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Flail Snail’s Mail

5e Magic Items

Resilient Ranger Conclaves

Beast Master................................................................ 4 Hunter............................................................................ 8
Master’s Call Cloak of Prey
Flexible Barding Tactician’s Armor
Collar of Flurry Hordebreaker
Faithful, the Companion’s Cloak Huntsman, Band of the Slayer
Fey Wanderer.............................................................. 5 Monster Slayer............................................................ 9
Terrorizing Sheath Tracker’s Coin
Rod of Mystique Survivor’s Brooch
Gloves of Faerie Magic Thief ’s Netting
Mirth, Crown of Revealing Mark, Coin of Insights
Gloom Stalker.............................................................. 6 Swarmkeeper.............................................................. 10
Gloom Stalker Locket Hive Home
Bastion Helm Talisman of the Skies
Blurred Weapon Swarmcaller Armbands
Shade, the Obsidian Stalker Conservator, Glaive of the Horde
Horizon Walker............................................................ 7 Drakewarden............................................................... 12
Beads of Distortion Crystallized Whistle
Boots of the Planeswalker Bonded Saddle
Warped Blade Draconic Bellows
Gateway, the Multiverse Gauntlet Scaleforged, the Spirit’s Fusion

Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail 2
Ranger Magic Items Thank You!
The following bundle contains four magic items: We appreciate all the likes, shares and comments you
uncommon, rare, very rare, and legendary. Each magic leave on our work. Your support and feedback continues
item is designed to enhance a ranger’s conclave features to empower our improvement and development as
at levels 3, 7, and 11. More importantly, these magic content creators! We want to give special thanks to
items are meant to tell a unique story. A story of origin, our ko-fi supporters and our patrons as of this bundle
adventure, and future evolution. The niche mechanics release.
of these items allow a GM to tell a personal story.
Adam Brown Juan Portillo
Alec Lara Lily
Note from Creator Alex Coss Lyra Knowlton
We appreciate this communities feedback on our Alex Mckell Mateusz Rogoza
content: both what you liked and what can be improved Amber Price Mathieu Robichaud
upon. All icons lead to our social media. Send us a Anon Micheal K Mellott
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Debt & Deerteeth Seth Wilson
Dev Sheo of Isles
Eli Foreman Stronghumankind
Ethan Reeder Tara Sulman
Graham Hildebrandt TheSkyCrown
Grant Thatcher Toast Batman
Inuruk TrapicheEmerald
Jeremy Prada
Joseph Williams

Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail 3
Beast Master
Master’s Call Collar of Flurry
Wondrous item. Uncommon (requires attunement). Wondrous item. Very rare (requires attunement).
This steel whistle offers comfort for ranger and This choker is accompanied by a matching accessory for
beast alike. This whistle has 3 charges and regains all a beast. When you finish a short or long rest you can
expended charges at dawn. When a creature within 5ft choose which form of this choker becomes active. While
of you hits you with a melee weapon attack, grapples a choker is active you can use its power and the collar
you or restrains you, you can use your reaction to shifts to its other form. Once you have activated both
expend a charge and call your companion to your side. forms as an action, you cannot activate either form
Your companion appears in an unoccupied space within until you finish a short or long rest.
5ft of you and makes a melee weapon attack against the Humanoid Collar. You make a number of attacks equal to your
target and you can immediately make a check to escape proficiency bonus -1, if you hit with at least one attack your
the grapple or restrain, or you can choose to mark the companion’s speed doubles until the end of your next turn and gains
advantage on its next attack roll.
target with Favored Foe without expending a use of the
feature. If your beast hits, you have advantage on the Bestial Collar. Your companion makes a number of attacks equal to
your proficiency bonus -1, if it hits with at least one attack, your speed
check to escape. doubles until the end of your next turn and you regain hit points equal
In addition, as an action while your companion to three times your ranger level
is within 1 mile of you, you can blow the whistle to
In addition, your beast companion gains a bonus to
teleport your companion to an unoccupied space within
its attack and damage rolls equal to the highest weapon
5ft of you.
bonus you are wielding.
Flexible Barding
Faithful, the Companion’s Cloak
Wondrous item. Rare (requires attunement).
Wondrous item. Legendary (requires attunement).
This barding strengthens your companion’s defenses
This cloak shifts to assume a woven pattern of your
and your cooperation. Your Primal Companion gains
dearest companion. As an action you can cause your
a +1 bonus to its Armor Class and 15 additional hit
beast companion to become empowered for 1 minute.
points to its hit point maximum. This barding has 3
Its size increases to Large, it deals 2d6 additional
charges and regains all expended charges at dawn.
damage with its weapon attacks and gains a 10ft reach.
When you beast takes an action from Exceptional
Once on your turn when you hit with a weapon attack,
Training, you can expend a charge to either gain the
your companion gains temporary hit points equal to
some action your companion takes or cause your beast
half the damage dealt with the attack. Once on your
to regain 4d8 hit points.
companion’s turn when it hits with an attack you gain
In addition, you can shift the form of you
temporary hit points equal to half the damage. Once
companion to remain inconspicuous. As an action you
you use this feature you cannot do so again until you
can touch your companion to shift it into a tiny form
finish a short or long rest.
or back into its true form. For instance a wolf may shift
When your companion becomes empowered in this way,
into a small dog or puppy. While in its tiny form, the
you can choose one of the follow cries for it to make:
companion maintains its hit points and armor class but
cannot make attacks. Terrifying Cry. Creatures of your choice within 30ft of your
companion must attempt a Wisdom saving throw against your spell
DC or become terrified for 1 minute. A terrified creature must take
the Dash action and move away from your companion by the safest
available route on each of its turns, unless there is nowhere to move.
If the creature ends its turn in a location where it doesn’t have line
of sight to you, the creature can make a Wisdom saving throw. On a
successful save, the spell ends for that creature.
Rallying Cry. Creatures of your choice within 30ft of your companion
gain 6d6 temporary hit points and can use its reaction to move up to
its speed without provoking opportunity attacks.

Master’s Call

Fey Wanderer
Terrorizing Sheath Mirth, Crown of Revealing
Wondrous item. Uncommon. Wondrous item. Legendary (requires attunement).
A weapon sheathed becomes enchanted by this holster A revealing light pours from the jewels in this crown.
or scabbard. As a bonus action, you can force your This crown has 8 charges and regains all expended
prey to experience a frightening image. The target of charges at dawn. You gain the following features:
your Favored Foe or Hunter’s Mark spell takes damage • When you deal damage with Dreadful Strikes, you can expend a
from your Dreadful Strikes and the target must make charge to cast the Faerie Fire spell but it only targets the creature you
a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or dealt damage to.
be frightened of you until the end of your next turn. • When you are hit by a melee attack, you can expend 2 charges and
When a creature makes the Wisdom saving throw it is use a reaction to cast the Faerie Fire spell originating from you. Each
creature or object in the area is affected except for you.
immune to being frightened in this way for 24 hours.
• As a bonus action, you can expend 3 charges to assume the form of
Rod of Mystique an archfey. For 1 minute, any creature that ends its turn within 10ft of
you must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC or
Rod. Rare (requires attunement). be affected by your Faerie Fire.
This rod manipulates others into a panic. This rod has
5 charges and regains expended charges at dawn. As In addition, the Faerie Fire spell is added to your
a bonus action you can force a creature you can see Fey Wanderer Spells table. As a bonus action, you can
within 120ft of you to make a saving throw or become force a creature outline by your Faerie Fire to make a
charmed or frightened (your choice) by you for 1 Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or
minute. be frightened or charmed by you until the end of your
In addition, when you use Beguiling Twist you can next turn. You do not lose concentration on Faerie Fire
attempt to affect 2 different creatures within 120ft of if the new spell is also Faerie Fire. However, if you lose
the first creature. concentration, you lose concentration for all active
Faerie Fire spells.
Gloves of Faerie
Wondrous item. Very rare (requires attunement).
With a snap of your fingers, fey magic sparkles at your
fingertips. These gloves have 5 charges and regain
all expended charges at dawn. As a bonus action,
you can expend a charge to use the Fey Step bonus
action from the Summon Fey spell. When you appear
you can choose which mood effect you apply on the
In addition, when you or a Fey creature you control
use Fey Step to teleport within 15ft of the other, you
gain one of the following effects:
• You and the fey spirit gain 1d12 temporary hit points for 1 minute.
• You and the fey spirit have advantage on Wisdom saving throws
until the end of your next turn.

Gloves of Faerie

Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail 5
Gloom Stalker
Gloom Stalker Locket Blurred Weapon
Wondrous item. Uncommon (requires attunement). Weapon (any). Very rare (requires attunement).
The divots on the exterior of this metallic locket This +1 weapon promises a swift demise to your
disappear and reform to map nearby cave systems. At enemies. When you miss a creature with a weapon
the start of each of your turns, you can choose to open attack, add a charge to this weapon. When you use
or close the locket. Each day the locket can be open up Stalker’s Flurry, you can expend any number of charges
to a maximum of 10 minutes, after which the locket to gain a bonus to your attack and damage rolls equal to
automatically clamps shut and cannot be opened again the number of charges expended. You can expend the
until the next dawn. While open you gain the following charges after your roll but before the result is resolved.
features: You lose all charges at dawn.
• You can see normally in magical and nonmagical darkness up to a In addition, you can make a series of quick strikes
distance that equals your Umbral Sight darkvision range. against a single creature. As an action, you make 6
• As a bonus action, you can grant any number of willing creatures weapon attacks with this weapon against the same
within 5ft of you access to your darkvision (including in magical target. Before you make the attacks, you can expend
darkness) until the start of your next turn, add 1 minute to the charges to apply a bonus to all of the attacks. Once you
amount of time the locket has been open today.
use this feature you cannot do so again until the next
• As a bonus action, you can cause magical darkness to coalesce
in your space until the start of your next turn, add 3 minutes to the
amount of time the locket has been open today.
Shade, the Obsidian Stalker
Bastion Helm Wondrous item. Legendary (requires attunement).
Wondrous item. Rare. The obsidian pieces of this necklace fall against your
This helm both protects your mind and challenges chest like armor plating. You can see in magical
others. As a bonus action, you can attempt a mental darkness just as well as non magical darkness. This
conflict between you and an enemy within 30ft. You necklace has 3 charges and regains all expended charges
and the target must make a saving throw. The saving at dawn. As a bonus action, you can expend a charge to
throw is the saving throw you have proficiency in from shroud the battlefield. Choose 3 points within 120ft,
Iron Mind. The creature that rolls the lowest is stunned magical darkness emanates from each point in a 15ft
until the start of your next turn. Once you use this radius sphere for 1 minute. The area blocks out all
feature you cannot do so again until you finish a short light of a spell level equal to or lower than the highest
or long rest. ranger spell level you can cast. As a bonus action you
In addition, after you finish a long can teleport up to 60ft into a sphere of darkness,
rest or when you win the mental when you do, you can target another creature in
conflict from this item, you and allies the darkness. That creature must make a Wisdom
within 30ft of you gain advantage on saving throw against your spell save
the next Iron Mind saving throw you DC or be blinded until the end of your
make within 1 minute. next turn.
In addition, when you start your
turn in dim light or darkness you gain
the benefits of Dread Ambusher even
if it is not your first turn in combat.

Gloom Stalker

Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail 6
Horizon Walker
Beads of Distortion Warped Blade
Wondrous item. Uncommon. Weapon (any slashing). Very rare (requires attunement).
Concentrated energy of the planes lies within this This weapon has 7 charges and regains all expended
bead necklace. This bead has 3 charges and regains all charges at dawn. When you make an additional attack
expended charges at dawn. As a bonus action, choose a with Distant Strike, you can expend a charge to make
point you can see within 30ft of you, creatures within another additional attack with Distant Strike. Each
5ft of that point are marked by Planar Warrior and are creature you hit with an additional attack is marked. As
subjected to one of the following effects: an action, portals form beneath the marked creatures.
• It must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save Each marked creature swaps spaces with another
DC or be knocked prone. marked creature of your choice. The portals linger
• It must succeed on a Strength saving throw against your spell save until the start of your next turn and a creature of your
DC or be pushed up to 15ft in any direction. choice within 5ft of a portal can use a bonus action to
• It can’t take reactions until the end of your next turn. teleport within 5ft of the portal the marked creature
was swapped with. Once you swap creatures you cannot
Boots of the Planeswalker do so again until the next dawn.
Wondrous item. Rare. In addition, the teleport range of Distant Strike
These boots exist between the Material and Ethereal increases to 15ft, you can teleport up to 15ft to an
planes. As a bonus action, you can rally your allies an unoccupied space you can see after your final attack
journey to the Ethereal Plane. You and up to 3 willing with Distant Strike, and you can teleport before or after
creatures within 15ft of you are affected by Ethereal you make the attack.
Step. Willing creatures can move up to its speed and
make 1 weapon attack. Once you use this feature you Gateway, the Multiverse Gauntlet
cannot do so again until the next dawn. Wondrous item. Legendary (requires attunement).
In addition, while on the Ethereal Plane from This singular gauntlet has intricate plates that protect
Ethereal Step you and your allies gain the following your entire arm. This gauntlet has 20 charges and
benefits: regains expended charges at dawn, which can be
• Your speed doubles. expended in one of the following ways:
• You can make weapon attack rolls against creatures on the Material Warp Strike. When you make an attack roll you can spend 1 charge
Plane even if you are on the Ethereal Plane. Your weapon attacks have to make that strike from any point you can see within 60ft, using that
advantage if you attack while on the Ethereal Plane. position to determine cover and line of sight. If you do, your attack
always gains the damage bonus of Planar Warrior.
Warp Step. As a bonus action you can spend 3 charges to teleport up
to 60ft to a location you can see, then make a weapon attack.
Warp Assault. As an action you can spend 5 charges to make 5
weapon attacks against a creature within 120ft. Each of the attacks are
made with advantage and gain the damage bonus of Planar Warrior
Warp Transposition. As an action you can spend 7 charges to teleport
you and up to 5 willing creatures within 15ft of you to adjacent spaces
up to 120ft away. Then each teleported creature can make a weapon

In addition, when you teleport you leave behind

a temporal echo until the start of your next turn.
Creatures of your choice within 5ft of the echo can use
a bonus action to consume the echo and perform the
same teleportation, with the same destination.
Warped Blade

Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail 7
Cloak of Prey Hordebreaker
Wondrous item. Uncommon (requires attunement). Weapon (unique). Very rare (requires attunement).
This threaded cloak carries the tactics of generations of This brutal +1 weapon can carve through swaths of
hunters. This cloak has 2 charges and regains expended enemies at any range. This weapon can shift into a
charges at dawn. As an action, you flourish the cloak to melee and ranged form and you gain the Multiattack
gain the wisdom of the ancestors for 1 minute. You gain feature you did not choose. As a bonus action, this
all of the Hunter’s Prey features and the Hunter’s Prey weapon becomes a shortsword or shortbow.
feature you choose gains an additional effect. As an action you can use Volley or Whirlwind Attack
Colossus Slayer. You can deal this extra damage twice each per turn. and the attack gains additional modifications. Once you
Giant Killer. You gain an extra reaction that can only be used for use a modified Volley or Whirlwind Attack you cannot
Giant Killer. use that same modified attack until you finish a short
Horde Breaker. Your extra attack with this feature has advantage. or long rest.
Volley. Creatures damaged by Volley must make a DC 15 Strength
Tactician’s Armor saving throw or be knocked prone. Your weapon then transforms
Armor (studded leather). Rare. into a shortsword and can move up to your speed and make a weapon
This studded leather armor keeps its wearer prepared
Whirlwind Attack. Creatures damaged by your Whirlwind Attack
for any scenario. This armor has 7 charges and regains receive a laceration, the next time a lacerated creature takes piercing
all expended charges at dawn. As a bonus action, damage, increase that damage by 2d6. Your weapon then transforms
you can expend charges to use an effect listed in the into a shortbow and can move up to your speed without provoking
Defensive Effects table. You expend 1 charge to use the opportunity attacks.
effect of your chosen Defensive Tactics or 2 charges to
use a different effect.
Defensive Effects table
Escape the Horde Until the start of your next turn,
the first time a creature makes an
opportunity attack against you,
you can make an attack against it
with advantage.
Multiattack Until the start of your next turn,
Defense when a creature makes an attack
against you, it takes 1d4 psychic
damage, for each subsequent
attack the creature makes increase
the die size (2nd attack is 1d6, 3rd
attack is 1d8).
Steel Will Each creature of your choice
within 10ft of you must make a
Wisdom saving throw against your
spell save DC or be frightened of
you until the start of your next

Cloak of Prey

Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail 8
Monster Slayer
Huntsman, Band of the Slayer Tracker’s Coin
Wondrous item. Legendary (requires attunement). Wondrous item. Uncommon.
This bronze circlet grants aid from generations of This silver coin has an arcane eye embossed on its face.
formidable rangers. This circlet has 5 charges and A creature that you have used Hunter’s Sense becomes
regains expended charges at dawn. As a bonus action, tracked for 24 hours or until you use Hunter’s Sense
you can expend a charge to gain one of the insights on a different creature. You always sense the direction
of your choice and cause your attacks to deal 2d6 to a tracked creature as if you used the Locate Creature
additional damage until the end of your next turn, then spell on it. As a bonus action, a weapon you are wielding
at the start of your next turn you gain the ability you ignores the damage immunities and resistances of your
did not choose. tracked target until the start of your next turn.
Fell the Beast. Choose a target you can see within 120ft of you. You In addition, you can use Hunter’s Sense as a bonus
gain Colossus Slayer against that creature with each attack and its action. Once you use this you cannot do so again until
damage is increased to 2d10. That creature must succeed on a DC 18 you finish a short or long rest.
Wisdom saving throw or gain vulnerability to damage you deal to it
until the end of your next turn. Survivor’s Brooch
Cull the Horde. Choose up to 10 targets you can see within 120ft of Wondrous item. Rare (requires attunement).
you. You gain Horde Breaker with a range of 30ft instead of within
5ft of the target, you can make any number of Horde Breaker attacks This silver brooch heightens your defense. This coin
against creatures marked in this way. Each creature must make a DC has 3 charges and returns to 3 charges at dawn. When
18 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you until the end of you use Supernatural Defense, you gain a charge. When
your next turn.
you deal damage with Slayer’s Prey, you can expend a
number of charges to subject your prey to one of the
following effects on the table below:
Charges Expended Effect
1 The target must make a DC 14
Dexterity saving throw or be
grappled until the start of your
next turn (Escape DC 15).
2 The target must make a DC 14
Strength saving throw or be
knocked prone and unable to
make opportunity attacks until
the start of your next turn
3 The target must make a DC
13 Wisdom saving throw or
be paralyzed until the end of
your next turn, or until it takes
5 The target must make a DC 13
Intelligence saving throw or
be effected by the Confusion
spell. You must maintain
Tracker’s Coin concentration.

Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail 9
Magic Thief’s Netting Hive Home
Wondrous item. Very rare (requires attunement). Wondrous item. Uncommon (requires attunement).
This webbed glove summons its designs into a net. As This small house structure befits whatever creature
an action, you toss a magically arcane net at a creature calls it home. When you hit a creature with an attack or
within 60ft. The creature must make a DC 16 Strength when you use a bonus action to select a creature within
saving throw or take 8d8 force damage and become 30ft of you, a portion of your swarm can latch onto and
grappled for 1 minute or until it escapes (DC 16). harass that creature for 1 minute or until you divert the
Creatures grappled by the net have disadvantage on swarm to a different creature. At the start of each of
saving throws against Magic-User’s Nemesis and when that creature’s turns it must make a Constitution saving
a grappled creature attempts to cast a spell or teleport, throw against your spell save DC or take 1d6 piercing
you can use Magic-User’s Nemesis without expending a damage. When you deal damage to this creature with
use of the feature. Once you use this net you cannot do Gathered Swarm, it has disadvantage on checks to
so again until you finish a short or long rest. maintain concentration from the total damage you
In addition, when a creatures spell or teleport fails dealt.
because of Magic-User’s Nemesis you gain a listed
benefit: Talisman of the Skies
Wondrous item. Rare (requires attunement).
• If the creature fails to cast a spell, you regain a spell slot of your
highest expended spell level. This scarab necklace has an opalescent jewel with tiny
• If the creature fails to teleport, you can redirect the energy. You images flying below its surface. When you use Writhing
or a willing creature within 60ft of you can teleport up to 30ft to a Tide, you gain a flying speed of 40ft instead of 10ft
location you can see until the end of your turn as the swarm propels you.
This necklace starts with 3 charges and regains 1 charge
Mark, Coin of Insights when you expend a 1st level slot or higher to cast a
Wondrous item. Legendary (requires attunement). spell from Swarmkeeper Magic. The necklace holds a
This coin looks like a platinum piece, only you can see maximum of 7 charges. You can expend a charge to use
its hidden nature. When you deal damage to a creature one of the following effects:
with Slayer’s Prey, you can learn one of the following
• As a reaction, you cast the Slow Fall spell as your swarm splits to
attributes about the target: its AC, any ability score slow the descent of others.
modifier, its speed, or its highest spell slot level. Your • As an action, you cast the Earthbind spell as your swarm drags
Slayer’s Prey deals an extra 1d6 damage to that creature targets down.
for each attribute you know (maximum of 4d6). In • When you cast a spell from Swarmkeeper Magic, you expend
addition, as a bonus action you can learn up to 4 a number of charges equal to 1 + the spell’s level to cast the spell
attributes about the target of your Slayer’s Prey. Once without expending a spell slot. The necklace does not gain a charge if
you use this action you cannot do so again until you you cast the spell using this feature.
finish a short or long rest.
As a bonus action, you can allow a creature within
range to use its reaction to make an attack against your
Slayer’s Prey target, if you know 4 or more attributes
about that target, the attack is made with advantage.

Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail 10

Swarmcaller Armbands Conservator, Glaive of the Horde

Wondrous item. Very rare (requires attunement). Wondrous item. Legendary (requires attunement).
The small pockets of these armbands allow your swarm The short spikes on this +2 glaive allow your swarm
to leave small gifts within. As a bonus action, choose to perch comfortably when carried. While a Ranger:
a point you can see within 120ft. Creatures of your Swarmkeeper is wielding this glaive, it has the finesse
choice within 30ft of that point are subjected to effects weapon property as the swarm helps lighten the
of Gathered Swarm, you can choose which effects affect weapon for dexterous use. When you hit a creature with
each creature. Instead of causing yourself to move, this glaive you can cause it to gain one of the effects in
you can move an allied creature with the third effect of the Essence table below. Once every hour, when you
Gathered Swarm. Once you use this feature you cannot gain all 3 essences from the table, you gain the effects
do so again until you finish a short or long rest. of the Haste spell for 1 minute. When you use Gathered
In addition when you use Gathered Swarm you can Swarm you can remove the essence from the glaive and
instead choose to gain all effects of Mighty Swarm on deal 2d6 piercing damage for each essence removed.
a hit. Once you do, you cannot do so again until you This glaive has 3 charges and regains expended charges
finish a short or long rest or until you summon the at dawn. As a bonus action, you can expend a charge
swarm with this item. and make a leaping strike against a creature. Choose
a creature within 30ft, you move within reach of that
Talisman of creature and make an attack with the glaive, on a hit
the Skies you gain all 3 essences.
Essence Table
Essence Benefit
Power You deal an extra 1d6 damage with
weapon attack rolls.
Speed You gain a 10ft bonus to your speed.
Resilience At the start of each of your turns, you
gain 1d6 temporary hit points.

Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail 11
Crystallized Whistle Draconic Bellows
Wondrous item. Uncommon. Wondrous item. Very rare.
This whistle helps you unlock the secrets of gem This handheld bellows stokes both your draconic fury
dragons. This whistle has 4 charges and regains all and a fire. These bellows have 2 charges and regains all
expended charges at dawn. As part of the same bonus expended charges at dawn, or regains 1 charge when
action to command your drake, you can expend a charge you use Drake’s Breath. As a bonus action, you can
to swap spaces with your drake. Immediately after you expend a charge to create a miniature Drake’s Breath.
swap locations, you or your drake can make a weapon Each creature in a 15ft cone from you or your drake
attack against a creature within 5ft of you or your must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell
drake. save DC or take half the damage of your Drake’s Breath
In addition, you gain access to the follow damage and an essence of draconic spirit magically marks
types when choosing your drakes Draconic Essence: it until the end of your drake’s next turn. A marked
force or psychic, but must expend 2 charges of the target takes an extra 2d6 from your drake’s Bite action.
whistle to choose it. The mark disappears after the target takes the extra
Bonded Saddle In addition, when you use Drake’s Breath you and
Wondrous item. Rare (requires attunement). your drake both exhale damaging breath. A creature in
This saddle strengthens the fangs and scales of your both areas only takes the damage once.
drake. While attuned, this saddle always appears
strapped to your drake. Your drake can fly while
mounted but cannot use its Bite action or Infused
Strikes reaction unless it has the Large Drake feature.
If you have not used a bonus action to command your
drake, it can take the Dash or Dodge action on its turn.
Your drake gains the following additional action and
Harden Scales (1/day). The drake gains temporary hit points equal to
twice your ranger level for 1 hour.
Tough Carapace. While the drake has temporary hit points and it
is hit by a melee weapon attack, a portion of its carapace splinters
off and the triggering creature must make a Dexterity saving throw
against your spell save DC or take 1d6 + 3 piercing damage.

In addition, you can use a bonus action to give your

drake 3d6 temporary hit points. You can use this
feature three times a long rest.

Draconic Bellows

Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail 12

Scaleforged, the Spirit’s Fusion

Wondrous item (soul). Legendary (requires attunement).
This soul item expresses itself through physical draconic
features or matching scaled accessories. When you
summon your drake, choose a disposition: protective,
frenzied, or threatening. The drake gains additional
features, which determines certain traits in its stat
block, as shown in the Companion Statistics table.
As an action, you can shapeshift into your drake for 1
hour. Your stats are replaced by the stats of your drake
and you gain all of it’s features. You retain your skill
and saving throw proficiencies. You can revert to your
normal form as a bonus action or when you are reduced
to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to your
normal form. When you shapeshift, you can choose
a disposition. Once you shapeshift you cannot do so
again until the next dawn.
Companion Statistics Table
Disposition Ability or Reaction Action
Protective Protection. When another creature the Wing Buffet (2/day). The drake beats its wings. Each
drake can see attacks a target other creature within 10ft of the drake must make a DC
than the drake that is within 5ft of the 16 Strength saving throw or be pushed 5ft away and
drake, it can use its reaction to impose knocked prone. A flying creature that fails its saving
disadvantage on the attack roll. If the throw has its speed reduced to 0 until the start of the
attack still hits, the drake can take the drake’s next turn.
total damage dealt to the target.
Frenzied Draconic Infusion. The drake deals an Multiattack. The drake makes two Bite attacks.
extra 2d6 damage on its Infused Strikes
and it can teleport within 5ft of the
Infused Strike target.
Threatening Flanking. The drake can use the Help Frightful Presence. The drake gives a mighty roar. Each
action as a bonus action. If you have enemy creature within 30ft of the drake must make
not used a bonus action to command a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1
your drake, it can take the Help or minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the
Dodge action on its turn. This Help end of each of its turns, ending the frightened on itself
action can only be used to aid in on a success. If a creature succeeds on the saving throw
attacking a creature. or the effect ends for it, it is immune to the effect for 24

Art by
Flail Snail’s Mail 13

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