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P. PRIYASIMHA: 2103A51486
M. ABHINAY: 2103A51527
SD. TAMEEMUDDIN : 2103A51212
Problem statement
1. Incomplete Surveillance: Traditional CCTV systems may provide coverage but
lack the capability to actively track and monitor objects within their radius,
leaving blind spots and gaps in surveillance.
2. Delayed Response to Threats: Without real-time alerts, homeowners may not be
aware of potential security breaches until it's too late, leading to delayed or
ineffective responses to suspicious activities.
3. Lack of Proactive Security Measures: Many surveillance systems are passive,
relying on recordings rather than actively deterring or responding to threats as
they occur.
4. Complexity in Monitoring: Managing and monitoring surveillance systems can be
cumbersome and time-consuming, especially for homeowners who may not have
the technical expertise to navigate complicated interfaces or configurations.
5. Limited Accessibility: Some surveillance systems may not be user-friendly or
accessible to all members of the household, leading to challenges in effectively
utilizing and managing security features.
1. Technical Complexity
2. Real-Time Processing
3. False Alarm Reduction
4. Integration Compatibility
5. User Interface Design
6. Security and Privacy Concerns
7. Environmental Factors
8. Cost-Effectiveness
9. Scalability and Maintenance
10. User Acceptance and Adoption
1. Homeowners

Target audience 2. Business Owners

3. Property Managers
4. Security Companies
5. Community Associations
6. Educational Institutions
7. Government Agencies
8. Real Estate Developers
9. Vacation Rental Owners
10. Healthcare Facilities
Prototype Product/Service
Competetion Analysis
1. Existing CCTV Systems
2. Object-Tracking CCTV Solutions
3. Intelligent Alert Systems
4. Home Security Technology Providers
5. IoT Security Solutions
Business Model
Financial projections

SmartGuard's financial projections show strong revenue growth and profitability

over the next 5 years. With a projected 30% annual growth rate, the company is
expected to generate $20M in revenue by year 5, resulting in $2.5M in profit. To
fuel this expansion, SmartGuard is seeking $10M in initial funding.
Funding Plan

To fuel SmartGuard's ambitious growth plans, we are pursuing a multifaceted funding strategy. Our
primary focus is securing $10M in Series A funding from leading venture capital firms to accelerate
product development, sales, and marketing. In parallel, we are actively pursuing grant opportunities
worth $2M from government agencies and industry organizations. Additionally, we have several pilot
projects lined up that are expected to generate $1M in early revenue to support our operations.
Go to Market Strategy
Team Commitment
Proposed deliverables

Deliverable 1 Research and background work

Deliverable 2
Prompt Working And Services
The Team

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