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5/4/24, 14:57 Urgent Attention Required: Bathroom conditions at UPRP: ALEJANDRO A PEREZ-SERBIA - Outlook

Urgent Attention Required: Bathroom conditions at UPRP

Vie 01/03/2024 13:00
Dear Angélica,

We hope this email finds you well. As students at the University of Puerto Rico in Ponce, we recognize
the significance of our institution to you. We are writing to express our concern regarding the urgent
need for attention to the conditions of the bathroom facilities on campus.

During our time at UPRP, we have observed deficiencies in the condition of the bathrooms, particularly
those located in the Ruth Fortuño Academic Building and near the basketball court. Although functional,
these facilities exhibit unattractive features and emit unpleasant odors. The absence of proper
maintenance has resulted in conditions that pose potential health hazards. Additionally, we have noticed
a lack of basic supplies, such as soap and toilet paper, which hinders the proper use of the bathrooms.
The presence of graffiti and other inappropriate markings on the walls implies requests for questionable
services. Furthermore, the need for students to travel long distances to access clean bathrooms or
settle for unclean ones is apparent. This underscores the urgent need for an immediate response to
address the deficiencies in the campus sanitary facilities.

It’s necessary to urgently resolve the deficiencies in the campus sanitary facilities to ensure a safe and
healthy environment for the university community. Given the urgency of the situation, we recommend
implementing more rigorous cleaning and increasing the availability of hygiene supplies to ensure the
maintenance of clean and sanitary bathroom facilities throughout the campus. Why must we rush to a
farther bathroom or accept our fate and use unclean ones? We appreciate your attention to this matter
and look forward to a prompt response regarding the actions that will be taken in this regard.

Alejandro Pérez Serbiá
Estefanía Ramos Cruz

Estefanía Ramos-Cruz
Undergraduate Student
Department of Biology
University of Puerto Rico - Ponce

Alejandro A. Pérez Serbiá

Undergraduate Student
Faculty of arts and sciences
Department of Biology
University of Puerto Rico - Ponce

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