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Week 1 Revision of content and concepts taught in Term 1. 3

Reasosn for European ecxploration.

The European Renaissance during the 15th and 16th centuries: A

Week 2 turinging point in European history. 4–5

Renaissance during the 15th and 16th centuries: A turning point in

European history.

Case Studies:

• Leonardo da Vinci
Week 3 6–7
• Galeileo

New ideas and knowledge Inventions:

• Gunpowder
Week 4 8–9
• Magnetic compass
• Caravel

Reasons for exploring

Week 5 • Curiosity about the world. 10

• Looking for trade and profit.

Reasons for exploring

Week 6 • Spreading the Christian religion 11 – 13

• Crossing the sea and finding the East.

Week 7 European trade route to the East via Southern Afria 14 – 15

Week 8 Dias and his crew encountre the Khoi-khoi in Mossel Bay 1488 16

Week 9 The journey of Da Gama: Dutch East India Companey (DIEC) journeys. 17 – 19

Week 10 Revision and Consolidatoin. 20 – 21

Week 1 – Revision of content and concepts taught in Term 1.

1.1 Define the following words.

1.1.1 Millennium 1x1(1) LO

1.1.2 Caravel 1x1(1) LO

1.1.3 Ancestors 1x1(1) LO
1.1.4 Crossbow 1x1(1) LO
1.1.5 Heritage site 1x1(1) LO
1.1.6 Ivory 1x1(1) LO
1.1.7 Mapungubwe 1x1(1) LO
1.1.8 Swahili 1x1(1) LO

Week 2 - Reasons for European exploration

2.1 Read and answer the questions below:

(Educator to provide the source: Please use textbook allocated for own school)
2.1.1 Why do you think the renaissance period was called the European 1x3(3) HO
renaissance period?
2.1.2 List three motives that motivated the European exploration in the 15th 1x3(3) MO
and 16th centuries.

2.2 Study the image below and answer the questions that follow.

www. britannica .com

2.2.1 Identify the name of the object depicted in the image above. 1x1(1) LO
2.2.2 Name two benefits of the printing press during the renaissance period. 1x2(2) LO

2.3 The renaissance period was a turning point in the European History.
Write a paragraph where you give more information about this period.

Use the following writing frame to help you construct your paragraph:
• Write a few sentences about the renaissance period.
• Write about the Chinese impact during the renaissance.
• Which known famous scientist and mathematicians worked during this era?
Assessment guideline for a paragraph. 1x5(5) HO
Level 1 Uses evidence in an elementary manner e.g., shows Marks
little or no understanding. Uses evidence partially to 0-1
report on topic or cannot report on topic. Shows an
elementary understating about the renaissance
Level 2 Evidence is mostly relevant and relates to the topic. Marks
Uses evidence in a very basic manner. 2-3
Shows a satisfactory understanding about the
Chinese impact and knowledge about the famous
mathematicians and scientists who were produced
during the renaissance period.
Level 3 Uses relevant evidence e.g., demonstrates a Marks
thorough understanding. Uses evidence very 4-5
effectively in an organised paragraph that shows an
understanding of the topic. Shows an outstanding
understanding about the Chinese impact and
knowledge about the famous mathematicians and
scientists who were produced during the
renaissance period

Week 3 - Case study
Use a textbook or my resource book or internet source, with pictures. Read an account of the
life and works of Leonardo da Vinci OR Galileo by answering the following questions.

Leonardo da Vinci


3.1 Leonardo da Vinci
Use a textbook or my resource book or internet source, with pictures. Read an account of the
life and works of Leonardo da Vinci by answering the following questions.
3.1.1 When and where was Leonardo da Vinci born? 1x2(2) MO
3.1.2 Name five subjects in which he was interested. 1x5(5) MO
3.1.3 Give two examples of his most famous paintings. 1x2(2) MO
3.1.4 Complete the following sentence: 1x2(2) MO
Leonardo da Vinci was a famous Renaissance ____________________ and

3.2 Galileo
Use a textbook or my resource book or internet source, with pictures. Read an account of the
life and works of Galileo by answering the following questions.
3.2.1 When and where was Galileo born? 1x2(2) MO

3.2.2 Why did he drop different sized thing of the leaning tower of Pisa? 1x2(2) MO
3.2.3 Write down three words that to describe Galileo. 1x3(3) MO

3.2.4 What did Galileo believe about the sun? 1x1(1) MO


Week 4 - New ideas and knowledge Inventions:

4.1 Identify the following inventions and explain how they made the European voyages of
exploration possible.
4.1.1 1x3(3) MO
(One mark allocated for identifying
the invention and two marks
allocated for the explanation)


4.1.2 1x3(3) MO

Google images
(One mark allocated for identifying
the invention and two marks
allocated for the explanation)


4.1.3 1x3(3) MO

(One mark allocated for identifying the

invention and two marks allocated for the


Week 5 - Reasons for exploring.
Curiosity about the world.
Looking for trade and profit.

5.1 Use the source below to answer the following questions.

The motives that spur human beings to examine their environment are many. Strong among
them are the satisfaction of curiosity, the pursuit of trade, the spread of religion, and the
desire for security and political power. At different times and in different places, different
motives are dominant. Sometimes one motive inspires the promoters of discovery, and
another motive may inspire the individuals who carry out the search.

5.1.1 Describe four reasons why Europeans wanted to travel and explore the 1x4(4) MO


Week 6 – Reasons for exploring.
Spreading the Christian religion
Crossing the sea and finding the East.

6.1 Study the extract below about the Age of Exploration spreads Christianity to answer
the questions that follow:

Along with technological, economic, and political factors, the Christian faith greatly influenced

the European Age of Exploration. (European Renaissance 15th century to 18th century). The

Catholic Church started a major effort to spread Christianity around the world. Spiritual

motivations also justified European conquests of foreign lands. The Catholic Church set

up Christian missions to convert indigenous people to the Catholic faith. At the same time,

and often together, Catholic nations began setting up colonies for political and economic

profit in these foreign lands.

Mc Graw Hill Actively

An extract about the spread of Christianity

6.1.1 List at least three other things which were discovered during this period 1x3(3) HO
other than the spread of Christianity.


6.1.2 Christianity was amongst some of the factors which marked the era of 1x1(1) LO
European Renaissance. In which period was this spread of Christianity
amongst the indigenous people where they settled?


6.1.3 What was this period called? 1x1(1) LO

6.1.4 Various options are provided as possible answers to the following 1x1(1) LO
questions. Choose and circle the correct answer.

When Europe began to explore and settle other lands, why were Christian
missionaries brought along?

A. To study and learn about the belief of new people.

B. To get them away from Europe so that they would not influence people
C. To try and get local people to accept Christianity.
D. To protect traders and explorers.

6.1.5 How would you have felt to be amongst the indigenous people who 1x2(2) HO
lived during this era when Europeans spread Christianity.
Write a short sentence explaining your emotions.


6.1.6 Give two reasons how the European settlers use Christianity to their 1x2(2) MO


6.2 Study the source below and answer the questions.
There were several reasons that made Europeans to want to explore.
These attempts to explore the world are known as the ‘voyages of exploration’.

European voyages

6.2.1 From the source above mention at least 3 continents which were 1x3(3)
discovered during the voyage/journey of exploration by Europeans.


6.2.2 Who was the first explorer who led the discovery or exploration of the 1x1(1)


Week 7 – European trade route to the East via southern Africa.

7.1 Study the source below and answer the questions that follow:

The European-Asian sea route, commonly known as the sea route to India or the Cape

Route, is a shipping route from the European coast of the Atlantic Ocean to Asia's coast of

the Indian Ocean passing by the Cape of Good Hope and Cape Agulhas at the southern

edge of Africa.


7.1.1 What was the shipping route to India, or the Cape called? 1x1(1) LO


7.1.2 Why did European explorers search for sea routs to the East? 1x1(1) HO

7.1.3 Why was it important for the Europeans to trade with spices? 1x1(1) HO


7.1.4 Pretend to be a traveller you have meat with you, how would you have 1x1(1) HO
tried to preserve your meat to last longer?

7.1.5 Use the map below to indicate one of the routes travelled by the 1x6(6) MO
Europeans explorers.


Week 8 – Dias and his crew encountered the Khoi-Khoi in Mossel Bay 1488.

8.1 Use the text below to answer the questions that follow:

Dias was a Portuguese explorer, in charge of the fleet and crews that searched for a sea

route around Africa. Dias and his crew landed in Mossel Bay in 1488. They went ashore for

fresh water. The first white people to set foot ashore in South Africa. They met the Khoi-Khoi.

Dias and his crew fetched water from the spring that belonged to the Khoi-Khoi without

asking. The Khoi-Khoi saw that as bad manners and the invasion of their territory. They

started throwing stones at Dias and his crew. Dias, or one of the sailors responded by

shooting crossbows at the Khoi-Khoi. One of the Kho-Khoi was killed before the sailors got

on their ships again.

Adapted from Platinum Grade 6 p.133

8.1.1 When did Dias and his crew arrive at Mossel Bay? 1x1(1) LO

8.1.2 Who did they meet with when they went ashore? 1x1(1) LO

8.1.3 What did the sailors need when they set foot on land? 1x1(1) LO

8.1.4 State whether the following statements are True or False. The Khoi-Khoi welcomed the sailors with open arms. 1x1(1) LO
_____________________________________________________________ Dias and his crew were the first white people to set foot in South Africa. 1x1(1) LO

Week 9

9.1 Study the sources below and answer the questions that follow:
Vasco da Gama’s first voyage to India

King Manuel decided to send a Portuguese fleet to India to open the sea route to Asia
in search of the Eastern spices.
The King selected the nobleman Vasco da Gama to find the sea passage to India.

On July 8, 1497, Vasco da Gama set sail from Lisbon, Portugal, accompanied by four
well-armed ships and 170 sailors in search of a sea passage to India.

The fleet reached the Cape Verde Islands on the 26th, remaining there until August 3.
To avoid the currents of the Gulf of Guinea, da Gama undertook a long detour through
the South Atlantic before attempting to round the Cape of Good Hope. The fleet
reached Santa Helena Bay on November 7 and anchored in Mossel Bay to erect a
stone pillar on December 8th. The fleet reached the coast of Natal on Christmas Day.

A month later, on January 25, they reached Mozambique the Quelimane River, which
they called the Rio dos Bons Sinais and erected another stone pillar.

Da Gama made a brief stop at Mombasa where the locals proved hostile and then on
14 April, he arrived at the friendlier port of Malindi. By this time many of the crews
were sick with scurvy, fortunately the king gave them oranges and lemons, clearing up
the condition Da Gama was able to acquire some trade goods there and, most
importantly, was provided with a Gujarati (Indian speaking) pilot, who knew the route
to Calicut.

Vasco da Gama left Malindi for India on 24 April 1498 and arrived at Calicut less than a
month later. Vasco da Gama reached Calicut in India on the 20 th of May 1498. There da
Gama erected another stone pillar to prove he had reached India.

On July 8, 1497, Vasco da Gama set Vasco da Gama reached Calicut India ://ww
sail. 20 May 1498.
From Lisbon, Portugal. elan ,
gama ,

9.1.1 Rearrange the information below about the journeys of Da Gama from 1x5(5) MO
Portugal to India.

• The King gave Da Gama four ships and a crew of 170 sailors.

• Vasco da Gama reached Calicut India 20 May 1498

• The ships left Portugal for India on 8 July 1487.

• On December 8th, 1497, a stone pillar was erected at Mossel bay.

• The Portuguese King sent Da Gama on a voyage to India.

1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________

9.1.2 Use the source above to write a paragraph of about five lines 1x5(5) HO
describing Da Gama’s journey to the east. In your paragraph include the
following information:
• Why did Vasco da Gama travel to India?
• How long the journey took.
• Here they stopped ashore and when.

Rubric for marking paragraph.

Level 1 Use evidence and own knowledge in an

elementary way i.e., show little or no
understanding on the journey of Da Gama to MARKS: 0-1
the east. Use evidence partially to report on
topic or cannot report on the topic.
Level 2 Evidence is mostly relevant and is largely
related to the subject. Demonstrate an
MARKS: 2-3
understanding on the journey of Da Gama to
the east. Use evidence in a simple way.
Level 3 Demonstrate thorough understanding on the
journey of Da Gama to the east. Evidence
relates well to the topic. Use evidence very MARKS: 4-5
effectively in an organized paragraph that
shows an understanding of the topic.

Week 10 – Revision and consolidation

10.1 Study the important events below by filling in the event according to the time frames given.
• European Renaissance began.
• Dias arrived at Mossel bay.
• Birth of Leonardo da Vinci
• Da Gama’s fleet reached India.
10.1.1 Match the date given in the table with the correct event above: 1x4(4) MO
Dates: Event:





10.2 Define the following words:

10.2.1 Renaissance 1x2(2) MO

10.2.2 Caravel 1x2(2) MO


10.2.3 Voyages 1x2(2) MO


10.3 Answer the following questions.
10.3.1 Why did Dais rename the Cape of storms to the Cape of Good 1x2(2) MO

10.3.2 List three motives that motivated the European exploration in the 1x3(3) MO
15th and 16th centuries.

10.3.3 When Europe began to explore and settle other lands, why were 1x1(1) MO
Christian missionaries brought along?


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