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Fill in the blanks and multiple choice questions IIYEAR

Fill in the blanks

Q: A circuit which generates a.c. signal without any externally applied input signal is called as an -----------
Ans: oscillator
Q: An electronic circuit that produces sinusoidal oscillations of desired frequency is called a -----------------
Ans: sinusoidal oscillator
Q: An electrical oscillations whose amplitude decreases with time are known as ----------------------------
Ans: damped oscillations
Q: Electrical oscillations whose amplitude remains constant with time are known as ------------------------
Ans: undamped oscillations
Q: The condition A =1 under positive feedback is called as --------------------------------
Ans: Barkhausen criterion
Q: Give the Bharkhausen conditions for sustained oscillations are feedback should be ---------
Ans positive
Q: A parallel combination of L and C that produces electrical oscillations of any desired
frequency is known as an -------------------------------
Ans oscillatory or tank circuit
Q: The formula for the frequency of oscillation of a tank circuit is ---------------
Ans: 1
2 LC
Q: Colpitt’s oscillator uses -------- feedback.
Ans capacitive
Q: Hartley oscillator uses -----------feedback.
Ans inductive feedback
Q: In RC phase shift oscillator three RC section are used to produce a phase-shift of -----------------
Ans: 1800
Q: The RC phase shift oscillator containing three RC sections, each RC section provides a phase shift of --------------
Ans: 600
Q: The RC oscillator which does not have phase – shift in the feedback network is ----------------
Ans: Wien – bridge oscillator
Q: The op-amp used in wien-bridge oscillator function in --------------configuration.
Ans non- inverting
Q: Total phase – shift is produced by bridge network in Wien – bridge oscillator is ----------------
Ans: (or) No phase-shift
Q: The major drawback of LC and RC oscillators is -------------
Ans: frequency instability
Q: The principle involved in crystal oscillator is --------------------
Ans: Piezo-electric effect
Q: The oscillator which works on the principle of piezo- electric effect is -----------------
Ans: crystal oscillator
Q: Crystals which exhibit piezoelectric effect are called --------------- crystals.
Ans piezoelectric
Q: The most commonly used piezoelectric crystal is ----------------------

Malleshwara.M, Principal N.V.P.U College, Kalaburgi. Page 1

Fill in the blanks and multiple choice questions IIYEAR
Ans Quartz crystal
Q: The function of an oscillator can be considered to be opposite to that of a --------------------
Ans rectifier
Q: Between LC oscillators and RC oscillators -------------is more suitable for generating high frequencies.
Ans: LC oscillators
Q: Between LC oscillators and RC oscillators -------------is more suitable for generating low frequencies.
Ans RC oscillators
Q: Between LC and RC oscillators -----------has better frequency stability.
Ans: RC oscillators
Q: The oscillator which gives very high frequency stability is ---------------
Ans: Crystal controlled oscillator
Q: Both positive and negative feedback is employed in --------------- oscillator.
Ans: Wein-bridge
Q: In RC phase-shift oscillator, generally ---------- RC sections are employed
Ans: 3
Q: In an LC oscillatory circuit, the energy exchanged between L and C is magnetic and -------- respectively
Ans: electrostatic
Q: For oscillations to start, initially the loop gain of the oscillator must be more than ---------
Ans: 1
Q: An oscillator is an electronic circuit that converts --------- power into ac power of any desired frequency
Ans: DC
Q: An electronic oscillator is an amplifier with ------------- feedback.
Ans: positive
Q: An oscillator circuit must satisfy ----------- criterion.
Ans Barkhausen
Q: In phase shift oscillator, the frequency determining elements are ------------
Ans R and C
Q: Crystal oscillator is used where ------------- frequency is required.
Ans: Stable or constant
Q: In Colpitt’s oscillator, the frequency determining elements are R and -----------
Ans: C
Q: In Colpitt’s oscillator, the frequency determining elements are L and -----------
Ans: C
Q: In Hartley oscillator, the frequency determining elements are L and -----------
Ans C





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Fill in the blanks and multiple choice questions IIYEAR

Multiple choice questions

Q: A circuit which generates a.c. signal without any externally applied input signal is called as an
(a)oscillator (b) inverter (c) rectifier (d) none of these
Ans: (a) oscillator
Q: An electronic circuit that produces sinusoidal oscillations of desired frequency is called a
(a) non-sinusoidal oscillator (b) sinusoidal oscillator
(c) relaxation oscillator (d) none of these
Ans: (b) sinusoidal oscillator
Q: An electrical oscillations whose amplitude decreases with time are known as
(a) damped oscillations (b) undamped oscillations
(c) exponentially growing oscillations (d) none of these
Ans: (a) damped oscillations
Q: Electrical oscillations whose amplitude remains constant with time are known as
(a) damped oscillations (b) undamped oscillations
(c) exponentially growing oscillations (d) none of these
Ans: (b) undamped oscillations
Q: The condition A =1 under positive feedback is called as
(a) Barkhausen criterion (b) Hartley’s criterion
(c) Colpitt’s criterion (d) none of these
Ans: (a) Barkhausen criterion
Q: Give the Bharkhausen conditions for sustained oscillations are feedback should be
(a) negative (b) positive (c) both positive and negative (d) none of these
Ans (b) positive
Q: A parallel combination of L and C that produces electrical oscillations of any desired frequency is
known as an
(a) tank circuit (b) thumb circuit (c) logic gate (d) none of these
Ans (a) tank circuit
Q: Colpitt’s oscillator uses
(a) capacitive feedback (c) inductive feedback (c) no feedback (d) none of these
Ans (a) capacitive feedback
Q: Hartley oscillator uses
(a) capacitive feedback (c) inductive feedback (c) no feedback (d) none of these
Ans (b) inductive feedback
Q: In RC phase shift oscillator three RC section are used to produce a phase-shift of
(a) 300 (b) 1800 (c) 100 (d) none of these
Ans: (b)1800
Q: The RC phase shift oscillator containing three RC sections, each RC section provides a phase shift of
(a) 300 (b) 1800 (c) 600 (d) none of these
Ans: (c) 600
Q: The RC oscillator which does not have phase – shift in the feedback network is
Ans: (a) Colpitt’s oscillator (b) Hartley oscillator (c) Wien – bridge oscillator (d) none of these
(c)Wien-bridge oscillator
Q: Total phase – shift is produced by bridge network in Wien – bridge oscillator is
(a) 300 (b) 1800 (c) 00 (d) none of these
Ans: (c) 00
Q: The major drawback of LC and RC oscillators is
(a) poor frequency stability (b) good frequency stability
(c) excellent frequency stability (d) none of these
Ans: (d) poor frequency stability
Q: The principle involved in crystal oscillator is
(a) Piezo-electric effect (b) Doppler effect (c) electromagnetic effect (d) none of these
Malleshwara.M, Principal N.V.P.U College, Kalaburgi. Page 3
Fill in the blanks and multiple choice questions IIYEAR
Ans: (a) Piezo-electric effect
Q: The oscillator which works on the principle of piezo- electric effect is
(a) wine bridge oscillator (b) RC phase-shift oscillator (c) crystal oscillator (d) none of these
Ans: (c) crystal oscillator
Q: Crystals which exhibit piezoelectric effect are called
(a)Piezoelectric crystals (b) magnetic crystals (c) electric crystals (d) none of these
Ans (a) piezoelectric crystals
Q: The most commonly used piezoelectric crystal is
(a) Quartz crystal (b) magnetic crystal (c) electric crystals (d) none of these
Ans (a) Quartz crystal
Q: The function of an oscillator can be considered to be opposite to that of
(a) rectifier (b) amplifier (c) filter (d) none of these
Ans (a) rectifier
Q: Which oscillator is suitable for generating high frequency signals
(a) LC oscillators (b)RC oscillators (c)β-oscillator (d) none of these
Ans: (a) LC-oscillator
Q: Which oscillator is suitable for generating low frequency signals
(a) LC oscillators (b)RC oscillators (c)β-oscillator (d) none of these
Ans (b) RC-oscillator
Q: Which oscillator has better frequency stability
(a) RC oscillators (b) LC oscillator (c) crystal controlled oscillator (d) none of these
Ans: (c) crystal controlled oscillator
Q: The oscillator which gives very high frequency stability is
(a) RC oscillators (b) LC oscillator (c) crystal controlled oscillator (d) none of these
Ans: (c) crystal controlled oscillator
Q: Both positive and negative feedback is employed in
Ans: (a) wein- bridge oscillator (b) RC phase-shift oscillator (c) crystal oscillator (d) none of these
(a)Wein-bridge oscillator
Q: In RC phase-shift oscillator, generally, we use
(a) 3 R-C sections (b) 1 R-C sections (c) 10 R-C sections (d) none of these
Ans: (a) 3 R-C sections
Q: In an LC oscillatory circuit, the energy exchanged between L and C is magnetic and
(a) electrostatic (b) solar (c) light (d) none of these
Ans: (a) electrostatic
Q: For oscillations to start, initially the loop gain of the oscillator must be slightly more than
(a)1 (b) 100 (c) 10 (d) none of these
Ans: (a) 1
Q: An oscillator converts
(a) A.C to D.C power (b) D.C to A.C power (C) D.C to D.C power (d) none of these
Ans: (b)D.C to D.C power
Q: An electronic oscillator is an amplifier with
(a)positive feedback (b) negative feedback (c) no feedback (d) none of these
Ans: (a)positive feedback
Q: For generating output signal an oscillator circuit must satisfy criterion.
(a) Barkhausen criterion (b) De-Morgan’s criterion (c) no criterion (d) none of these
Ans (a) Barkhausen criterion
Q: In phase shift oscillator, the frequency determining elements are
(a) R and C (b) L and R (c) L and C (d) none these
Ans (a) R and C

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Fill in the blanks and multiple choice questions IIYEAR
Q: In Colpitt’s and Hortley oscillators the frequency determining elements are
(a) R and C (b) L and R (c) L and C (d) none these
Ans: (C) L and C
Q: In crystal controlled oscillator, the frequency determining elements is
(a) Resistor (b) capacitor (c) inductor (d) crystal
Ans (d) crystal
Q: Crystal oscillator is used where
(a) stable frequency is require (b) varying frequency is required
(c) exponentially increasing frequency is required (d) none of these
Ans: (a) stable frequency is require
Q: The essential conditions for maintaining sustained (undamped) oscillation in an oscillator are:
Ans ( )
Q: Wein bridge oscillator uses
(a)positive feedback only (b) negative feedback only
(c) both positive and negative feedback (d) no feedback
Ans (c) both positive and negative feedback
Q: An R-C phase shift oscillator will not produce any oscillations until and unless the minimum voltage
gain of its internal amplifier is
(a)less than 29 (b) more than 29 (c) zero (d) there is no criterion
Ans (b) more than 29
Q: Wein bridge oscillator will not produce any oscillations until and unless the minimum voltage gain of
its internal amplifier is
(a)less than 3 (b) more than 3 (c) zero (d) there is no criterion
Ans (b) more than 3
Q: If Barkhausen criterion is not satisfied by an oscillator circuit, it will
(a) stop producing oscillations (b) becomes an amplifier
(c) produces high frequency whistles (d) none of these
Ans (a) stop producing oscillations

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