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SUBSTANCE ABUSE ➤ Enzymes produced by a given gene might

influence hormones & Neurotransmitters,

Disorders due to psychoactive substance use refer to
contributing to the development of a
conditions arising from the abuse of alcohol,
personality that is more sensitive to the peer
psychoactive drugs & other chemicals such as
volatile solvents.
➤ Withdrawal & Reinforcing effects of drugs. > Co-
Terminologies morbid medical Disorder (Eg: To Control Chronic
Substance Pain)
Refers to any drugs, medications, or toxins that
shares the potential of abuse. BEHAVIORAL THEORIES
Addiction  Drug abuse as the result of Conditioning/
Is a physiological & psychological dependence Cumulative reinforcement from drug use.
On alcohol or other drugs of abuse that affects the  Drug use causes euphoric experience
central nervous system in such a way that perceived as rewarding, thereby motivating
withdrawal symptoms are experienced when the user to keep taking the drug.
substance is discontinued.  Stimuli & Setting associated with drug use
Abuse may themselves become reinforcing or may
Refers to maladaptive pattern of substance use that trigger drug craving that can lead to relapse.
impairs health in a board sense.
Refers to certain physiological & psychological  General Rebelliousness
phenomena induced by the repeated taking of a  Sense of Inferiority
substance.  Poor Impulse Control
Tolerance  Low Self-Esteem
Is a state in which after repeated administration, a  Inability to cope up with the
drug produced a decreased effect, or increasing pressures of living & society (Poor Stress
doses are required to produce the same effect. Management Skills)
Withdrawal State  Loneliness, Unmet needs
Is a group of signs & symptoms recurring when a  Desire to escape from reality
drug is reduced in amount or withdrawn, which last  Desire to experiment, a sense of Adventure
for a limited time.  Pleasure Seeking
 Machoism
 Alcohol
 Cannabis  Religious Reasons, Peer Pressure
 Cocaine  Urbanization, Extended Period of Education
 Amphetamines & other sympathomimetics  Unemployment, Overcrowding
 Sedatives & Hypnotics (Eg: Barbiturates)  Poor Social Support
 Inhalants (Eg: Volatile Solvents)  Effects of Television & Other Mass Media
 Nicotine  Occupation: Substance use is more
 Other Stimulants common in chefs, Barmen, Executives,
 (Eg: Caffeine) Salesman, Actors, Entertainers, Army,
Personnel, Journalists, Medical personnel,

BIOLOGICAL FACTORS  Taking Drugs Prescribed by the Doctors (Eg:
Genetic Vulnerability: Benzodiazepine Dependence)
Family History Of Substance use Disorders  Taking drugs that can be bought legally
Biochemical Factors: without Prescription (Eg: Nicotine, Opioids)
➤ Role of Dopamine & Nor-epinephrine have been  Taking Drugs that can be Obtained from
implicated in Cocaine, Ethanol, & Opioid illicit sources (Eg: Street Drugs)
➤ Abnormalities in Alcohol dehydrogenase or in the PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS
Neurotransmitter mechanisms are thought to play a  Substance Use Disorders are more Common
role in Alcohol Dependence. in Depression, Anxiety Disorders (Social
Phobia), Personality Disorders (Especially
Neurobiological theories: Anti-Social Personality), & Occasionally in
> Drug addict may have an inborn deficiency of Organic Brain Disorders & Schizophrenia.
 This Commonly Leads to Physical
Dependence, Psychological Dependence, Or
 It may cause Unhealthy Lifestyles &
Behaviors Such as poor diet.
 Chronic Substance abuse impairs Social &
Occupational Functioning, Creating
Personal, Professional, Financial, & Legal
Problems (Drug Seeking is commonly
associated with Illegal Activities, Such as
Robbery or Assault).
 Drug Use Beginning in early Adolescence
may lead to emotional & behavioral
Problems, Including Depression, Family
Problems with Relations, problems with or
Failure to Complete School, & Chronic
Substance abuse Problems.
 In Pregnant women, substance Abuse
Jeopardizes (Danger of Loss) fetal Well-
 Psychoactive substances Produce negative
Outcomes in Many Patients, Including
Maladaptive Behavior, "Bad Trips" – Drug
Induced Psychosis, & even Long term

 IV Drug Abuse May lead to Life Threatening

Complications. EPIDEMIOLOGY
 Illicit Street Drugs pose added Dangers;  Incidence of Alcohol Dependence is 2% in
Materials used to dilute them can India. 20-30% of Subjects Aged Above
cause toxic or allergic Reactions. 15years are Current Users Of Alcohol, &
Nearly 10% of them are Regular Or
 Alcohol Means Essence, anciently it called  15-30% Of Patients are Developing Alcohol -
as Magnus Hass which is derived from Related Problems & Seeking admission in
Arabic Word. Psychiatric Hospitals.
 Alcoholism refers to the uses of alcoholic
Beverages to the Point of Causing Damage
to the Individual, Society, Or Both.
 Chronic Dependence of Alcohol
Characterized by Excessive & Compulsive
Drinking that produce Disturbances in
mental Or Cognitive level of functioning
which interferes with social & Economic

 Alcohol is a Clear Colored Liquid
with a Strong Burning Taste.
 The Rate of Absorption of alcohol into the
Blood stream is more Rapid than its
 Absorption of Alcohol into the Bloodstream
is Slower when food is Present in the
 A Small amount is Excreted through Urine &
a Small Amount is Exhaled.
 Hard physical Labour, (Occupations - Bar
mates, Medical Professionals, Journalists &
 A Sudden loss of Properties or Closed ones.
 Ignorance
 Suddenly a person Become a Rich / Poor.
 Disorders Like Depression, Anxiety, Phobia,
& Panic Disorders.
 Biochemical Factors (Alterations in
Dopamine & Epinephrine)
 Psychological factors (Low self Esteem, Poor
Impulse, Escape From reality, Pleasure
 Sexual Immaturity
 Social Factors (Over Crowding, Peer
Pleasure, Urbanizations, Religious Reason,
Unemployment, Poor Social Support,


 Progressive Phase Crucial Phase ➤ Minor Complaints:
 Chronic Phase (Malaise, Dyspepsia, Mood Swings Or Depression,
 Rehabilitative Phase Increased Incidence of Infection)
 Road For Recovery  Poor Personal Hygiene.
 Untreated Injuries (Cigarette Burns,
Fractures, Bruises that cannot be fully
 Unusually High tolerance for Sedatives &
 Nutritional Deficiency (Vitamins &
 Secretive Behavior (may Attempt to Hide
disorder or Alcohol supply). Consumption
Of Alcohol-
 Containing products (Mouthwash, After-  Person who have been Drinking Heavily
Shave lotion, Hair Spray, Lighter Fluid, Body Over a Prolonged period of time, Any Rapid
Spray, Shampoos). Decrease in the amount of Alcohol in the
 Denial of Problem. Body is likely to Produce Withdrawal
 Tendency to Blame others & Rationalize Symptoms.
Problems (Problems Displacing Anger, Guilt, These are:
Or Inadequacy onto Others to Avoid > Simple Withdrawal Symptoms
Confronting Illness). > Delirium Tremens


 A Strong Desire to take the Substance SIMPLE WITHDRAWAL SYNDROME:
 Difficulty in Controlling Substance Taking It is Characterized by,
Behavior  Mild tremors
 A Physiological Withdrawal State.  Nausea
 Progressive neglect of Alternative pleasures  Vomiting
or Interests.  Weakness
 Persisting with Substance Use Despite Clear  Irritability Insomnia
Evidence of Harmful Consequences  Anxiety


 Acute Intoxication  It Occurs Usually within 2- 4days of
 Withdrawal Syndrome Complete or Significant Abstinence from
 Alcohol-Induced Heavy drinking.
Amnestic Disorders  The course is Very Short, with Recovery
 Alcohol-Induced Occurring within 3-7days.
psychiatric Disorders
It is Characterized by,
ACUTE INTOXICATION  A Dramatic & Rapidly Changing Picture of
It Develops During Or Shortly After Alcohol Ingestion. Disordered Mental Activity, with Clouding
It is Characterized by, Of Consciousness & Disorientation in Time
 Clinically Significant Maladaptive Behavior & Place.
or Psychological Changes (Eg's:  Poor Attention Span.
Inappropriate Sexual or Aggressive  Vivid Hallucinations which are Usually
Behavior). Visual, Tactile Hallucinations Can also occur.
 Mood Lability  Severe Psychomotor Agitation
 Impaired Judgment  Shouting & Evident Fear
 Slurred Speech  Grossly Tremulous Hands which sometimes
 Inco-ordination Pick-Up, Imaginary Objects; Truncal ataxia.
 Unsteady gait  Autonomic Disturbances Such as Sweating,
 Nystagmus Fever, Tachycardia, Raised Blood pressure,
 Impaired Attention & Memory Finally Pupillary dilation.
Resulting in Stupor or Coma.  Dehydration with Electrolyte Imbalances.
 Reversal of Sleep-Wake Pattern or Insomnia
 Blood tests to Reveal Leucocytosis & LFT
 Death may Occur due to Cardiovascular
Collapse, Infection, Hyperthermia, Or self
Inflicted Injury.


Chronic Alcohol Abuse associated with Thiamine
Deficiency (Vitamin B) is the most frequent Cause of
Amnestic Disorders. This Condition is Divided into:
 Wernicke's Syndrome
 Korsakoff's Syndrome

WERNICKE'S SYNDROME is Characterized by,

Prominent Cerebellar Ataxia
➤ Palsy of the 6th Cranial Nerve
➤ Peripheral Neuropathy
➤ Mental Confusion
The Prominent Symptoms in this Syndrome is Gross
Memory disturbance.
Other Symptoms Include:
 Disorientation
 Confusion
 Confabulation
 Poor Attention Span & Distractibility
 Impairment of Insight


Alcohol Induced Dementia:
 It is a long term Complication of Alcohol
Abuse, Characterized by Global decrease in
cognitive Functioning (Decreased
Intellectual Functioning & Memory). Warning Signs Of Relapse:
 This Disorder tends to Improve With  Stopping medications on one's own or
Abstinence, But Most of The Patients may against the advise of medical professionals.
have Permanent disabilities.  Hanging around old drinking haunts & drug
using Friends.
 Isolating themselves.
 Keeping Alcohol, drugs around the houses
for some reason.
 Obsessive thinking about using
 Fail to follow their treatment plan, Quitting
therapies, Skipping doctor's appointments.
 Feeling Over - Confident
 Difficulties in Maintaining Relationships.
 Setting Unrealistic Goals.
 Changes in Diet, Sleep, Energy levels, &
Personal Hygiene.
 Feeling Overwhelmed.
 Constant Boredom.
 Sudden Changes in Psychiatric Symptoms.
 Unresolved Conflicts.
 Avoidance.
 Major life Changes - loss, Grief, Trauma,
Painful Emotions, Winning the Lotteries.
 Ignoring Relapse warning Signs & Symptoms

Signs & Symptoms of Relapse:

 Experiencing Post acute Withdrawal
 Return to denial
 Avoidance & defensive Behavior
 Starting to Build Crisis
 Feeling Immobilized (Stuck)
 Become depressed
 Loss of control
 Urges & Cravings
 Chemical Loss of Control

Relapse refers to the process of returning to the use
of alcohol or drugs after a period of Abstinence.
Relapse Dangers:
 The presence of drugs or Alcohol, Drug
users, Places where you used Drugs.
 Negative Feelings, Anger, Sadness,
Loneliness, Guilt, Fear, & Anxiety.
 Positive Feelings which make you celebrate.
 Boredom - A State of Feeling Bored.
 Increase the Intake of drug.
 Physical pain
 Lot of Cash
 Vitamin B-100mg of Thiamine Parenterally,
Bd 3 to 5 days, Followed by Oral
Administration for At least 6 months.
 Anticonvulsants
 Maintaining Fluid & electrolyte Balance
 Strict Monitoring of Vitals, Level of
Consciousness & Orientation.
 Close Observation is Essential


 Deterrent agents are given to desensitize
the individual to the effects of alcohol &
 The Most commonly Used Drug is
Disulfiram or Tetraethyl thiuram disulfide or

Disulfiram is used to ensure abstinence in the
treatment of alcohol dependence. Its main effect is
to produce a rapid & violently unpleasant reaction in
a person who ingests even a small amount of alcohol
while taking disulfiram.


 History collection. Initial Dose is 500mg/day orally for the 1st 2weeks,
 Mental Status Examination. followed by a maintenance dosage of 250mg/day.
 Physical Examination. The Dosage should not exceed 500mg/day.
 Neurologic Examination. INDICATIONS:
 CAGE Questionnaires. Disulfiram use is as an Aversive Conditioning
 Michigan Alcohol Screening Tests (MAST). Treatment for Alcohol Dependence.
 Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Tests CONTRAINDICATIONS:
(AUDIT).  Pulmonary & Cardiovascular Disease
 Paddington Alcohol Test (PAT).  Disulfiram Should be used with caution in
 Blood Alcohol Level to indicate Intoxication patients with Nephritis, Brain Damage,
(200mg/dl). Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Hepatic Disease,
 Urine Toxicology to reveal use of Other Seizures, Poly-drug Dependence or an
Drugs. Abnormal EEG.
 Serum Electrolytes Analysis Revealing  High Risk for Alcohol Ingestion.
 Abnormalities associated with Alcohol Use.
 Liver function Studies
 demonstrating alcohol related Liver
 Hematologic Workup Possibly revealing
Anemia, Thrombocytopenia.
 Echocardiography &
 Electrocardiography demonstrating Cardiac
 Based on ICD10 Criteria.

 Symptomatic Treatment.
 Fluid Replacement Therapy.
 IV Glucose to Prevent Hypoglycemia.
 Correction of Hypothermia / Acidosis.
 Emergency Measures for Trauma, Infection
or GI Bleeding.


The Drugs of Choice are Benzodiazepines.
Egs: Chlordiazepoxide 80-200 mg/day
Diazepam 40-80 mg/day, in divided doses.
 The only Requirement for membership is a
NURSING RESPONSIBILITY: Desire to stop drinking.
 An informed Consent should be taken  There is no authority, but only a fellowship
before Starting treatment. of imperfect alcoholics whose strength is
 Ensure that at least 12hours have elapsed formed out of weakness.
since the last ingestion of Alcohol before  Their primary purpose is to help each other
Administering the Drug. stay sober and help each other alcoholics to
 Patient should be warned against Ingestion achieve sobriety.
of any alcohol- containing preparations such
as Cough Syrups, Sauces, Aftershave
Lotions, Etc.,
 Caution patient against taking CNS
Depressants & Over-the- Counter (OTC)
Medications during disulfiram therapy.
 Instruct The Patient to avoid driving or
other activities requiring alertness.
 Patients should be warned that the
Disulfiram-alcohol Reaction may continue
for as long as 1or 2 weeks after the last
dose of disulfiram.
 Patients should carry identification cards NURSING MANAGEMENT
describing Disulfiram- alcohol reaction & Nursing Assessment:
listing the name & phone number of the Recognition of Alcohol Abuse using CAGE
physician to be called. Questionnaire
 Emphasize the Importance of Follow-Up C - Have you ever felt you ought to CUT down on
visits to the physician to monitor progress your drinking?
in long-term therapy. A-Have People ANNOYED you by criticizing your
PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPY: G - have you ever felt GUILTY about your drinking? E
 Motivational Interviewing - Have you ever had a drink first thing in the
 Group Therapy morning (An EYE-OPENER) to steady your nerves or
 Aversive Conditioning / Therapy get rid of a Hangover?
 Cognitive Therapy
➤ Relapse Prevention Technique: This technique * Be suspicious about 'At Risk' Factors:
helps the patient to identify high-risk relapse factors  Problems in the Marriage & Family, At
& develop strategies to deal with them. Work, With Finances or with the Law
➤ Cue Exposure Technique: The technique aims  At risk occupations
through repeated exposure to desensitize drug  Withdrawal Symptoms after Admission
abusers to drug effects, & thus improve their ability Alcohol-related physical Disorders
to Remain Abstinent.  Repeated Accidents
 Assertive Training  Deliberate Self Harm
 Behavior Counseling  If at-risk Factors raise Suspicion, the next
 Supportive Psychotherapy step is to ask Tactful but Persistent
 Individual Psychotherapy Questions to confirm the Diagnosis.
 Certain clinical Signs lead to the suspicion
AGENCIES CONCERNED WITH ALCOHOL-RELATED that drugs are being injected: Needle Tracks
PROBLEMS & Thrombosed Veins, wearing Garments
 This is a self Help organization founded in with long Sleeves, etc., IV use should be
the USA by 2 Alcoholic men Dr. Bob Smith & suspected in any patient who presents with
Dr. Bill Wilson On 10th june,1985. Subcutaneous Abscesses or Hepatitis.
 Alcoholic Anonymous considers Alcoholism
as a Physical, Mental, Spiritual disease, a
Behavioral Changes:
Progressive one, which can be Arrested but
Absence from School or work, Negligence of
not Cured.
Appearance, Minor Criminal Offences, Isolation from
 Members attend Group meetings usually
Former Friends& Adoption of new Friends in a Drug
twice a week on a long- term basis.
 Each member is assigned a support person
Laboratory Tests:
from whom he may seek help when the
Raised Gamma - Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GGT),
temptation to drink occurs.
Raised Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Blood
 In Crisis he can obtain immediate help by
Alcohol Concentration, Most drugs can be detected
in urine except Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD).
 Once Sobriety is achieved he is Expected to
help others.
Nausea/Vomiting, Changes in Weight/Appetite, Signs
 The Organization works on the firm belief
of Malnutrition, Color & Consistency of Stool.
that Abstinence must be Complete.
Orientation, Level of Consciousness, Co-ordination, MILD INTOXICATION
Gait, Long term & Short term Memory, Signs of It is characterized by
Depression & Anxiety, Tremors Or Increased  Mild impairment of consciousness and
Reflexes, Pupils (Constricted/Dilated) Cardiovascular orientation.
& Respiratory:  Tachycardia
Vital Signs, Peripheral Pulses, Dyspnea on Exertion,  A sense of floating in the air
Abnormal Breath Sounds, Arrhythmias, Fatigue,  Euphoria
Peripheral Edema.  Dream Like States
Integumentary:  Tremors
Skin lesions, Needle tracks on Scaring on arms, legs,  Photophobia
fingers, toes, under the tongue, or between gums &  Dry Mouth
lips.  Lacrimation
Emotional Behavior:  Increased Appetite
 Affect, Rate of Speech, Suspiciousness,  Alteration In The Psychomotor Activity
anger, agitation, Hallucinations, Blackouts,
Violent Episodes, Support Systems SEVERE INTOXICATION
 Denial & Rationalization are the feelings of  It Causes Perceptual Disturbances Like
fear, Insecurity, Low Self Esteem.  Depersonalization
 Derealization
 Identify the type of Substance the person  Illusion
has been using, the amount, frequency,  Hallucination
method of administration & the length of  Somatic Passivity
time the substance has been abused.
 Note of any Suicidal ideation or interest, WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS
with drained Symptoms.  Increased Salivation
 Assess for level of motivation for treatment.  Hyperthermia
 Identify reason for Admission. A Baseline  Insomnia
Physical & Emotional Nursing assessment is  Decreased Appetite
done to determine Admission status &  Loss Of Weight
Provide baseline from which to determine
progress towards an expected outcome. COMPLICATIONS
 Memory Impairment
NURSING DIAGNOSIS  Amotivational Syndrome
 Risk for injury related to Hallucinosis, acute  Transient Or Short Lasting Psychiatric
Intoxication evidenced by Confusion, Disorders Such as Acute Anxiety, Paranoid
Disorientation, inability to identify Psychosis, Hysterical Fugue Like States,
potentially Harmful Situations. Hypomania, Schizophrenia.
 Altered Health Maintenance related to TREATMENT
inability to identify, manage or seek out  Supportive And Symptomatic Treatment
help to maintain health, evidenced by
various physical symptoms, Exhaustion,
Sleep Disturbances, etc.,
 Ineffective Denial Related to weak, under-
developed ego, evidenced by Lack of
Insight, Rationalization of problems,
Blaming Others, Failure to Accept
responsibility for his Behavior.
 Ineffective individual coping related to
impairment of adaptive behavior &
Problem-Solving abilities, evidenced by use NICOTINE ABUSE DISORDER
of substances as Coping Mechanisms.  It is Obtained from "NICOTIANA
CANNABIS USE DISORDER  It is one of the most Highly Addictive &
 Its derived from hemp plant Heavily Used Drug.
 cannabis sativa.
 The dried leaves and flowering tops are NICOTINE DEPENDENCE SYMPTOMS
often  Impaired Attention, Learning, Reaction
 referred to as GANJA or MARIJUANA Time,
 The resin of the plant is referred to as  Problem Solving Abilities.
HASHISH.  Lifts One's Mood
 Bhang is a drink made from cannabis.  Decreases Tension
 Cannabis is either smoked or taken in liquid  Depressive Feeling
form.  Decreased Cerebral Blood Blow
 Relaxes the Skeletal Muscles.  Pinpoint Pupils. In Later Stage,
 Delayed reflexes,
 Respiratory paralysis  Coma.
 Salivation
 Pallor
 Weakness
 Abdominal Pain
 Diarrhea
 Increased Blood Pressure
 Tachycardia
 Tremor

 Inability to Concentrate
 Confusion
 Sensory Disturbances
 Decreases the Rapid Eye Movement while COMPLICATIONS
sleep during Pregnancy,  Illicit Drug Use: Parkinsonism, Peripheral
 Increased Incidence of Low Birth Weight Neuropathy, Transverse Myelitis.
Babies  Intravenous Use: Skin Infections,
 Increased Incidence of Newborns with thrombophlebitis, Pulmonary embolism,
Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension. Endocarditis, Septicemia, AIDS, Viral
Hepatitis, tetanus.
TREATMENT  Involve in criminal Activities.
Nicotine Replacement therapy: TREATMENT
 Nicotine Polacrilex Gum (Nicorette) Opioid Overdose: Treated with Narcotic Antagonists
 Nicotine Lozenges (Commit) [Egs: Naloxone, Naltrexone]
 Nicotine Patches (Nicotrol, Nicoderm) Detoxification: Withdrawal symptoms can be
 Nicotine Nasal Spray (Nicotrol) managed By Methadone, Clonidine, Naltrexone,
 Nicotine Inhaler Buprenorphine, etc.
Non-Nicotine Medications: Maintenance Therapy: After the Detoxification
 Bupiropian (Zyban) - Started with 150mg, Phase, the patient is maintained on one of the
Bd For 3 Days; After that Increase the dose following Regimens:
to 300mg, Bd.  Methadone Maintenance
 Opioids Antagonists
THERAPIES  Psychological methods like Individual
 Smoking Cessation Psychotherapy, Behavior Therapy, Group
 Behavior Therapy Therapy, Family Therapy.
 Aversive Therapy
 Cocaine is an Alkaloid derived from the
 The most Important Dependence Producing  Common street name is "CRACK"
Derivatives are Morphine & Heroin.  In 1880 it is used as a Local Anesthesia.
 The commonly Abused Opioids (Narcotics)  It can be administered orally, intra-nasally
in our Country are Heroin (Brown Sugar, by smoking or parenterally.
 And the Synthetic Preparations Like
Pethidine, Fortwin & Tidigesic.
 More Opiate Users had begun with Chasing ACUTE INTOXICATION
Heroin (Inhaling the Smoke / Chasing the Characterized by pupillary dilatation, tachycardia,
Dragon), they Gradually Shifted to Needle hypertension, sweating and nausea & hypo manic
use. picture.
 Injecting Drug users have become a high
Risk Group for HIV Infection. WITHDRAWAL SYNDROME
 Agitation
It is characterized by,  Anorexia
 Apathy,  Fatigue
 Bradycardia,  Sleepiness
 Hypotension,
 Respiratory Depression, COMPLICATIONS
 Subnormal Temperature,  Acute Anxiety reaction.
 Uncontrolled compulsive behavior.
 Seizures
 Respiratory depression
 Cardiac Arrhythmias

 Amyl Nitrite is an antidote.
 Diazepam / Propanolol (withdrawal INTOXICATION
syndrome) Characterized by Perceptual changes occurring in
 Anti-Depressants (Imipramine or clear consciousness
Amitriptyline).  Depersonalization
 Psychotherapy.  Derealization
 Illusions
AMPHETAMINE USED DISORDER  Synesthesias (colors are heard, sounds are
 Powerful CNS stimulants with peripheral felt)
sympathomimetic effect.  Automatic hyperactivity
 Commonly used are Pemoline and Methyl  Marked anxiety
Phenidate.  Judgment impaired.
 Paranoid ideation

 Flashbacks (a brief experiences of the
hallucinogenic state)
 Anxiety
 Depression
 Psychosis/visual Hallucinosis
Symptomatic Treatment with
 Anti-Anxiety,
 Anti-Depressants or
 Anti-Psychotic medications.
 Depression  The Commonly Abused Barbiturates are
 Apathy seco - barbital, pento - barbital, amo -
 Fatigue barbital.
 Hypersomnia / Insomnia INTOXICATION
 Agitation  Acute intoxication characterized
 Hyperphagia  Lability of mood
 Disinhibited behavior
COMPLICATIONS  Slurring of speech
 Seizure  Inco-ordination
 Delirium  Attention and memory impairment
 Arrhythmias
 Aggressive behavior
 Coma


 A powerful Hallucinogen COMPLICATIONS
 First synthesized in 1938.  Intravenous use can lead to skin abscess
 Produces its effect by acting on 5-Hydroxy  Cellulitis
Tryptamine (serotonin) levels in brain.  Infection
 A common pattern of LSD used in TRIP  Embolism
(followed by long period of abstinence)  Hypersensitivity reaction

 Restlessness
 Tremors
 Seizure in severe cases resembling delirium
 If the patient is conscious, induction of  Approach the patient in a non-threatening
vomiting and use of Activated Charcoal can way; limit sustained eye contact, which he
reduce the absorption. may perceive as threatening.
 Treatment is symptomatic.  Institute seizure precautions.
 Administer IV fluids to Increase Circulatory
The Commonly used Volatile Solvents include  Give medications as Ordered.
 Petrol  Monitor & Record the Patients
 Aerosols effectiveness.
 Thinners
 Varnish remover Withdrawal State
 Industrial solvents  Administer Medications as ordered, to
Decrease Withdrawal Symptoms, Monitor &
INTOXICATION Record their Effectiveness.
 Inhalation of a volatile solvent leads to  Maintain a Quiet & Safe Environment,
Euphoria because Excessive Noise may Agitate the
 Excitement Patient.
 Belligerence
 Apathy  Carefully Monitor & Promote Adequate
 Impaired Judgment Nutrition.
 Neurological signs  Administer drugs carefully to prevent
WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS  Check the patient's mouth to ensure that he
 Anxiety has swallowed Oral Medication.
 Depression  Closely Monitor Visitors who might Supply
COMPLICATIONS him with Drugs.
 Irreversible damage to the liver and kidneys  Refer the Patient for Rehabilitation as
 Peripheral neuropathy appropriate; Give him a list of available
 Perceptual disturbances Resources.
 Brain damage  Encourage Family Members to seek Help
TREATMENT Regardless of whether the Abuser Seeks it.
 Reassurance  Suggest Private Therapy or Community
 Diazepam for intoxication. Mental Health Clinics.
 Use the Particular Episode to Develop
NURSING INTERVENTIONS Personal Self Awareness and an
Acute Intoxication Understanding and Positive Attitude
 Care for a Substance Abuse patient starts towards the Patient.
with an Assessment - To determine which  Control Reactions to the Undesirable
substance he is abusing, assess the Signs behaviors, Commonly During Psychological
and symptoms vary with the substance and Dependence, Manipulation, Anger,
dosage. Frustration, and Alienation.
 During the Acute phase of drug Intoxication  Set limits when Dealing with Demanding
and Detoxification - Maintaining the Manipulative Behavior.
patient's vital functions, ensuring his safety,
and easing discomfort. PREVENTION
 During Rehabilitation, caregiver help the PRIMARY PREVENTION
patient acknowledge his substance abuse  Reduction of Prescribing by Doctors
problem and find alternative ways to cope (Anxiolytics Especially Benzodiazepines)
with stress & help the patient to achieve  Identification & Treatment of Family
recovery and stay drug-free. Members who may be Contributing to the
Drug Abuse.
Acute Episodes  Introduction of social changes by
 Continuously monitor the Patient's Vital  Putting Up the Price of Alcohol & Its
Signs and Urine Output. Beverages.
 Watch for Complications of Overdose &  Controlling / Abolishing the Advertising of
Withdrawal. Alcoholic drinks.
 Maintain a safe and quiet environment.  Controls On sales by Limiting Hours Or
 Take appropriate measures to prevent Banning sales in Super-Markets.
suicide attempts and assaults.  Restricting Availability & Lessening Social
 Remove harmful objects from the room, Deprivation (Governmental Measures).
and use restrains only if you suspect the  Strengthen the Individual's Personal &
patient might harm himself or others. Social Skills to Increase Self Esteem &
Resistance to Peer Pressure.
 Health Education to College Students & the  Explain to the Family that the Patient may
Youth about the Dangers of Drug Abuse. Use Lies, Denial or Manipulation to
 Over all Improvement in the Socio- continue Drug of Alcohol Use and to avoid
Economic Condition of the Population. Treatment.
 Teach the Patient/Family that Drug
SECONDARY PREVENTION Overdose or Withdrawal can result in a
 Early Detection & Counseling. Medical Emergency & even Death, Give the
 Brief Intervention in Primary Care (Simple Family Emergency resources for Help.
Advices from Practitioner & Educational  Caution the Patient that Sharing Dirty or
Leaflet). Used Needle can Result in a Life-
 Motivational Interviewing. Threatening Disease such as AIDS, Hepatitis
 A Full Assessment which Includes, Appraisal - B.
of Current Medical, Psychological & Social  Teach the Family to Establish Trust with the
Problems. Patient and to Use Firm limit Setting, when
 Detoxification with Benzodiazepines. necessary to help the Patient Confront Drug
Abuse Issues.
TERITARY PREVENTION  Provide the Patient with a Full Range of
 Alcohol Deterrent Therapy Treatment during Hospitalization such as
 Other Therapies include Assertive Training, Medication, Individual Therapy, Group
Teaching Coping Skills, Behavior Counseling, therapy, 12 step program (AA) & Behavior
Supportive & Individual Psychotherapy. Modification to Strengthen the Recovery
 Agencies concerned with Alcohol - Related Process.
Problems (Alcoholic Anonymous, Al - Anon,  Teach how to Recognize Psychosocial
Al- Teen, etc). Stressors that may Exacerbate Substance
 Motivation Enhancement including Abuse Problem & how to Avoid or Prevent
Education about Health consequences of them.
Alcohol use.  Emphasize the Importance of Changing
 Identifying High Risk Situations & Lifestyle, Friendships & Habits that Promote
Developing Strategies to Deal with them Drug Use to Remain Sober.
(Eg: Craving Management).  Teach about the Availability of Local Self-
 Drink Refusal Skills (Assertiveness Training) Help Programs (AA, Al-Anon, Al - Teen) to
 Dealing with Faulty Cognitions. Strengthen the Patient's Recovery &
 Handling Negative mood States. Support the Family's Assistance.
 Time Management. Anger Control.
 Financial Management. NURSING INTERVENTIONS
 Developing the Work Habit.  Health teaching for the client and the family
 Stress management. Sleep hygiene.  Dispel myths surrounding substance abuse
 Recreation & Spirituality.  Decrease codependent behaviors among
 Family Counseling - To Reduce family members
Interpersonal Conflicts, which may  Make appropriate referrals for family
Otherwise Trigger RELAPSE. members
 Promote coping skills
REHABILITATION  Role-play potentially difficult situations
The Aim of Rehabilitation of an Individual De-  Focus on the here-and-now with clients
addicted from the Effects of  Set realistic goals such as staying sober
Alcohol/Drugs. today.
 To Enable him to Leave the Drug Sub-
 To Develop New Social Contacts, In this
Patients First Engage in Work & Social
Activities in Sheltered Surroundings & then
take Greater Responsibilities for
Themselves in Conditions Increasingly like
those of Everyday Life.
 Continuing Social Support is Usually
Required when the Person makes the
Transition to Normal Work & Living.

 Teach about the Physical, Psychological &
Social Complication of Drug & Alcohol Use.
 Inform the Concern that Psychoactive
Substance may alter a person's Mood,
Perceptions, Consciousness or Behavior.

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