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Extra Activity


⦿ Came from the word ori meaning

"folding", and kami meaning "paper“
⦿ Distinct paperfolding traditions arose in
Europe, China, and Japan which have
been well-documented by historians.
These seem to have been mostly
separate traditions, until the 20th
Pair Activity

⦿ Design Thinking and Technology

Vocabulary words revision

Pair Activity

⦿ You pair up in buddies and by gifting

each other an origami craft, you can go
through the full empathize, define,
ideate, prototype and test stages.

⦿ 1. What finished shape of the gift do I

⦿ 2. What size do I want the finished
product to be?
⦿ 3. Does it need to open and close from
more than one side?
⦿ 4. Will my gift be recognizable by others
receiving it?
⦿ Form pairs
⦿ Take turns interviewing each other; learn who your
neighbor is, what they like, aspire etc. (Empathize)
⦿ Your gift to your friend/classmate will be something
that represents them. What makes her/him special?
Think of values, characters and other unique things
about them. (Define)
⦿ Ideate what kind of paper craft you can build to
represent that something about your
friend/classmate. (Ideate)
⦿ Build your paper craft (Prototype)
⦿ Exchange the gifts and tell what you built, and the
story behind it. (Test)
Project Making Proper
⦿ To what degree have you created a successful product?
Very Successful 10 - - - 9 - - - 8 - - - 7 - - - 6 - - - 5 - - - 4 - - - 3 - - - 2
- - - 1 Not successful

⦿ 2. Do you like the product you came up? Could it be modified into
other shapes?

⦿ 3. Why did you choose this product for your friend?

⦿ 4. After creating it, do you still like it? What would make it better?

⦿ 5. Were you able to design a unique product on your first try, without
copying an existing design?
⦿ 7. What was the biggest challenge with creating your own product?
⦿ 8. What was your favorite and least favorite part of the origami

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