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1. How are your memories and senses connected?

● A familiar smell or sound may take you back to the memory of a person or
● Your brain organizes memories tied to events.
● Memories connected to other senses are also activated (e.g., the taste
and texture of a warm chocolate chip cookie takes you back to grandma’s
● All of the answers are correct.
2. What are the five senses?
● Sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch
● Hands, eyes, ears, mouth, and nose
● Cilia, eyelashes, tongue, fingers, and eardrum
● Hearing, taste, touch, eyes, smell
3. What controls with whom we affiliate and why?
● Your heart
● Your brain
● Your emotions
● Your parents
4. Which situation would the brain’s reward triad be involved?
● You meet a special person and want to spend most of your time with
● Your neighbor’s dog barks aggressively and acts like it wants to bite you
every time you walk down the sidewalk.
● Your best friend began vaping and said he/she can’t stop.
● All of the answers are correct.
5. What does dopamine do?
● Tells you something is about to be great
● Produces attention, stimulation, and focus to get something you want
● Is associated with addiction and motivation
● All of the answers are correct.
6. What is memory?
● Memories are marked as special in the body.
● Memory is the reactivation of a specific group of neurons.
● A memory requires release of the neurotransmitter serotonin.
● Memory forms in a weakened synapse.
7. What influences with whom you affiliate?
● Facial expressions
● Body Posture
● A person’s movement
● All of the answers are correct.
8. How did the removal of HM’s hippocampus impact his memory?
● He was no longer able to permanently store new memories.
● He was no longer pleasant to his co-workers.
● He remembered watching old movies.
● He was no longer able to remember anything at all.
9. What are the three parts of the brain that are involved in the brain’s reward triad?
● Cortex, nucleus accumbens, and amygdala
● Hippocampus, hypothalamus, and amygdala
● Cortex, Hippocampus, amygdala
● Nucleus accumbens, hypothalamus, amygdala
10. Changing the strength of ________________ or even adding new ones or removing
old ones, is critical to memory formation.
● Neurons
● Neurotransmitters
● Dopamine
● Existing Synapses
11. Why is oxytocin critical to human survival?
● Oxytocin is a neurotransmitter
● Oxytocin is important to building trust and creating social bonds
● Oxytocin is love
● Oxytocin is responsible for puberty
12. What are the three parts of the brain that are involved in the brain’s reward triad?
● Cortex, nucleus accumbens, and amygdala
● Hippocampus, hypothalamus, and amygdala
● Cortex, Hippocampus, amygdala
● Nucleus accumbens, hypothalamus, amygdala
13. Select the answer with the correct words to complete the sentence.
Neurotransmitters are released from ________________, spread across the
_____________, and attach to ______________ on the target cell (usually another a
neuron, but can also be a muscle or gland).
● nerve terminals, synapse, receptors
● the brain, neuron, synapse
● dendrites, axon, terminals
● the cell body, axon, dendrite
14. What influences with whom you affiliate?
● Facial expressions
● Body Posture
● A person’s movement
● All of the answers are correct.
15. What are the five senses?
● Sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch
● Hands, eyes, ears, mouth, and nose
● Cilia, eyelashes, tongue, fingers, and eardrum
● Hearing, taste, touch, eyes, smell
16. Select the answer with the correct words that complete the sentence. At the
synapse, _______________ impulses arriving from the axon are converted into
__________________ signals.
● nerve, electrical
● electrical, chemical
● chemical, nerve
● chemical, electrical
17. Which situation would the brain’s reward triad be involved?
● You meet a special person and want to spend most of your time with
● Your neighbor’s dog barks aggressively and acts like it wants to bite you
every time you walk down the sidewalk.
● Your best friend began vaping and said he/she can’t stop.
● All of the answers are correct

● Fear is a survival mechanism. (True or False)

● Studies have shown that teens are more accurate than adults at interpreting the
emotional meanings of facial expressions. (True or False)
● Memories are not stored in just one part of the brain. (True or False)
● Oxytocin is a sugary substance that flows through the heart and is responsible
for love. (True or False)
● Fearful memories can be formed after one incident or only a few repetitions.
(True or False)
● In the teen triad, the influence of the amygdala over the cortex is weaker than
the cortex over the amygdala. (True or False)
● The sensing organs for each sense send information to the brain to help us
understand our surroundings.(True or False)
● Stress is not a “trigger” or reason people may affiliate with each other. (True or
● Affiliation uses the triad, but aggression does not. (True or False)
● The brain cells for each sense send information to the brain to help us
understand our surroundings. (True or False)
● You can evoke spinal cord reflexes before you realize anything has happened,
this information does not have to get to the brain. (True or False)
● The parietal lobe is responsible for the sense of smell. (True or False)
● All aggression is bad. (True or False)
● Neurons communicate with each other forming interconnected neurons that
relay messages throughout your body. (True or False)
● Violence is very different from aggression and can quickly become a serious
threat to someone’s life. Avoiding violent situations (flight) and reporting
violence is an important step to personal safety and overall health. (True or

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