EN 12 Module Description

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EN- 12 Preparing and

facilitating a workshop

EN 12 Preparing and facilitating a workshop.


In this module you will be facilitating a workshop in a group of 3 students.

Your group works for a fictive company and your group is in charge of organizing a workshop
for the employees of the company. During this workshop you have to do at least 2 interactive
activities with your participants /audience (consisting of your “employees” 🡪 other
classmates) of 10 minutes per activity. Your group must prepare two questionnaires. One will
be used at the beginning of the workshop and the other at the end for the evaluation.

To facilitate a successful workshop, you will need participants! In this case your classmates will
be your fictive employees who will be participating in your workshop.
Each workshop MUST HAVE participants. This means that your group must invite your
classmates for the workshop. Your participants are VERY important as they will have to join you
in the activities. If you do not have enough participants, chances are that your group will not be
able to do the activities successfully and you will not have enough data to collect for the
evaluation report.

Duration of the workshop:

The workshop has to have a duration of 90 minutes including a break of 5 minutes if needed.
In order to be able to do the workshop your group has to have a PASS for all the documentation
pertaining to your topic for the workshop. The information about the contents of the
documentation is explained later on in this document.

Evaluation Session:
After each workshop, the class will meet again for the Evaluation session of 30 minutes. In
order for this evaluation session to be effective, the host group will have to analyze the data
provided by the questionnaires used during the workshop. Prior to the Evaluation session, your
group will have to write a digital report. The digital report of the questionnaire and evaluation
questions will then be discussed with the teacher and the class during the evaluation session.

You will have to keep track of your individual as well as your group’s work/meetings. The
activities must be put in an overview table. Per week the group needs to show the table who
did what for the workshop.
● Start searching for different workshops that you would give to employees.
EN 12 Preparing and facilitating a workshop.

Necessary Elements:
What do you need to facilitate your workshop?
✔ A laptop/tablet
✔ Internet connection.
✔ A professional PowerPoint Presentation.
✔ Videos or other engaging entertainment.
✔ Digital questionnaires made in Google forms or any other useful program.
✔ Interactive activities that you can do with your participants. This can be a demonstration
on how to do something (ex: exercise or DIY scrubs).

✔ The participants MUST confirm their presence for the workshop!
✔ You must be properly dressed according to the dress code for Presentations of EPI. This
means you must be completely uniformed with your student badge/ID visible during
the workshop! If you will engage in an activity that incorporates active physical
movement, you are allowed to dress accordingly. However, your student badge/ID
MUST remain visible at all times.

Weekly Schedule

Date What to do?

April - 1. Form groups (max. 3 students) and
plan together to do assignment 1.
2. Choose TOPIC
3. Start working on the description of
the workshop
⮚ Email to teacher: the description of
the workshop.
⮚ Work on the schedule for the
⮚ Description of the activities (min. 2

⮚ Email to teacher: the schedule for

the workshop
⮚ Prepare the questionnaire and
evaluation questions.
⮚ Email to teacher: in the
questionnaire and evaluation

⮚ Workshop group 1 (90 minutes)

⮚ Evaluation sessions (30 minutes)

⮚ Workshop group 2 (90 minutes)

EN 12 Preparing and facilitating a workshop.
⮚ Evaluation sessions (30 minutes)

⮚ Workshop group 3 (90 minutes)

⮚ Evaluation sessions (30 minutes)

⮚ Workshop group 4 (90 minutes)

Evaluation sessions (30minutes)

⮚ Vacation!!
⮚ Workshop group 4 (90 minutes)
⮚ Evaluation sessions (30 minutes)

Topics to choose from:

1. Personal Hygiene
2. Healthy meals
3. Healthy routines (exercise)
4. Maintain a healthy diet during work and leisure time
5. Fitness class (For example: Zumba class or Cross Fit etc.)
6. Mindfulness
7. Stress relief techniques
8. Aromatherapy (DIY products)
9. Teamwork
10. Budgeting

Documentation to hand in: (Pass or Fail)

Prior to the workshop:

⮚ Description of the subject of the workshop and the motivation (why did you choose to
do this workshop) 400-500 words.
⮚ Schedule of the workshop (minute to minute) to cover the 90 minutes of the workshop.
⮚ Questionnaire to hand out to the participants before the start of the activity (min. 5
questions about the subject).
⮚ Evaluation questions to hand out to the participants after the activity (min. 5

Post workshop:
⮚ Report (1 page) on the questionnaire and evaluation of the workshop. This report
MUST include statistics and the description thereof!
EN 12 Preparing and facilitating a workshop.
⮚ Logbook

Example 1 Word List (50 words)

Workshop Title: Time Management

Facilitators: Jantje Piet, Pietje Jan, Marieke Elf, Eefje Corrie

Word: Definition: Synonym

1. efficient ……….. ……………..
2. priority ……….. …………….
3. ….. …….. ………
4. ….. ……. ……

FORMAT 25 words

Workshop TItle: Time Management

Facilitators: Jantje Piet, Pietje Jan, Marieke Elf, Eefje Corrie

Word: Definition: Word used in sentence/part of Workshop Checklist

1. efficient ……….. ……………..
2. priority ……….. …………….
3. …… ….. …………..
4. …… ….. ……..
EN 12 Preparing and facilitating a workshop.

Title Workshop: Student names:
Stud 1 Stud 2 Stud 3
Main Part Subdivision Tot.pts Tot.pts Tot.pts
A. Structure 1. Introduction:
and ● Greeting
contents ● Introducing facilitators
(55 points) ● Context of assignment (3 pts)
● Topic
● Motivation
● Summary
2. Contents:
● Logical composition (gen/spec)
● Relevance cases/activities (50
● External care power point pts)
● Dressing/grooming/student ID
● Interaction during activities
3. Conclusion:
● Findings & Evaluation of the process, (2 pts)
● Summary
B. English 1. Grammar:
language ● Tenses
(20 points) ● Word order
● Gender (5 pts)
● Adverbs/adjectives
● Singular/plural etc.
● Use of the 25 words
2. Pronunciation (5 pts)
3. Fluency (10
C. Non-verbal 1. Voice:
communi- ● Volume
(5 pts)
cation ● Articulation
(10 points) ● Intonation
2. Body language:
● Eye contact
(5 pts)
● Posture
● Use of hands
D. Participation ⮚ Deduction of 3 pts for each SESSION missed (15
EN 12 Preparing and facilitating a workshop.
(15 points)
Total points scored:
EN-12 Grade : (points scored) x 9 plus 1 / 100

Week 1
Assignment 1

Form a group of 3 students. Together you are going to do some research on what it means to facilitate a

🡺 Do research on the following terms:
● (to) facilitate
● What is a workshop?

🡺 Set up a with your group to discuss your topic.

🡺 Write a short evaluation of 400 words describing how the meeting went.
🡺 Find a video on adult learning (how do adults learn?)
🡺 Make a list of 5 interactive activities (examples) that foster adult learning/ facilitate
🡺 Set up a second meeting with your group to:
✔ Discuss the difference between a workshop and a lecture or presentation.
✔ Discuss your list of 5 interactive activities to use during your workshop.

Example: Workshop Outline

Pre-prep work for facilitators: make sure your AV equipment works and that it’s ready to use.
You need to have a professional PPT presentation!!! You can also use other material necessary to
do your activities.
Make sure that the set-up is appropriate for the activities that will take place. Set-up accordingly.
Remember to appoint a timekeeper in your team!
EN 12 Preparing and facilitating a workshop.
● Short introduction of facilitators (group members)
● Short outline of your workshop: explain what the participants are going to do in the

Anger management
a. Introduction : Anger management 🡪 (Provide link for pop quiz 🡪 Kahoot!/
questionnaire/ short intro video)
b. What is anger?
● Description of anger
● Identifying anger issues
● Controlling anger
● Dealing with anger
c. Interactive group activity 1
d. 5-minute break
e. Interactive group activity 2
f. Closure of the workshop.
● Summary of anger management
● Provide links for the Online Evaluation questionnaires.

a. Introduction: Anger management

Provide the online questionnaires on the topic. Give them a 2-3 minutes to do the questionnaire
Use visual aids (video/images) to provide a clear explanation on the topic.

b. What is anger? (By explaining the following points, you’re covering the contents
of your workshop. Make sure to explain each point clearly.
● Description of anger
● Identifying anger issues

c. Interactive Group activity: linked with identifying anger

Make sure that you have all your online resources ready to start your activity on time.
Provide a clear explanation and INSTRUCTIONS to the participants to avoid repetition or confusion.

d. Break
Timekeeper! Keep track of time

e. Controlling anger
f. Dealing with anger

In this part you can go in – depth!

In the first part you provided information on what anger management is and how to identify anger.
EN 12 Preparing and facilitating a workshop.
Now you are going to teach the participants about how to control and deal with anger.

g. Activity; linked with controlling and dealing with anger.

Clear instructions are key!

h. Closure of workshop
Do a review of the information given.
Provide online evaluation forms to evaluate the workshop.

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