7 . Ta sk 4 0 1 - Ta sk a n a lysis and logist ics- relat ed engineering dat a
Wit hin 4 0 1 , each m aint enance t asks required t o support t he new syst em when
analysis will result in t he ident ificat ion of all operat ional. The requirem ent s are described
t he logist ic resources required t o support t he in MI L- STD 1388- 2B, DOD requirem ent s for
new syst em . The t ask analysis is t he m ost a Logist ic Support Analysis Record [ 12] .
m anpower int ensive. However, if done
correct ly , it is t he single m ost accurat e Figure 1 illust rat es t hat dat a for t he LSAR
m et hod of ident ifying t he logist ic support com e basically from t wo MI L- STD 1388- 1A
resources requirem ent s. MI L- STD 1478 t asks: t ask 301, subt ask 4, and t ask 401,
provides assist ance in conduct ing t he subt ask 1. Som e lim it ed dat a do originat e in
subt ask 1, conduct ing det ailed t ask analysis t ask 201, Use St udy , and Task 205, Design
[ 10,11] . Crit eria. t ask 303, subt ask 7, act ually uses
dat a for m odeling, wit h t he result s put back
int o t he LSAR when t he LORA result s are
com plet ed.

I nt egrat ed Logist ics Support ( I LS) © 2012 SKF Group 6 ( 12)

Figure 1: LSA t asks cr eat ing LSAR dat a [ 1] .

A m et hod for m anaging t he developm ent of

The LSAR cont ains 104 t ables, divided over t he LSAR, is t o m anage t he analysis process
t en funct ional areas: t hat creat es t he dat a. This is accom plished
using a four- st ep approach [ 1] :
• "X tables" ( 9) - Cross funct ional
requirem ent s 1 LSA candidat e ident ificat ion; have all t he

LSA candidat es been ident ified? Then
"A tables" ( 11) - Operat ions and
t he full range of it em s t o be analyzed
m aint enance requirem ent s

and docum ent ed can be com plet ed.
"B tables" ( 12) - Reliabilit y, availabilit y, 2 Maint enance t ask ident ificat ion ( LSA
and m aint ainabilit y FMECA, and t ask 301, subt ask 4) ; have all
m aint ainabilit y analysis

m aint enance t asks for each candidat e
"C tables" ( 11) - Task inv ent ory, t ask been ident ified? Unt il all t he
analysis, personnel, and support m aint enance t asks for each candidat e
requirem ent s have been ident ified, t he t ot al
• "E tables" ( 13) - Support equipm ent and m aint enance and support requirem ent s
t raining m at erial requirem ent s for t he syst em cannot be com plet ed.
• "F tables" ( 5) - Facilit y considerat ion 3 Maint enance t ask analysis ( LSA t ask

401, subt ask 1) ; t he m aint enance t ask
" G t ables" ( 5) - Personnel skill
analysis for all m aint enance t asks for
considerat ions

every LSA candidat e m ust be com plet e
"H tables" ( 18) - Packaging and
before t he t ot al range of resources
provisioning requirem ent s

required t o support operat ion and
"J tables" ( 6) - Transport abilit y m aint enance of t he syst em can be
engineering analysis ident ified.
• "U tables" ( 14) - Unit - under- t est 4 Level Of Repair Analysis ( LSA t ask 303,
requirem ent s and descript ion subt ask 7) ; Only aft er LORA has been
applied and t he repair level for each

I nt egrat ed Logist ics Support ( I LS) © 2012 SKF Group 7 ( 12)

it em has been agreed upon bet ween The I LSP is prepared by t he syst em owner
syst em owner and cont ract or, t he LSAR during concept phase, and updat ed
can be used as t he source for t hroughout t he life of t he I LS program . As
developm ent of t he final logist ics such, it is a dynam ic docum ent , e.g.,
support package for t he syst em . updat ed annually. The I LSP owner provides
a copy of t he I LSP t o cont ract ors for
5. I n t e gr a t e d Logist ics inform at ion and t o help cont ract or's
Su ppor t Pla n ( I LSP) underst anding of how cont ract ual
requirem ent s fit int o t he overall I LS
The I nt egrat ed Logist ics Support Plan ( I LSP)
program .
is t he business plan for I LS planning,
coordinat ion, im plem ent at ion, procurem ent ,
and deploym ent of life support for a syst em . 6. Logist ics M a n a ge m e n t
The I LSP m ay cover up t o 50 years of
act iv it y, w hich is t he t ypical life cycle of Successful accom plishm ent of goals requires
som e m aj or syst em s, e.g., in m ilit ary proper planning and m anagem ent . People
cont ex t . The I LSP is a t hree- part docum ent are required t o perform I LS requirem ent s,
t hat describes in det ail how t he I LS program and t he way in which t he people are
will be conduct ed t o accom plish t he program organized influences how successful t hey will
goals. be.
6.1. I LS Or ga n iza t ion
1 General; int roduct ion, equipm ent
descript ion, program m anagem ent . I LS organizat ions are com posed of funct ional
2 Plans, Goals, and St rat egy; operat ional disciplines t hat have been described earlier
plan, syst em readiness obj ect ives, in t his paper. The way in which t he
acquisit ion st rat egy , source select ion, disciplines are organized depends on t he
support acquisit ion, reliabilit y- acquisit ion phase of t he specific product , t he
availabilit y- m aint ainabilit y indicat ions, com pany size, and t he t ype of product
LSA st rat egy , I LS disciplines, design support ed. A concept ual organizat ion of I LS
influence, const raint s, m aint enance disciplines solely based on funct ions is show
plans, funding, st andardizat ion, support in Figure 2 [ 1] . This concept is used by
t ransit ion planning, m odeling m any large governm ent al cont ract ors, t hat
t echniques, work break down st ruct ure, have ongoing logist ics program s for m any
report ing, post - fielding assessm ent , different product s.
post - product ion support .
3 Schedule; program m ilest ones,
coordinat ion, report ing requirem ent s.

I nt egrat ed Logist ics Support ( I LS) © 2012 SKF Group 8 ( 12)

Figure 2: I LS Organizat ional Concept [ 1] .

During acquisit ion phase, a sm aller ( 1) t he product specificat ion, ( 2) t he

organizat ion m ay be t ailored, covering st at em ent of work, and ( 3) t he dat a list .
reliabilit y and m aint ainabilit y engineering,
logist ic resources planning, life cycle cost , The product specificat ion includes a
and safet y engineering. Also, for sm aller com plet e t echnical descript ion of t he
com panies, generally a few logist icians syst em . Of course t his also covers reliabilit y,
perform various funct ions t o design t he m aint ainabilit y, and support abilit y goals. For
support package during t he syst em life. exam ple, a t ypical st at em ent would include:

6.2. I LS Pr ogr a m M a n a ge m e n t "… The system shall have a mean time between
failure of not less than 1,000 hours …"
I LS act ivit ies are norm ally coordinat ed and
cont rolled t hrough a program m anagem ent
Because of t he MI L- STD st andards, t he
process. Aspect s include assignm ent of
St at em ent - Of- Work ( SOW) can be rat her
responsibilit ies, changing act ion as t he
st raight forw ard. For exam ple:
program m oves t hrough different phases,
using program m anagem ent t ools such as
"… The contractor shall conduct a Logistic
schedule ad budget . The success or failure of
a program depends on how well t he program Support Analysis program to include
is m anaged. The person who bears t he t ot al accomplishments of Tasks 101, 102, 103, 201,
responsibilit y is called t he I LS ( program ) 205, 301, 303, 401, and 501 of MIL-STD
m anager.

6.3. Role Of Con t r a ct in g The dat a list represent s t he com plet e list of
docum ent at ion t hat a cont ract or m ust
Cont ract ing plays an im port ant role in I LS
subm it . I t em s are norm ally report s, plans,
program s, especially when t he governm ent
engineering drawings, and ot her docum ent s
is t he cont ract owner like in m ilit ary I LS
relat ed t o t he cont ract . The dat a list can be
program s. Typical cont ract s for equipm ent
very significant , because t he m aj orit y of I LS
and services have t hree basic sect ions t hat
act iv it ies result in som e kind of
direct I LS act ivit ies. These t hree sect ions are

I nt egrat ed Logist ics Support ( I LS) © 2012 SKF Group 9 ( 12)

docum ent at ion, such as program plans,
9. Re fe r e n ce s
t echnical m anuals, spares list s, et c.
[ 1] Jones, J.V., I nt egrat ed Logist ics Support
The end result is a set of requirem ent s t hat Handbook. McGraw- Hill, New York, 1995.
guide t he cont ract or in producing/ delivering
what t he cont ract owner want s. [ 2] MI L- STD 1369A, I nt egrat ed Logist ics
Support Program Requirem ent s.

7. Ex a m ple : Roya l D ut ch [ 3] MI L- STD 1388- 1A, Logist ic Support

N a vy Analysis.
[ 4] MI L- STD 1629, Failure Modes, Effect s,
I LS is being recognized by t he Royal Dut ch
and Crit icalit y Analysis.
Navy as a disciplined planning and
organizing approach t o opt im ize t he cost -
effect iveness of t echnical syst em s [ 13] . I t
considers all support elem ent s as influencing
syst em design, and det erm ines t he support
requirem ent s needed. Based on t he m ain
ent it ies of I LS, t hey have m odeled t he
logist ics process and t heir relat ionships in a
concept ual flow diagram as illust rat ed in
Figure 3.

8. Con clu sion

I nt egrat ed Logist ics Support ( I LS) st ands for
t he disciplined and unified m anagem ent of
t he t echnical logist ic disciplines t hat plan
and develop support for any large sy st em
during it s com plet e life cycle. An I LS
organizat ion including t he I LS program
m anager and t he cont ract ors are responsible
for it s success.

Logist ic Support Analy sis ( LSA) ensures a

cent ral and coordinat ed process. Key
elem ent s in LSA are t he ident ificat ion and
t he analy sis of m aint enance t asks, as t hey
dict at e t he required support during t he
syst em life cycle. All docum ent at ion is
handled in one cent ral Logist ic Support
Analysis Record ( LSAR) dat abase.

I nt egrat ed Logist ics Support ( I LS) © 2012 SKF Group 10 ( 12)

Figure 3: The Concept ual I LS Flow Diagram According The Royal Dut ch Navy [ 13] .

I nt egrat ed Logist ics Support ( I LS) © 2012 SKF Group 11 ( 12)

[ 5] Schram , G., FMEA, GS02012, t hrough t o det ailed design. FMECA is used t o
ht t p: / / www.apt it t ailor a part icular design and basically
ident ifies possible syst em failures, t he
[ 6] Barrat t , M. Schram , G., Crit icalit y causes of t hose failures, and t he effect s of
Analysis in Perspect ive, MB03029, failure on a syst em and t he crit icalit y of
ht t p: / / www.apt it failures in t erm s of safet y and m ission
achievem ent . I dent ified failures m ay t hen be
[ 7] Barrat t , M., Reliabilit y Cent ered elim inat ed by im proved design. For m ore
Maint enance, MB02008, det ails, see [ 4,5,6] .
ht t p: / / www.apt it
10.2. Re lia bilit y Ce n t e r e d
[ 8] MI L- STD 1390D, Level Of Repair
M a in t e n a n ce ( RCM )
[ 9] Barrat t , M., Level Of Repair Analysis, This t echnique ident ifies t he m ost cost
MB0412, ht t p: / / www.apt it effect ive m ix of m aint enance schedules and
procedures for bot h scheduled ( servicing)
[ 10] MI L- STD 1478, Task Perform ance m aint enance and unscheduled ( repair)
Analysis. m aint enance. RCM is com plem ent ary t o
FMECA and should be conduct ed in
[ 11] Barrat t , M. Planning, Scheduling, and conj unct ion wit h it . FMECA is used t o ident ify
Work Orders. MB03013. crit ical m aint enance act ions t o be included
ht t p: / / www.apt it for analysis in an RCM program . For m ore
det ails, see [ 7] .
[ 12] MI L- STD 1388- 2B, Depart m ent of
Defense ( DOD) Requirem ent s For A Logist ic
10.3. Le ve l Of Re pa ir An a lysis
Support Analysis Record.
[ 13] St avenuit er, J. Cost Effect ive This is essent ially an analysis of
Managem ent Of Capit al Asset s - An m aint enance act ions t hat lead t o
I nt egrat ed Life Cycle Managem ent Approach. recom m endat ions on where scheduled
Asset Managem ent Cont rol Research ( servicing) and unscheduled ( repair)
Foundat ion, The Net herlands, 2002. m aint enance t asks should be conduct ed and
when com ponent s should be discarded.
LORA should be opt im ized t o achieve
10. Appe n dix A
m axim um availabilit y at m inim um LCC. For
Three key LSA t echniques are Failure Mode
m ore det ails, see [ 8,9]
and Effect s Crit icalit y Analysis ( FMECA) ,
Reliabilit y Cent ered Maint enance ( RCM) and
Level of Repair Analysis ( LORA) .

10.1. Fa ilu r e M o3 de s, Effe ct s, a n d

Cr it ica lit y An a lysis ( FM ECA)

This is an effect ive design t ool and it s

applicat ion is an essent ial part of t he design
and developm ent process, from funct ional
analysis during t he Acquisit ion Phase

I nt egrat ed Logist ics Support ( I LS) © 2012 SKF Group 12 ( 12)

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