Sexual Reproduction of Flowering Plant

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Sexual Reproduction of Flowering Plants

1. What is exine? Write its chemical composition.

2. what is intine? Write its chemical composition.
3. What is sexine?
4. What is nexine?
5. What is sporopollenin? Write its chemical composition.
6. What is pollenkit?
7. What is tapetum ? Write its function?
8. What is cleistogamy? Give an example.
9. What is geitonogamy ? Give an example.
10. Write the characteristic features of anemophily, hydrophily & zoophily flowers.
11. Definition of protandry. Pratogyny, Self-Sterility. Herkogamy with example.
12. Formation of male gametophyte.
13. Process of double fertilization & definition of double fertilization
14. What is egg apparatus?
15. What is scutellum?
16. Definition with example:- Apomixis, Parthenocary, Polyembryory
17. Differences between Self pollination and Cross pollination:
18. Advantages & disadvantages of Self pollination and Cross pollination:
19. Definition of porogamy, Chalazogamy. Mesogamy.
20. What is endosperm ? types of endosperm.

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